520 research outputs found

    Disaster Diplomacy as an Alternative Approach for Indonesia's Instrument of Foreign Policy in ASEAN

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    ASEAN is one of the regions with the highest rate of disaster vulnerability. Tsunami 2004 has triggered the momentum for Indonesia and ASEAN to deal with disaster-related issues more seriously. Losses and casualties from the catastrophe led to the decision by Indonesian government to put disaster prevention and risk reduction as a priority. Indonesia continues to encourage and supporting ASEAN in order to improve the region's capability to deal with natural disaster. Through AADMER (ASEAN Agreement on Disaster Management and Emergency Response) that was signed in July 2005, ASEAN held an unequivocal and defined base in any efforts of disaster management, especially in the ASEAN region. Through Qualitative Methodology, this paper will discuss about how the disaster diplomacy of Indonesia contributes to the improvement of ASEAN's capability in the disaster management, but also examines BNPB as both the backbone and the focal point of Indonesia's disaster management, which then leads up to how disaster can abolish certain diplomatic hurdles, as well as improving regional cooperation, and strengthen the Indonesia's position as a key country in regional disaster management

    Field measurements of trace gases and aerosols emitted by peat fires in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, during the 2015 El Nino

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    Abstract. Peat fires in Southeast Asia have become a major annual source of trace gases and particles to the regional–global atmosphere. The assessment of their influence on atmospheric chemistry, climate, air quality, and health has been uncertain partly due to a lack of field measurements of the smoke characteristics. During the strong 2015 El Niño event we deployed a mobile smoke sampling team in the Indonesian province of Central Kalimantan on the island of Borneo and made the first, or rare, field measurements of trace gases, aerosol optical properties, and aerosol mass emissions for authentic peat fires burning at various depths in different peat types. This paper reports the trace gas and aerosol measurements obtained by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, whole air sampling, photoacoustic extinctiometers (405 and 870 nm), and a small subset of the data from analyses of particulate filters. The trace gas measurements provide emission factors (EFs; grams of a compound per kilogram biomass burned) for up to  ∼  90 gases, including CO2, CO, CH4, non-methane hydrocarbons up to C10, 15 oxygenated organic compounds, NH3, HCN, NOx, OCS, HCl, etc. The modified combustion efficiency (MCE) of the smoke sources ranged from 0.693 to 0.835 with an average of 0.772 ± 0.053 (n  =  35), indicating essentially pure smoldering combustion, and the emissions were not initially strongly lofted. The major trace gas emissions by mass (EF as g kg−1) were carbon dioxide (1564 ± 77), carbon monoxide (291 ± 49), methane (9.51 ± 4.74), hydrogen cyanide (5.75 ± 1.60), acetic acid (3.89 ± 1.65), ammonia (2.86 ± 1.00), methanol (2.14 ± 1.22), ethane (1.52 ± 0.66), dihydrogen (1.22 ± 1.01), propylene (1.07 ± 0.53), propane (0.989 ± 0.644), ethylene (0.961 ± 0.528), benzene (0.954 ± 0.394), formaldehyde (0.867 ± 0.479), hydroxyacetone (0.860 ± 0.433), furan (0.772 ± 0.035), acetaldehyde (0.697 ± 0.460), and acetone (0.691 ± 0.356). These field data support significant revision of the EFs for CO2 (−8 %), CH4 (−55 %), NH3 (−86 %), CO (+39 %), and other gases compared with widely used recommendations for tropical peat fires based on a lab study of a single sample published in 2003. BTEX compounds (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, xylenes) are important air toxics and aerosol precursors and were emitted in total at 1.5 ± 0.6 g kg−1. Formaldehyde is probably the air toxic gas most likely to cause local exposures that exceed recommended levels. The field results from Kalimantan were in reasonable agreement with recent lab measurements of smoldering Kalimantan peat for “overlap species,” lending importance to the lab finding that burning peat produces large emissions of acetamide, acrolein, methylglyoxal, etc., which were not measurable in the field with the deployed equipment and implying value in continued similar efforts. The aerosol optical data measured include EFs for the scattering and absorption coefficients (EF Bscat and EF Babs, m2 kg−1 fuel burned) and the single scattering albedo (SSA) at 870 and 405 nm, as well as the absorption Ångström exponents (AAE). By coupling the absorption and co-located trace gas and filter data we estimated black carbon (BC) EFs (g kg−1) and the mass absorption coefficient (MAC, m2 g−1) for the bulk organic carbon (OC) due to brown carbon (BrC). Consistent with the minimal flaming, the emissions of BC were negligible (0.0055 ± 0.0016 g kg−1). Aerosol absorption at 405 nm was  ∼  52 times larger than at 870 nm and BrC contributed  ∼  96 % of the absorption at 405 nm. Average AAE was 4.97 ± 0.65 (range, 4.29–6.23). The average SSA at 405 nm (0.974 ± 0.016) was marginally lower than the average SSA at 870 nm (0.998 ± 0.001). These data facilitate modeling climate-relevant aerosol optical properties across much of the UV/visible spectrum and the high AAE and lower SSA at 405 nm demonstrate the dominance of absorption by the organic aerosol. Comparing the Babs at 405 nm to the simultaneously measured OC mass on filters suggests a low MAC ( ∼  0.1) for the bulk OC, as expected for the low BC/OC ratio in the aerosol. The importance of pyrolysis (at lower MCE), as opposed to glowing (at higher MCE), in producing BrC is seen in the increase of AAE with lower MCE (r2 =  0.65)

