476 research outputs found

    Gender, education and reciprocal generosity: Evidence from 1,500 experiment subjects

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    There is not general consensus about if women are more or less generous than men. Although the number of papers supporting more generous females is a bit larger than the opposed it is not possible to establish any definitive and systematic gender bias. This paper provides new evidence on this topic using a unique experimental dataset. We used data from a field experiment conducted under identical conditions (and monetary payoffs) in 6 Latin American cities, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Lima, Montevideo and San José. Our dataset amounted to 3,107 experimental subjects who played the Trust Game. We will analyze the determinants of behavior of second movers, that is, what determines reciprocal generosity. In sharp contrast to previous papers we found that males are more generous than females. In the light of this result, we carried out a systematic analysis of individual features (income, education, age, etc.) for females and males separately. We found differential motivations for women and men. Third, we see that (individual) education enhances prosocial behavior. Lastly, we see that subjects’ expectations are crucial.reciprocal altruism, gender, education

    Competencia entre grupos, cooperación intragrupal y desempeño relativo

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    We report the results of a new public goods experiment with an intra-group cooperation dilemma and inter-group competition. In our design subjects receive information about their relative individual and group performance after each round with non-incentivized and then incentivized group competition. We found that, on average, individuals with low relative performance reduce their contributions to the public good, but groups with low performance increase theirs. With incentivized competition, where the relative ranking of the group increases individual payoffs, the reaction to relative performance is larger with individuals contributing more to the group; further, we observe that the variance of strategies decreases as individual and group rankings increase. These results offer new insights on how social comparison shapes similar reactions in games with different incentives for group performance and how competition and cooperation can influence each othe

    Phenylenevinylene Systems: The Oligomer Approach

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    Among conducting polymers, poly-p-phenylenevinylenes (PPVs) have attained a special place in polymer electronics. The optoelectronic properties initially exposed by PPVs in organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) turned these organic electronic conjugated systems from the solo academic interest into a technologically very promising area. The easiness of the tuning of their optoelectronic properties through synthetic modifications make PPVs an outstanding and suitable compound for technological applications and fundamental science development. Unfortunately, the synthesis and structural optoelectronic characterization of novel PPVs is a long and difficult task that sometimes yields unclear results. However, phenylenevinylene oligomers (oPV) can be synthesized and characterized in a very straightforward manner, and their performance in novel applications can be directly related to their structural analogue polymer, methodology designated as the oligomer approach. Herein, we describe the oligomer approach using the Mizoroki-Heck reaction as a synthetic route for oPVs and PPVs, and the importance of an extensive characterization for novel applications, such as photocatalysis and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) matrices, where these electronic conjugated systems have very promising applications

    ¿Cuál es su diagnóstico?

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    ResumenMujer de 30 años que consultó por masa a nivel vulvar, acompañada de crecimiento del perimetro abdominal y pérdida de peso. TenÍa como antecedente dos intervenciones previas por quistes vaginales (1 y 2 años antes), sin informe histopatológico. GOPO con deseos de embarazo

    Analysis of the existing correlations of effective friction angle for eastern piedmont soils of Bogota from in situ tests

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    Estimar el ángulo de fricción efectivo del suelo a partir de ensayos in situ es una tarea complicada debido a las altas tasas de deformación existentes en este tipo de ensayos, que tienden a ser demasiado invasivos y perturban las vecindades de la profundidad del ensayo y aún la muestra que eventualmente se toma en el sitio. Así mismo, la mayoría de correlaciones encontradas en la literatura actual, para obtener el ángulo de fricción efectivo, usando ensayos de campo han sido desarrolladas para suelos de otras latitudes, por tal razón al ser implementadas en suelos tropicales presentan alta dispersión, cuando se desea comparar los valores de parámetros de campo, con los resultados reales obtenidos en el laboratorio. Esta investigación busca mediante el uso de ensayos in situ, definir por medio de análisis de diferentes correlaciones, cuál de estas se ajusta mejor a las condiciones propias de suelos del piedemonte de la ciudad de Bogotá, la cual se considera la problemática primordial a resolver en el artículo. Para el presente estudio serán utilizados datos provenientes del SPT - Standard Penetration Test (de amplio uso en Colombia) y SPT-T Standard Penetration Test + Torque (nunca antes llevado a cabo en el país), realizados teniendo en cuenta la normativa acorde para cada ensayo. Considerando que para el SPT-T no existe norma local que rija este tipo de ensayos. Las correcciones por procedimientos de campo de los ensayos que se implementaron fueron realizadas por confinamiento efectivo y transferencia de energía del martillo golpeador, ya que en el estado del arte del tema son definidos como los que influyen de manera directa en la confiabilidad de los resultados. Los resultados finales muestran la tendencia de cada una de las metodologías usadas para obtener la correlación, en relación con el valor real del ángulo de fricción efectivo, obtenido de ensayos de laboratorio.To estimate the effective friction angle of soil from in situ test is a complicated job, due to high rates of strain existing in this kind of tests, which tend to be too invasive and disturb the vicinities of test depth, even the sample that eventually is taken at the site. Likewise, the most of the correlations found in the current bibliography to obtain the effective friction angle using field tests, have been developed for soils from different regions. For that reason when are implemented on tropical soils present high scatter, to compare the field parameter values with real results obtained at the lab. This research aims to use in situ tests define through of analysis of different correlations, which fits adequately to the specific conditions of the piedmont soils of Bogota. For the present study will be utilized data from SPT (widely used in Colombia) and SPT-T (never before conducted in the country), carried out considering the appropriated norms to each test, taking in account to SPT-T, doesn’t exist local standard governing such tests. The correlations for field procedures of the tests implemented were for effective confining and energy transference of the SPT hammer, since the state-of-the-art mentions it as the most affect the reliability of the final results. The final results show the tendency of the methodologies used to obtain the correlation, in relation with the real value of effective friction angle from of lab tests

