1,523 research outputs found

    Bir Köy Bir Ürün (OVOP): Potansiyelleri ve Tehditleri İle Brezilya ve Türkiye Üzerine Bir Değerlendirme

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    Various studies on rural development are now the starting point of healthy living, healthy food, ecologicalsustainability objectives. Increasing interest in this area has led to the development of interdisciplinary research."One Village One Product" (OVOP) movement, which emerged at the end of the 1970s as Japan's regionaldevelopment approach, began to become widespread in the Far East, Asia and Africa, then the other continents. Atdifferent periods in Turkey in agricultural policies, there are different approaches such as village institutes, ruralcredit cooperatives, regional development plans, and some local approaches. In the 2000s in Turkey, theseapproaches have begun with the projects of the District Agriculture Directorates, but it is not very well known yet.From 1950 to 1975 the sense of rural development of Brazil was also felt by the poorer rural population and lackingtechnological resources. The process of increasing productive change, especially after 1970, led to the adoption ofnew technological standards. The aim of this study was to explore the structure of OVOP projects and make adiscussion for the possible effects on the processes of Turkey and Brazil's rural development. This study examinedthe characteristics that were different in the rural development of the two countries and included recommendationsfor the development of OVOP projects. Methodological approach was based on published information in officialreports and scientific literature.Kırsal kalkınma üzerine yapılan çeşitli çalışmalarda, sağlıklı yaşam, sağlıklı beslenme ve ekolojik sürdürülebilirlik hedefleri gün geçtikçe önem kazanmaya başlamıştır. Bu alana olan ilginin artması, disiplinlerarası araştırmaların geliştirilmesine yol açmıştır. 1970'lerin sonunda Japonya'nın bölgesel kalkınma yaklaşımı olarak ortaya çıkan “Bir Köy Bir Ürün” (OVOP) hareketi Uzak Doğu, Asya ve Afrika'da başta olmak üzere diğer kıtalarda yaygınlaşmaktadır. Türkiye'de tarım politikaları farklı dönemlerde, köy enstitüleri, tarımsal kredi kooperatifleri, bölgesel kalkınma planları ve bazı yerel yaklaşımlar gibi farklı özelliklere sahip olmuştur. Türkiye'de 2000'li yıllarda, bu yaklaşımlar, İl Tarım Müdürlüklerinin projeleriyle başlamıştır, ancak henüz yaygın olarak bilinmemektedir. 1950'den 1975'e kadar Brezilya'nın kırsal kalkınma anlayışı, daha yoksul kırsal nüfus ve teknolojik kaynaklardan yoksun özellikler taşımıştır. Verimliliği arttırıcı değişim süreci, özellikle 1970'ten sonra, yeni teknolojik standartların benimsenmesine yol açmıştır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, OVOP projelerinin yapısını araştırmak ve Türkiye ile Brezilya'nın kırsal kalkınması süreçleri üzerindeki olası etkileri tartışmaktır. Bu çalışma, iki ülkenin kırsal kalkınmasında farklı olan özellikleri incelenerek, OVOP projelerinin geliştirilmesi için öneriler içermektedir. Çalışma yöntemi, resmi raporlardaki ve bilimsel literatürdeki yayınlanmış bilgilere dayandırılmıştır

    Evaluaci?n de los aprendizajes : concepto y finalidad en docentes y estudiantes de las instituciones educativas oficiales de b?sica secundaria y media vocacional del municipio de Dolores - Tolima, para el a?o 2013

