13 research outputs found

    Aerobic Fitness Level Affects Cardiovascular and Salivary Alpha Amylase Responses to Acute Psychosocial Stress

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    BACKGROUND: Good physical fitness seems to help the individual to buffer the potential harmful impact of psychosocial stress on somatic and mental health. The aim of the present study is to investigate the role of physical fitness levels on the autonomic nervous system (ANS; i.e. heart rate and salivary alpha amylase) responses to acute psychosocial stress, while controlling for established factors influencing individual stress reactions. METHODS: The Trier Social Stress Test for Groups (TSST-G) was executed with 302 male recruits during their first week of Swiss Army basic training. Heart rate was measured continuously, and salivary alpha amylase was measured twice, before and after the stress intervention. In the same week, all volunteers participated in a physical fitness test and they responded to questionnaires on lifestyle factors and personal traits. A multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to determine ANS responses to acute psychosocial stress from physical fitness test performances, controlling for personal traits, behavioural factors, and socioeconomic data. RESULTS: Multiple linear regression revealed three variables predicting 15 % of the variance in heart rate response (area under the individual heart rate response curve during TSST-G) and four variables predicting 12 % of the variance in salivary alpha amylase response (salivary alpha amylase level immediately after the TSST-G) to acute psychosocial stress. A strong performance at the progressive endurance run (high maximal oxygen consumption) was a significant predictor of ANS response in both models: low area under the heart rate response curve during TSST-G as well as low salivary alpha amylase level after TSST-G. Further, high muscle power, non-smoking, high extraversion, and low agreeableness were predictors of a favourable ANS response in either one of the two dependent variables. CONCLUSIONS: Good physical fitness, especially good aerobic endurance capacity, is an important protective factor against health-threatening reactions to acute psychosocial stress

    The importance of dog population contact network structures in rabies transmission

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    <div><p>Canine rabies transmission was interrupted in N’Djaména, Chad, following two mass vaccination campaigns. However, after nine months cases resurged with re-establishment of endemic rabies transmission to pre-intervention levels. Previous analyses investigated district level spatial heterogeneity of vaccination coverage, and dog density; and importation, identifying the latter as the primary factor for rabies resurgence. Here we assess the impact of individual level heterogeneity on outbreak probability, effectiveness of vaccination campaigns and likely time to resurgence after a campaign. Geo-located contact sensors recorded the location and contacts of 237 domestic dogs in N’Djaména over a period of 3.5 days. The contact network data showed that urban dogs are socially related to larger communities and constrained by the urban architecture. We developed a network generation algorithm that extrapolates this empirical contact network to networks of large dog populations and applied it to simulate rabies transmission in N’Djaména. The model predictions aligned well with the rabies incidence data. Using the model we demonstrated, that major outbreaks are prevented when at least 70% of dogs are vaccinated. The probability of a minor outbreak also decreased with increasing vaccination coverage, but reached zero only when coverage was near total. Our results suggest that endemic rabies in N’Djaména may be explained by a series of importations with subsequent minor outbreaks. We show that highly connected dogs hold a critical role in transmission and that targeted vaccination of such dogs would lead to more efficient vaccination campaigns.</p></div

    Incidence data and simulation results for the quarters Chagoua and Abena in 2016.

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    <p>The red line is the cumulative number of confirmed rabies cases. The black lines show median and quartiles the cumulative number of cases in simulation runs where the number of rabid dogs was greater than 1. Individual simulation runs are displayed as gray lines.</p

    Outbreak probabilities and rabies cases north of the river Chari from 2012 and 2016.

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    <p>For each week the vaccination coverage was calculated using a deterministic transmission model. Vaccination coverages were then translated to outbreak probabilities using the contact network model.</p

    Characteristics of the three study zones.

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    <p>The reason for the discrepancy between the number of dogs and the number of deployed devices is that some collars could not be attached because dogs resisted. In study zone 1 the number of deployed devices was also limited by the fact that we had only 300 devices at our disposal. The discrepancy between deployed and usable devices is due to broken or lost GCS units, battery failure or failure in the data downloading process.</p

    Outbreak probabilities and sizes of the transmission model on the empirical and the constructed network in study zone 1.

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    <p>In each simulation run, one randomly chosen dog is infected from the outside. The simulation ends when there is no more transmission. The incursion probability is the proportion of simulation runs where the number of infected dogs was greater than one. The probability of a minor outbreak is the proportion of simulation runs where more than one dog and less than 1 percent of the population get infected. The major outbreak probability is the proportion of simulation runs where more than 1 percent of the population get infected. The outbreak size is the cumulative proportion of infected dogs over the whole course of the infection. In the left panel the lines correspond to the mean over 1000 simulation runs for each value of the transmission rate. In the right panel the lines correspond to the median over 1000 simulation runs for each value of the transmission rate and the shaded area corresponds to the interquartile range.</p