35 research outputs found


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    A grande variabilidade na constituição do plasma seminal pode explicar as diferenças individuais nas respostas ao congelamento e na fertilidade após a inseminação artificial em ovinos. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o efeito da adição de um pool de plasma seminal concentrado ao sêmen ovino após descongelamento. Os ejaculados de doze carneiros da raça Santa Inês foram coletados com vagina artificial, diluídos em tris/gema/glicerol e congelados em um congelador de sêmen e embriões. Após o descongelamento foi realizada a incubação dos espermatozóides com o plasma seminal concentrado (10x), durante 15 minutos. O sêmen foi submetido à análise bioquímica, avaliação computadorizada de suas características físicas, teste hiposmótico e teste de termo-resistência. A análise eletroforética do plasma seminal apontou diferenças individuais na constituição protéica das amostras, as quais foram amenizadas com o pool de plasma seminal. Amostras tratadas com o plasma seminal apresentaram redução da motilidade progressiva. Nas demais características seminais analisadas não houve diferença  (p<0,05) entre as amostras tratadas com o plasma seminal e as amostras controle. O pool de plasma seminal concentrado não melhorou as características seminais analisadas. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: carneiros, congelamento, sêmen, eletrofores

    Double muscling I. – Perfomance and carcass characteristics in beef cattle

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    Double muscling or muscular hypertrophy is a genetic inherited found in many species of economic interest, such as cattle, sheep and pigs. The highest frequency in cattle is found in Belgian Blue and Piedmontese breeds. However it is also found in Charolais, Rubea Galega, Marchigiana and others breeds. The superior carcass characteristics and higher proportion of prime cuts have been responsible by the increase in the number of animals with muscular hypertrophy around the world, due to either the systematic selection of animals for double muscling or the use of double muscled animals in crossbreeding. Despite of the fact that double muscling is associated with reduced fertility and dystocia, in the economic context, the gains in feed conversion and meat quality (leaner and more tender beef) are outweighing the costs of these problems

    Double muscling II. – Genetic determination

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    Mutations in the myostatin gene that increase muscle mass, characterized double muscling or muscular hypertrophy phenotype in some cattle breeds. Despite some restrictions related to calving ease, the carcass of these animals is considered superior, resulting in higher meat yield, a higher proportion of expensive meat cuts and lean and tender meat, and have been used in production systems worldwide. The possibility to identify the carriers of the mutation has been decisive in meat production systems. The mutation was identified in other species of economic interest, such as sheep, demanding new research and strategies to improve the production systems

    Reducing fat and sodium content in pork sausage

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    This work aimed to prepare pork sausage using xanthan gum and light salt (NaCl/KCl) to replace the fat and common salt (NaCl), respectively, and to assess the impact of the changes in the chemical and sensory characteristics of the product. The consumers evaluated sensory acceptance with respect to flavor, odor, texture and appearance (mixed 9-point structured hedonic scale). The use of xanthan gum resulted in a decrease of 27.27% in fat content, 19.54% in the energy value and an increase in the percentage of moisture, thus giving a higher industrial yield. With the use of light salt, there was a reduction of 71.77% in sodium and an increase of 124.73% in potassium content. Formulation 1 scored the highest means for acceptance of appearance. On the other hand, formulation 2 scored the highest means for acceptance for the other attributes.Keywords: Meat products, light salt, sensory acceptance.African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(24), pp. 3847-385

    Effects of 48-hour feed deprivation on acute-phase response in horses

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of feed restriction on acute-phase response in horses. Twenty horses were deprived of food for 48 h and others 12 animals (control) had free access to water and hay. They were closely monitored and examined, and blood samples were taken at the beginning (0) of the study and 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 hours afterward. Data were submitted to two-way analysis of variance with repeated measures and statistical significance was P ≤ 0.05. The horses tolerated feed restriction without serious clinical complications. Feed restriction induced an increase in the acute-phase response by elevating serum concentrations of α2-macroglobulin (24-38 h), ceruloplasmin (36-48 h), α1-antitrypsin (30-48 h), α1-acid glycoprotein (42-48 h) and haptoglobin (42-48 h). Nutrient deprivation raised the levels of circulating cortisol, which acts on the innate immune system, which then induces the acute-phase response. In conclusion, food restriction is a physical stressor for horses, capable of inducing an acute-phase protein reaction, characterized by increased production of α2-macroglobulin, ceruloplasmin, α1-antitrypsin, α1-acid glycoprotein and haptoglobin. Keywords: Equine; Feed restriction; Inflammation; Immune response; Proteins; Stress.The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of feed restriction on acute-phase response in horses. Twenty horses were deprived of food for 48 h and others 12 animals (control) had free access to water and hay. They were closely monitored and examined, and blood samples were taken at the beginning (0) of the study and 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 hours afterward. Data were submitted to two-way analysis of variance with repeated measures and statistical significance was P ≤ 0.05. The horses tolerated feed restriction without serious clinical complications. Feed restriction induced an increase in the acute-phase response by elevating serum concentrations of α2-macroglobulin (24-38 h), ceruloplasmin (36-48 h), α1-antitrypsin (30-48 h), α1-acid glycoprotein (42-48 h) and haptoglobin (42-48 h). Nutrient deprivation raised the levels of circulating cortisol, which acts on the innate immune system, which then induces the acute-phase response. In conclusion, food restriction is a physical stressor for horses, capable of inducing an acute-phase protein reaction, characterized by increased production of α2-macroglobulin, ceruloplasmin, α1-antitrypsin, α1-acid glycoprotein and haptoglobin. Keywords: Equine; Feed restriction; Inflammation; Immune response; Proteins; Stress

