1,563 research outputs found

    Tuning the proximity effect in a superconductor-graphene-superconductor junction

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    We have tuned in situ the proximity effect in a single graphene layer coupled to two Pt/Ta superconducting electrodes. An annealing current through the device changed the transmission coefficient of the electrode/graphene interface, increasing the probability of multiple Andreev reflections. Repeated annealing steps improved the contact sufficiently for a Josephson current to be induced in graphene.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Nonequilibrium effects due to charge fluctuations in intrinsic Josephson systems

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    Nonequilibrium effects in layered superconductors forming a stack of intrinsic Josephson junctions are investigated. We discuss two basic nonequilibrium effects caused by charge fluctuations on the superconducting layers: a) the shift of the chemical potential of the condensate and b) charge imbalance of quasi-particles, and study their influence on IV-curves and the position of Shapiro steps.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, revised version slightly shortene

    The organisational and human resource challenges facing primary care trusts : protocol of a multiple case study

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    BACKGROUND: The study is designed to assess the organisational and human resource challenges faced by Primary Care Trusts (PCTs). Its objectives are to: specify the organisational and human resources challenges faced by PCTs in fulfilling the roles envisaged in government and local policy; examine how PCTs are addressing these challenges, in particular, to describe the organisational forms they have adopted, and the OD/HR strategies and initiatives they have planned or in place; assess how effective these structures, strategies and initiatives have been in enabling the PCTs to meet the organisational and human resources challenges they face; identify the factors, both internal to the PCT and in the wider health community, which have contributed to the success or failure of different structures, strategies and initiatives. METHODS: The study will be undertaken in three stages. In Stage 1 the key literature on public sector and NHS organisational development and human resources management will be reviewed, and discussions will be held with key researchers and policy makers working in this area. Stage 2 will focus on detailed case studies in six PCTs designed to examine the organisational and human resources challenges they face. Data will be collected using semi-structured interviews, group discussion, site visits, observation of key meetings and examination of local documentation. The findings from the case study PCTs will be cross checked with a Reference Group of up to 20 other PCG/Ts, and key officers working in organisational development or primary care at local, regional and national level. In Stage 3 analysis of findings from the preparatory work, the case studies and the feedback from the Reference Group will be used to identify practical lessons for PCTs, key messages for policy makers, and contributions to further theoretical development

    Diagnostic Communication in the Memory Clinic: a Conversation Analytic Perspective

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    Objectives: Whether and how patients should be told their dementia diagnosis, has been an area of much debate. While there is now recognition that early diagnosis is important for dementia care little research has looked at how dementia-related diagnostic information is actually verbally communicated. The limited previous research suggests that the absence of explicit terminology (e.g., use of the term Alzheimer's) is problematic. This paper interrogates this assumption through a conversation analysis of British naturalistic memory clinic interaction. Method: This paper is based on video-recordings of communication within a UK memory clinic. Appointments with 29 patients and accompanying persons were recorded, and the corpus was repeatedly listened to, in conjunction with the transcripts in order to identify the segments of talk where there was an action hearable as diagnostic delivery, that is where the clinician is evaluating the patient's condition. Results: Using a conversation analytic approach this analysis suggests that diagnostic communication, which is sensitive and responsive to the patient and their carers, is not predicated on the presence or absence of particular lexical choices. There is inherent complexity regarding dementia diagnosis, especially in the ‘early stages’, which is produced through and reflected in diagnostic talk in clinical encounters. Conclusion: In the context of continuity of dementia care, diagnostic information is communicated in a way that conforms to intersubjective norms of minimizing catastrophic reactions in medical communication, and is sensitive to problems associated with ‘insight’ in terms of delivery and receipt or non-receipt of diagnosis

    Nutritional adequacy of meals from an independent catering facility versus chain restaurants for young adults

