442 research outputs found

    Tecnologias sociais de eco-habitação.

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    As tecnologias sociais sĂŁo produtos, mĂ©todos, processos ou tĂ©cnicas, criadas para solucionar algum tipo de problema social e que atende aos quesitos de simplicidade, baixo custo, fĂĄcil aplicabilidade e impacto social. Originam-se no meio de uma comunidade ou no ambiente acadĂȘmico, aliando saberes populares e conhecimentos tĂ©cnico-cientĂ­ficos. As tecnologias sociais promovem educação, cidadania, inclusĂŁo, acessibilidade, sustentabilidade, participação e cultura, ou seja, a transformação social, pois Ă© desenvolvida em conjunto com a população, que assume o processo da mudança.bitstream/item/197637/1/DOC19002.pd

    Two-photon Lithography for 3D Magnetic Nanostructure Fabrication

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    Ferromagnetic materials have been utilised as recording media within data storage devices for many decades. Confinement of the material to a two dimensional plane is a significant bottleneck in achieving ultra-high recording densities and this has led to the proposition of three dimensional (3D) racetrack memories that utilise domain wall propagation along nanowires. However, the fabrication of 3D magnetic nanostructures of complex geometry is highly challenging and not easily achievable with standard lithography techniques. Here, by using a combination of two-photon lithography and electrochemical deposition, we show a new approach to construct 3D magnetic nanostructures of complex geometry. The magnetic properties are found to be intimately related to the 3D geometry of the structure and magnetic imaging experiments provide evidence of domain wall pinning at a 3D nanostructured junction

    Shedding Light on the Chemical Diversity of Ectopic Calcifications in Kidney Tissues: Diagnostic and Research Aspects

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    In most industrialized countries, different epidemiologic studies show that chronic renal failure is dramatically increasing. Such major public health problem is a consequence of acquired systemic diseases such as type II diabetes, which is now the first cause for end stage renal failure. Furthermore, lithogenic diseases may also induce intratubular crystallization, which may finally result in end-stage renal failure (ESRF). Up to now, such rare diseases are often misdiagnosed. In this study, based on twenty four biopsies, we show that SR ”FTIR (Synchrotron Radiation-”Fourier transform infrared) spectroscopy constitutes a significant opportunity to characterize such pathological ”calcifications giving not only their chemical composition but also their spatial distribution in the tissues. This experimental approach offers new opportunities to the clinicians to describe at the cell level the physico-chemical processes leading to the formation of the pathological calcifications which lead to ESRF

    Development of instrumentation for amperometric and coulometric detection using ultramicroelectrodes

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    In this work it is presented the development of a simple, portable and inexpensive instrumentation for amperometric and coulometric detection in different analytical instrumentation systems utilizing ultramicroelectrodes. The software, developed in LabVIEW 7.1TM, is capable to carry out three main detection techniques (amperometric, pulsed amperometric and coulometric detection) and a voltammetric technique (cyclic voltammetry). The instrumentation was successfully evaluated using the following systems: cyclic voltammograms of metallic electrodes in alkaline solutions, flow electrochemical detection of glucose and glycine and direct determination of herbicide glyphosate (electrochemical detection coupled to HPLC).Neste trabalho Ă© apresentado o desenvolvimento de uma instrumentação simples, portĂĄtil e de baixo custo para detecção amperomĂ©trica e coulomĂ©trica usando ultramicroeletrodos em diferentes sistemas analĂ­ticos. O programa, desenvolvido em LabVIEW 7.1TM, Ă© capaz de realizar trĂȘs modos de detecção (amperomĂ©trico, coulomĂ©trico e amperomĂ©trico pulsado) e voltametria cĂ­clica. A instrumentação desenvolvida foi avaliada utilizando os seguintes sistemas: voltametria cĂ­clica de eletrodos metĂĄlicos em solução alcalina, detecção eletroquĂ­mica em fluxo de glicose e glicina, e tambĂ©m na determinação direta do herbicida glifosato (detecção eletroquĂ­mica aliada Ă  cromatografia lĂ­quida de alta eficiĂȘncia, CLAE)

    Soybean yield under no-tillage system with an early eleusine coracana fertilization.