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    104 P?ginasEl miedo que se refleja en los estudiantes a diario, en el momento en que van a ser evaluados, esto fue lo que condujo a la elaboraci?n de este trabajo ya que en los estudiantes de las instituciones educativas del municipio de Dolores como son: Antonia Santos, San Pedro, San Andr?s y San Jos?, siempre ha existido este miedo y estr?s al momento de presentar sus evaluaciones. Teniendo en cuenta que No hay un alumno igual a otro. No hay un curso igual al otro pero la presencia de esta anormalidad en lo general del estudiantado es com?n. Esta inconformidad fue estudiada y tomada como un reto: investigar porque los estudiantes deben ser evaluados, buscar el origen de estos miedos y rechazos a la evaluaci?n realizando una serie de cuestionamientos tanto en los docentes como en los estudiantes conducen a dar un diagn?stico y hacer una serie de conclusiones y recomendaciones sobre el tema que en un futuro permitan garantizar un buen resultado en las evaluaciones de los estudiantes.ABSTRACT. The fear is reflected in the students daily, at the time they are going to be evaluated, it was this that led to the development of this work as students in educational institutions in the town of Dolores as: Antonia Santos , San Pedro, San Andr?s and San Jos?, has always been this fear and stress when submitting their evaluations. Given that there is not a student like another. As there is no other path but the presence of this abnormality in the student is usually common. This disagreement was studied and taken as a challenge: to investigate because students must be evaluated, find the source of these fears and rejections evaluation through a series of questions both as teachers lead students to make a diagnosis and make a conclusions and recommendations on the subject in the future to guarantee a good result in the student evaluations.La Facultad de Educaci?n de la Universidad del Tolima, el director del trabajo y el jurado calificador, no son responsables de los conceptos ni de las ideas expuestas por el autor del presente trabajo. Art?culo 16, Acuerdo 032 de 1976 y Art?culo 29, acuerdo 064 de 1991, Consejo Acad?mico de la Universidad del Tolima.INTRODUCCION 1. PLANTEAMIENTO DEL PROBLEMA 1.1. DESCRIPCION DE PROBLEMA 1.2. FORMULACION DEL PROBLEMA DE INVESTIGACION 1.3. PREGUNTAS DE INVESTIGACION 2. JUSTIFICACI?N 3. OBJETIVOS 3.1. OBJETIVO GENERAL 3.2. OBJETIVOS ESPECIFICOS 4. MARCO REFERENCIAL 4.1. CONTEXTO HIST?RICO 4.1.1. Geograf?a 4.1.2. Contexto Socio ? Econ?mico. 4.1.3. Contexto Institucional 4.2. MARCO TEORICO 4.2.1. Concepto de evaluaci?n 4.2.2. Evaluaci?n Y Curr?culo 4.2.3. Evaluaci?n Y Calidad 4.2.4. Evaluaci?n cuantitativa y cualitativa: nociones constitutivas de la evaluaci?n. 5. DISE?O METODOLOGICO 5.1. SISTEMA METODOL?GICO 5.2. TIPO DE INVESTIGACION A REALIZAR 5.2.1. Participantes 5.2.2. T?cnicas E Instrumentos Empleados Durante Una Investigaci?n 5.2.3. Categor?as De An?lisis 5.2.4. Unidades De Estudio 5.2.5. Instrumentos de recolecci?n de informaci?n para la investigaci?n a realizar 5.2.6. Fases De Intervenci?n Investigativa. 5.2.7. Desarrollo De La Metodolog?a CONCLUSIONES REFERENCIAS ANEXO

    Mirada renovada al canon literario mediante el g?nero narrativo: el cuento, a trav?s de las obras literarias de autores como Tomas Carrasquilla, Jordi Sierra, Gianni Rodari, para los grados sexto de la instituci?n educativa departamental El Tequendama de el Colegio, Cundinamarca

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    101 p. Recurso Electr?nicoEste proyecto investigativo aborda la problem?tica que tienen los estudiantes de grado sexto de la Instituci?n Educativa Departamental el Tequendama, ubicada en el municipio de Mesitas de El Colegio. Esto radica en que los estudiantes no sienten gusto frente al canon literario establecido por el colegio. Se debe a dos razones, los estudiantes sienten que el canon es impuesto; y las obras que lo conforman pertenecen a la literatura cl?sica, los estudiantes no poseen un h?bito lector, ni un nivel de comprensi?n lectora inferencial o cr?tico-intertextual bien desarrollados. Este proyecto plantea el taller literario de cuentos como innovaci?n did?ctica, despertando en el estudiante su capacidad cr?tica y anal?tica. Se crearon grupos focales donde se realizaron talleres literarios a partir de los autores Gianni Rodari, Yolanda reyes, Yordi Sierra y Tomas Carrasquilla autores que los estudiantes del grado sexto no conoc?an creando alto inter?s en estos, la construcci?n de estos talleres fue realizada a partir de objetivos establecidos previamente los cuales permitieron el desarrollo de tres etapas sensibilizaci?n, motivaci?n y producci?n basadas en un sustento te?rico como el aprendizaje significativo de David Ausubel (1983) y la relaci?n de la literatura infantil en la construcci?n de la conciencia en el ni?o como lo plantea Juan Cervera (1994). Finalmente, se analiz? la informaci?n obtenida de los encuentros para formular una reflexi?n sobre la importancia de renovar el canon literario, este cambio llega a ser significativo si los integrantes de la instituci?n son parte de la soluci?n generando compromiso frente al alcance de las metas propuestas.This research project addresses the problems that have sixth grade students of Institucion Educativa Departamental El Tequendama, located in the municipality of Mesitas El Colegio. This is that students do not like the literary canon established by the school. It is due to two reasons, students feel that the canon is imposed; and the works that comprise it belong to classical literature, students do not have a reading habit, neither a well-developed level of inferential reading comprehension or critical-intertextual. This project proposes the literary tales workshop as didactic innovation, arousing the students' critical and analytical skills. They were created focal groups where they were held workshops from the authors Gianni Rodari, Yolanda reyes, Yordi Sierra and Tomas Carrasquilla authors that sixth grade students did not know creating high interest in these, the building of these workshops was conducted from objectives previously established which allowed the development of three stages awareness, motivation and production based on a theoretical basis as meaningful learning of David Ausubel(1983) and the relationship of children's literature in the children?s awareness building as propose Juan Cervera.(1994) Finally, it was analyzed the information obtained from meetings to formulate a reflection on the importance of renewing the literary canon, this change becomes significant if the members of the institution are part of the solution generating a commitment in front of the scope of the proposed goals. Keywords: Literary Canon, innovate, stories, reading habit, analysis, criticality, Ausubel and Cervera

