867 research outputs found

    Tactile numerosity is coded in external space

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    Humans, and several non-human species, possess the ability to make approximate but reliable estimates of the number of objects around them. Alike other perceptual features, numerosity perception is susceptible to adaptation: exposure to a high number of items causes underestimation of the numerosity of a subsequent set of items, and vice versa. Several studies have investigated adaptation in the auditory and visual modality, whereby stimuli are preferentially encoded in an external coordinate system. As tactile stimuli are primarily coded in an internal (body-centered) reference frame, here we ask whether tactile numerosity adaptation operates based on internal or external spatial coordinates as it occurs in vision or audition. Twenty participants performed an adaptation task with their right hand located either in the right (uncrossed) or left (crossed) hemispace. Tactile adaptor and test stimuli were passively delivered either to the same (adapted) or different (non-adapted) hands. Our results show a pattern of over- and under-estimation according to the rate of adaptation (low and high, respectively). In the uncrossed position, we observed stronger adaptation effects when adaptor and test stimuli were delivered to the “adapted” hand. However, when both hands were aligned in the same spatial position (crossed condition), the magnitude of adaptation was similar irrespective of which hand received adaptor and test stimuli. These results demonstrate that numerosity information is automatically coded in external coordinates even in the tactile modality, suggesting that such a spatial reference frame is an intrinsic property of numerosity processing irrespective of the sensory modality

    The ventriloquist in periphery: Impact of eccentricity-related reliability on audio-visual localization

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    The relative reliability of separate sensory estimates influences the way they are merged into a unified percept. We investigated how eccentricity-related changes in reliability of auditory and visual stimuli influence their integration across the entire frontal space. First, we surprisingly found that despite a strong decrease in auditory and visual unisensory localization abilities in periphery, the redundancy gain resulting from the congruent presentation of audio-visual targets was not affected by stimuli eccentricity. This result therefore contrasts with the common prediction that a reduction in sensory reliability necessarily induces an enhanced integrative gain. Second, we demonstrate that the visual capture of sounds observed with spatially incongruent audio-visual targets (ventriloquist effect) steadily decreases with eccentricity, paralleling a lowering of the relative reliability of unimodal visual over unimodal auditory stimuli in periphery. Moreover, at all eccentricities, the ventriloquist effect positively correlated with a weighted combination of the spatial resolution obtained in unisensory conditions. These findings support and extend the view that the localization of audio-visual stimuli relies on an optimal combination of auditory and visual information according to their respective spatial reliability. All together, these results evidence that the external spatial coordinates of multisensory events relative to an observer's body (e.g., eyes' or head's position) influence how this information is merged, and therefore determine the perceptual outcome

    Schools are open during the coronavirus outbreak but should I voluntarily keep my kids home anyway, if I can? We asked 5 experts

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    We asked five experts to answer the question: schools are staying open but should I voluntarily keep my kids home anyway, if I can

    Fermi-surface transformation across the pseudogap critical point of the cuprate superconductor La1.6x_{1.6-x}Nd0.4_{0.4}Srx_{x}CuO4_4

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    The electrical resistivity ρ\rho and Hall coefficient RH_H of the tetragonal single-layer cuprate Nd-LSCO were measured in magnetic fields up to H=37.5H = 37.5 T, large enough to access the normal state at T0T \to 0, for closely spaced dopings pp across the pseudogap critical point at p=0.235p^\star = 0.235. Below pp^\star, both coefficients exhibit an upturn at low temperature, which gets more pronounced with decreasing pp. Taken together, these upturns show that the normal-state carrier density nn at T=0T = 0 drops upon entering the pseudogap phase. Quantitatively, it goes from n=1+pn = 1 + p at p=0.24p = 0.24 to n=pn = p at p=0.20p = 0.20. By contrast, the mobility does not change appreciably, as revealed by the magneto-resistance. The transition has a width in doping and some internal structure, whereby RH_H responds more slowly than ρ\rho to the opening of the pseudogap. We attribute this difference to a Fermi surface that supports both hole-like and electron-like carriers in the interval 0.2<p<p0.2 < p < p^\star, with compensating contributions to RH_H. Our data are in excellent agreement with recent high-field data on YBCO and LSCO. The quantitative consistency across three different cuprates shows that a drop in carrier density from 1+p1 + p to pp is a universal signature of the pseudogap transition at T=0T=0. We discuss the implication of these findings for the nature of the pseudogap phase.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    The Routine Use of Antibiotics to Promote Animal Growth Does Little to Benefit Protein Undernutrition in the Developing World

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    Some persons argue that the routine addition of antibiotics to animal feed will help alleviate protein undernutrition in developing countries by increasing meat production. In contrast, we estimate that, if all routine antibiotic use in animal feed were ceased, there would be negligible effects in these countries. Poultry and pork production are unlikely to decrease by more than 2%. Average daily protein supply would decrease by no more than 0.1 g per person (or 0.2% of total protein intake). Eliminating the routine use of in-feed antibiotics will improve human and animal health, by reducing the development and spread of antibiotic-resistant bacteri

    Large scale fire test on tunnel segment: Real boundary conditions in order to evaluate spalling sensitivity and fire resistance

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    The objective of the present study was to reproduce the real state of stress in a tunnel segment in order to evaluate the spalling sensivity. Numerical tools have been used to predict the restrained axial forces which may appear due to the thermal expansion. A new experimental set up has been designed to withstand these forces. Thus the choice of a protected self-resistant slab to reproduce the surroundings has been done to test the loaded precast tunnel segment which withstood a two hour modified hydrocarbon fire with only limited amount of spalling

    Protection against Clostridium difficile infection in a hamster model by oral vaccination using flagellin FliC-loaded pectin beads

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    International audienceClostridium difficile flagellin FliC is a highly immunogenic pathogen-associated molecular pattern playing a key role in C. difficile pathogenesis and gut colonization. Here, we designed an oral vaccine against C. difficile with FliC encapsulated into pectin beads for colonic release. Bead stability and FliC retention was confirmed in vitro using simulated intestinal media (SIM), while bead degradation and FliC release was observed upon incubation in simulated colonic media (SCM). The importance of FliC encapsulation into pectin beads for protection against C. difficile was assessed in a vaccination assay using a lethal ham-ster model of C. difficile infection. Three groups of hamsters orally received either FliC-loaded beads or unloaded beads in gastro-resistant capsule to limit gastric degradation or free FliC. Two other groups were immunized with free FliC, one intra-rectally and the other intra-peritoneally. Hamsters were then challenged with a lethal dose of C. difficile VPI 10463. Fifty percent of hamsters orally immunized with FliC-loaded beads survived whereas all hamsters orally immunized with free FliC died within 7 days post challenge. No significant protection was observed in the other groups. Only intra-peritoneally immunized hamsters presented anti-FliC IgG antibodies in sera after immunizations. These results suggest that an oral immunization with FliC-loaded beads probably induced a mucosal immune response, therefore providing a protective effect. This study confirms the importance of FliC encapsulation into pectin beads for a protective oral vaccine against C. difficile