28 research outputs found


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    Raman spectroscopy is a tool which offers numerous advantages for investigating biological macromolecules and complex systems. The advantages include but are not limited to: ultrahigh sensitivity to changes in molecular bond lengths (better then pm resolution); time-resolved measurements down to picoseconds time intervals; high selectivity offered by resonance enhancement; high adaptivity for investigation of objects of various sizes in different physical state.This thesis is focused on the development of UV resonance Raman spectroscopy as a sensitive and incisive technique for polypeptide secondary structure determinations. We built a state-of-the-art tunable UV Raman spectrometer for the 193 - 270 nm spectral region. This instrument allows for steady state and transient UV Raman measurements of the conformational transitions of polypeptides and other macromolecules. We also continued our search for new polypeptide backbone conformational markers. For the first time we investigated the dependence of the CαH2 stretching vibrations frequencies on Ramachandran φ and ψ angles in glycine-based peptides and showed their potential for polypeptide conformational analysis.We investigated the conformational preferences of polyglycine, poly-L-lysine and poly-L-glutamic acid in aqueous solutions in their unfolded states. Our studies indicate that polyglycine in solution assumes a broad ensemble of conformations centered around the Ramachandran angles of the 3-1-helix. We explained this polyglycine conformational preference by favorable electrostatic interactions between adjacent peptide bond carbonyl dipoles. Poly-L-lysine and poly-L-glutamic acid in non-α-helical states in solution show a preference for a left-handed 3-1-helix conformation with some contribution from a left-handed 2.5-1-helical conformation which is likely stabilized due to electrostatic repulsion between charged side chains. In addition, we find that a poly-L-lysine and poly-L-glutamic acid mixture at neutral pH is ~60% β-sheet.We used time resolved UV resonance Raman spectroscopy to characterize the spatially resolved (termini vs. center) kinetics of thermal unfolding of a 21 amino acid isotopically labeled, mainly alanine, peptide. We found that the relaxation rates are significantly different for the middle and terminal peptide bonds and strongly depend on T-jump temperatures. We explain the observed kinetics in terms of different relative contributions of different α-helix-like motifs such as pure α-helices, π-bulges and 3-10 helices to the observed melting kinetics

    Peptide secondary structure folding reaction coordinate: Correlation between uv raman amide iii frequency, psi ramachandran angle, and hydrogen bonding

