1,214 research outputs found

    TRIBE: Translating Tribal Tattooing into Textiles

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    TRIBE was inspired by the geometric shapes and bold contrast of the tattoos of Oceanic tribes, such as the Yap and Mogmog, as recorded by tattoo anthropologist, Lars Krutak

    Estomatitis aftosa recidivante. 1ª parte: tratamientos locales

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    La estomatitis aftosa recidivante (EAR) es una enfermedad de la cavidad bucal, de etiología desconocida, común en la población general. Se caracteriza por la aparición de brotes recidivantes de aftas en la mucosa de revestimiento, cuyo síntoma fundamental es el dolor. Esto hace que los pacientes que las padecen precisen de medidas terapéuticas para el control de sus episodios. Por ello, el objetivo de este trabajo es clasificar y resumir los diferentes tipos de tratamientos empleados para el control de la EAR y los resultados obtenidos en los diversos estudios llevados a cabo hasta el momento. Ante la diversidad de medidas terapéuticas propuestas para esta patología, decidimos dividir nuestro trabajo de revisión en dos artículos separados, atendiendo en el primero a la terapia local y en el segundo a los tratamientos sistémicos generalmente recomendados

    Utilização de dados TM-LANDSAT para o mapeamento e monitoramento da cobertura vegetal.

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    Apesar da área florestada de cerca de 4 milhões de km2, a situação da Região Amazônica é preocupante em função do crescente processo de ocupação representado pela colonização agrícola e abertura de novas zonas rurais. A fim de identificar estas alterações na vegetação natural, este trabalho realizou o mapeamento e monitoramento espaço-temporal de uma área da Amazônia Legal, no Estado do Mato Grosso, através da Amazônia Legal, no Estado do Mato Grosso, através da metodologia desenvolvida no âmbito do Projeto TREES e também incorporando e testando a utilização do Índice de Vegetação da Diferença Normalizada (IVDN). Foram classificadas duas imagens TM-LANDSAT (1992 e 1997) e realizada a tabulação cruzada entre as mesmas para quantificar e identificar os processos antrópicos entre estas duas datas. Verificou-se que grandes propriedades, abundantes em 1992, foram mascaradas pelo excesso de nuvens em 1997. Os IVDN obtidos para cada uma das classes de vegetação (floresta, mosaico e cerrado) foram condizentes com o esperado, onde as classes com maior densidade arbórea apresentaram os maiores valores do índice

    Synthesis of hydroxyfatty esters by sequential epoxidation-hydrogenolysis: Solvent effects

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    The tandem/sequential combination of epoxidation and hydrogenolysis for unsaturated fatty esters is not straightforward, due to incompatibility problems with the impurities present or generated in the used solvents. The chlorinated impurities in alpha, alpha, alpha-trifluorotoluene leads to the formation of important amounts of chlorohydrins by HCl formation in the hydrogenolysis step. The use of trifluoroethanol (TFE) in the epoxidation step produces trifluoroacetic acid traces by oxidation, responsible for the opening of the epoxide with water and TFE. The solvent of choice was finally isobutyl acetate, which gathers the required physicochemical properties, with 85 % yield of hydroxystearates from methyl oleate in a sequential process

    Simple metal-free oxidative cleavage of 1,2-diols

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    Cleavage of 1,2-diols is easily carried out under mild conditions with the Oxone/KBr (or Oxone/NaCl) method in either acetonitrile/water or tert-butanol/water medium at room temperature. This procedure is highly efficient for the cleavage of dihydroxyfatty esters and acids. The reaction takes place through a double oxidation of the 1,2-diol, leading to the 1,2-diketone that undergoes a Baeyer-Villiger oxidation, with a final hydrolysis of the generated anhydride. The application to other diols, including simple internal and terminal diols, is also possible, but the nature of the diol substrate conditions the optimal halide/solvent system, given that important differences in reactivity are observed. These differences are ascribed to the change in the rate limiting step depending on the substrate/halide/solvent combinatio

    Catalytic hydrolysis of epoxyfatty esters with solid sulfonic acids

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    Four sulfonic resins are able to promote the hydrolysis of several epoxyfatty esters becoming a very interesting strategy to obtain polyols from epoxyfatty derivatives. The choice of the aqueous solvent and temperature is critical to improve the accessibility of reagents to the acidic catalytic sites. Tert-butanol/water mixture as solvent at 80 °C allows to obtain good results with all resins. The recovery of the heterogeneous catalyst during at least 11 reaction cycles avoids the drawbacks of the homogeneous ones including corrosion problems. In addition, this procedure can be applied to several epoxyfatty esters with different chain size, stereochemistry of the epoxide or with additional functionalities, obtaining good yields of structurally different polyols

    Current and future treatment strategies for rhabdomyosarcoma

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    Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common soft tissue sarcoma in children, and can be subcategorized histologically and/or based on PAX-FOXO1 fusion gene status. Over the last four decades, there have been no significant improvements in clinical outcomes for advanced and metastatic RMS patients, underscoring a need for new treatment options for these groups. Despite significant advancements in our understanding of the genomic landscape and underlying biological mechanisms governing RMS that have informed the identification of novel therapeutic targets, development of these therapies in clinical trials has lagged far behind. In this review, we summarize the current frontline multi-modality therapy for RMS according to pediatric protocols, highlight emerging targeted therapies and immunotherapies identified by preclinical studies, and discuss early clinical trial data and the implications they hold for future clinical development

    Compaction caused by soil tillage and seedbed preparation: effects on weed emergence in a barley crop

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo fue evaluar los efectos de la compactación producida por la frecuencia de pases y el tipo de apero utilizado en la siembra del cereal, sobre la emergencia de las malas hierbas. Se utilizó un diseño en parcelas subdivididas con 4 repeticiones, con la labor primaria (fresa vs. cultivador) en parcelas principales y el pase de rulo (liso vs. pratenses) en subparcelas. Se tomaron datos de malas hierbas (densidad, biomasa) y de propiedades físicas del suelo (compactación, densidad aparente). Los resultados no han mostrado diferencias debidas a la labor primaria en ninguna de las variables analizadas, pero sí en función del tipo y frecuencia de pases de rulo, observándose menor densidad y biomasa de malas hierbas cuanto mayor era el número de pases de rulo, especialmente el liso, coincidiendo con los suelos más compactados. Sin embargo, parece existir un límite en el cual dejan de producirse efectos significativos debido a una sobrecompactación (e.g. doble pase de rulo y zona de rodada).The main objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of the compaction produced by the frequency of passes and the type of implement used in seedbed preparation, on weed emergence. A split-plot design with 4 replications was used, with the primary tillage (cultivator vs. rotary tiller) in main plots and rolling (flat roller vs. Cambridge roller) in subplots. Weeds data (density, biomass) and soil physical properties (compaction, bulk density) were assessed. The results showed no differences due to the primary tillage in any of the analyzed variables. However, the type and frequency of roller passes resulted in significant differences in weed abundance, with lower weed density and biomass when the number of roller passes was greater (especially flat roller), which coincided with the higher compaction. However, it seems to be a limit at which significant effects no longer occur due to an overcompaction (e.g. double roller pass and tractor wheel traffic)