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    The possibility of early soybean fertilization carried out on the predecessor crop has several benefits, mainly operational ones, making the production system more conservationist and balanced. An experiment was carried out at the Anhumas Experimental Station, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (USP/ESALQ), located in Piracicaba, SP, Brazil, during 2001/2002, 2002/2003, and 2003/2004 agricultural years on a typic Hapludox aiming to evaluate the effects of the early fertilization on soybean yield. The fertilization consisted of applying 90 kg ha?1 of P2O5, 50 kg ha?1 of K2O, and micronutrients (Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, and Zn). The experiment was conducted in a randomized complete block design with three replications and 12 treatments consisting of different levels of early soybean fertilization carried out on the finger millet crop: T1, no fertilization; T2, conventional soybean fertilization; T3, early 50% K fertilization; T4, early 100% K fertilization; T5, early 50% P fertilization; T6, early 50% P and K fertilization; T7, early 50% P and 100% K fertilization; T8, early 100% P fertilization; T9, early 100% P and 50% K fertilization; T10, early 100% P and K fertilization; T11, early 100% P and K fertilization + micronutrients; and T12, early leaf fertilization with micronutrients. The results showed that the early soybean sowing fertilization with phosphorus and potassium carried out during finger millet sowing does not interfere with the thousand-seed weight and soybean yield

    Spatial and Temporal Variations in the Annual Pollen Index Recorded by Sites Belonging to the Portuguese Aerobiology Network

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    This study presents the findings of a 10-year survey carried out by the Portuguese Aerobiology Network (RPA) at seven pollen-monitoring stations: five mainland stations (Oporto, Coimbra, Lisbon, Évora and Portimão) and two insular stations [Funchal (Madeira archipelago) and Ponta Delgada (Azores archipelago)]. The main aim of the study was to examine spatial and temporal variations in the Annual Pollen Index (API) with particular focus on the most frequently recorded pollen types. Pollen monitoring (2003–2012) was carried out using Hirst-type volumetric spore traps, following the minimum recommendations proposed by the European Aerobiology Society Working Group on Quality Control. Daily pollen data were examined for similarities using the Kruskal–Wallis nonparametric test and multivariate regression trees. Simple linear regression analysis was used to describe trends in API. The airborne pollen spectrum at RPA stations is dominated by important allergenic pollen types such as Poaceae, Olea and Urticaceae. Statistically significant differences were witnessed in the API recorded at the seven stations. Mean API is higher in the southern mainland cities, e.g. Évora, Lisbon and Portimão, and lower in insular and littoral cities. There were also a number of significant trends in API during the 10-year study. This report identifies spatial and temporal variations in the amount of airborne pollen recorded annually in the Portuguese territory. There were also a number of significant changes in API, but no general increases in the amount of airborne pollen

    Invariant Natural Killer T Cell Agonist Modulates Experimental Focal and Segmental Glomerulosclerosis

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    A growing body of evidence demonstrates a correlation between Th2 cytokines and the development of focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS). Therefore, we hypothesized that GSL-1, a monoglycosylceramide from Sphingomonas ssp. with pro-Th1 activity on invariant Natural Killer T (iNKT) lymphocytes, could counterbalance the Th2 profile and modulate glomerulosclerosis. Using an adriamycin(ADM)-based model of FSGS, we found that BALB/c mice presented albuminuria and glomerular degeneration in association with a Th2-like pro-fibrogenic profile; these mice also expressed a combination of inflammatory cytokines, such as IL-4, IL-1α, IL-1ÎČ, IL-17, TNF-α, and chemokines, such as RANTES and eotaxin. In addition, we observed a decrease in the mRNA levels of GD3 synthase, the enzyme responsible for GD3 metabolism, a glycolipid associated with podocyte physiology. GSL-1 treatment inhibited ADM-induced renal dysfunction and preserved kidney architecture, a phenomenon associated with the induction of a Th1-like response, increased levels of GD3 synthase transcripts and inhibition of pro-fibrotic transcripts and inflammatory cytokines. TGF-ÎČ analysis revealed increased levels of circulating protein and tissue transcripts in both ADM- and GSL-1-treated mice, suggesting that TGF-ÎČ could be associated with both FSGS pathology and iNKT-mediated immunosuppression; therefore, we analyzed the kidney expression of phosphorylated SMAD2/3 and SMAD7 proteins, molecules associated with the deleterious and protective effects of TGF-ÎČ, respectively. We found high levels of phosphoSMAD2/3 in ADM mice in contrast to the GSL-1 treated group in which SMAD7 expression increased. These data suggest that GSL-1 treatment modulates the downstream signaling of TGF-ÎČ through a renoprotective pathway. Finally, GSL-1 treatment at day 4, a period when proteinuria was already established, was still able to improve renal function, preserve renal structure and inhibit fibrogenic transcripts. In conclusion, our work demonstrates that the iNKT agonist GSL-1 modulates the pathogenesis of ADM-induced glomerulosclerosis and may provide an alternative approach to disease management
