26 research outputs found

    La politisation des jeunes et le fonctionnement associatif : exemples de deux associations locales faiblement institutionnalisées

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    International audienceAfin de comprendre les modalités concrètes de politisation collective des jeunes, le présent article s’intéresse au fonctionnement concret de projets associatifs pilotés soit exclusivement soit majoritairement par des jeunes. Pour ce faire sont étudiées deux associations locales faiblement institutionnalisées accueillant des publics réputés éloignés de l’engagement public : des jeunes en insertion sociale et professionnelle et des demandeurs d’asile. Le projet s’appuie sur les données qualitatives variées issues d’une recherche comparative concernant la participation des jeunes au niveau local dans huit villes européennes. La première partie de l’article est dédiée aux relations qui s’établissent au sein des deux associations entre bénévoles et bénéficiaires, et donc à l’idéal démocratique interne qu’elles révèlent (ou non). La deuxième partie propose une analyse des processus de politisation externes et des formes d’interpellation du système politique local par ces petites organisations. L’analyse comparée de ces deux associations permet, dans la discussion, de dégager des éléments de portée plus générale sur les conditions de politisation des associations locales de jeunes

    Présentation : L'accompagnement des jeunes en difficulté

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    International audienceThe conference paper is the outcome of the European project “Up2Youth: Youth – Actor of Social Change” funded by the European commission 2006-2009. We focused on the (political) participation of young people, thereby considering young people as actors and regarding participation as not restricted to its traditional political forms. The main research questions were how youth culture influences youth participation and if and in which ways youth culture has developed and established new forms of political participation. Using a qualitative approach, ten case studies were carried out in five countries, providing a broad range of implicit and explicit political youth scenes (squatters, alternative media activists, Ultras, Republican paramilitaries, eco-activists, skaters, etc.). Additionally, we have analyzed if the French urban riots in 2005 should be considered as youth delinquency or regarded as expression of young people’s involvement in public affairs. Discussing our results with current theoretical ideas, we came to the conclusion that a broad definition of participation needs to include all activities of young people as potentially participatory which are carried out in the public and of which they are aware of being public

    Conception et évaluation pharmacologique d analogues aminostéroïdiens de la squalamine

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    La squalamine qui a été isolée du requin Squalus acanthias, présente une très large gamme d activité en tant qu agent anticancéreux et antimicrobien. Au vu du panel de souches microbiennes inhibées à faibles concentrations, on peut dire qu elle fait partie d une nouvelle famille d antibiotique. De part sa très faible concentration dans l animal, la synthèse d analogues semble être la meilleure alternative. Nous avons ainsi synthétisé de nombreux d analogues. Cette synthèse a été possible grâce à la mise au point d une nouvelle réaction d amination réductrice au titane, qui permet une bonne diastéréosélectivité de nos molécules. Nous avons ensuite testé les activités antimicrobiennes de nos analogues sur des souches de levures, de bactéries et de Plasmodium falciparum présentant ou non des résistances à certains antibiotiques connus. Nous avons ensuite réalisé une étude structure fonction sur ces analogues.AIX-MARSEILLE3-BU Sc.St Jérô (130552102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Fonds d'aide aux jeunes et inégalités territoriales: aide a minima ou politiques départementales de jeunesse?

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    International audienceThe current article aims at analysing the ways the FAJ (a founds in favour of the most excluded young people) is implemented in the framework of the decentralisation law of 2004 (which transfers a large part of competences from the State to the Départements). The study, led in six French Départements, shows that the Conseils généraux are dealing very differently with the FAJ. The elements of analysis (amount of budget, modalities of elaboration of the internal rules, evolution of the relationships with the other disposals and actors) permit to point out the various uses of the FAJ which can be either an isolated tool or a lever to promote an integrated policy. The identified territorial inequalities in the implementation of the FAJ can also be examined in the ways young people may access to the disposal. The examination of the access criteria, the issues considered as relevant (both individual and collective) give us an idea of the deeply contrasted conceptions of the social intervention. In a framework of youth increasing precariousness and of important sociological evolutions of this age of life, the analysis of the implementation of the FAJ raises questions on the conditions to which a youth policy can be built at local level.L’article s’attache à analyser les conditions de mise en œuvre du FAJ à l’issuede la loi de décentralisation, votée en 2004, et qui transfère un ensemblede compétences de l’État vers les départements. L’étude menée dans six départements français, montre que les conseils généraux se sont différemment approprié le dispositif FAJ. Les observations réalisées (part du budget consacré, conditions d’élaboration du règlement intérieur, état des relations avec les autres dispositifs et les acteurs) conduisent à faire du FAJ soit un instrument d’aide isolé soit, au contraire, un levier alimentant une politique intégrée. Les inégalités territoriales constatées dans la mise en place formelledu dispositif se traduisent également dans le traitement des situations. L’examen des critères d’attribution, des domaines pris en compte (logement, mobilité...), de la structure des actions financées (individuelles ou collectives) traduisent des conceptions profondément différentes en matière d’aide sociale. Dans un contexte de précarisation des jeunes et de fortes transformations sociologiques de cet âge de la vie, l’analyse de la mise en œuvre du FAJ interroge fondamentalement la manière dont se construit ou non, localement, une politique publique en direction de la jeunesse

    IL17 functions through the novel REG3β-JAK2-STAT3 inflammatory pathway to promote the transition from chronic pancreatitis to pancreatic cancer

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) offers an optimal model for discovering >druggable> molecular pathways that participate in inflammation-associated cancer development. Chronic pancreatitis, a common prolonged inflammatory disease, behaves as a well-known premalignant condition that contributes to PDAC development. Although the mechanisms underlying the pancreatitis-to-cancer transition remain to be fully elucidated, emerging evidence supports the hypothesis that the actions of proinflammatory mediators on cells harboring Kras mutations promote neoplastic transformation. Recent elegant studies demonstrated that the IL17 pathway mediates this phenomenon and can be targeted with antibodies, but the downstream mechanisms by which IL17 functions during this transition are currently unclear. In this study, we demonstrate that IL17 induces the expression of REG3β, a wellknown mediator of pancreatitis, during acinar-to-ductal metaplasia and in early pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanIN) lesions. Furthermore, we found that REG3β promotes cell growth and decreases sensitivity to cell death through activation of the gp130-JAK2-STAT3-dependent pathway. Genetic inactivation of REG3β in the context of oncogenic Kras-driven PDAC resulted in reduced PanIN formation, an effect that could be rescued by administration of exogenous REG3β. Taken together, our findings provide mechanistic insight into the pathways underlying inflammation-associated pancreatic cancer, revealing a dual and contextual pathophysiologic role for REG3β during pancreatitis and PDAC initiation.This work was supported by La Ligue Contre le Cancer, INCa, Canceropole PACA, DGOS (labellisation SIRIC), and INSERM to J.L. Iovanna; NIH grants DK52913, the Mayo Clinic Center for Cell Signaling in Gastroenterology (P30DK084567), and the Mayo Foundation to R. Urrutia; by Fraternal Order of Eagles Cancer Award to G. Lomberk; and the FIS grant from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI13/01224) to E. Folch-PuyPeer Reviewe

    Risk factors for invasive meningococcal disease: a retrospective analysis of the French national public health insurance database

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    Vaccination of at-risk populations against Neisseria meningitidis is an important strategy to prevent invasive meningococcal disease (IMD). The objective of this study was to characterize preexisting risk factors in patients with IMD and to compare their relative importance. This case-control analysis was performed in the French national public health insurance database (SNDS). Cases consisted of all people hospitalized for IMD in France over a six-year period (2012–2017). Controls were matched by age, gender, and district of residence. Medical risk factors were identified from ICD-10 codes in the SNDS. Socioeconomic risk factors studied were low household income and social deprivation of the municipality of residence. Associations of these risk factors with hospitalization for IMD were quantified as odds ratios (ORs) between cases and controls with their 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). The medical risk factors showing the most robust associations were congenital immunodeficiency (OR: 39.1 [95%CI: 5.1–299], acquired immunodeficiency (10.3 [4.5–24.0]) and asplenia/hyposplenia (6.7 [3.7–14.7]). In addition, certain chronic medical conditions, such as autoimmune disorders (5.4 [2.5–11.8]), hemophilia (4.7 [1.8–12.2]) and severe chronic respiratory disorders (4.3 [3.1–6.2]) were also strongly associated, as was low household income (1.68 [1.49–1.80]). In conclusion, this study has documented potential risk factors associated with hospitalization for IMD in a large and comprehensive sample of individuals with IMD in France. Several of the risk factors identified may help identify groups who could benefit from targeted prevention measures (such as vaccination) in order to reduce the burden of IMD