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    We used UV resonance Raman (UVRR) spectroscopy to quantitatively correlate the peptide bond AmIII 3 frequency to its Ψ Ramachandran angle and to the number and types of amide hydrogen bonds at different temperatures. This information allows us to develop a family of relationships to directly estimate the Ψ Ramachandran angle from measured UVRR AmIII 3 frequencies for peptide bonds (PBs) with known hydrogen bonding (HB). These relationships ignore the more modest Φ Ramachandran angle dependence and allow determination of the Ψ angle with a standard error of (8°, if the HB state of a PB is known. This is normally the case if a known secondary structure motif is studied. Further, if the HB state of a PB in water is unknown, the extreme alterations in such a state could additionally bias the Ψ angle by (6°. The resulting ability to measure Ψ spectroscopically will enable new incisive protein conformational studies, especially in the field of protein folding. This is because any attempt to understand reaction mechanisms requires elucidation of the relevant reaction coordinate(s). The Ψ angle is precisely the reaction coordinate that determines secondary structure changes. As shown elsewhere (Mikhonin et al. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 127, 7712), this correlation can be used to determine portions of the energy landscape along the Ψ reaction coordinate. Introduction The various techniques of molecular spectroscopy constitute the toolset used by scientists for investigating molecular conformations and reaction mechanisms. These various spectroscopic techniques require quantitative correlations between the spectral parameters measured and the molecular conformational parameters. NMR and especially multidimensional NMR techniques are certainly the most powerful spectroscopic methods for solution studies. 1928 J. Phys. Chem. B 2006, 110, 1928-1943 10 by C R -D. We are optimistic that these relationships will be very useful for protein conformational studies, especially in the field of protein folding. This is because any attempt to understand reaction mechanisms, such as, for example, protein folding, requires elucidation of the relevant reaction coordinate(s). The Ψ angle is precisely the reaction coordinate that determines secondary structure changes. As shown elsewhere 60 the correlation we propose can be used to experimentally determine features of the energy landscape along this Ψ reaction coordinate. Such an experimental insight into a protein conformation and energy landscape is crucially needed, since there are still a lot of unresolved questions regarding the theoretical modeling of protein folding despite remarkable recent achievments. As described elsewhere, 43 the 21-residue alanine-based peptide AAAAA(AAARA) 3 A (AP) was prepared (HPLC pure) at the Pittsburgh Peptide Facility by using the solid-state peptide synthesis method. The AP solutions in water contained 1 mg/ mL concentrations of AP, and 0.2 M concentrations of sodium perchlorate, which was used as an internal intensity and frequency standard. UV Resonance Raman Instrumentation. The Raman instrumentation has been described in detail elsewhere. Results and Discussion Dependence of AmIII 3 Frequency on Ramachandran Angles and Hydrogen Bonding. The amide III (AmIII) band region is complex. We recently examined this spectral region in detail and identified a band, which we call AmIII 3 and which is most sensitive to the peptide bond conformation. Peptide Secondary Structure Folding Reaction Coordinate J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 110, No. 4, 2006 1929 gives rise to strong N-H to C R -H bend coupling. In contrast, for R-helix-like Ψ and Φ Ramachandran angles the N-H and C R -H bonds are approximately trans The physical origin of this Ψ angle AmIII 3 frequency dependence is that the hydrogen van der Waals radii in the C R -H and N-H bonds are in contact for positive Ψ angles Relative Impact of the Ψ and Φ Ramachandran Angles on the AmIII 3 Frequency. Although the projections of the N-H and C R -H bending motions on each other (and as a result the degree of coupling between them) depend on both the Ψ and Φ Ramachandran angles, an examination of a model of a peptide bond Asher et al. Mirkin and Krimm 73 theoretically examined the Ψ and Φ frequency dependence of the AmIII band of "alanine dipeptide" (N-acetyl-L-alanine-N-methylamide). They concentrated on peptide bond 2, whose frequencies were close to those measured experimentally. Although Mirkin and Krimm claim in their conclusions, that AmIII frequency shows strong dependence on both Ψ and Φ Ramachandran angles, we note that the impact of changes in the Φ angle is relatively modest if we only include the allowed regions of the Ramachandran plot In the allowed regions of Ramachandran plot, Mirkin and Krimm 73 calculated a 25-40 cm -1 AmIII frequency span over the allowed Ψ angles for fixed Φ angles In addition, the largest 16 cm -1 span in the AmIII frequency with Φ angle occurs in an almost forbidden region of the Ramachandran plot between the -sheet and R-helical regions (at Φ angles of -134°and -90°and Ψ angle of 60°, Figures 47 for details). Black line (s): Fit of calculated points using the eq 3 (see text for detail). Note: Grey regions show the forbidden and/or nearly forbidden Ψ Ramachandran angles based on recent Ramachandran plots. 1930 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 110, No. 4, 2006 Mikhonin et al. 3 and 4). In contrast, in the R-helical region of the Ramachandran plot the AmIII frequency of alanine dipeptide shows no more than 8 cm -1 Φ angular span, while in the -strand region of the Ramachandran plot the AmIII frequency shows no more than 6 cm -1 Φ dependence Ianoul et al.'s 59 combined experimental and theoretical studies of Ac-X-OCH 3 (X ) Val, Ile, Leu, Lys, Ala) revealed a 9 cm -1 AmIII 3 frequency shift upon an 18°increase of the Φ Ramachandran angle from -96 to -78°. In addition, Ianoul et al. also performed theoretical calculations for Ala-Ala at a fixed R-helix-like Ψ angle of -21°and calculated only a 3 cm -1 AmIII 3 frequency upshift upon the 20°increase of Φ angle from -95°to -75°. Thus, Ianoul et al. never observed more than a 9 cm -1 shift of AmIII 3 frequency due to variation of the Φ Ramachandran angle. In addition, we recently 60 measured the UVRR AmIII 3 frequencies of two different secondary structure conformations in aqueous solutions with very similar Φ angles, but very different Ψ angles. Specifically, an equimolar mixture of PLL and PGA forms an antiparallel -sheet 60 (Ψ ≈ 135°, Φ ≈ -139°), which shows an AmIII 3 frequency at 1227 cm -1 . In contrast individual PLL and PGA samples form extended 2.5 1 -helices 60 (Ψ ≈ 170°, Φ ≈ -130°), which