294 research outputs found

    Gas turbine control and load sharing of a shipboard power system

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    The objective of this research is to design a controller for a gas turbine of an Electric Shipboard Power System (ESPS) and to develop a load sharing strategy for its energy management. A suitable model for the gas turbine is selected and the effects of the dynamics are investigated for the different loads of the ESPS. The gas turbine controller is a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) controller, whose parameters are tuned using the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) technique. The load on the system has three components: a propulsion load, a pulsed load to simulate a high energy weapon system and a power supply load for the remaining loads such as pumps, lighting systems, etc. Load sharing is inevitable when demand exceeds the available power supply. In this case, based on the priorities of the loads and the available power, a strategy is presented to supply power to the most critical loads. To illustrate this, a load allocation algorithm is developed using stateflow diagrams. The potential of this algorithm is demonstrated by two case studies performed using the three loads, with the highest priority assigned to the propulsion load in case 1, and power supply load in case 2. The results of this research can be further extended to real time applications

    A Comprehensive Review on Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Covid-19 Pandemic

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    The pandemic situation due to the emergence of Covid-19 presents various problems physically, economically and mentally for the individuals world-wide, therefore faster solutions with wider access is essential to solve the problems which aids as a support to the healthcare. This is made possible through the incorporation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology to handle the situation of pandemic. This paper aims to present a comprehensive re-view of the applications employed using AI for the problems faced during Covid-19 pandemic. The AI applications involved in screening, predicting, forecasting, neighborhood contact tracing and drug discovery of Covid-19 are addressed in this review. This review also presents detailed working of AI algorithms in each application. This paper helps the researchers with vivid information of AI applications of Covid-19 pandemic

    Eliciting Problems and Execution of Nursing Interventions among Patients Subjected to Craniotomy for Tumour Excision at Kovai Medical Center and Hospital, Coimbatore

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    INTRODUCTION: There is no machine more complex and extraordinary than the human body among the body systems, the nervous system is often viewed as an intimidating, complex and poorly understood system. A brain tumor is a collection or mass of abnormal cells in brain. Skull encloses brain, is very rigid. Any growth inside the skull and restricted space can cause problems. Brain tumors can be cancerous or benign. When tumors begin to grow, it can cause increase pressure inside skull to elevate ICP. This can cause brain damage, and life-threatening. The worldwide incidence rate of primary malignant brain and other CNS tumors was 3.4 per 100,000 in 2012. The incidence rates were higher in more developed countries 5.1 per 100,000 than in less developed countries 3.0 per 100,000. Approximately 4000 patients in the Unites States are diagnosed with glioblastoma each year. The median age at diagnosis is 65 years. The main risk factors for glioblastoma extremely rare genetically inherited syndromes, including Li- Fraumeni syndrome and Turcot’s syndrome, and exposure to ionizing radiation. Objective : The main aim of the study was to Elicit the problems of patients undergoing craniotomy, execute the nursing interventions on patients subjected to craniotomy for tumour excision, evaluate the nursing interventions execute on patients undergoing craniotomy and find out the association between selected demographic variables with elicited problems. Design: Case study design. Setting: Kovai Medical Center and Hospital, Coimbatore. Sample size: 20 adult patient with craniotomy for tumour excision. Conceptual Frame Work: Modified Ida Jean Orlandos Nursing Process Theory (1961).Data Collection Procedure: After obtaining ethical clearance from concerned authority, verbal consent from the participants demographic profile was collected. Post operative problems were identified by using assessment tool. Results: The problems elicited on brain tumour with craniotomy surgeries were headache 85% (n=17), pain 60% (n=12), hyperglycemia 40% (n=8), nausea 35% (n=7), hypertension 30% (n=6), hyperthermia, muscle weakness, and vomiting was elicited among 25% (n=5) samples. Similar value 15% (n=3)was found among anaemia, and increased ICP. The problems such as constipation and seizure had the similar 2(10%) occurence. least 5% (n=1)of them had aphasia, diplopia, epidural heamatoma, hypokalemia, CSF leakage, metabolic acidosis, tachypnea and tachycardia. The “t” value 11.96 for the mean difference between the GCS score on admission and the number of elicited problems is higher than the table value and it is significant at 0.000 level. Conclusion: Majority of the male underwent craniotomy due to meningioma and had right parietal type of craniotomy. Majority of the problems arised at the initial 48hours of post operative period. Prompt nursing assessment and priority based interventions will help to prevent the complication at an early stage. CONCLUSION: Neurosurgery is a rewarding career choice, but there are many challenges and stressors that can lead to lower levels of satisfaction and dangerously increased level of burnout. Male sex could predispose to complication. The independent predictors of mortality in the present series were seizure, and reoperation for hematoma. Most of the problems arises at the initial 48 hours of post operative period. Prompt nursing assessment and priority based interventions was help to reduce the secondary problems of patients underwent craniotomy surgery. There is a significant association between GCS score admission and total number of elicited problem

    Trade unions, political unions and social movement unions: a case study of the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) in the context of Polokwane