    Potency of Culled Saanen Crossbred Goat in Supplying Raw Meat for Traditional Thai Butchery

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    Potency of culled Saanen crossbred goat meat to replace the supply of yearling Boer crossbred goat meat was evaluated. Selected muscles from leg and shoulder cuts were analysed for their nutritional (proximate composition, collagen, amino acids, fatty acids), physicochemical (pH, myoglobin, drip loss, cook loss, shear force, lightness (L*) redness (a*) yellowness (b*), microstructure), and sensory (triangle test, hedonic test) evaluations. Meat samples from culled Saanen crossbred goat exhibited higher values in protein, collagen, and MUFA (P<0.05) than those from Boer crossbred goat, while lower values in ash, soluble collagen, and SFA were obtained (P<0.05). Meat from culled Saanen crossbred goat revealed higher cook loss, shear force, and redness compared to those from a yearling Boer crossbred goat (P<0.05). In addition, thicker perimysium in meat of Saanen crossbred goat was obtained particularly that could be seen on leg part. In sensory evaluation result, the panels could detect the differences between raw meat characteristics of these goat breeds (P<0.05) within the same muscle. However, the panels could not distinguish the difference between breeds in leg meat after being cooked. Shoulder meat of Saanen crossbred goat had less acceptance level compared to the other samples (P<0.05) particularly on its texture and taste quality. In summary, shoulder cut of culled Saanen crossbred goat exhibited a well-intentioned potency to substitute the supply of meat from yearling Boer crossbred goat. Nevertheless, pre-treatment might be applied to leg cut of Saanen crossbred goat to solve the less acceptance level of its textural and taste characteristics

    Penyiram Tanaman Otomatis Berbasis Informasi Sinyal Sensor Kelembaban

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    — Tomato plants could grow well in the dry season. The water content will affect the growth and fruit quality. Tomatoes is a horticultural farm commodities, which focuses on the cultivation of fruit crops using pot by utilizing small area around the home. This research focused on designed tool uses automatic watering system in the form of work with input sensor signal based on soil moisture. The core of this plant sprinklers using ATMEGA8535 that controls the relay as a contactor for pump the water. The results of this study indicated that the experiments were conducted to make comparisons between water masses with a mass of soil (soil mass in dry conditions) produced an average of differences in measurement results from instruments made against ASM (American Standard Method) amounted to 4.391%. Measurement subsequent experiments ranging from the initial state of the water supply to the water pump goes out the initial state of the sensor readings to a tomato plant is a dry water content = 29.8% Vin = 3.35 Volts to wet conditions or passing of water content is determined that the moisture content = 83.3 % Vin = 1.20 Volt

