23,727 research outputs found

    Microscopes and computers combined for analysis of chromosomes

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    Scanning machine CHLOE, developed for photographic use, is combined with a digital computer to obtain quantitative and statistically significant data on chromosome shapes, distribution, density, and pairing. CHLOE permits data acquisition about a chromosome complement to be obtained two times faster than by manual pairing

    Advanced development of Pb-salt semiconductor lasers for the 8.0 to 15.0 micrometer spectral region

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    The technology was studied for producing Pb-salt diode lasers for the 8-51 micron spectral region suitable for use as local oscillators in a passive Laser Heterodyne Spectrometer (LHS). Consideration was given to long range NASA plans for the utilization of the passive LHS in a space shuttle environment. The general approach was to further develop the method of compositional interdiffusion (CID) recently reported, and used successfully at shorter wavelength. This technology was shown to provide an effective and reproducible method of producing a single-heterostructure (SH) diode of either the heterojunction or single-sided configuration. Performance specifications were exceeded in several devices, with single-ended CW power outputs as high as 0.88 milliwatts in a mode being achieved. The majority of the CID lasers fabricated had CW operating temperatures of over 60K; 30% of them operated CW above the boiling temperature of liquid nitrogen. CW operation above liquid nitrogen temperature was possible for wavelengths as long as 10.3 microns. Operation at 77K is significant with respect to space shuttle operations since its allows considerable simplification of cooling method

    Synchronization and fault-masking in redundant real-time systems

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    A real time computer may fail because of massive component failures or not responding quickly enough to satisfy real time requirements. An increase in redundancy - a conventional means of improving reliability - can improve the former but can - in some cases - degrade the latter considerably due to the overhead associated with redundancy management, namely the time delay resulting from synchronization and voting/interactive consistency techniques. The implications of synchronization and voting/interactive consistency algorithms in N-modular clusters on reliability are considered. All these studies were carried out in the context of real time applications. As a demonstrative example, we have analyzed results from experiments conducted at the NASA Airlab on the Software Implemented Fault Tolerance (SIFT) computer. This analysis has indeed indicated that in most real time applications, it is better to employ hardware synchronization instead of software synchronization and not allow reconfiguration

    Development of lead salt semiconductor lasers for the 9-17 micron spectral region

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    Improved diode lasers of Pb sub 1-x Sn sub x Se operating in the 9-17 micrometers spectral region were developed. The performance characteristics of the best lasers exceeded the contract goals of 500 microW/mode at T 30K in the 9-12 micrometers region and 200 microW/mode at T 18K in the 16-17 micrometers region. Increased reliability and device yields resulted from processing improvements which evolved from a series of diagnostic studies. By means of Auger electron spectroscopy, laser shelf storage degradation was shown to be characterized by the presence of In metal on the semiconductor crystal surfaces. Studies of various metal barrier layers between the crystals and the In metal led to the development of an improved metallurgical contacting technology which has resulted in devices with performance stability values exceeding the contract goal of a one year shelf life. Lasers cycled over 500 times between 300K and 77K were also shown to be stable. Studies on improved methods of fabricating striped geometry lasers indicated that good spectral mode characteristics resulted from lasers which stripe widths of 12 and 25 micrometers

    Reliability improvements in tunable Pb1-xSnxSe diode lasers

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    Recent developments in the technology of Pb-salt diode lasers which have led to significant improvements in reliability and lifetime, and to improved operation at very long wavelengths are described. A combination of packaging and contacting-metallurgy improvements has led to diode lasers that are stable both in terms of temperature cycling and shelf-storage time. Lasers cycled over 500 times between 77 K and 300 K have exhibited no measurable changes in either electrical contact resistance or threshold current. Utilizing metallurgical contacting process, both lasers and experimental n-type and p-type bulk materials are shown to have electrical contact resistance values that are stable for shelf storage periods well in excess of one year. Problems and experiments which have led to devices with improved performance stability are discussed. Stable device configurations achieved for material compositions yielding lasers which operate continuously at wavelengths as long as 30.3 micrometers are described

