183 research outputs found

    The Opinions and Attitudes of Police Officers to Proposed Changes to Law Enforcement

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    The field of policing has recently come under the public scrutiny due to the events surrounding the deaths of several citizens at the hands of police officers. Although not the first time policing has been criticized, the issues have caused the country to become increasingly divided on whether or not American police forces are in need of reform. There has been an overwhelming amount of complaints against law enforcement and suggestions to improve policies. As political and public figures have taken sides and police administration has made statements regarding the issues, the voices of those that would be most affected by change have been drowned out; the officers. This study has identified which issues have become most important to the public through a quantitative content analysis, obtained the reactions and opinions of law enforcement officers on these issues and suggestions, and developed an officer development model to determine which factors of the institution of policing are most influential in problem officer development. This study specifically focuses on rural law enforcement due to how underrepresented rural policing is in law enforcement literature

    The psoriatic great toe or the psoriatic onycho-pachydermo-periostitis of great toe (OP3gt)

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    The onycho-pachydermo-periostitis of the great toe is a characteristic feature of psoriatic arthritis first described by Fournie in 1980. In the affected patients, the great toe involvement is characterised by a relevant osteo-periostitis of the distal phalanx, a thickening of the distal soft tissues associated with a psoriatic onychopathy. In most cases, the distal interphalangeal joint is spared. Radiographic and scintigraphic osteo-periostitis of distal phalanx of the great toe are frequent, being found in about 44% of patients with psoriatic arthritis. However, clinical manifestations, with inflammatory inflammation of the great toe, are rare

    a transverse and longitudinal mr imaging voxel based morphometry study in patients with primary cervical dystonia

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    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Findings of standard MR imaging examinations are usually normal in primary CD. These findings are now increasingly challenged by studies using advanced neuroimaging techniques detecting abnormalities in brain areas that may be functionally involved in the pathophysiology of CD. Our purpose was to evaluate GM volumes in patients with CD at baseline and 5 years later. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We enrolled 19 patients (F/M = 15:4, mean age = 53.2 + 11.2 years), 12 of whom were studied at baseline and again approximately 5 years later. Twenty-eight healthy volunteers acted as controls (F/M = 17:11, mean age = 47.5 + 15.6 years). The subjects were imaged with a 1.5T scanner by using a 3D T1-weighted sequence on 150 contiguous axial 1-mm-thick sections to apply VBM. RESULTS: At entry, VBM analysis disclosed significantly lower GM volumes in the left caudate head and putamen and in the premotor and primary sensorimotor cortices bilaterally in patients than in controls. No correlation was found between decreased GM volumes and patient age, severity of dystonia, or disease duration. At the 5-year follow-up, GM volumes in the left primary sensorimotor cortex in patients had decreased significantly from baseline. CONCLUSIONS: The findings obtained at entry and after a 5-year follow-up consistently showed decreased caudate, putamen, and sensorimotor cortex GM volumes in patients with CD, and they probably play a pathophysiologic role in CD

    Subclinical atherosclerosis in patients with psoriatic arthritis: a case-control study. Preliminary data

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of subclinical atherosclerosis in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA), correlated with some traditional risk factors of atherosclerosis and with PsA-related disease factors. Methods: Forty-one patients and 41 healthy subjects were evaluated for intima-media thickness (IMT) and flow-mediated dilation (FMD), using carotid duplex scanning. IMT values were expressed like IMT mean (cumulative mean of all the IMT mean) and M-MAX (cumulative mean of all the higher IMT). Subclinical atherosclerosis markers were correlated with age, body mass index (BMI) and blood pressure in both groups, with duration of arthritis, duration of psoriasis, tender and swollen joints, BASDAI (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Disease Activity Index), BASFI (Bath Ankylosing Spondylitis Functional Index), erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) in patients. Results: IMT mean and M-MAX were both higher in PsA patients compared with controls (0.7±0.15 vs 0.62±0.09 mm; p<0.01 and 0.86±0.21 vs. 0.74±0.13 mm; p<0.01 respectively). FMD was smaller in patients than in controls (5.9±2 vs 7.5±2.8%; p<0.01). Univariate analysis showed a correlation between IMT mean and SBP (r=0.217; p=0.05) and a correlation between M-MAX and age (r=0.392; p<0.001), BMI (r=0.252; p<0.05), SBP (r=0.446; p<0.001) in both groups. In PsA patients M-MAX resulted correlated with ESR (r=0.338; p<0.05) and BASDAI (r=0.322; p<0.05). Conclusions: PsA patients exhibited endothelial dysfunctions which is an early marker of subclinical atherosclerosis, as well as an higher IMT. An interesting correlation between M-MAX and PsA activity index (ESR and BASDAI) was found

    Ability-Based Methods for Personalized Keyboard Generation

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    This study introduces an ability-based method for personalized keyboard generation, wherein an individual's own movement and human-computer interaction data are used to automatically compute a personalized virtual keyboard layout. Our approach integrates a multidirectional point-select task to characterize cursor control over time, distance, and direction. The characterization is automatically employed to develop a computationally efficient keyboard layout that prioritizes each user's movement abilities through capturing directional constraints and preferences. We evaluated our approach in a study involving 16 participants using inertial sensing and facial electromyography as an access method, resulting in significantly increased communication rates using the personalized keyboard (52.0 bits/min) when compared to a generically optimized keyboard (47.9 bits/min). Our results demonstrate the ability to effectively characterize an individual's movement abilities to design a personalized keyboard for improved communication. This work underscores the importance of integrating a user's motor abilities when designing virtual interfaces.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Assessing the Cultural Appropriateness of UPLIFT for African Americans With Epilepsy: A Community Engaged Approach

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    Background: In trials of Project UPLIFT, a distance-delivered, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy intervention, there was improvement in the mental health of people with epilepsy/seizure disorder. In these trials, however, African Americans have been few. Thus, as this program is disseminated, it is desirable to ensure that it is culturally appropriate for minority populations. Methods: To determine the appropriateness of Project UPLIFT for African Americans, we engaged in three main research activities: 1) the formation and involvement of an epilepsy community advisory board; 2) qualitative interviews with healthcare providers who serve this community; and 3) focus groups with African American adults living with epilepsy or seizure disorder and main support persons of African American adults living with epilepsy or seizure disorder. Results: The epilepsy community advisory board provided recommendations for the most appropriate language to use when engaging and recruiting the target population. Healthcare providers indicated that psychosocial concerns of African American persons living with epilepsy seemed to be different from those among patients of other racial groups. They indicated that Project UPLIFT might be useful for this group. Focus groups revealed experiences of living with and supporting someone with epilepsy and provided favorable feedback on the UPLIFT intervention. Conclusions: Formative feedback indicates that Project UPLIFT may be useful for African Americans with epilepsy. These data will be used to guide a forthcoming randomized, controlled trial to assess the acceptability and feasibility of the intervention with this group

    Sjögren's syndrome: comparison among the main imaging techniques in the study of major salivary glands

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    Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is a chronic inflammatory disease with an autoimmune etiology, that affects exocrine glands, in particular salivary and lacrimal glands. Among the diagnostic criteria of SS, imaging techniques play an important role. The aim of our study is to compare three imaging techniques, such as sonography, scintigraphy and sialography in the evaluation of major salivary glands. The use of the these techniques is of great importance for the diagnosis of SS. Sonography is the most frequently used for its prompt execution, non invasivity, great acceptance by the patient and low cost. In the diagnostic patient management of SS, sonography results are eventually confirmed by the other imaging techniques, sialography and scintigraph