87 research outputs found

    Legal Remedies Against Grant Decisions

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    This contribution deals with grant procedures in the Czech Republic, in particular with grants from the European Structural and Investment Funds. The main aim of the article is to examine possible legal remedies that can be used by grant applicants in case of adverse decisions. There is no separate legal act dealing solely with grant procedures in the Czech Republic. Therefore, this contribution analyses the relation between Act No. 218/2000 Coll., Budgetary Rules and Act No. 500/2004 Coll., Code of Administrative Procedure, with an emphasis on the amendment to Budgetary Rules which came into effect on 1st January 2018 and brought significant changes to rules governing the grant procedures. This article does not deal with the control of projects implementation nor remedies against sanctions for the breach of budgetary discipline. The methods of description, analysis, comparison and synthesis are used for writing this contribution

    Has the relationship between market and model CDS price changed during the EMU debt crisis?

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    Basic purpose of a credit default swap (CDS) is to protect its buyer against a default of a reference entity. During the ongoing EMU debt crisis this purpose was questioned when Greek default was postponed continuously and actions of European public authorities gave rise to speculations that Greece could effectively default without CDS protection payment being triggered. In this article we examine whether this development in Greek case influenced CDS price of EMU member states in general, i.e. whether investors' trust in this instrument decreased. Our presumption is that if there are no uncertainties about the CDS contract conditions, market price of a CDS should be closely related to its modelled risk-neutral fair price. In the first part of the article we use adopted reduced form CDS valuation model to obtain model CDS price which is compared to market CDS price in the second part of the article using two methods: heteroskedasticity- and autocorrelation-robust estimates and Johansen cointegration test. The main finding of this article is that the relationship between market and model CDS price mostly weakened during the crisis. More interestingly, using the first method it weakened in case of all riskier countries such as Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Spain and Belgium and this trend is not confirmed in case of safer countries such as Finland, France, Netherlands and Austria. In both methods we take into account a role of counterparty and liquidity risk and conclude that whereas counterparty risk role increased during the crisis, liquidity risk does not seem to play an important role in CDS market price determination

    Minor mothers in the Romani communities

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    Bakalářská práce "Nezletilé matky v romské komunitě" se zabývá mladými romskými matkami v lokalitě zvané Poschlá na periferii Vsetína. V širším kontextu zkoumá demografické chování romské menšiny a jeho odlišnosti od demografického chování obyvatelstva České republiky jako celku. Práce vykresluje charakter romské komunity ve Vsetíně, která se dosud vyznačuje poměrně tradičním a konzervativním způsobem života, což se promítá i do demografického chování. Také se zaměřuje na životní cyklus Romů, jehož výrazně kratší časová osa do jisté míry odůvodňuje brzké načasování zahájení reprodukce. Praktická část práce srovnává porodnost tří generací vsetínských Romek a také jejich věk v době narození prvního dítěte. V neposlední řadě si práce klade otázku, jaké jsou možnosti a efektivita sociální práce s nezletilými matkami a jejich rodinami.The bachelor thesis "Minor mothers in the Romani communities" addresses the phenomenon of minor mothers in the traditional Romani community. More generally, the demographic behavior of the Romanies is analyzed, and discussed with respect to the overall demographic data valid for the population of the Czech Republic. This thesis and its conclusions are based on the author's own research performed in Poschlá, a suburb of the city of Vsetín. The Romani community in Vsetín is introduced, including notes on its history. It is pointed out that the community still exhibits remarkable respect to the outstanding role of the typical extended family structure, which significantly influences the demographic behavior of the community. The author also notes fundamental differences concerning the mean lifespan of the Romanies versus the majority population, by which the typical early timing and extension of the female reproduction period can be explained naturally. Such conclusions are justified by the author's own research dealing with three overlapping generations of the Romani mothers in Vsetín, with focus on their age at the time of their first delivery. The thesis also discusses various aspects of social work and its efficiency regarding the issues related to minor mothers and their families.Department of Social WorkKatedra sociální práceFaculty of ArtsFilozofická fakult

    Podrobná charakteristika transgenních myší s mutacemi Twinkle-PEO

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    U diplomových prací obhajovaných před rokem 2010 nebyl abstrakt povinný. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)U diplomových prací obhajovaných před rokem 2010 nebyl abstrakt povinný. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)Dep. of Physiology and Develop. Biology (obsolete)Katedra fyziol. živočichů a vývoj. biol. (zrušena)Faculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Specific in nursing care of ECMO cannulas in pediatric patiens

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    Department of Nursing 3FM CUÚstav ošetřovatelství 3. LF UK3. lékařská fakultaThird Faculty of Medicin

    Právní a ekonomické aspekty financování neziskových organizací

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    Monografie se zabývá vybranými právními a ekonomickými aspekty neziskových organizací v ČR. Vychází z teoretických právních konceptů, které jsou dnes hojně využívány a široce akceptovány.The book is dealing with selected law and economics aspects of non-profit organisations in the Czech Republic

    Generalization and fine mapping of European ancestry-based central adiposity variants in African ancestry populations

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    Central adiposity measures such as waist circumference (WC) and waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) are associated with cardiometabolic disorders independently of BMI and are gaining clinically utility. Several studies report genetic variants associated with central adiposity, but most utilize only European ancestry populations. Understanding whether the genetic associations discovered among mainly European descendants are shared with African ancestry populations will help elucidate the biological underpinnings of abdominal fat deposition