387 research outputs found

    Food waste in Italian households during the Covid-19 pandemic: a self-reporting approach

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    Food waste prevention and reduction are an economic, social and environmental concern included among the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) within Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. The third target under SDG 12 (Target 12.3) on Responsible Production and Consumption aims to halve food waste by 2030 at retail and consumer levels, considering that more than half of its quantity is generated by final consumers, both indoor and outdoor. However, the Covid-19 pandemic outbreak at the beginning of 2020 imposed several food consumption behaviors and lifestyle changes: food service facilities (e.g., restaurants, pubs, cafĂ©s, hotels, resorts) have been closed roughly all over the world, generating a sharp domestic consumption and an expected increase in household waste. The authors conducted an explorative research through the food diary approach. The purpose of this paper is to have a better understanding of household food consumption and wastage trends during Covid-19 pandemic testing, as well as food diary methodology strengths and weaknesses. Food diaries, even with their intrinsic limitations and biases, represent a valuable technique to obtain detailed qualitative and quantitative knowledge on daily food consumption and consumers’ behavior. Through the limited but significant results achieved, the authors highlight the logistics of the methodology and the food waste generation trends among a small sample of Italian families during the Covid-19 pandemic. Further, healthier work–life balances, adequate time management and smart food delivery seem to be good opportunities for food waste reduction in households

    Food waste measurement toward a fair, healthy and environmental-friendly food system: a critical review

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    Purpose–Given the importance of food waste in the economic, social, health and environmental dimensions,the purpose of this work is to detect, through a systematic and configurative literature review on food-waste-measurement methodologies, the global approaches, characteristics, limitations, opportunities and resultsapplied within the literature. The analysis of these papers provides useful information about how far we arefrom international action plans and, therefore, how we need to direct programs and policies to measure andreduce food waste and ensure food security and food safety. Design/methodology/approach–The authors have conducted a systematic, configurative literature reviewon food waste measurement methodologies applied only within empirical studies published in academic peer-reviewed scientific journals. Based on the Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597 of May 3, 2019(OJEU, 2019) regarding common methodologies and minimum quality requirements for the homogeneousassessment of food waste quantities and composition, the authors investigated the issue on Web of ScienceCore Collection (WoS) from June 2000 to June 2020. The authors researched keywords within article titles,abstracts and author keywords by utilizing 34 different research strings. Findings–The proposed review particularly refers to following topics: measurement methodologies appliedaccording to the Commission Delegated Decision (EU) 2019/1597; editorial placement and publication timeline;geographical area; food supply-chain stage and publication journals; and the main features, limitations,opportunities and results for each measurement methodology as presented by authors. Among the first 48,000results, only 58 academic articles are perfectly in line with the aim of the review, highlighting the lack ofstandardized methodologies, the limits of those proposed and the deficiency of comparable results to achievesustainable international goals. Originality/value–The proposed review is one of the few concerning food waste measurementmethodologies. Food waste measurement is essential to rebalance the actual inadequate food system and toswitch it toward a fair, healthy and environmentally friendly one, thereby (1) managing the human nutritionsystem paradox of hungry, undernourished and over-weight people; (2) reducing food insecurity; (3) ensuringeach living being’s access to healthy, nutritious and sustainable food; and (4) reducing environmental impacts(neutral or positive impact) and the loss of biodiversity and mitigating climate change

    Hidden flows assessment in the agri-food sector: Evidence from the Italian beef system

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    Purpose – The study proposes Material Flow Analysis (MFA) methodology as a tool to measure and qualify food waste in the Italian beef supply chain in each stage of the food supply chain, from farm to fork. In particular, the authors attempt to: (1) measure resources consumption and waste generation toward companies’ and policymakers’ sustainable evaluations; (2) enhance consumers’ education in the field of agri-food resilience and sustainability. Design/methodology/approach – MFA is applied to the entire Italian sector of beef consumed as packaged fresh product in 2020, during the Covid-19 pandemic. The analysis regards bovine, which represent roughly one-third of the national meat flow. To collect data, bottom-up and top-down mixed approach is applied. Subsequently, MFA results are used to calculate the wastage-related losses in terms of embedded natural resources (e.g. water, energy). Findings – In 2020, it results that the Italian meat industry slaughtered more than 1.15 Mt of bovine to produce approximately 0.29 Mt of fresh meat, 0.69 Mt of by-products and over 0.015 Mt of food waste at households, while 0.15 Mt of beef meat is destined to catering services and food industry (out-of-boundaries). In terms of hidden natural resources, it emerged that, on average, more than 94bn m3 of water, approximately 101,000 TJ of energy and over 11,500 t of PET and PE trays are required to sustain the entire beef system. Originality/value – This research is one of the few studies proposing MFA methodology as a tool to measure food waste and hidden associated flows in the agri-food sector. This analysis shows its utility in terms of natural resources (water, energy, materials) and waste quality/quantity evaluation, hidden flows accounting and development of new educational strategies toward food waste minimization and sustainability at household consumption

