958 research outputs found

    The Mass, Orbit, and Tidal Evolution of the Quaoar-Weywot System

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    Here we present new adaptive optics observations of the Quaoar-Weywot system. With these new observations we determine an improved system orbit. Due to a 0.39 day alias that exists in available observations, four possible orbital solutions are available with periods of ∼11.6\sim11.6, ∼12.0\sim12.0, ∼12.4\sim12.4, and ∼12.8\sim12.8 days. From the possible orbital solutions, system masses of 1.3−1.5±0.1×10211.3-1.5\pm0.1\times10^{21} kg are found. These observations provide an updated density for Quaoar of 2.7-5.0{g cm^{-3}}. In all cases, Weywot's orbit is eccentric, with possible values ∼0.13−0.16\sim0.13-0.16. We present a reanalysis of the tidal orbital evolution of the Quoaor-Weywot system. We have found that Weywot has probably evolved to a state of synchronous rotation, and have likely preserved their initial inclinations over the age of the Solar system. We find that for plausible values of the effective tidal dissipation factor tides produce a very slow evolution of Weywot's eccentricity and semi-major axis. Accordingly, it appears that Weywot's eccentricity likely did not tidally evolve to its current value from an initially circular orbit. Rather, it seems that some other mechanism has raised its eccentricity post-formation, or Weywot formed with a non-negligible eccentricity.Comment: Accepted to Icarus, Nov. 8 201

    A high-Resolution Catalog of Cometary Emission Lines

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    Using high-resolution spectra obtained with the Hamilton echelle spectrograph at Lick Observatory, we have constructed a catalog of emission lines observed in comets Swift-Tuttle and Brorsen-Metcalf. The spectra cover the range between 3800 Å and 9900 Å with a spectral resolution of λ/Δλ~42000. In the spectra, we catalog 2997 emission lines of which we identify 2438. We find cometary lines due to H, O, C_2, CN, NH_2, C_3, H_2O^+, CH, and CH^+. We list 559 unidentified lines compiled from the two spectra and comment on possibilities for their origins

    Non-detection of the OH Meinel system in comet P/Swift-Tuttle

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    We report a search for emissions from the OH Meinel system in high-resolution near-infrared spectra of comet P/Swift-Tuttle. Because of the large cometary heliocentric velocity and high resolution of the spectrograph, the cometary lines should be well separated from the bright OH sky lines. Contrary to the findings of Tozzi et al. (1994) - who report seeing cometary OH at intensities comparable to the sky emissions in their low-resolution spectra - we find no OH in these spectra with an upper limit of 5% the value of the night sky lines. The non-detection of these cometary lines is consistent with theoretical calculations of expected emission strengths from prompt and fluorescent emission from cometary OH

    Discovery of Temperate Latitude Clouds on Titan

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    Until now, all the clouds imaged in Titan's troposphere have been found at far southern latitudes (60°-90° south). The occurrence and location of these clouds is thought to be the result of convection driven by the maximum annual solar heating of Titan's surface, which occurs at summer solstice (2002 October) in this south polar region. We report the first observations of a new recurring type of tropospheric cloud feature, confined narrowly to ~40° south latitude, which cannot be explained by this simple insolation hypothesis. We propose two classes of formation scenario, one linked to surface geography and the other to seasonally evolving circulation, which will be easily distinguished with continued observations over the next few years

    Lattice Kinetics of Diffusion-Limited Coalescence and Annihilation with Sources

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    We study the 1D kinetics of diffusion-limited coalescence and annihilation with back reactions and different kinds of particle input. By considering the changes in occupation and parity of a given interval, we derive sets of hierarchical equations from which exact expressions for the lattice coverage and the particle concentration can be obtained. We compare the mean-field approximation and the continuum approximation to the exact solutions and we discuss their regime of validity.Comment: 24 pages and 3 eps figures, Revtex, accepted for publication in J. Phys.