    Sazonalidade na dinâmica folicular ovariana e produção embrionária em novilhas da raça Guzerá

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    Objetivou-se avaliar os efeitos da sazonalidade sobre a dinâmica folicular ovariana e analisar a influência de temperaturas elevadas no desenvolvimento embrionário inicial em novilhas da raça Guzerá. Seis animais foram sincronizados e o dia do estro foi considerado D0. A dinâmica folicular foi acompanhada por dois ciclos estrais consecutivos, na época 1 (verão) e 2 (inverno), utilizando-se um ultra-som Scanner 200 Vet (Pie Medical). Após nove dias do término do segundo ciclo estral, todos os animais iniciaram o tratamento superovulatório, com duração de quatro dias. Os animais foram inseminados artificialmente, 12 e 24 horas após a detecção do estro. A coleta dos embriões foi realizada sete dias após a primeira inseminação. Houve efeito sazonal no número de ondas foliculares, com maior prevalência de ciclos com uma onda no verão. O intervalo estral e ovulatório apresentaram maior duração no verão. Foi encontrado efeito significativo de época sobre a duração do crescimento do folículo ovulatório, ocorrendo maior persistência no verão. A taxa de crescimento folicular foi menor no verão. A temperatura retal oscilou entre as épocas, evidenciando a influência (P&lt; 0,05) da estação do ano sobre a temperatura corporal interna. O THI (índice de temperatura e umidade) observado no verão foi 94 e no inverno 86, sugerindo a condição de estresse dos animais. O número de estruturas viáveis foi maior na época 2, sugerindo os efeitos de época sobre a fertilização dos oócitos. As concentrações de progesterona não apresentaram efeito de época. As alterações na dinâmica folicular em decorrência do estresse térmico, tais como, taxa de crescimento folicular diminuída e aumento na duração do crescimento folicular, podem comprometer a qualidade do oócito e afetar a subseqüente funcionalidade do corpo lúteo.The objective was to verify the effects of seasonality on ovarian follicular dynamic and evaluate the influence of heat stress on early embrionic development in Guzerá heifers. Six animals were sincronized and the estrus day was considered D0. Follicular dynamic was followed by two consecutive estrous cycles, at times 1 (summer) and 2 (winter), using an ultrasonographic Scanner 200 Vet (Pie Medical). After nine days of the end of second estrous cycle, all the animals were submitted to superovulatory treatment, with duration of four days. The animals were artificially inseminated, 12 to 24 hours after estrus detection. Embryo collection was realized seven days after the first insemination. There was seasonal effect on the number of follicular waves, with a greater prevalence of cycles with one wave in the summer. The intervals between estrus and ovulations showed a greater duration in the summer. There was a significant effect of time on the duration of the ovulatory follicle growth that was longer in the summer. The follicular growth rate was smaller in the summer. Rectum temperature oscillated between times, become evident the influence (P &lt; 0.05) of season on the internal body temperature. The THI observed on summer was 94 and winter was 86, these values suggest the animal stress condition. The number of viable structures was higher in winter, suggesting the effects on time 2 on fertilization of the oocytes. Progesterone concentrations did not have seasonal effect. Thermal stress alterations on follicular dynamic, such do reduced follicular growth rate and increase on duration of follicular growth. Might prejudice the quality of oocyte and affect the subsequent corpus luteum functionality

    Effect of nursing behavior, sex of the calf, and parity order on milk production of buffaloes