    Halal Food Sustainability between Certification and Blockchain: A Review

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    Islam is the second-largest religion on a global scale. All around the world Muslims are estimated to comprise more than 1.9 billion people. Therefore, the demand for Halal commodities is expected to reach a high growth rate: thus, it is crucial to increase its global market’s reliability and traceability. Based on these grounds, the scope of this paper is to assess Halal food sustainability, examining the barriers and opportunities offered by the certification and blockchain tools. To this purpose, the authors carried out an integrative literature review, selecting 54 contributions in the Web of Science platform. Despite several limitations, such as the lack of a standardized framework or universally accepted and reliable certifying authorities, the implementation of blockchain technology has emerged as an interesting instrument to increase the trustworthiness and traceability of Halal foods. This tool could also help the development of protocols and standard procedures, ensuring hygienic and permitted products that may boost food safety and security. Besides, the enhancement of the Halal certification and the blockchain tool, even if several efforts are required in terms of innovation and cooperation by local authorities, industrial associations and leading consumers, could enhance fair trade, ethical business, green animal breeding and environmental economics, and hence sustainable development

    Cooperative Scattering by Cold Atoms

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    We have studied the interplay between disorder and cooperative scattering for single scattering limit in the presence of a driving laser. Analytical results have been derived and we have observed cooperative scattering effects in a variety of experiments, ranging from thermal atoms in an optical dipole trap, atoms released from a dark MOT and atoms in a BEC, consistent with our theoretical predictions.Comment: submitted for special issue of PQE 201

    How to manage and minimize food waste in the hotel industry? An exploratory research

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    Purpose – The hospitality industry is responsible for significant amounts of waste, more than one-third of which is food waste. Through the comparison between an Italian and a Romanian hotel, this paper aims to provide a better understanding of food waste management trends in the hotel industry as well as to highlight hotel kitchens and hotel food services weaknesses and opportunities to minimize food waste. Design/methodology/approach – In-depth interviews, personal communication and observations were conducted to investigate food service planning, food procurement and food waste management, as well as to better comprehend current individuals’ understanding and attitudes, infrastructures, legislative culture and opportunities either from the managerial and the employees’ perspective. Data were analyzed according to a content analysis approach. Findings – Three critical hot spots emerged from the analysis: prediction and check of guests’ attendance, communication and transparency with local suppliers and among departments within the unit and purchasing frequency and perishable food provisioning. The accurate forecasting of the number of guests and their nationality is fundamental in avoiding food waste at food service, as well as implementing transparency and communication with local suppliers. Originality/value – Although academia and authorities have recognized the crucial importance of food waste management, food waste research in the hotel industry remains under-researched. The present exploratory research contributes to the scarce empirical studies about hotels’ food waste, giving theoretical and managerial recommendations for supporting further studies, highlighting the need for formal deals between hotels and local suppliers (food procurement), as well as the importance of foodnetworks that holds together companies, retailers and charities (food donation)

    Observation of a Cooperative Radiation Force in the Presence of Disorder

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    Cooperative scattering of light by an extended object such as an atomic ensemble or a dielectric sphere is fundamentally different from scattering from many point-like scatterers such as single atoms. Homogeneous distributions tend to scatter cooperatively, whereas fluctuations of the density distribution increase the disorder and suppress cooperativity. In an atomic cloud, the amount of disorder can be tuned via the optical thickness, and its role can be studied via the radiation force exerted by the light on the atomic cloud. Monitoring cold 87Rb^{87}\text{Rb} atoms released from a magneto-optical trap, we present the first experimental signatures of radiation force reduction due to cooperative scattering. The results are in agreement with an analytical expression interpolating between the disorder and the cooperativity-dominated regimes

    Enhancing the Sustainability of the Aviation Industry: Airlines’ Commitment to “Green” Practices

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    The aviation industry represents an important polluter, being responsible for increasing environmental impacts on global scale. Aiming to approach the adoption of suitable policies in the aviation industry towards the achievement of the national and international sustainability goals, the present research tackles airlines’ commitment to aviation-related environmental issues, as well as their willingness to adopt sustainable aviation fuel (i.e., bio jet fuel) and sustainable development strategies, focusing on those companies operating flights in the Karol WojtyƂa Airport (Bari, Italy). The paper adopts the χ2 test and the logistic regression to investigate three different hypotheses related to airlines’ headquarters, carriers’ typology (i.e., low-cost or not, flag carriers or not) and years of service. Results outline that traditional airlines, either flag carriers or not, as well as South and North American companies, are more likely to be aware of aviation environmental consequences, publishing environmental reports and offering to passengers the chance to participate to climate change reduction (e.g., through online carbon offset programs or more expensive ticket to produce bio jet fuels). In addition, airlines transiting in Karol WojtyƂa Airport show a small willingness to share information through environmental reports and are scarcely intentioned to make use of bio jet fuels, confirming that low-cost companies are still less attentive towards aviation environmental issues. The present research contributes to the empirical studies on sustainable aviation and carriers’ commitment to environmental strategies, highlighting the need to enhance carbon offsets programs and digital technologies as the online compensation of CO2 emissions
