14 research outputs found

    The content of polyphenols and antioxidant activity in leaves and flowers of wild garlic (Allium ursinum L.)

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    Wild garlic (Allium ursinum L.) is a wildly growing plant that grows in forests and next to the streams. It has a specific aroma and taste resembling garlic. Wild garlic is increasingly favoured in gastronomy, food industry, and modern food technologies. The aim of this study was to analyse the dynamics of changes in total polyphenols content (TPC) and antioxidant activity (AOA) in wild garlic leaves and flowers during the vegetation period (from April to June). The samples of plant material were collected from the area of Bratislava – Železná studienka. The samples of fresh leaves and flowers were homogenized and a methanolic extract was prepared. These extracts were used for analyses. Total polyphenol content in the samples ranged from 726±10 mg GAE/kg FW to 14.1×102±13 mg GAE/kg FW. The values of antioxidant activity were from 10.7±1.57 to 25.9±1.06% inhibition FW

    Zanieczyszczenie niklem i miedzią bulw ziemniaka (Solanum tubersosum L.)

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    The content of toxic microelements is one of the hygienic-toxicological factors of the foodstuffs quality. Lead, mercury, arsenic and cadmium belong to the most important toxic elements. Also the essential elements (minor ones - Fe, Zn or trace elements - Cr, Cu, Ni, Se) occurring in higher concentrations could have toxic effects. Copper and nickel belong to the essential elements, intake of which organisms have to take from food in certain amount, in order to provide its important biological functions. Most of foodstuffs contain less than 10 mg Cu o kg-1 (potatoes 0.3-0.1 mg o kg-1), the nickel content in fruit, cereals and foodstuffs of animal origin (except some sea animals) is very low - hundredths to decimals mg o kg-1 (potatoes 0.01-0.26 mg Ni o kg-1).Zawartość toksycznych mikroelementów jest jednym z ważnych parametrów jakości żywności. Ołów, rtęć, arsen i kadm należą do najważniejszych toksycznych pierwiastków. Mikroelementy (Fe, Zn, Cr, Cu, Ni, Se) występujące w dużych stężeniach również mogą mieć działanie toksyczne. Miedź i nikiel zaliczane są do mikroelementów, które organizm wchłania z pożywienia w ilościach niezbędnych do podtrzymania wielu procesów biologicznych. Większość pokarmów zawiera Cu w ilości nie przekraczającej 10 mg o kg-1 (ziemniaki 0,3-0,1 mg - kg-1). Zawartość niklu w owocach, płatkach zbożowych i pokarmach pochodzenia zwierzęcego (z wyjątkiem niektórych zwierząt morskich) jest bardzo mała - od setnych do dziesiątych mg - kg-1 (ziemniaki 0,01-0,26 mg o kg-1)

    Bioactive components of onion (Allium cepa L.) — a Review

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    Onion (Allium cepa L.) is the second most important garden crop in the world after tomatoes. It has great nutritive value thanks to the content of physiologically effective compounds which exert protective (chemoprotective) effect on human health. Experimental studies have shown that the consumption of onion reduces blood pressure, stimulate haematopoiesis, heals heart and blood vessels, helps in treatment of asthma, and protects against some types of cancer. Onion is a versatile and strong antioxidant that quenches free radicals in the human organism. It is a rich source of phenolic substances, especially quercetin and its glycosides, phenolic acids, sulphur compounds (allicin), vitamins, and minerals

    Bioactive compounds in different plant parts of various buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.) cultivars

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    In this study the content of total polyphenolics, rutin, and antioxidant activity in different anatomical parts of common buckwheat plants (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench.) of six cultivars (Spacinska, Emka, Kasho, Jana C1 and Hrusowska) was analyzed. Antioxidant activity in plant material was determined by free radical DPPH. Highest antioxidant activity was assessed in leaves, whereas stems had the lowest antioxidant activity. Total polyphenol content was assessed spectrophotometrically by the Folin-Ciocalteu assay. The highest concentrations were detected in leaves, with values ranging from 68.74 to 90.27 g gallic acid equivalents kg−1, while the lowest concentrations were measured in stems (2.88–3.12 g.kg−1). Significant differences between the anatomical parts were confirmed also for rutin content with the exception of cultivars Kasho and Jana C1, where the rutin content in stem and seeds was not statistically different. The highest concentration of rutin (37.90 g.kg−1) was determined in leaves of cultivar Pyra

    Chemical composition and total phenols content of tartary buckwheat (fagopyrum tataricum gaertn) grown in different vegetation seasons

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    Tartary buckwheat (Fagopyrum tataricum Gaertn) is an annual plant that is classified as a pseudocereal with high nutritional values. It is mainly cultivated in Asia, where grain and other parts of plants are used in traditional diet. In recent years, tartary buckwheat is grown on smaller areas and mostly in a mixture with common buckwheat in Bosnia and Herzegovina. The aim of this research was to determine the chemical composition and total phenols content of tartary buckwheat grown in different vegetation seasons. Field experiments were conducted in Donje Selo, near Ilijaš during 2011, 2012 and 2013 vegetation seasons. The results show that weather in some vegetation seasons have statistically significant effect on contents of protein and starch in kernel. The largest contents of protein were found in vegetation season with a lack of precipitation (2012 year), while the largest content of starch was recorded in years with relatively higher precipitation levels (2011 and 2013 years). Results show that total phenols content depended on the plant organ and vegetation season. The highest content was found in the flower (63.63 mg GAE g−1), while the smallest content was found in the kernel (5.03 mg GAE g−1)