    Analisa Perbandingan Metode Certainty Factor dan Dempster Shafer pada Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Penyakit Diabetes Melitus

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    Penelitian  sistem  pakar  diagnosa  penyakit diabetes melitus  telah beberapa  kali  dilakukan dengan  dua metode  berbeda  yaitu certainty  factor dan dempster  shafer.  Meski  masing-masing  peneliti  menyatakan  telah berhasil dalam jurnalnya, namun metode manakah sebenarnya yang lebih tepat digunakan pada diagnosa jenis penyakit diabetes melitus, yang mana gejala-gejalanya hampir sama. Certainty factor merupakan metode sistem pakar  yang  tujuannya  untuk  mengakomodasi  ketidakpastian  pemikiran  seorang  pakar  dengan  nilai  kepastian, sedangkan dempster shafer merupakan teori pembuktian  matematika berdasarkan  nilai  belief dan  plausability. Untuk membandingkan keduanya, dibuatlah suatu prototipe sistem pakar dengan basis pengetahuan dan sampel 100 data pasien yang sama. Dari hasil analisa statistik, kesimpulannya, ada perbedaan hasil diagnosa antara kedua metode dan metode dempster shafer lebih tepat digunakan pada sistem pakar diagnosa penyakit diabetes melitus

    Implementasi Best Practices Program Rumah Tangga Mandiri Pangan Dan Energi (Rtmpe) Di Kabupaten Kampar

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    Best Practices are defined as initiatives that have resulted in contributions prominent (outstanding contribution) in improving the quality better of life. The research objective to see the implementation of best practices program independent household of food and energy in kampar regency and to determine the factors that affect the implementation of best practices program independent household of food and energy in Kampar regency.Theoretical concept that researchers use are eko prasojo (2004:4) thereare three partnerships and sustainable impact. This research uses qualitative methods with an assessment of descriptive data. In the data collection reseachers use interviewing techniques, observation and documentation. By using purposive sampling method in which sample is designed by researchers and triangulation techniques as a source af data authenticity.The results showed that the implementers, implementation of best practices in independent households of food and energy in Kampar Regency not ranning optimally because there are still many obstacles in the implementatin, because there are many people who are not interested in implementing the program independent household of food and energy although mainstay programs Kampar Regency with the goal of three zero, zero proverty, zero unemployment and zero slum housing.Factors that hinder the implementation of best practices program independent household of food and energy in Kampar Regency (1) public's understanding of the program (2) participation in the implementation of the program (3) the role of regent in the innovation program (4) a bureaucratic culture

    Production Performance of Eri Silkworm (Samia cynthia ricini) with Cassava Leaves Feed (Manihot utilissima) on Different Mountages Media

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    Eri silkworm (Samia cynthia ricini) is a potential silk producing insect in Indonesia. This study aimed to analyze the production performance of the S. c. ricini silkworm with cassava leaves feed (Manihot utilissima) and their cocoon productivity that mounting on different mountages (wood and carton),and also calculate the financial analysis. The silkworm was reared in altitude 176 m asl. Production performance observed were feed consumption (ingesta and digesta), larval productivity (length, breadth, and weight), and cocoon productivity (the effective rate of rearing and cocoon quality). Feed consumption and larval production were analyzed descriptively, the effective rate of rearing was compared using a t-test, cocoon quality was analyzed using a completely randomized design factorial 2 × 2 pattern. The first factor was sex and the second factor was mountages media that were used with three replications. Financial analysis was calculated using profit, R/C ratio, and BEP. The results showed the optimum consumption of cassava leaves during the study was 27.17 ± 2.39 g of feed ingestion and 19.15 ± 2.30 g of feed digestion. Mountages media did not significantly (P>0.05) influence the effective rate of rearing and cocoon quality. Cocoon weight, pupal weight, and shell ratio was affected by cocoon sex. Financial analysis calculation result showed that wood mountages gives the best value, with the profit value was Rp 21.877.819/year, R/C ratio was 1.61, BEP of yarn was 5.67 kg, BEP of eggs was 110.10 box