21 research outputs found

    Serosurveillance for Japanese encephalitis virus in wild birds captured in Korea

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    Climate change induced by recent global warming may have a significant impact on vector-borne and zoonotic diseases. For example, the distribution of Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) has expanded into new regions. We surveyed the levels of hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) antibodies against JEV (Family Flaviviridae, genus Flavivirus) in wild birds captured in Korea. Blood samples were collected from 1,316 wild birds including the following migratory birds: Oceanodroma castro (n = 4), Anas formosa (n = 7), Anas penelope (n = 20), Fulica atra (n = 30), Anas acuta (n = 89), Anas crecca (n = 154), Anas platyrhynchos (n = 214), Aix galericulata (n = 310), and Anas poecilorhyncha (n = 488). All were captured in 16 locations in several Korea provinces between April 2007 and December 2009. Out of the 1,316 serum samples tested, 1,141 (86.7%) were positive for JEV. Wild birds captured in 2009 had a higher seroprevalence of ant-JEV antibodies than those captured in 2007. Wild birds with an HI antibody titer of 1 : 1,280 or higher accounted for 21.2% (280/1,316) of the animals tested. These findings indicated that wild birds from the region examined in our study have been exposed to JEV and may pose a high risk for introducing a new JEV genotype into Korea

    A Vaccine Strain of the A/ASIA/Sea-97 Lineage of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Virus with a Single Amino Acid Substitution in the P1 Region That Is Adapted to Suspension Culture Provides High Immunogenicity

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    There are seven viral serotypes of foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV): A, O, C, Asia 1, and Southern African Territories 1, 2, and 3 (SAT 1–3). Unlike serotype O FMDV vaccine strains, vaccine strains of serotype A FMDV do not provide broad-range cross-reactivity in serological matching tests with field isolates. Therefore, the topotype/lineage vaccine strain circulating in many countries and a highly immunogenic strain might be advantageous to control serotype A FMDV. We developed a new vaccine strain, A/SKR/Yeoncheon/2017 (A-1), which belongs to the A/ASIA/Sea-97 lineage that frequently occurs in Asian countries. Using virus plaque purification, we selected a vaccine virus with high antigen productivity and the lowest numbers of P1 mutations among cell-adapted virus populations. The A/SKR/Yeoncheon/2017 (A-1) vaccine strain has a single amino acid mutation, VP2 E82K, in the P1 region, and it is perfectly adapted to suspension culture. The A/SKR/Yeoncheon/2017 (A-1) experimental vaccine conferred high immunogenicity in pigs. The vaccine strain was serologically matched with various field isolates in two-dimensional virus neutralization tests using bovine serum. Vaccinated mice were protected against an A/MAY/97 virus that was serologically mismatched with the vaccine strain. Thus, A/SKR/Yeoncheon/2017 (A-1) might be a promising vaccine candidate for protection against the emerging FMDV serotype A in Asia

    Advanced Foot-And-Mouth Disease Vaccine Platform for Stimulation of Simultaneous Cellular and Humoral Immune Responses

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    Currently available commercial foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) vaccines have various limitations, such as the slow induction and short-term maintenance of antibody titers. Therefore, a novel FMD vaccine that can rapidly induce high neutralizing antibody titers to protect the host in early stages of an FMD virus infection, maintain high antibody titers for long periods after one vaccination dose, and confer full protection against clinical symptoms by simultaneously stimulating cellular and humoral immunity is needed. Here, we developed immunopotent FMD vaccine strains A-3A and A-HSP70, which elicit strong initial cellular immune response and induce humoral immune response, including long-lasting memory response. We purified the antigen (inactivated virus) derived from these immunopotent vaccine strains, and evaluated the immunogenicity and efficacy of the vaccines containing these antigens in mice and pigs. The immunopotent vaccine strains A-3A and A-HSP70 demonstrated superior immunogenicity compared with the A strain (backbone strain) in mice. The oil emulsion-free vaccine containing A-3A and A-HSP70 antigens effectively induced early, mid-term, and long-term immunity in mice and pigs by eliciting robust cellular and humoral immune responses through the activation of co-stimulatory molecules and the secretion of proinflammatory cytokines. We successfully derived an innovative FMD vaccine formulation to create more effective FMD vaccines

    Reemergence of Foot-and-Mouth Disease, South Korea, 2000–2011

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    Five outbreaks of foot-and-mouth disease have occurred in South Korea during 2000–2011. Macro-analysis of these outbreaks showed a correlation with outbreaks in countries in eastern Asia. Genetic analyses of food-and-mouth disease viruses in South Korea showed a correlation with viruses that are prevalent in neighboring countries