    Theoretical investigation into the possibility of very large moments in Fe16N2

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    We examine the mystery of the disputed high-magnetization \alpha"-Fe16N2 phase, employing the Heyd-Scuseria-Ernzerhof screened hybrid functional method, perturbative many-body corrections through the GW approximation, and onsite Coulomb correlations through the GGA+U method. We present a first-principles computation of the effective on-site Coulomb interaction (Hubbard U) between localized 3d electrons employing the constrained random-phase approximation (cRPA), finding only somewhat stronger on-site correlations than in bcc Fe. We find that the hybrid functional method, the GW approximation, and the GGA+U method (using parameters computed from cRPA) yield an average spin moment of 2.9, 2.6 - 2.7, and 2.7 \mu_B per Fe, respectively.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    NLTE effects on Fe I/II in the atmospheres of FGK stars and application to abundance analysis of their spectra

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    We describe the first results from our project aimed at large-scale calculations of NLTE abundance corrections for important astrophysical atoms and ions. In this paper, the focus is on Fe which is a proxy of stellar metallicity and is commonly used to derive effective temperature and gravity. We present a small grid of NLTE abundance corrections for Fe I lines and discuss how NLTE effects influence determination of effective temperature, surface gravity, and metallicity for late-type stars.Comment: 6 pages, to be published in IOP The Journal of Physics: Conference Series, proceedings of the Workshop: 'Stellar Atmospheres in the Gaia Era: Quantitative Spectroscopy and Comparative Spectrum Modelling', Brussels, June 201

    Basic studies of baroclinic flows

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    A fully nonlinear 3-dimensional numerical model (GEOSIM), previously developed and validated for several cases of geophysical fluid flow, has been used to investigate the dynamical behavior of laboratory experiments of fluid flows similar to those of the Earth's atmosphere. The phenomena investigated are amplitude vacillation, and the response of the fluid system to uneven heating and cooling. The previous year's work included hysteresis in the transition between axisymmetric and wave flow. Investigation is also continuing of the flows in the Geophysical Fluid Flow Cell (GFFC), a low-gravity Spacelab experiment. Much of the effort in the past year has been spent in validation of the model under a wide range of external parameters including nonlinear flow regimes. With the implementation of a 3-dimensional upwind differencing scheme, higher spectral resolution, and a shorter time step, the model has been found capable of predicting the majority of flow regimes observed in one complete series of baroclinic annulus experiments of Pfeffer and co-workers. Detailed analysis of amplitude vacillation has revealed that the phase splitting described in the laboratory experiments occurs in some but not all cases. Through the use of animation of the models output, a vivid 3-dimensional view of the phase splitting was shown to the audience of the Southeastern Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Conference in March of this year. A study on interannual variability was made using GEOSIM with periodic variations in the thermal forcing. Thus far, the model has not predicted a chaotic behavior as observed in the experiments, although there is a sensitivity in the wavenumber selection to the initial conditions. Work on this subject, and on annulus experiments with non-axisymmetric thermal heating, will continue. The comparison of GEOSIM's predictions will result from the Spacelab 3 GFFC experiments continued over the past year, on a 'back-burner' basis. At this point, the study (in the form of a draft of a journal article) is nearly completed. The results from GEOSIM compared very well with the experiments, and the use of the model allows the demonstration of flow mechanics that were not possible with the experimental data. For example, animation of the model output shows that the forking of the spiral bands is a transient phenomenon, due to the differential east-west propagation of convection bands from different latitudes

    Fluorine abundances in planetary nebulae

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    We have determined fluorine abundances from the F II 4789 and F IV 4060 nebular emission lines for a sample of planetary nebulae (PNe). Our results show that fluorine is generally overabundant in PNe, thus providing new evidence for the synthesis of fluorine in asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars. [F/O] is found to be positively correlated with the C/O abundance ratio, in agreement with the predictions of theoretical models of fluorine production in thermally pulsing AGB stars. A large enhancement of fluorine is observed in the Wolf-Rayet PN NGC 40, suggesting that high mass-loss rates probably favor the survival of fluorine.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Basic studies of baroclinic flows

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    Computations were completed of transition curves in the conventional annulus, including hysteresis effect. The model GEOSIM was used to compute the transition between axisymmetric flow and baroclinic wave flow in the conventional annulus experiments. Thorough testing and documentation of the GEOSIM code were also completed. The Spacelab 3 results from the Geophysical Fluid Flow Cell (GFFC) were reviewed and numerical modeling was performed of many of the cases with horizontal temperature gradients as well as heating from below, with different rates of rotation. A numerical study of the lower transition to axisymmetric flow in the baroclinic annulus was performed using GEOSIM