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    BACKGROUND: Eating out of home has been associated with the increasing prevalence of obesity. While some chain restaurants provide nutritional information for their products, smaller independent catering facilities may not provide such information. The aim of this study was to assess the nutritional adequacy of meals provided to young adults at an independent catering facility and compare them with meals provided by chain restaurants. METHODS: Meals were analysed in 2014 in the UK in relation of nutrient provision to targets for macro- and micro-nutrients. One-way ANOVA was performed to compare menus between the restaurants included in the analyses. RESULTS: 2056 meal combinations were analysed, 210 from the student accommodation and 1,846 from five largest national chain restaurants. Mean (SD) nutritional content was: student accommodation: 1193(269)kcal, fat 52.0(22)g, saturated fat 24.5(14.5)g, protein 42.4(28.5)g, carbohydrate 117.0(30)g; chain restaurants: 922(160)kcal, fat 40.0(9.7)g, saturated fat 14.5(5.8)g, protein 31.2(6.5)g, carbohydrate 104.2(16.6)g. Meals from the student accommodation presented significantly more calories than the meals in all five chain restaurants ( p = 0.0015). CONCLUSIONS: Meal provision in the student accommodation was in excess of energy requirements and higher than the meals offered in chain restaurants. Regulating or setting nutritional standards for all places that provide food is essential as current food provision may favour unwanted weight gain and diet-related diseases

    Quality care in vesico-vaginal obstetric fistula: case series report from the regional hospital of Maroua-Cameroon

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    The World Health Organization (WHO) proposes a successful closure rate for first repair of vesico-vaginal obstetric fistula to be at 85% in each facility, with the continence achievement among the closed cases at 90 %. We are reporting the vesico-vaginal obstetric fistula outcome at the provincial hospital of Maroua- Cameroon from 2005 to August 2007. Among the overall 32 patients with vesico-vaginal fistula operated, 25 patients were at their first operation. The complete closure of vesico-vaginal fistula (VVF) was 23/25 (92%) and among the 23 patients with complete closure 17(74%) had good continence. When we consider only the 25 patients who were at their first operation, the overall closure of VVF was 23/25 (92%) and among them 17/23 (74%) were continent. Large lesion, bladder neck lesions, vaginal adherence and rigid margin are associated with failure/incontinence. These factors must be taken into consideration when preparing patients for surgery or when assigning them to a surgeon within the surgical team

    Economic growth, quality of Life, and development policy

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    노트 : We acknowledge gratefully the constructive suggestions of James Caporaso, Myung Chey, Kyong-Dong Kim, Hongkoo Lee, Conrad Rutkowski, and tow anonymous referees of this journal, and the skillful assistance of Patricia Montgomery and Barbara Scheibling

    Induction du stress oxydatif chez l’homme suite à la bioconcentration des éléments traces métalliques (cadmium et plomb) par voie trophique à Kpémé (Sud du Togo)

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    La pollution due aux rejets des déchets phosphatés à Kpémé par l’usine de la SNPT au Togo, provoque la bioaccumulation du Cd et du Pb par les produits de mer et agricoles consommés par l’homme qui est ainsi contaminé. Nous avons voulu par cette étude déterminer l’impact de la bioaccumulation du Cd et du Pb sur le stress oxydatif dans cette zone, chez l’homme. Les teneurs en métaux lourds toxiques (Cd et Pb) sont déterminées dans le sang humain à Gbodjomé (zone de référence) et à Kpémé où les populations consomment des aliments contaminés, par spectrophotométrie d’absorption atomique à l’électrothermie; de même que certains biomarqueurs (MDA et FRAP) du stress oxydatif. Dans l’ensemble, les résultats ont montré une peroxydation lipidique et une baisse du potentiel total antioxydant du plasma sanguin à cause de la présence du Cd et du Pb, qui provoquent un stress oxydatif dans l’organisme humain qui présente une disponibilité à la bioaccumulation de ces métaux à Kpémé. Les biomarqueurs du stress oxydatif chez l’homme peuvent être donc des indicateurs de l’exposition des sujets aux éléments traces métalliques dans les zones de pollution environnementale.Mots clés: SNPT, bioaccumulation, sang humain, MDA, FRA

    Self-management of chronic low back pain: Four viewpoints from patients and healthcare providers

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    A move towards self-management is central to health strategy around chronic low back pain, but its concept and meaning for those involved are poorly understood. In the reported study, four distinct and shared viewpoints on self-management were identified among people with pain and healthcare providers using Q methodology. Each construes self-management in a distinctive manner and articulates a different vision of change. Identification of similarities and differences among the viewpoints holds potential for enhancing communication between patients and healthcare providers and for better understanding the complexities of self-management in practice
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