71 research outputs found

    Dynamical Topological Quantum Phase Transitions for Mixed States

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    We introduce and study dynamical probes of band structure topology in the post-quench time-evolution from mixed initial states of quantum many-body systems. Our construction generalizes the notion of dynamical quantum phase transitions (DQPTs), a real-time counterpart of conventional equilibrium phase transitions in quantum dynamics, to finite temperatures and generalized Gibbs ensembles. The non-analytical signatures hallmarking these mixed state DQPTs are found to be characterized by observable phase singularities manifesting in the dynamical formation of vortex-antivortex pairs in the interferometric phase of the density matrix. Studying quenches in Chern insulators, we find that changes in the topological properties of the Hamiltonian can be identified in this scenario, without ever preparing a topologically non-trivial or low-temperature initial state. Our observations are of immediate relevance for current experiments aimed at realizing topological phases in ultracold atomic gases.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, version close to publishe

    Topological insulators with arbitrarily tunable entanglement

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    We elucidate how Chern and topological insulators fulfill an area law for the entanglement entropy. By explicit construction of a family of lattice Hamiltonians, we are able to demonstrate that the area law contribution can be tuned to an arbitrarily small value, but is topologically protected from vanishing exactly. We prove this by introducing novel methods to bound entanglement entropies from correlations using perturbation bounds, drawing intuition from ideas of quantum information theory. This rigorous approach is complemented by an intuitive understanding in terms of entanglement edge states. These insights have a number of important consequences: The area law has no universal component, no matter how small, and the entanglement scaling cannot be used as a faithful diagnostic of topological insulators. This holds for all Renyi entropies which uniquely determine the entanglement spectrum which is hence also non-universal. The existence of arbitrarily weakly entangled topological insulators furthermore opens up possibilities of devising correlated topological phases in which the entanglement entropy is small and which are thereby numerically tractable, specifically in tensor network approaches.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, final versio

    Synthetic Helical Liquids with Ultracold Atoms in Optical Lattices

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    We discuss a platform for the synthetic realization of key physical properties of helical Tomonaga Luttinger liquids (HTLLs) with ultracold fermionic atoms in one-dimensional optical lattices. The HTLL is a strongly correlated metallic state where spin polarization and propagation direction of the itinerant particles are locked to each other. We propose an unconventional one-dimensional Fermi-Hubbard model which, at quarter filling, resembles the HTLL in the long wavelength limit, as we demonstrate with a combination of analytical (bosonization) and numerical (density matrix renormalization group) methods. An experimentally feasible scheme is provided for the realization of this model with ultracold fermionic atoms in optical lattices. Finally, we discuss how the robustness of the HTLL against back-scattering and imperfections, well known from its realization at the edge of two-dimensional topological insulators, is reflected in the synthetic one-dimensional scenario proposed here

    Coupled Atomic Wires in a Synthetic Magnetic Field

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    We propose and study systems of coupled atomic wires in a perpendicular synthetic magnetic field as a platform to realize exotic phases of quantum matter. This includes (fractional) quantum Hall states in arrays of many wires inspired by the pioneering work [Kane et al. PRL {\bf{88}}, 036401 (2002)], as well as Meissner phases and Vortex phases in double-wires. With one continuous and one discrete spatial dimension, the proposed setup naturally complements recently realized discrete counterparts, i.e. the Harper-Hofstadter model and the two leg flux ladder, respectively. We present both an in-depth theoretical study and a detailed experimental proposal to make the unique properties of the semi-continuous Harper-Hofstadter model accessible with cold atom experiments. For the minimal setup of a double-wire, we explore how a sub-wavelength spacing of the wires can be implemented. This construction increases the relevant energy scales by at least an order of magnitude compared to ordinary optical lattices, thus rendering subtle many-body phenomena such as Lifshitz transitions in Fermi gases observable in an experimentally realistic parameter regime. For arrays of many wires, we discuss the emergence of Chern bands with readily tunable flatness of the dispersion and show how fractional quantum Hall states can be stabilized in such systems. Using for the creation of optical potentials Laguerre-Gauss beams that carry orbital angular momentum, we detail how the coupled atomic wire setups can be realized in non-planar geometries such as cylinders, discs, and tori

    Tunable quantum spin Hall effect in double quantum wells

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    The field of topological insulators (TIs) is rapidly growing. Concerning possible applications, the search for materials with an easily controllable TI phase is a key issue. The quantum spin Hall effect, characterized by a single pair of helical edge modes protected by time-reversal symmetry, has been demonstrated in HgTe-based quantum wells (QWs) with an inverted bandgap. We analyze the topological properties of a generically coupled HgTe-based double QW (DQW) and show how in such a system a TI phase can be driven by an inter-layer bias voltage, even when the individual layers are non-inverted. We argue, that this system allows for similar (layer-)pseudospin based physics as in bilayer graphene but with the crucial absence of a valley degeneracy.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figures, extended version (accepted Phys. Rev. B