5 research outputs found

    Comunicación de RSC: una revisión de las tesis clásicas sobre la coherencia entre la acción de RSC y la actividad organizacional

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    La literatura sobre comunicación eficaz de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) es compleja y, en ocasiones, contradictoria respecto al papel de la coherencia entre la actividad de la empresa y las acciones de RSC (fit empresarial clásico). Por una parte, subraya la importancia del fit para una comunicación eficaz. Sin embargo, otros investigadores afirman que el fit podría aumentar el escepticismo y resultar perjudicial. Por último, investigaciones recientes señalan otro tipo de fit: el fit personal, donde lo importante es la coincidencia entre la acción de RSC y los intereses del público. Para intentar esclarecer esta complejidad se llevó a cabo un experimento en el que 86 jóvenes fueron asignados aleatoriamente a tres condiciones experimentales: mensaje de RSC con fit clásico; mensaje de RSC con fit personal y mensaje control. A diferencia de lo que se podría esperar a partir de la literatura previa, no se encontraron diferencias significativas entre los que recibieron el mensaje con fit empresarial y aquellos que recibieron el mensaje control. Por el contrario, aquellos individuos asignados a la condición de fit personal evaluaron a la empresa como más sincera y honesta y manifestaron una intención conductual más favorable hacia ella que los sujetos asignados a la condición de control y que los sujetos asignados a la condición de fit empresarial. El artículo discute la necesidad de replantear el rol del fit clásico empresarial en la comunicación de acciones de RSC y resalta la existencia de otros tipos de fit que pueden ser incluso más determinantes

    Analyzing the Impact of COVID-19 Trauma on Developing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder among Emergency Medical Workers in Spain

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    Producción CientíficaThe early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic presented the characteristics of a traumatic event that could trigger post-traumatic stress disorder. Emergency Medical Services workers are already a high-risk group due to their professional development. The research project aimed to analyse the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on EMS professionals in terms of their mental health. For this purpose, we present a descriptive crosssectional study with survey methodology. A total of 317 EMS workers (doctors, nurses, and emergency medical technicians) were recruited voluntarily. Psychological distress, post-traumatic stress disorder, and insomnia were assessed. The instruments were the General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12), the Davidson Trauma Scale (DTS-8), and the Athens Insomnia Scale (AIS-8). We found that 36% of respondents had psychological distress, 30.9% potentially had PTSD, and 60.9% experienced insomnia. Years of work experience were found to be positively correlated, albeit with low effect, with the PTSD score (r = 0.133). Finally, it can be stated that the COVID-19 pandemic has been a traumatic event for EMS workers. The number of professionals presenting psychological distress, possible PTSD, or insomnia increased dramatically during the early phases of the pandemic. This study highlights the need for mental health disorder prevention programmes for EMS workers in the face of a pandemic.Departamento de Enfermería de la Universidad de Valladoli

    Nurse intervention: Attitudes and knowledge about organ donation and transplantation in adolescents

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    [Background]: The problems involved in obtaining authorization in favor of organ donation have led us to evaluate the level of knowledge and attitudes of a group of Spanish adolescents (14-16 years) regarding organ donation, transplantation, and brain death. The evaluation was carried out before and after a health education intervention by nursing personnel.[Methods]: Experimental, prospective and quantitative study. The educational intervention was carried out at Las Salinas high school (Laguna de Duero, Spain). We collected 86 preworkshop questionnaires and 88 post-workshop questionnaires.[Results]: The composition of the groups did not differ significantly in sex (P = .653), age (P = .266), or in the desire to be a donor (P = .099). We found significant postworkshop improvements in knowledge about brain death (P < .001) and which organs can be donated (P < .001), as well as in the total score (18.29 ± 2.45 before vs 21.47 ± 2.70 after) (P < .001). We discovered a vast lack of knowledge about the organs that cannot be transplanted, which included the penis (38.4%), uterus (31.4%), prostate (41.9%), or bladder (37.2%); these beliefs decreased significantly after the intervention (P < .01). The increase in knowledge of the organs that can be donated, including eye (P = .024), lung (P = .025), stomach (P < .001), intestine (P = .001), and skin (P < .001), was also significant.[Conclusions]: The good results reflected the importance of conducting educational programs taught by health personnel on donation and organ transplantation in adolescents.Peer reviewe

    Abstracts From The 3Rd International Severe Asthma Forum (Isaf)

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