169 research outputs found


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    Trycktampong efter mastektomi

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    Mammary gland neoplasia is one of the most common diseases in the bitch and the most common neoplastic disease. More than 13 % of the female dog population in Sweden suffers from mammary tumors during their lifetime. The disease can affect bitches in all ages but most often middle aged and older dogs. Some breeds such as Poodle and English Setter are predisposed for the disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate if it is possible to improve the post surgical healing process by using a pressure pad. The hypothesis was that pressure pads would improve wound healing by decreasing dead space and increasing tissue adhesion. The study was performed at Södra Djursjukhuset in Stockholm and at the Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences in Uppsala. The animals in the study were divided into three groups. One group without pressure pad, one group with pressure pad applied during one day, and one group with pressure pad for two days. The wound healing, based on five criteria was evaluated post surgically on a daily basis. Dogs that had had pressure pads applied for two days, seemed to develop fewer signs of inflammation than the other two groups. Swelling and tissue hyperemia were two to three times more common in dogs without pressure pads. No problems with seroma formation could be detected in dogs with pressure pads for two days. More extensive studies need to be performed, but this study indicates that pressure pads substantially decrease the risk for wound complications after mastectomies in bitches

    Solvation behavior of cellulose and xylan in the MIM/EMIMAc ionic liquid solvent system – parameters for small scale solvation

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    Ionic liquid treatment has been reported by several researchers as a possible step in the process of fractionating lignocellulosic biomass within the biorefinery concept. However, understanding how solvation can be achieved and how the feedstock biopolymers are affected is needed prior to a viable implementation. An effective two component solvent system for the wood components cellulose and xylan has been developed. Furthermore, the solvation of these components in the system consisting of the ionic liquid (IL) 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate (EMIMAc) in a novel combination with the co-solvent 1-methylimidazole (MIM) is investigated. Focused beam reflectance measurement (FBRM) particle characterization in combination with microscopic analysis and molecular weight determinations (xylan) shows that cellulose and xylan can be most efficiently solvated using only 3 to 4% IL (n/n anhydro-glucose units and n/n anhydro-xylose units) and 9% IL, respectively, while still avoiding any significant polymer degradation. A model for a two-step process of cellulose solvation in the present system is proposed


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    Media sosial merupakan alat atau sarana komunikasi  berbasis online yang digunakan oleh individu/kelompok untuk saling terhubung. Penggunaan media sosial dapat menimbulkan efek yang positif maupun negative bagi kesehatan, salah satunya gangguan tidur atau di kenal dengan insomnia. Insomnia merupakan ketidak mampuan seseorang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan tidur baik kualitas maupun kuantitas. Penelitian ini dimaksud untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat hubungan antara penggunaan media sosial dengan kejadian insomnia pada remaja di SMA Advent Tanah Putih Likupang Barat. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif, survey analitik menggunakan pendekatan cross sectional. Sampel penelitian yaitu seluruh siswa yang memenuhi krikteria inklusi dan eksklusi berjumlah 136 siswa. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode wawancara dan pengisian kuesioner. Menggunakan uji statistik chi-square. Dari hasil penelitian, siswa yang menggunakan media sosial ≄5 jam sebanyak 52.9 %, sedangkan yang mengalami kejadian insomnia sebanyak 78,7%  siswa. Hasil uji statistik didapati nilai p=1.000>α=0,05. Kesimpulannya adalah tidak adanya hubungan antara penggunaan media sosial dengan kejadian insomnia pada remaja di SMA Advent Tanah Putih Likupang Barat.  Kata kunci: Media sosial, Insomnia ABSTRACT Social media is a tool or means of communication based online that is used by individuals/groups to connect to each other. The use of social media can have positive or negative effects on health, one of which is sleep disorders or known as insomnia.  Insomnia is a person's inability to meet sleep needs in both quality and quantity. This research is intended to find out whether there is a relationship between the use of social media and the incidence of insomnia in adolescents at Advent Tanah Putih High School, West Likupang. Type of quantitative research, analytic survey using cross sectional approach. The sample of the study were all students who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria totaling 136 students. Data collection using interview methods and filling out questionnaires. Use the chi-square statistical test. From the results of the study, students who used social media ≄5 hours were 52.9%, while those who experienced the incidence of insomnia were 78.7% of students. The statistical test results found the value of p =1,000>α =0.05. The conclusion is that there is no relationship between the use of social media and the incidence of insomnia in adolescents at Advent Tanah Putih High School, West Likupang. Keywords: Social media, insomnia

    LedelsesnetvĂŠrk - et potentielt lĂŠringsrum

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    Effect of social contact on training and learning in horses

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    Denna litteraturstudie har belyst omrĂ„det social inlĂ€rning hos hĂ€star, hĂ€stens sociala behov och dĂ€rmed exempelvis inhysningssĂ€ttets pĂ„verkan pĂ„ beteende och inlĂ€rning. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka om det finns belĂ€gg för social inlĂ€rning hos hĂ€star samt att ta reda pĂ„ om det i sĂ„ fall uppstĂ„r problem nĂ€r hĂ€star hĂ„lls socialt isolerade. HĂ€star Ă€r sociala djur som i det naturliga lever i flock och de har vissa beteendebehov. Viktigt för hĂ€star samt fokus i denna litteraturstudie Ă€r behovet av daglig social kontakt med andra hĂ€star, dĂ„ sociala beteenden som blir omöjliga att utföra vid individuell inhysning kan pĂ„verka hĂ€stens vĂ€lfĂ€rd negativt. I mĂ„nga inhysningssystem som de ser ut idag tas detta inte tillrĂ€cklig hĂ€nsyn till dĂ„ mĂ„nga hĂ€star hĂ„lls enskilt och socialt isolerade frĂ„n varandra. Anledningen till detta kan vara den ökade skaderisk som Ă€gare anser det innebĂ€ra att hĂ„lla hĂ€star i flock, men det skulle Ă€ven kunna bero pĂ„ okunskap kring hĂ€stens naturliga levnadssĂ€tt och beteendebehov. Inte heller lagstiftningen krĂ€ver att hĂ€star ska ha möjlighet till fysisk kontakt med andra hĂ€star. HĂ€star har tre grundlĂ€ggande behov som Ă€r viktiga för deras vĂ€lfĂ€rd. Dessa tre behov utgörs av mĂ„nga timmars födointag per dag, mycket daglig rörelse samt den sociala kontakten som de fĂ„r tillgodosedd genom att leva i flock. Det finns forskning som tyder pĂ„ att den sociala miljön kan underlĂ€tta trĂ€ning i andra sammanhang samt ge snabbare resultat vid inlĂ€rning Ă€n hos hĂ€star som hĂ„lls ensamma. Detta kan innebĂ€ra att social kontakt med andra hĂ€star kan underlĂ€tta annan trĂ€ning vid ridning eller hantering, vilket gör detta Ă€mne intressant att studera dĂ„ det hade gynnat ryttaren eller den som hanterar hĂ€sten. Studier som berör social inlĂ€rning i dagslĂ€get har ofta valt att fokusera pĂ„ födosök som motivationsfaktor. Vid trĂ€ning dĂ€r födosök anvĂ€nds som motivation har man inte kunnat konstatera att hĂ€star nödvĂ€ndigtvis anvĂ€nder sig av just social inlĂ€rning. Social inlĂ€rning innebĂ€r att en individ lĂ€r sig genom att observera en annan hĂ€st som löser en uppgift. Utformning av framtida studier bör utforska effekten av andra motivationsfaktorer vid social inlĂ€rning, sĂ„ som det sociala beteendebehovet eller flyktbeteende vid utebliven social kontakt i jĂ€mförelse med hĂ€star som fĂ„r social kontakt med artfrĂ€nder. Detta vore intressant dĂ„ dagens studier mestadels fokuserat pĂ„ social inlĂ€rning under födosök och Ă€tbeteende, vilket verkar vara svĂ„rt att genomföra pĂ„ ett sĂ„dant sĂ€tt att det blir naturligt för hĂ€starna att förstĂ„ och genomföra.This literature review has been conducted on social learning in horses, which also covers the social need of a horse and therefore also, for instance, the effect from different housing systems on behaviour and learning. The purpose with this review was to investigate if there is evidence that social learning occurs in horses and if there, in that case, would be problems arising when horses are kept socially isolated from conspecifics. Horses are social animals that naturally live in herds and they have specific behavioral needs. Important for horses and the focus of this literature review is the need of daily social contact with other horses, since social behaviors that become impossible to perform in individual housing systems may affect the horses welfare in a negative way. In many housing systems today, this is not taken into account as many horses are kept individually and socially isolated from each other. The reason for this may be owners’ concerns about an increased risk for injuries when keeping horses together with other horses, but it could also be due to ignorance of the horse's natural way of life and behavioral needs. Legislation does not require that horses get the opportunity for physical contact with other horses. Horses have three basic needs that are important for their well-being. These three needs consist of many hours of food intake per day, a lot of daily activity and the social contact they receive by living together with other horses. There is research that indicates that the social environment can facilitate training in other contexts and provide faster learning outcomes than for socially isolated horses. This may mean that social contact with other horses can facilitate training while riding or handling the horse, which makes it interesting to study since it would be beneficial for the rider or caretaker. Researchers who have studied social learning have often chosen to focus on foraging as a motivational factor. Studies where foraging has been used as motivation during training has not yet proved that horses necessarily use social learning during these sessions. Social learning means that an individual learns by observing another horse solving a task. The design of future studies should focus on other motivational factors during training in social learning, such as gaining access to conspecifics or flight responses during social deprivation versus social housing. This would be interesting since todays’ studies mostly focus on social learning during foraging and feeding behavior, which seems hard to execute in a way that it becomes natural for the horse to understand the learning task

