179 research outputs found

    Reformation and transformation of charity work at the beginning of the new time

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    This article is aimed at studying the transformation of Christian charity at the beginning of the New Time and the analysis of changes ongoing in this sphere. The authors of this research start with the analysis of the situation that had been formed in the economy, culture and activity of the Roman Catholic Church in the late Middle Ages. Such a preliminary excursion into the historical domain is not coincidental. It assists understanding the reasons for the Reformation and later events. However, β€œin the beginning was the Word”, therefore, the text analyzes the ideas of such founding fathers of Protestantism as Martin Luther, John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli. The new ideology along with the sociocultural and socioeconomic factors promoted the formation of a radically different and more creative social system, also including the charity sphere that became more rational, practical and rough

    Studying temporal variability of GRS1739-278 during the 2014 outburst

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    We report a discovery of low-frequency quasi periodic oscillation at 0.3-0.7 Hz in the power spectra of the accreting black hole GRS1739-278 in the hard-intermediate state during its 2014 outburst based on the NuSTAR{\it NuSTAR} and Swift/XRT data. The QPO frequency strongly evolved with the source flux during the NuSTAR observation. The source spectrum became softer with rising QPO frequency and simultaneous increasing of the power-law index and decreasing of the cut-off energy. In the power spectrum, a prominent harmonic is clearly seen together with the main QPO peak. The fluxes in the soft and the hard X-ray bands are coherent, however, the coherence drops for the energy bands separated by larger gaps. The phase-lags are generally positive (hard) in the 0.1-3 Hz frequency range, and negative below 0.1 Hz. The accretion disc inner radius estimated with the relativistic reflection spectral model appears to be Rin<7.3RgR_{\rm in} < 7.3 R_{\rm g}. In the framework of the relativistic precession model, in order to satisfy the constraints from the observed QPO frequency and the accretion disc truncation radius, a massive black hole with MBHβ‰ˆ100M_{\rm BH} \approx 100MβŠ™_\odot is required.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures; accepted for publication in MNRA

    The status of world outlook and environmental competencies in aerospace engineering training: the general and special

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    The article is devoted to the study of the status of philosophical and environmental competences for engineering education programs in the field of space exploration. The authors prove that the specialists who will work in the space field in the XXI century face the most important problems, the solution of which is vital for humanity. It is stated that the quality of future decisions will be determined by the development of the philosophical and environmental ideas. It is demonstrated that these idea should necessarily have futurological character. It is suggested that the special courses aimed at the formation of futurological philosophical and environmental concepts can present as a possible solution to this problem (e.g. Creativity training for engineers, etc.)

    Stokes-correlometry analysis of biological tissues with polycrystalline structure

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    Utilizing Stokes-correlometry analysis a new diagnostic approach has been introduced for quantitative assessment of polarization images of histological sections of optically anisotropic biological tissues with different morphological structures and physiological conditions. The developed approach is based on the quantitative assessment of coordinate and phase distributions of the Stokes vector of scattered light. A combined use of statistic, correlation, and fractal analysis is used for resolving variations in optical anisotropy of biological samples. The proposed combined application of the statistical, correlation, and fractal-based evaluates of spatial distributions of `single-point' polarization azimuth, ellipticity, and `two-point' Stokes vector parameters of polarization images of biological tissues histological sections demonstrates a high accuracy (Ac β‰₯ 90%) in monitoring of optical anisotropy variations within biological tissues

    Combined use of laser Doppler flowmetry and skin thermometry for functional diagnostics of intradermal finger vessels

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    We introduce a noninvasive diagnostic approach for functional monitoring of blood microflows in capillaries and thermoregulatory vessels within the skin. The measuring system is based on the combined use of laser Doppler flowmetry and skin contact thermometry. The obtained results suggest that monitoring of blood microcirculation during the occlusion, performed in conjunction with the skin temperature measurements in the thermally stabilized medium, has a great potential for quantitative assessment of angiospatic dysfunctions of the peripheral blood vessels. The indices of blood flow reserve and temperature response were measured and used as the primarily parameters of the functional diagnostics of the peripheral vessels of skin. Utilizing these parameters, a simple phenomenological model has been suggested to identify patients with angiospastic violations in the vascular system

    Mapping of polycrystalline films of biological fluids utilizing the Jones-matrix formalism

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    Utilizing a polarized light approach, we reconstruct the spatial distribution of birefringence and optical activity in polycrystalline films of biological fluids. The Jones-matrix formalism is used for an accessible quantitative description of these types of optical anisotropy. We demonstrate that differentiation of polycrystalline films of biological fluids can be performed based on a statistical analysis of the distribution of rotation angles and phase shifts associated with the optical activity and birefringence, respectively. Finally, practical operational characteristics, such as sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of the Jones-matrix reconstruction of optical anisotropy, were identified with special emphasis on biomedical application, specifically for differentiation of bile films taken from healthy donors and from patients with cholelithiasis

    Advances in Dynamic Light Scattering Imaging of Blood Flow

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    Dynamic light scattering (DLS) is a well known experimental approach uniquely suited for the characterization of small particles undergoing Brownian motion in randomly inhomogeneous turbid scattering medium, including water suspension, polymers in solutions, cells cultures, and so on. DLS is based on the illuminating of turbid medium with a coherent laser light and further analyzes the intensity fluctuations caused by the motion of the scattering particles. The DLS-based spin-off derivative techniques, such laser Doppler flowmetry (LDF), diffusing wave spectroscopy (DWS), laser speckle contrast imaging (LSCI), and Doppler optical coherence tomography (DOCT), are exploited widely for non-invasive imaging of blood flow in brain, skin, muscles, and other biological tissues. The recent advancements in the DLS-based imaging technologies in frame of their application for brain blood flow monitoring, skin perfusion measurements, and non-invasive blood micro-circulation characterization are overviewed. The fundamentals, breakthrough potential, and practical findings revealed by DLS-based blood flow imaging studies, including the limitations and challenges of the approach such as movement artifacts, non-ergodicity, and overcoming high scattering properties of studied medium, are also discussed. It is concluded that continued research and further technological advancements in DLS-based imaging will pave the way for new exciting developments and insights into blood flow diagnostic imaging
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