3 research outputs found

    An intelligent portable sensor system in diagnosing stress

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    Nowadays the stress is a frequent problem in the society. The level of stress could be important in order to recognise health problems later. Electrocardiogram technics allows to supervise the heart condition and the detection of anomalies about the patient. Sometimes the data collection systems by sensors placed on the patient restrict his mobility. Therefore the elimination of wires is a good solution for this trouble. Then the Bluetooth protocol is chosen as way for transmitting and receive data between stations. There are three ECG sensors placed on the right hand, the left hand and the right leg. It is possible to measure the heart signal with this technique. Besides there is an extra sensor in order to measure the temperature of the patient. Depending of the value of these parameters is possible to recognise stress levels. All sensors are connected to a special box with a microcontroller which treat every signal. This module has a Bluetooth part that transmitts wireless the new digital signal to the receiver. This one will be a dongle connected to the computer by Serial Port. A program in the computer has been implemented in order to receive the Bluetooth Data sent from the box and saving the data in a file for subsequent activities. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es el estudio de parámetros como la temperatura corporal y las señales de electrocardiograma para el diagnóstico del estrés. Existen varios estudios que relacionan estos parámetros y sus niveles con posibles casos de estrés y ansiedad. Para este fin usamos unos sensores colocados en el brazo derecho, brazo izquierdo y pierna izquierda. Esto forma el Eindhoven Triangle, que es conocido por dar una señal de electrocardiograma. A su vez también tendremos un sensor de temperatura colocado en un dedo de la mano para medir los grados a los que está el cuerpo en ese momento y así poder detectar ciertas anomalías. Estos sensores están conectados a un modulo que trata las señales analógicas recogidas, las une, y digitaliza para que el modulo transmisor pueda enviar via Bluetooth los datos hacia un receptor colocado en un área cercana. En el módulo hay una electrónica que ayuda a resolver problemas importantes como ruido o interferencias. Este receptor está conectado a un ordenador en el cual he desarrollado una aplicación que implementa el protocolo HCI y cuya funcionalidad es recoger los datos recibidos. Este programa es capaz de crear y gestionar conexiones Bluetooth entre dispositivos. El programa está preparado para que si las conexiones se cortan, se traten en la medida de lo posible los datos recogidos. Los datos se interpretarán y guardarán en un fichero .bin para posteriores usos, como graficaciones y análisis de parámetros. El programa está enteramente hecho en lenguaje Java y tiene un mecanismo de eventos que se activa cada vez que hay datos en el receptor, los recoge y los procesa con el fin de darles un trato posteriormente. Se eligió el formato .bin para los ficheros debido a su pequeño tamaño, ya que aunque sean más laboriosos de usar es mucho más eficiente que un .txt, que en este caso podría ocupar varios megabytes

    Expansion of Signal Transduction Pathways in Fungi by Extensive Genome Duplication

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    Plants and fungi use light and other signals to regulate development, growth, and metabolism. The fruiting bodies of the fungus Phycomyces blakesleeanus are single cells that react to environmental cues, including light, but the mechanisms are largely unknown [1]. The related fungus Mucor circinelloides is an opportunistic human pathogen that changes its mode of growth upon receipt of signals from the environment to facilitate pathogenesis [2]. Understanding how these organisms respond to environmental cues should provide insights into the mechanisms of sensory perception and signal transduction by a single eukaryotic cell, and their role in pathogenesis. We sequenced the genomes of P. blakesleeanus and M. circinelloides and show that they have been shaped by an extensive genome duplication or, most likely, a whole-genome duplication (WGD), which is rarely observed in fungi [3–6]. We show that the genome duplication has expanded gene families, including those involved in signal transduction, and that duplicated genes have specialized, as evidenced by differences in their regulation by light. The transcriptional response to light varies with the developmental stage and is still observed in a photoreceptor mutant of P. blakesleeanus. A phototropic mutant of P. blakesleeanus with a heterozygous mutation in the photoreceptor gene madA demonstrates that photosensor dosage is important for the magnitude of signal transduction. We conclude that the genome duplication provided the means to improve signal transduction for enhanced perception of environmental signals. Our results will help to understand the role of genome dynamics in the evolution of sensory perception in eukaryotes.Office of Science (USA) DE-AC02-05CH11231Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIO2005-25029-E , BIO2015-67148-RJunta de Andalucía P06-CVI-0165

    Effect of a nutritional intervention based on an energy-reduced Mediterranean diet on environmental impact

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    [EN]To estimate the environmental impact of a dietary intervention based on an energy-reduced Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) after one year of follow-up. Methods Baseline and 1-year follow-up data were used for 5800 participants aged 55–75 years with metabolic syndrome in the PREDIMED-Plus study. Food intake was estimated through a validated semiquantitative food consumption frequency questionnaire, and adherence to the MedDiet was estimated through the Diet Score. Using the EAT-Lancet Commission tables we assessed the influence of dietary intake on environmental impact (through five indicators: greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), land use, energy used, acidification and potential eutrophication). Using multivariable linear regression models, the association between the intervention and changes in each of the environmental factors was assessed. Mediation analyses were carried out to estimate to what extent changes in each of 2 components of the intervention, namely adherence to the MedDiet and caloric reduction, were responsible for the observed reductions in environmental impact. Results We observed a significant reduction in the intervention group compared to the control group in acidification levels (−13.3 vs. -9.9 g SO2-eq), eutrophication (−5.4 vs. -4.0 g PO4-eq) and land use (−2.7 vs. -1.8 m2). Adherence to the MedDiet partially mediated the association between intervention and reduction of acidification by 15 %, eutrophication by 10 % and land use by 10 %. Caloric reduction partially mediated the association with the same factors by 55 %, 51 % and 38 % respectively. In addition, adherence to the MedDiet fully mediated the association between intervention and reduction in GHG emissions by 56 % and energy use by 53 %.SIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL