27 research outputs found

    HDL: the yin-yang of cardiovascular disease

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    Estudos epidemiológicos mostram relação inversa entre níveis plasmáticos de HDL-colesterol (HDL-C) e incidência de doença cardiovascular (DCV). O papel antiaterogênico da HDL é atribuído às suas atividades anti-inflamatória, antitrombótica e antioxidante, além de sua participação no transporte reverso de colesterol (TRC), processo pelo qual a HDL remove colesterol dos tecidos periféricos, incluindo macrófagos da íntima arterial, e o transporta para o fígado para ser excretado pela bile. Com base nesses fatos, o HDL-C tornou-se alvo atrativo para a prevenção da DCV. No entanto, o fracasso do torcetrapib, droga que aumenta substancialmente os níveis de HDL-C, em prevenir DCV, além do conhecimento gerado por estudos de modelos animais e doenças monogênicas que afetam a concentração de HDL-C, tem suscitado questionamentos sobre o papel antiaterogênico da HDL. Esta revisão tem como objetivo abordar aspectos atuais do conhecimento da HDL, baseando-se nessas recentes controvérsias.Epidemiological studies demonstrate an inverse correlation between plasma HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) concentration and incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD). The antiatherogenic role of HDL has been attributed to its anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic and antioxidant properties, besides its participation in the reverse cholesterol transport (RCT), whereby cholesterol from peripheral tissues (including macrophages of the arterial intima) is delivered to the liver for excretion in bile. Due to these actions, HDL-C has evolved as an attractive target for prevention of CVD. However, the failure of torcetrapib, drug that substantially increases HDL-C levels, in preventing CVD and data from studies with animal models and with carriers of monogenic disorders affecting HDL-C levels in humans provide conflicting data about HDL being antiatherogenic. This review addresses the current state of knowledge regarding HDL based on these recent controversies

    What Do the First 597 Global Fungal Red List Assessments Tell Us about the Threat Status of Fungi?

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    Fungal species are not immune to the threats facing animals and plants and are thus also prone to extinction. Yet, until 2015, fungi were nearly absent on the IUCN Red List. Recent efforts to identify fungal species under threat have significantly increased the number of published fungal assessments. The 597 species of fungi published in the 2022-1 IUCN Red List update (21 July 2022) are the basis for the first global review of the extinction risk of fungi and the threats they face. Nearly 50% of the assessed species are threatened, with 10% NT and 9% DD. For regions with a larger number of assessments (i.e., Europe, North America, and South America), subanalyses are provided. Data for lichenized and nonlichenized fungi are also summarized separately. Habitat loss/degradation followed by climate change, invasive species, and pollution are the primary identified threats. Bias in the data is discussed along with knowledge gaps. Suggested actions to address these gaps are provided along with a discussion of the use of assessments to facilitate on-the-ground conservation efforts. A research agenda for conservation mycology to assist in the assessment process and implementation of effective species/habitat management is presented

    What Do the First 597 Global Fungal Red List Assessments Tell Us about the Threat Status of Fungi?

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    Fungal species are not immune to the threats facing animals and plants and are thus also prone to extinction. Yet, until 2015, fungi were nearly absent on the IUCN Red List. Recent efforts to identify fungal species under threat have significantly increased the number of published fungal assessments. The 597 species of fungi published in the 2022-1 IUCN Red List update (21 July 2022) are the basis for the first global review of the extinction risk of fungi and the threats they face. Nearly 50% of the assessed species are threatened, with 10% NT and 9% DD. For regions with a larger number of assessments (i.e., Europe, North America, and South America), subanalyses are provided. Data for lichenized and nonlichenized fungi are also summarized separately. Habitat loss/degradation followed by climate change, invasive species, and pollution are the primary identified threats. Bias in the data is discussed along with knowledge gaps. Suggested actions to address these gaps are provided along with a discussion of the use of assessments to facilitate on-the-ground conservation efforts. A research agenda for conservation mycology to assist in the assessment process and implementation of effective species/habitat management is presented

    What Do the First 597 Global Fungal Red List Assessments Tell Us about the Threat Status of Fungi?

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    Fungal species are not immune to the threats facing animals and plants and are thus also prone to extinction. Yet, until 2015, fungi were nearly absent on the IUCN Red List. Recent efforts to identify fungal species under threat have significantly increased the number of published fungal assessments. The 597 species of fungi published in the 2022-1 IUCN Red List update (21 July 2022) are the basis for the first global review of the extinction risk of fungi and the threats they face. Nearly 50% of the assessed species are threatened, with 10% NT and 9% DD. For regions with a larger number of assessments (i.e., Europe, North America, and South America), subanalyses are provided. Data for lichenized and nonlichenized fungi are also summarized separately. Habitat loss/degradation followed by climate change, invasive species, and pollution are the primary identified threats. Bias in the data is discussed along with knowledge gaps. Suggested actions to address these gaps are provided along with a discussion of the use of assessments to facilitate on-the-ground conservation efforts. A research agenda for conservation mycology to assist in the assessment process and implementation of effective species/habitat management is presented

    Conservation of Mediterranean oak woodlands: understorey dynamics under different shrub management

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    The effect of experimental disturbances on the dynamics of a shrub community was studied on a ‘Montado’ ecosystem, in southern Portugal. The evolution of the community physiognomy, composition and diversity were monitored after shrub clearing followed by biomass removal, deposition on soil surface and incorporation with the soil, over a 9-year period. Maximum shrub density was recorded in the first year after the disturbances, excepting in mulched plots which showed the greatest number of individuals 1 year later. The increment of shrub leaf biomass was very fast in the first 3 years, whereas wood production was slower but occurred along the whole study period. At the end of the study, leaf and wood biomass was still significantly lower than in the predisturbance situation. The variation pattern of leaf area index was similar to that of leaf biomass. The evolution of total plant cover and diversity was similar across treatments. The highest species richness and diversity were recorded 2 years after cutting, decreasing afterwards with the increasing dominance of shrubs. Thus it seems likely that, although a 9 year period is too short for these communities to reach steady equilibrium, they are very resistant and resilient to disturbances, as regeneration was fast and vegetation dynamics was not influenced by differences among treatments. We can conclude that shrub clearing promotes biodiversity and the time of permanence of shrub patches depends on the particular goal we want to achieve

    Conservation of Mediterranean oak woodlands: understorey dynamics under different shrub management

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    The effect of experimental disturbances on the dynamics of a shrub community was studied on a ‘Montado’ ecosystem, in southern Portugal. The evolution of the community physiognomy, composition and diversity were monitored after shrub clearing followed by biomass removal, deposition on soil surface and incorporation with the soil, over a 9-year period. Maximum shrub density was recorded in the first year after the disturbances, excepting in mulched plots which showed the greatest number of individuals 1 year later. The increment of shrub leaf biomass was very fast in the first 3 years, whereas wood production was slower but occurred along the whole study period. At the end of the study, leaf and wood biomass was still significantly lower than in the predisturbance situation. The variation pattern of leaf area index was similar to that of leaf biomass. The evolution of total plant cover and diversity was similar across treatments. The highest species richness and diversity were recorded 2 years after cutting, decreasing afterwards with the increasing dominance of shrubs. Thus it seems likely that, although a 9 year period is too short for these communities to reach steady equilibrium, they are very resistant and resilient to disturbances, as regeneration was fast and vegetation dynamics was not influenced by differences among treatments. We can conclude that shrub clearing promotes biodiversity and the time of permanence of shrub patches depends on the particular goal we want to achieve