    A new 1.6-micron map of Titan’s surface

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    We present a new map of Titan's surface obtained in the spectral 'window' at ∼1.6 μm between strong methane absorption. This pre-Cassini view of Titan's surface was created from images obtained using adaptive optics on the W.M. Keck II telescope and is the highest resolution map yet made of Titan's surface. Numerous surface features down to the limits of the spatial resolution (∼200–300 km) are apparent. No features are easily identifiable in terms of their geologic origin, although several are likely craters

    Hydrological budget of Lake Chad : assessment of lake-groundwater interaction by coupling Bayesian approach and chemical budget

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    International audienceEstimation of lake-groundwater interactions is a crucial step to constrain water balance of lacustrine and aquifersystems. Located in the Sahel, the Lake Chad is at the center of an endorheic basin of 2,5.106 km2. One of themost remarkable features of this terminal lake is that, despite the semi-arid context and high evaporation rates of thearea, its waters are fresh. It is proposed in the literature that the solutes are evacuated in the underlying quaternaryaquifer bearing witness to the importance of surface water and groundwater exchanges for the chemical regulationof the lake. The water balance of this system is still not fully understood. The respective roles of evaporation versusinfiltration into the quaternary aquifer are particularly under constrained.To assess lake-groundwater flows, we used the previous conceptual hydrological model of the lake Chad proposedby Bader et al. (Hydrological Sciences Journal, 2011). This model involves six parameters including infiltrationrate. A probabilistic inversion of parameters, based on an exploration of the parameters space through a Metropolisalgorithm (a Monte Carlo Markov Chain method), allows the construction of an a posteriori Probability DensityFunction of each parameter yielding to the best fits between observed lake levels and simulated. Then, a chemicalbudget of a conservative element, such as chloride, is introduced in the water balance model using the optimalparameters resulting from the Bayesian inverse approach.The model simulates lake level and chloride concentration variations of lake Chad from 1956 up to 2008. Simulated lake levels are in overall agreement with the observations, with a Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency coefficient above0.94 for all sets of parameters retained. The infiltration value, obtained by such probabilistic inversion approach,accounts for 120±20 mm/yr, representing 5% of the total outputs of the lake. However, simulated chloride concentrations are overestimated in comparison to the scarce measurements available over that period. As an example,the mean chloride concentration measured in the southern pool on a basis of our synthesis of existing chemicaldata since the 1970’s is approximately three time lower than the computed mean concentration. This may be dueto either the non-representativeness of our chemical dataset or overestimation of the evaporation rate that is fixedto 2000 mm/yr in our model.This study tackles the quantification of the lake water flows to the quaternary aquifer system and the associateduncertainties from a probabilistic point of view. This is an essential step to improve predictions of groundwaterresources in the Lake Chad Basin under climate change

    MEMPHYS:A large scale water Cerenkov detector at Fr\'ejus

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    A water \v{C}erenkov detector project, of megaton scale, to be installed in the Fr\'ejus underground site and dedicated to nucleon decay, neutrinos from supernovae, solar and atmospheric neutrinos, as well as neutrinos from a super-beam and/or a beta-beam coming from CERN, is presented and compared with competitor projects in Japan and in the USA. The performances of the European project are discussed, including the possibility to measure the mixing angle θ13\theta_{13} and the CP-violating phase δ\delta.Comment: 1+33 pages, 14 figures, Expression of Interest of MEMPHYS projec

    The Role of Oxidation Compounds in Biofilm Growth on Polyethylene Geomembrane Barriers Used in Landfill

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    In a model study, polyethylene was preoxidized and incubated for a period of 7 months at 40°C in two different municipal solid waste leachates. During the postexperimental analyses, specific attention was paid to the carbonyl species and carboxylic acid depletion during the environmental exposure because it is well known that carboxylic acids are believed to be a potential substrate for the development of microorganisms. The results showed that the carbonyl as well as the carboxylic acid depletion observed follows first-order kinetics. The biofilm formation was characterized using a suite of analytical techniques, and its formation was compared with the carboxylic acid and carbonyl depletion profil
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