show AmIII 3 frequencies at ∼1271 cm -1 . To summarize, the total Φ angular span of the AmIII 3 frequencies appears experimentally 59 to be no more than 9 cm -1 and no more than 16 cm -1 in the allowed regions of the Ramachandran plot from theoretical calculations. Thus, we conclude that Ψ Ramachandran angular dependence of the AmIII 3 frequency dominates the Φ angular dependence in the allowed regions of Ramachandran plot. If we totally neglect the Φ angular dependence of AmIII 3 frequency, this could enable an error in the Ψ-dependent AmIII 3 frequency of no more than (8 cm -1 (since the total Φ angular span of AmIII 3 frequencies no higher than 16 cm -1 , Formation of PB-water and PB-PB HBs upshift the AmIII 3 frequency, in part, due to the resulting increased C(O)dN double ν III3 (ψ,φ,HB P-P ,HB P-W ,T) = ν III3 (ψ,HB P-P ,HB P-W ,T) (2) ν III3 (ψ,HB P-P ,HB P-W ,T) = {ν 0 -A sin(ψ -R 0 )} + Δν III3 (HB P-P ,HB P-W ,T) (4) Peptide Secondary Structure Folding Reaction Coordinate J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 110, No. 4, 2006 1931 bond character. 75, The relationships given below by eqs 5 (for non-HB PB in a vacuum), 6A-D (PB in aqueous solutions), and 7A-C (PB in the absence of water) are shown in Correlation between AmIII 3 Frequency and Ψ Ramachandran Angle in the Absence of HB. We measured the UVR AmIII 3 frequencies for the AP R-helix 42,89 (∼1263 cm -1 , 0°C), XAO PPII 42,43 (1247 cm -1 , 0°C), PLL and PGA 2.5 1 -helix 60 (∼1271 cm -1 , 0°C), and PLL-PGA mixture antiparallel -sheet 60 (∼1227 cm -1 , 0°C) conformations of different polypeptides in aqueous solutions. Each of these conformations has known Ramachandran angles We can calculate the AmIII 3 frequencies that would result from the above peptide conformations in the fictitious case where the PB did not partake in any HB at all. This would be done by subtracting the HB-induced AmIII 3 frequency shifts By fitting the above four "non-HB" data points to eq 3, we obtain the following semiempirical relationship, which relates 1932 J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 110, No. 4, 2006 Mikhonin et al. the AmIII 3 frequency to the Ψ Ramachandran angle dependent coupling between N-H and C R -H bending motions The blue curve in Correlation of AmIII 3 Frequency and Ψ Ramachandran Angle for Two-End-On PB-PB HBs: Infinite r-Helix, Interior Strands of -Sheet in Water. Each PB in infinitely long R-helices and in interior strands of multistranded -sheets in aqueous solutions (Appendix, The green curve in The magenta curve in Peptide Secondary Structure Folding Reaction Coordinate J. Phys. Chem. B, Vol. 110, No. 4, 2006 1933 cm -1 HB-induced upshift as well as the temperature-dependent term to eq 5 and write The black curve in Correlation of AmIII 3 Frequency and Ψ Angle for a PB in Water If Its HB State Is Unknown. If the HB state of a PB in aqueous solution is unknown, we suggest the use of eq 6E, which is the "average" of eqs 6A-D. This will minimize the error in determination of the Ψ Ramachandran angle and will allow the estimation of the Ψ angle with the error bounds discussed below. Correlation between AmIII 3 Frequency and Ψ Ramachandran Angle in Peptide Crystals. Figures 6 and 7 show that the crystal data appear to roughly follow the sinusoidal relationship between the AmIII 3 frequency and the Ψ Ramachandran angle (see red dashed curve in Anhydrous r-Helical and -Sheet Conformations. If we dehydrate a two-end-on PB-PB HB R-helical conformation, we will see a 5 cm -1 AmIII 3 frequency downshift due to the loss of hydrogen bonding to the normally present sheath of water. The In the case of a PB where only the CdO group is involved in PB-PB HB, we estimate that the AmIII 3 frequency is 12 cm -1 upshifted with respect to non-HB PB (Appendix, The In the case of PB, where only the NH group is PB-PB HB, we estimate the AmIII 3 frequency to be 35 cm -1 upshifted with respect to non-HB PB (Appendix, The black curve in Thus, the families of eqs 6A-D and 7A-C predict the correlation between the AmIII 3 frequency and the Ψ angle for the common conformations of peptides and proteins. If the HB is known for a particular PB, the appropriate equation can be used to determine its Ψ angle from the observed AmIII 3 frequency. In the case where the HB state of a PB in aqueous solution is unknown, one can use eq 6E. These relationships will become less accurate if the PB has an unusual Φ angle or unusual HB pattern (see below). Prediction of UVRR AmIII 3 Frequencies of Other Secondary Structures. On the basis of the known Ψ Ramachandran angle and HB patterns, we can predict the AmIII 3 frequencies of other secondary structures such as the π-helix, 3 10 -helix UVRR spectra of HEWL amyloid fibrils, 100 which are dominated by -sheet conformations contain three spectroscopic features in the AmIII 3 region: ∼1210, ∼1230, and ∼1255 cm -1 . The dominating ∼1230 cm -1 feature certainly derives from antiparallel -sheet, though a minor contribution of several turn conformations is also possible The error associated with neglecting the Φ angle also gives rise to the uncertainty in the Ψ angle determination. Ianoul et al. Additional bias can occur if we do not know the HB state of a PB in water. This could give rise to a bias of the AmIII 3 frequency of (6 cm -1 , which would lead to a Ψ angle bias of (6°in eq 6E. Thus, a typical UV Raman measurement of a typical sample would find a random error of e(8°in the Ψ angle, assuming a known HB state. However, extreme alterations in the unknown HB state of a PB in water could additionally bias the Ψ angle by (6°. Conclusions We used UV resonance Raman spectroscopy to investigate the dependence of the AmIII 3 frequency on the Ψ Ramachandran angle and on the nature of PB HBs. These results allow us to formulate relationships that allow us to estimate the Ψ Ramachandran angles from observed AmIII 3 frequencies for both aqueous solutions of peptides and proteins as well as for the anhydrous states of peptides and proteins. A typical Raman measurement of a typical sample would find a random error of e(8°in the Ψ angle, assuming a known HB state. However, if the HB state of a PB in water is unknown, extreme alterations in such a state could additionally bias the Ψ angle by (6°. We are optimistic that these relationships will be very useful for protein conformational studies, especially in the field of protein folding. This is because any attempt to understand reaction mechanisms, such as protein folding, requires elucidation of the relevant reaction coordinate(s). The Ψ angle is precisely the reaction coordinate that determines secondary structure changes. As shown elsewhere, 60 the correlation we propose can be used to determine features of the energy landscape along this Ψ reaction coordinate