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    Summary Background: the allonursing effect on daily milk production (DMP) and total milk production (TMP) has been little explored. Objective: to evaluate the effect of nursing behavior, sex of the calf and parity order (PO) on DMP and TMP of buffalo cows. Methods: 35 buffalo cows and their calves were evaluated. Observations were performed monthly (three consecutive days) from May to November. The nursing behavior was characterized as: 1) Isolated filial nursing (IFN); 2) Collective filial nursing (CFN), and 3) Non-filial nursing (NFN). Cows were grouped into four categories to study the effects of nursing behavior on DMP and TMP: 1) Non-permissive (NP); 2) Filial permissive (FP); 3) Filial and collective filial permissive (FCFP); and 4) Filial, collective filial and non-filial permissive (FCFNFP). DMP was recorded three days per month and TMP was calculated as DMP*270 days of lactation. Results: sex of the calf and second and third PO had an effect on nursing behavior (p<0.05). DMP and TMP were significantly affected by calf sex and nursing behavior (p<0.05). PO had no effect on DMP and TMP. Conclusion: our results suggest that nursing behavior is associated with milk production in buffalo cows. Buffalo cows that accept all types of nursing behavior were had the highest DMP and TMP. Sex of the calf influenced nursing behavior, DMP, and TMP, so that buffalo cows with male calves displayed more frequent allonursing behavior and yielded more milk.Resumo Antecedentes: o comportamento de alo-amamentação sobre a produção de leite diária (DMP) e produção de leite total (TMP) tem sido pouco explorado. Objetivo: avaliar o efeito do comportamento de amamentação, sexo dos bezerros e ordem de parto (PO) na DMP e TMP em vacas bubalinas. Métodos: trinta e cinco fêmeas e suas crias foram avaliadas no estudo. As observações foram realizadas mensalmente (três dias consecutivos) de maio a novembro. O comportamento de amamentação foi caracterizado como 1) amamentação filial isolada (IFN); 2) amamentação coletiva filial (CFN) e 3) amamentação não filial (NFN). Para avaliar os efeitos do comportamento da amamentação na DMP e TMP, as vacas bubalinas foram agrupadas em 4 categorias: 1) não permissiva (NP); 2) permissiva filial (FP); 3) permissiva filial e coletiva filial (FCFP) e 4) permissiva filial, coletiva filial e não filial (FCFNFP). A DMP foi registrada três dias para cada mês e a TMP foi calculada como DMP*270 dias de lactação. Resultados: o sexo dos bezerros, a segunda e terceira PO tiveram efeitos no comportamento de amamentação (p<0.05). A DMP e TMP foram significativamente afetadas pelo sexo dos bezerros e comportamento de amamentação (p<0.05). A PO não teve efeito na DMP e TMP. Conclusões: nossos resultados sugerem que o comportamento de amamentação estão associados a produção de leite em vacas bubalinas. As vacas bubalinas que são permissíveis a todos os tipos de amamentações foram aquelas com maior DMP e TMP. O sexo dos bezerros influenciou o comportamento de amamentação, DMP e TMP, sendo que as vacas bubalinas que possuem bezerros machos apresentaram frequente comportamento de alo-amamentação e produziram maiores quantidades de leite.Resumen Antecedentes: el comportamiento del alo-amamantamiento sobre la producción diaria de leche (DMP) y producción total de leche (TMP) ha sido poco explorado. Objetivo: evaluar el efecto del comportamiento de amamantamiento, el sexo del becerro y el orden de parto (PO) en la DMP y TMP de bufalas. Métodos: se evaluaron 35 hembras bufalinas y sus crías. Las observaciones se realizaron mensualmente (durante tres días consecutivos) entre mayo y noviembre. El comportamiento de amamantamiento se caracterizó como: 1) Amamantamiento filial aislado (IFN); 2) Amamantamiento filial colectivo (CFN) y 3) Amamantamiento no filial (NFN). Para evaluar los efectos del comportamiento de amamantamiento en la DMP y TMP, las vacas fueron agrupadas en 4 categorías: 1) No permisivas (NP); 2) Permisiva filial (FP); 3) Permisiva filial y colectiva filial (FCFP) y 4) Permisiva filial, colectiva filial y no colectiva (FCFNFP). La DMP se registró tres días por mes, y la TMP fue calculada como DMP*270 días de lactancia. Resultados: el sexo del becerro, el segundo y tercer PO tuvieron efecto sobre el comportamiento de amamantamiento (p<0.05). La DMP y la TMP se afectaron significativamente por el sexo del becerro y el comportamiento de amamantamiento (p<0.05). El PO no tuvo efecto sobre la DMP y la TMP. Conclusiones: nuestros resultados sugieren que el comportamiento de amamantamiento está asociado a la producción de leche en vacas bubalinas. Las bufalas permisivas a todo tipo de amamantamiento presentaron mayor DMP y TMP. El sexo del becerro influyó en el comportamiento de amamantamiento, en la DMP y en la TMP. Las bufalas con becerro macho presentaron comportamiento de alo-amamantamiento más frecuente y produjeron mayor cantidad de leche