9 research outputs found

    Development of Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia in a Patient With Gouty Arthritis on Long Term Colchicine

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    Colchicine is a frequently used drug in rheumatological diseases. Acute promyelocytic leukemia developed in a patient who used colchicine for gouty arthritis since 10 years is presented and the possible relation between the long term use of colchicine and hematological malignancies is discussed

    Anorectal Complications During Neutropenic Period in Patients with Hematologic Diseases

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    Background: Neutropenic patients are susceptible to any anorectal disease, and symptomatic anorectal disease afflicts 2-32% of oncology patients. Perianal infections are the most feared complication, considering the lack of natural defense against infectious microorganisms. When septic complications develop, the anorectal disease is potentially fatal, especially in neutropenic patients in whom mortality rates range between 11-57%. Although anorectal diseases are a frequent complication with potentially fatal outcomes among patients with hematologic diseases, sufficient data are not available in the literature. In this study, we aimed to investigate the anorectal complications developing during the neutropenic period in patients with hematologic diseases. Methods: A total of 79 patients whose neutropenic period (absolute neutrophil count < 500/mcL) continued for 7 days, or longer were included in the study. Results: A total of 34 patients out of 79 (43%) were detected to develop anorectal complications, of them 6 (7.6%) developed an anorectal infection. The patients were characterized according to the hematological disease and its status (active or not), the type of treatment and the presence of a history of an anorectal pathology before the onset of the hematologic disease. Nineteen (24.1%) patients had the history of anorectal disturbances before diagnosis of the hematologic disease, and recurrence of an anorectal pathology was found in 14 out of 19 patients(73.7%). In addition, the overall mortality rate was higher among the patients who developed anorectal complications compared to another group (41.2% vs. 22.2%, p= 0.059). Conclusion: Anorectal pathology is a common complication with high recurrence rate in neutropenic patients. Perianal infections are important as they can cause life-threatening outcomes although they are relatively rare among all anorectal complications. Therefore perianal signs and symptoms should be meticulously evaluated concerning early diagnosis and treatment

    The clinicopathologic features of multiple primary malignancies in hematology: A cross sectional descriptive study

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    In Turkish literature there are very few studies regarding multiple primary malignancies (MPM). The aim of this study was to analyze the synchronous and the metachronous malignancies that occurred with a hematologic malignancy. All the patients with a hematologic malignancy were enrolled in this cross-sectional, definitive retrospective study. Data were obtained from the medial records. Patients characteristics including demographic features, treatment protocols and overall survival (OS) were recorded. Among 663 patients with a hematologic malignancy, there were 26 patients with MPMs (3.9%). Synchronous malignancies constitute 0.9% and metachronous malignancies were present in 3%. In men diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) and non-small cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) and in women breast and acute myeloid leukemia were the most common primary and secondary MPMs respectively. The mean cumulative OS of all patients with MPMs was 246.3±33.4 months and the 5 years-OS was 91.3%. In synchronous MPMs the most frequent concomitant tumors were DLBCL and NSCLC. In metachronous tumors the median time interval between first and second malignancies was 69.5 months (range: 31-312). In four patients there were three MPMs. After radiotherapy three patients developed breast, thyroid and skin cancers and in one patient who received radioiodine for the treatment of thyroid carcinoma, DLBCL had developed. The chemotherapeutic agents applied for the primary malignancies consisted of alkylating agents, antimetabolites, anthracyclines, topoisomerase II inhibitors, monoclonal antibodies and mitotic inhibitors. In 75% of the patients with DLBCL who had received R-CHOP chemotherapy regimen, NSCLC had developed during the follow-up period. In conclusion secondary malignancies with hematologic malignancies are not rare and the clinicians should keep the possibility of secondary malignancies in mind and be suspicious during diagnostic evaluations. Warning with regard to the risk of development of secondary malignancies due to the primary treatment should be given to any patient with a hematologic malignancy. [Med-Science 2020; 9(1.000): 94-9

    Red blood cell alloimmunization in patients with sickle cell disease in Turkey: a single center retrospective cohort study