    The relationship between truncation and phosphorylation at the C-terminus of tau protein in the paired helical filaments of Alzheimer's disease

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    Acknowledgements: Authors want to express their gratitude to Dr. P. Davies (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY, USA) and Lester I. Binder (NorthWestern, Chicago, IL, USA) for the generous gift of mAbs (TG-3, Alz-50, and MC1), and (TauC-3), respectively, and to M. en C. Ivan J. Galván-Mendoza for his support in confocal microscopy, and Ms. Maricarmen De Lorenz for her secretarial assistance. We also want to express our gratitude to the Mexican Families who donate the brain of their loved ones affected with Alzheimer's disease, and made possible our research. This work was financially supported by CONACyT grant, No. 142293 (For R.M).Peer reviewedPublisher PD


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    RESUMEN El Shale gas es simplemente gas natural, compuesto generalmente de 90% de metano. Su nombre se debe a su procedencia, el esquisto (o Shale en inglés). Durante la última década este recurso se ha convertido en una fuente de energía cada vez más importante en los Estados Unidos, y el interés se ha extendido a Canadá, Europa, Asia, Australia y ahora, Latinoamérica. Debido a que los Shales no tienen suficiente permeabilidad para permitir el flujo de fluidos de forma significativa, la mayoría de estos Shales no son fuentes comerciales de gas natural y se denominan recursos no convencionales, al igual que el gas asociado a mantos de carbón, las arenas apretadas y los hidratos de gas. Debido a las condiciones que presentan este tipo de yacimientos, la viabilidad económica de su explotación económica requiere necesariamente la implementación de tecnologías de pozos horizontales combinadas con técnicas de fracturamiento hidráulico. Con el fin de optimizar los parámetros operacionales, los cuales son indispensables para garantizar el éxito de la explotación y evaluar el desempeño de este tipo de reservorios, es muy usual realizar pronósticos de producción a partir de la simulación de yacimientos. El conocimiento del posible comportamiento futuro de un yacimiento de Shale gas permite determinar la viabilidad de los proyectos, las estimaciones económicas y el incremento de la producción esperada. En este artículo se realiza el modelado numérico y analítico para un Single Well Model de shale gas con el fin de cuantificar el gas in place, el EUR de estos yacimientos y determinar la viabilidad económica al momento de explotar estos plays. Palabras claves: Shale Plays, EUR, Modelado, fracturamiento hidráulico, pozos horizontales.  SHALE PLAYS: PRODUCTION FORECASTS FROMNUMERICAL SIMULATION PREDICTIVE.  ABSTRACT The Shale gas is natural gas produced from Shales. Over the last decade, this resource has become an increasingly important source of energy in the United States, and interest has spread to Canada, Europe, Asia, Australia and now Latin America. Due to extremely low permeability to permit fluid flow significantly, most Shale are not commercial sources of natural gas and qualify as unconventional resources, as well as the coal bed methane, the tight sands and gas hydrates. To make the development of this resource economically feasible is necessary to implement horizontal wells technology combined with hydraulic fracturing techniques. In order to optimize the operational parameters, which are essential for the success of the operation, is very common production forecasting from reservoir simulation. A knowledge of the future behavior of shale gas reservoir to determine the viability of the projects, the economic estimates and expected production increase. In this paper shows the numerical and analytical modeling for a Single Well Model of shale gas in order to quantify the gas in place, the EUR of these deposits and determine the economic feasibility to produce these plays. Keywords: Shale Plays, EUR, modeling, hydraulic fracturing, horizontal wells.

    Molecular systematics of the genus Acidithiobacillus:insights into the phylogenetic structure and diversification of the taxon

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    The acidithiobacilli are sulfur-oxidizing acidophilic bacteria that thrive in both natural and anthropogenic low pH environments. They contribute to processes that lead to the generation of acid rock drainage in several different geoclimatic contexts, and their properties have long been harnessed for the biotechnological processing of minerals. Presently, the genus is composed of seven validated species, described between 1922 and 2015: Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans, A. ferrooxidans, A. albertensis, A. caldus, A. ferrivorans, A. ferridurans, and A. ferriphilus. However, a large number of Acidithiobacillus strains and sequence clones have been obtained from a variety of ecological niches over the years, and many isolates are thought to vary in phenotypic properties and cognate genetic traits. Moreover, many isolates remain unclassified and several conflicting specific assignments muddle the picture from an evolutionary standpoint. Here we revise the phylogenetic relationships within this species complex and determine the phylogenetic species boundaries using three different typing approaches with varying degrees of resolution: 16S rRNA gene-based ribotyping, oligotyping, and multi-locus sequencing analysis (MLSA). To this end, the 580 16S rRNA gene sequences affiliated to the Acidithiobacillus spp. were collected from public and private databases and subjected to a comprehensive phylogenetic analysis. Oligotyping was used to profile high-entropy nucleotide positions and resolve meaningful differences between closely related strains at the 16S rRNA gene level. Due to its greater discriminatory power, MLSA was used as a proxy for genome-wide divergence in a smaller but representative set of strains. Results obtained indicate that there is still considerable unexplored diversity within this genus. At least six new lineages or phylotypes, supported by the different methods used herein, are evident within the Acidithiobacillus species complex. Although the diagnostic characteristics of these subgroups of strains are as yet unresolved, correlations to specific metadata hint to the mechanisms behind econiche-driven divergence of some of the species/phylotypes identified. The emerging phylogenetic structure for the genus outlined in this study can be used to guide isolate selection for future population genomics and evolutionary studies in this important acidophile model