    Spirende professionelle

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    Society's complexity and constant movement place great demands on education programs to train competent, reflexive, robust and committed students who can think, act and act in a qualified and professional manner. In this article, we will examine the students' experience of professional identity formation during practicum. Educating into a profession and developing a professional identity is a transition that contains many complex facets in the form of developing expert knowledge, skills, behavior, attitudes, and professionalism (Wilson et al., 2013). Barnet (2012) describes this transition as a dynamic journey without a specific destination, which is influenced by both the individual's personal characteristics and the professional practice that the individual participates in. The starting point is impact in practice courses on the Social Education and the Medical Education, where social identities is articulated and the formation of professional identity is the focal point (Rothuizen, 2015; Van den Broek et al., 2020; Rothuizen & Togsverd, 2020a). Based on an analysis of field studies and focus group interviews with students, an argument is made for understanding the concept as social identity based on the general picture drawn from the data. The understanding of social identity contains adjustment of the self in relation to the profession and the exercise thereof (action). Knowledge that is essential in the debate about how professions are trained for a complex and changing world

    Spirende professionelle: Et indblik i studerendes professionsidentitetsdannelse i praksisforlĂžb

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    Society's complexity and constant movement place great demands on education programs to train competent, reflexive, robust and committed students who can think, act and act in a qualified and professional manner. In this article, we will examine the students' experience of professional identity formation during practicum. Educating into a profession and developing a professional identity is a transition that contains many complex facets in the form of developing expert knowledge, skills, behavior, attitudes, and professionalism (Wilson et al., 2013). Barnet (2012) describes this transition as a dynamic journey without a specific destination, which is influenced by both the individual's personal characteristics and the professional practice that the individual participates in. The starting point is impact in practice courses on the Social Education and the Medical Education, where social identities is articulated and the formation of professional identity is the focal point (Rothuizen, 2015; Van den Broek et al., 2020; Rothuizen & Togsverd, 2020a). Based on an analysis of field studies and focus group interviews with students, an argument is made for understanding the concept as social identity based on the general picture drawn from the data. The understanding of social identity contains adjustment of the self in relation to the profession and the exercise thereof (action). Knowledge that is essential in the debate about how professions are trained for a complex and changing world