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    Purpose: We aimed to investigate erythrocyte alloimmunization frequency and related factors in our region where SCD is common Material and Methods: This study was planned as a single center, cross-sectional and retrospective cohort study. A total of 216 patients who had been followed up due to SCD [Hemoglobin (Hb) SS, Hb S-beta thalassemia, Hb S-alpha thalassemia] were included in this study. Patients were divided to two groups according to amount of transfusion. The patients who had received less than 6 transfusions per year and who did not have the history of erythropheresis were allocated to Group 1, and the patients who had received 6 or more simple transfusion per year or who had undergone erythrocyte exchange were allocated to Group 2 Results: Of 216 SCD patients included in the study. Alloimmunization was detected in 67 (31.0%) out of 216 patients who underwent transfusion, and in 17 (30.4%) out of 56 patients in Group 1 and in 50 (31.3%) out of 160 patients in Group 2. When the patients were analyzed according to alloimmunization development, our study revealed that neither SCD complications are a risk factor for alloimmunization nor alloimmunization increases mortality rates Conclusion: High alloimmunization frequency found in our study suggests the insufficient adherence of alloimmunization-prevention policies in RBC transfusions performed except experienced institutions. Therefore alloimmunization may be reduced or prevented through performing extended red cell typing among SCD patient

    Effectiveness of Visual Methods in Information Procedures for Stem Cell Recipients and Donors

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    Objective: Obtaining informed consent from hematopoietic stem cell recipients and donors is a critical step in the transplantation process. Anxiety may affect their understanding of the provided information. However, use of audiovisual methods may facilitate understanding. In this prospective randomized study, we investigated the effectiveness of using an audiovisual method of providing information to patients and donors in combination with the standard model. Materials and Methods: A 10-min informational animation was prepared for this purpose. In total, 82 participants were randomly assigned to two groups: group 1 received the additional audiovisual information and group 2 received standard information. A 20-item questionnaire was administered to participants at the end of the informational session. Results: A reliability test and factor analysis showed that the questionnaire was reliable and valid. For all participants, the mean overall satisfaction score was 184.8 +/- 19.8 (maximum possible score of 200). However, for satisfaction with information about written informed consent, group 1 scored significantly higher than group 2 (p=0.039). Satisfaction level was not affected by age, education level, or differences between the physicians conducting the informative session. Conclusion: This study shows that using audiovisual tools may contribute to a better understanding of the informed consent procedure and potential risks of stem cell transplantation

    Organ damage mitigation with the Baskent Sickle Cell Medical Care Development Program (BASCARE)

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    The Eastern Mediterranean is among the regions where sickle cell disease (SCD) is common. The morbidity and mortality of this disease can be postponed to adulthood through therapies implemented in childhood. The present study focuses on the organ damage-reducing effects of the Baskent Sickle Cell Medical Care Development Program (BASCARE), which was developed by a team who lives in this region and has approximately 25 years of experience. The deliverables of the program included the development of an electronic health recording system (PRANA) and electronic vaccination system; the use of low citrate infusion in routine prophylactic automatic erythrocyte exchange (ARCE) programs including pregnant women; the use of leukocyte-filtered and irradiated blood for transfusion; the use of magnetic resonance imaging methods (T2(*)) for the management of transfusion-related hemosiderosis; and the implementation of an allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation protocol for adult patients. The sample was composed of 376 study subjects and 249 control subjects. The hospital's Data Management System and the central population operating system were used for data collection. BASCARE enabled better analysis and interpretation of complication and mortality data. Vaccination rates against influenza and pneumococcal disease improved (21.5% vs 50.8% and 21.5% vs 49.2%, respectively). Effective and safe ARCE with low citrate infusion were maintained in 352 subjects (1003 procedures). Maternal and fetal mortality was prevented in 35 consecutive pregnant patients with ARCE. Chelating therapy rates reduced from 6.7% to 5%. Successful outcomes could be obtained in all 13 adult patients who underwent allogeneic peripheral stem cell transplantation from a fully matched, related donor. No patients died by day 100 or after the first year. Cure could be achieved without graft loss, grades III to IV acute graft versus host disease, extensive chronic graft versus host disease, or other major complications. The BASCARE program significantly improved patient care and thereby prolonged the life span of SCD patients (42 +/- 13 years vs 29 +/- 7 years, P < .001). We may recommend using such individualized programs in centers that provide health care for patients with SCD, in accordance with holistic approach due to the benign nature but malignant course of the disease