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    Issues regarding the role of trade unions in the social transformation of nation-states still remain an area of huge debate in academic and official circles - even within trade unions themselves. The debate has centred largely on the capacity and/or appropriateness of political involvement of trade unions. A major concern relates to the temptation for labour to become incorporated in the course of its insertion into politics. Lately, this debate has resonated around developing countries involved in implementing Bretton Woods-inspired reforms, with their stylized economic models that emphasize greater openness to the market; usually at immense social costs and distemper. The challenge appears to be greater in those countries undertaking (concurrently) substantial political and economic reforms in form of institutionalizing democratic governance and marketled economic growth. What has become customary in such countries is massive resentment and opposition towards authorities by subaltern groups led by the working class and their organizations, mainly as a result of deprivations associated with such policies. The consequence has regularly been the recourse to forms of authoritarianism by ruling elites and governments of these countries in order to push through these reforms - regardless of their performance on the ground. The harsh measures associated with these policies, particularly for workers and the poor, has frequently resulted in tensions between organized labour and the state-even in climes that have had a long history of close labour-state relations. More interesting for analysts and observers has been the relative inability for labour to respond to such developments in countries where a corporatist culture has fostered, in spite of the fact that it usually takes the heaviest toll from such policies. This has tended to support the argument that insertion into politics and participation in corporatist arrangements leads to a permanent loss of oppositional skill and more vibrant and militant trade union tradition. The South African case largely adjusts to the picture painted above - at least up till recently. A major change in the leadership of the ANC largely as a result of mobilization of organized labour and its allies has rekindled the debate over the veracity of the narratives that attribute permanence to union political and organizational forms. The view of this research is that these trade union features mutate. The seeming resurgence of the South African trade union as gauged from the Polokwane events has encouraged study on these features. NUMSA was adopted as case study for this research. The research question is quite straight: What is NUMSA’s political orientation and its organizational form, especially in the light of its traditions and developments at Polokwane? Can NUMSA be described as a political union, business union or social movement union? The results of the study reveal a complex picture that shows the presence of elements of all these union types within NUMSA. However, the union continues to show a strong tendency toward independent politics and an organizational form that embodies transformational attributes that are strongly suggestive of the social movement union typ

    Automated Agricultural System for Multipurpose Activities of Farmers

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    Agriculture plays vital role in the development of country. In India about 70% of population depends upon farming and one third of the nation’s capital comes from farming. Issues concerning agriculture have been always hindering the development of the country. The only solution to this problem is smart agriculture by modernizing the current traditional methods of agriculture. Agricultural tasks automation is significant in recent days to reduce the labor work and increase the yield of crop, efficiency and profit. The project aims on the design, development & the fabrication of the agricultural system which can plough the land, sow the seeds, water spray, pesticides spray, monitor the crops and soil, cut the cultivated crops, separate the grains from the crops, cut the grass. It also aims on upgrading of existing marketing methods. The whole agricultural system works with battery and controlled through Bluetooth technology. Various operations are performed in the agriculture field like seeding, weeding, waste plant cutting, plowing etc. Very basic operation is seeding, plowing & crop cutting. But the present method of seeding, plowing & crop cutting are problematic. The equipments used for seed sowing are very difficult and inconvenient to handle. The machine can be advanced for sowing seeds in farm with particular distance between seed is adjusted. In this project system direction is provided by using Software programming. The current warehouse management system fails to preserve the quality of the stored products overtime, monitor the temperature, humidity, theft and fire attacks in the warehouse. The project also includes smart warehouse management system which includes temperature and moisture maintenance, theft and fire detection in the warehouse and delivers the real time notifications through GSM without human intervention

    Persistent Corneal Epithelial Defects: A Review Article

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    Persistent corneal epithelial defects (PEDs or PCEDs) result from the failure of rapid re-epithelialization and closure within 10-14 days after a corneal injury, even with standard supportive treatment. Disruptions in the protective epithelial and stromal layers of the cornea can render the eye susceptible to infection, stromal ulceration, perforation, scarring, and significant vision loss. Although several therapies exist and an increasing number of novel approaches are emerging, treatment of PEDs can still be quite challenging. It is important to treat the underlying causative condition, which may include an infection, limbal stem cell deficiency, or diabetes, in order to facilitate wound healing. Standard treatments, such as bandage contact lenses (BCLs) and artificial tears (ATs), aim to provide barrier protection to the epithelial layer. Recently-developed medical treatments can target the re-epithelialization process by facilitating access to growth factors and anti-inflammatory agents, and novel surgical techniques can provide re-innervation to the cornea. PEDs should be treated within 7-10 days to avoid secondary complications. These interventions, along with a step-wise approach to management, can be useful in patients with PEDs that are refractory to standard medical treatment. In this review, we discuss the epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, current and novel management, and prognosis of persistent epithelial defects

    Persistent Corneal Epithelial Defects: A Review Article

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    Persistent corneal epithelial defects (PEDs or PCEDs) result from the failure of rapid re-epithelialization and closure within 10-14 days after a corneal injury, even with standard supportive treatment. Disruptions in the protective epithelial and stromal layers of the cornea can render the eye susceptible to infection, stromal ulceration, perforation, scarring, and significant vision loss. Although several therapies exist and an increasing number of novel approaches are emerging, treatment of PEDs can still be quite challenging. It is important to treat the underlying causative condition, which may include an infection, limbal stem cell deficiency, or diabetes, in order to facilitate wound healing. Standard treatments, such as bandage contact lenses (BCLs) and artificial tears (ATs), aim to provide barrier protection to the epithelial layer. Recently-developed medical treatments can target the re-epithelialization process by facilitating access to growth factors and anti-inflammatory agents, and novel surgical techniques can provide re-innervation to the cornea. PEDs should be treated within 7-10 days to avoid secondary complications. These interventions, along with a step-wise approach to management, can be useful in patients with PEDs that are refractory to standard medical treatment. In this review, we discuss the epidemiology, etiology, diagnosis, current and novel management, and prognosis of persistent epithelial defects
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