    Um estudo comparativo de softwares de plano de neg?cios.

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    O empreendedorismo vem ganhando for?a, estando assim, cada vez mais presente na vida do cidad?o comum e se tornando uma nova possibilidade de atua??o profissional. Os motivos para isso n?o s?o poucos: dificuldades encontradas na busca pela inser??o no mercado de trabalho, ou mesmo na expectativa de realizar sonhos profissionais, dentre outros. Por?m, empreender ? uma atividade que requer muito planejamento e dimensionamento de recursos, pessoas, al?m das metas. Neste sentido tornou-se essencial a utiliza??o do Plano de Neg?cios para avaliar a viabilidade do empreendimento. Fazer tal planejamento sem um software de Plano de Neg?cios, mesmo sendo poss?vel, n?o ? uma a??o f?cil. Nesta perspectiva, algumas empresas desenvolvedoras de softwares viram um nicho de mercado e colocaram seus produtos ? disposi??o dos empreendedores. Mas qual dos diversos produtos (softwares de Plano de Neg?cios) utilizar para o planejamento de uma empresa? H? diferen?as entre estes? O objetivo do trabalho aqui descrito foi analisar e compreender os softwares destinados ? cria??o de arquivos de Plano de Neg?cios. Valeu-se de uma compara??o de cinco softwares como metodologia. Os resultados desta compara??o dizem que existem diferen?as razo?veis entre os itens comparados

    The Role of the PAA1 Gene on Melatonin Biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: A Search of New Arylalkylamine N-Acetyltransferases

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    Recently, the presence of melatonin in fermented beverages has been correlated with yeast metabolism during alcoholic fermentation. Melatonin, originally considered a unique product of the pineal gland of vertebrates, has been also identified in a wide range of invertebrates, plants, bacteria, and fungi in the last two decades. These findings bring the challenge of studying the function of melatonin in yeasts and the mechanisms underlying its synthesis. However, the necessary information to improve the selection and production of this interesting molecule in fermented beverages is to disclose the genes involved in the metabolic pathway. So far, only one gene has been proposed as involved in melatonin production in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, PAA1, a polyamine acetyltransferase, a homolog of the vertebrate’s aralkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AANAT). In this study, we assessed the in vivo function of PAA1 by evaluating the bioconversion of the different possible substrates, such as 5-methoxytryptamine, tryptamine, and serotonin, using different protein expression platforms. Moreover, we expanded the search for new N-acetyltransferase candidates by combining a global transcriptome analysis and the use of powerful bioinformatic tools to predict similar domains to AANAT in S. cerevisiae. The AANAT activity of the candidate genes was validated by their overexpression in E. coli because, curiously, this system evidenced higher differences than the overexpression in their own host S. cerevisiae. Our results confirm that PAA1 possesses the ability to acetylate different aralkylamines, but AANAT activity does not seem to be the main acetylation activity. Moreover, we also prove that Paa1p is not the only enzyme with this AANAT activity. Our search of new genes detected HPA2 as a new arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase in S. cerevisiae. This is the first report that clearly proves the involvement of this enzyme in AANAT activity