458 research outputs found

    A perturbation density functional theory for the competition between inter and intramolecular association

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    Using the framework of Wertheim's thermodynamic perturbation theory we develop the first density functional theory which accounts for intramolecular association in chain molecules. To test the theory new Monte Carlo simulations are performed at a fluid solid interface for a 4 segment chain which can both intra and intermolecularly associate. The theory and simulation results are found to be in excellent agreement. It is shown that the inclusion of intramolecular association can have profound effects on interfacial properties such as interfacial tension and the partition coefficient

    Off-the-Cuff Law-Making: Policing Pandemic Dispossession in Spain

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    This article presents a discussion concerning the role of police rationale(s) in Spain within the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, where exceptionalist strategies aimed at curtailing the spread of the virus came to dramatically strengthen existing social divisions. In line with some authors who have already approached this phenomenon from different disciplines, our premise is that most serious emergencies boosted by Covid-19 were not a mere matter of public health, but rather a particularly harmful expression of accumulation by dispossession. Thus, rather than a flaw in the system produced by an exceptional friction between public security and public health, securitarian performances deployed by neoliberal states can be read as symbiotic strategies, from both law and order and business as usual approaches, to manage the social “externalities” of capitalist predatory strategies. As we will argue, phenomena such as the reinforcement of the policing consensus, police production of law, or the authoritarian turn favored by the Covid-19 health crisis must all be analyzed in this context

    Canibalizando los canales en Lácteos Colombia

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    Lácteos Colombia una compañía líder en el mercado Colombiano en la categoría de derivados lácteos con más de 70 años que produce, distribuye y comercializa un portafolio amplio con presencia en categorías como; Bebidas lácteas, Alimentos para bebes, Bebidas Refrescantes, Quesos, Leches y Postres listos. Con presencia en los diferentes canales existentes en mercado Colombiano que en su orden de participación en las ventas respectivamente son Canal Tradicional, Canal Moderno, Canal Auto venta, Canal supermercados Independientes y Canal institucional. El Gerente del canal Moderno decide la participación en el calendario comercial, en el aniversario en la cadena de supermercados Variedades la 15, la más importante de la región. Con promociones fuera de lo normal que sobrepasan los límites de descuento afectando el precio de la plaza, canibalizando venta entre canales, generando dificultades en los cumplimientos presupuestales de los asesores comerciales del canal tradicional y por ende afectando salarios, también dificultades con el canal Auto venta o sub-compradores de leche afectando los ingresos , al interior de la compañía se desarrolla una competencia por defender cada canal generando perdida en la rentabilidad y dificultades en las relaciones entre lídere

    Iatrogenic salivary duct injury in head and neck cancer patients: report of four cases and review of the literature

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    Introduction: The lesions of the salivary ducts may be idiopathic, post- traumatic, or iatrogenic and lead to sialocele formation with persistent painful facial swelling or cutaneous fistula formation. No consensus on treatment of this condition exists: the options of treatment include needle aspiration, pressure dressings, antisialogogue therapy, radiotherapy, botulinum toxin and surgical approaches as duct repair, diversion, ligation, different drainage systems and even parotidectomy/submaxilectomy. The management and special features of iatrogenic salivary duct injury in patients with oral cancer who underwent head and neck reconstructive surgery has not been described yet. Material and Methods: We present four cases of iatrogenic lesions of salivary ducts and its management in patients with oral cancer. Conclusions: The iatrogenic lesions of salivary ducts are to be taken into account in patients with oral cancer as the distal ends of salivary ducts could be involved in the margins of surgical resection. Different options of treatment of this complication are described

    Survival rate of odontogenic descending necrotizing mediastinitis. Our experience in last 5 years

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    Descending necrotising mediastinitis is one of the most lethal and least frequent forms of mediastinitis. It is a life-threatening infection most frequently originating from an oropharyngeal or odontogenic infection. A retrospective study of 6 patients diagnosed and treated for descending necrotising mediastinitis between 2015 and 2020 is reported. All patients were male, mean age of 34.83 years; 66% were smokers. 83% had an orocervical infection and 34% had initial mediastinal spread. All patients were treated initially with empirical broad-spectrum antibiotics and surgical drainage, with subsequent admission to the Intensive Care Unit; only one of them required tracheostomy. The mean hospital stay was 27.37 days. After a mean follow-up of 6 months, 100% of the cases had a complete recovery. Early diagnosis and surgical treatment combined with improved life-support treatment in intensive care units and broad-spectrum antibiotic therapy leads to a decrease in associated mortality

    Incidence on the Self-Regulation as Prevention of the Tobacco in Adolescents

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    Background the self-regulating in adolescent s smokers as prevention is one of the lines of the work team in the consultation of Ceasing Tobacco Objective to identify the incidence on the self-regulation to prevent the tobacco in adolescents The investigation embraced one period from March 2017 to September 2018 Method A descriptive study of traverse court was used Registered to 31 students for sampling intentional non probabilistic of an universe of 50 adolescent students It was used empiric Methods Clinical histories interviews structured and the questionnaire Conclusion The female sex prevailed where 54 8 between the 12 to 19 years of age Results The incidence the factors of risks that impact on the self-regulation to prevent the tobacco in adolescents are the group contagion with 54 7 family problems for a 29 0 and situational depression with 16 1 where it is necessary the self-regulation that should have the adolescents in the lif

    Osteochondroma of the mandibular condyle: Resection and reconstruction using vertical sliding osteotomy of the mandibular ramus

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    Osteochondroma is one of the most common benign bone tumours, although not in the craniofacial region. More than half of these appear in the coronoid process. It can appear on the mandibular condyle, especially in its medial half, and mainly affects women aged around forty years. We present the case of a 51-year-old woman with pain of several months? duration in the right temporomandibular joint (TMJ) and no other symptoms. Panoramic radiography showed an enlarged condyle with no subchondral cysts. Computed tomography showed a bony proliferation with benign signs and a scintigraphy revealed an increased uptake in the condyle. Due to the painful clinical symptoms, a surgical procedure using preauricular and retromandibular approaches was performed to excise the condyle. The resulting defect, which was 9 mm high, was reconstructed by means of a vertical sliding osteotomy of the mandibular ramus and two miniplates for osteosynthesis. Almost two years later, the patient is symptomfree and has a normal opening with no malocclusion or deviation in the opening pattern. We present and discuss different reconstruction options after condylectomy