    Multimodal optical measurement for study of lower limb tissue viability in patients with diabetes mellitus

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    According to the International Diabetes Federation, the challenge of early stage diagnosis and treatment effectiveness monitoring in diabetes is currently one of the highest priorities in modern healthcare. The potential of combined measurements of skin fluorescence and blood perfusion by the laser Doppler flowmetry method in diagnostics of low limb diabetes complications was evaluated. Using Monte Carlo probabilistic modeling, the diagnostic volume and depth of the diagnosis were evaluated. The experimental study involved 76 patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. These patients were divided into two groups depending on the degree of complications. The control group consisted of 48 healthy volunteers. The local thermal stimulation was selected as a stimulus on the blood microcirculation system. The experimental studies have shown that diabetic patients have elevated values of normalized fluorescence amplitudes, as well as a lower perfusion response to local heating. In the group of people with diabetes with trophic ulcers, these parameters also significantly differ from the control and diabetes only groups. Thus, the intensity of skin fluorescence and level of tissue blood perfusion can act as markers for various degrees of complications from the beginning of diabetes to the formation of trophic ulcers

    Aqueous alteration processes in Jezero crater, Mars—implications for organic geochemistry

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    The Perseverance rover landed in Jezero crater, Mars, in February 2021. We used the Scanning Habitable Environments with Raman and Luminescence for Organics and Chemicals (SHERLOC) instrument to perform deep-ultraviolet Raman and fluorescence spectroscopy of three rocks within the crater. We identify evidence for two distinct ancient aqueous environments at different times. Reactions with liquid water formed carbonates in an olivine-rich igneous rock. A sulfate-perchlorate mixture is present in the rocks, which probably formed by later modifications of the rocks by brine. Fluorescence signatures consistent with aromatic organic compounds occur throughout these rocks and are preserved in minerals related to both aqueous environments