68 research outputs found

    The invisible among us: Representation of disability in lower elementary school EFL textbooks in the Republic of Croatia

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    Cilj je suvremenih inkluzivnih vrijednosti, koje prožimaju europske i hrvatske obrazovne dokumente i kurikule, osigurati pravične i ravnopravne mogućnosti za razvoj svakoga učenika, bez obzira na njegove obrazovne potrebe te kulturno, etničko, jezično i socioekonomsko podrijetlo, a zastupljenost, realističan prikaz i prihvaćanje druÅ”tvene različitosti u nastavnim materijalima naglaÅ”avaju se kao moćno sredstvo za prevladavanje diskriminacije, stigmatizacije i marginalizacije najranjivijih skupina u druÅ”tvu. Stoga je iznimno važno da se u Å”kolskim udžbenicima vodi računa o zastupljenosti inkluzivnoga sadržaja. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja istražiti zastupljenost i prikaz osoba s invalidnoŔću u udžbenicima engleskoga jezika izdavača Profil-Klett (New Building Blocks 1, New Building Blocks 2, New Building Blocks 3, New Building Blocks 4) namijenjenima za poučavanje u prvim četirima razredima osnovne Å”kole te ispitati odgovara li zastupljenost pojedine vrste invalidnosti u analiziranim udžbenicima stvarnomu udjelu osoba s invalidnoŔću u Republici Hrvatskoj. U istraživanju je primijenjena metoda analize sadržaja, a istraživanje je provedeno u tri faze. Prva i druga faza istraživanja uključivale su pomno čitanje svakoga udžbenika te analizu slika (fotografija i ilustracija) i teksta koji se odnosio na invalidnost ili osobe s invalidnoŔću. Sustav kodiranja temelji se na prilagođenome obliku istraživanja udžbenika engleskoga jezika koje su proveli autori Gulya i FehĆ©rvĆ”ri (2023). U trećoj fazi dobiveni rezultati uspoređeni su s udjelom osoba s invalidnoŔću u Republici Hrvatskoj (Registar osoba s invaliditetom). Dobiveni rezultati ukazuju na potrebu podizanja svijesti o uključivanju invalidnosti i osoba s invalidnoŔću u analizirane Å”kolske udžbenike s obzirom na to da trenutni nastavni sadržaji prikazuju samo oÅ”tećenje vida (primarno kod odraslih osoba), ali ne i druge kategorije invalidnosti, čime se ne odražava stvarni udio osoba s invalidnoŔću u Republici Hrvatskoj.Contemporary inclusive values, which permeate European and Croatian educational documents and curricula, aim to ensure fair and equal opportunities for the development of every student, regardless of their educational needs and cultural, ethnic, linguistic and socioeconomic origin, and the representation, realistic portrayal, and acceptance of social differences in teaching materials has been emphasized as a powerful tool for overcoming discrimination, stigmatization, and marginalization of the most vulnerable groups in society. Therefore, it is vital that school textbooks contain inclusive content. The aim of this research was to investigate the representation and portrayal of people with disabilities in the English language textbooks published by Profil-Klett (New Building Blocks 1, New Building Blocks 2, New Building Blocks 3, New Building Blocks 4) intended for teaching in the first four grades of primary school and whether the representation of a particular type of disability in the analyzed textbooks corresponds to the actual share of people with disabilities in the Republic of Croatia. The research was conducted in three phases using the method of content analysis. The first and second research phases involved reading each textbook page and analyzing images (photos and illustrations) and text related to disability or people with disabilities. The coding system was based on an adapted form of English textbook research conducted by Gulya and FehĆ©rvĆ”ri (2023.). The obtained results indicate the need to raise awareness about the inclusion of content related to disabilities and people with disabilities in the analyzed school textbooks, given that the current teaching contents contain references only to visual impairments (primarily in adults) but not other categories of disability, which does not reflect the actual share of people with disabilities in the Republic of Croatia

    Booker T. Washington and W.E.B.Du Bois: Issue of the Color Line

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    In this M.A. thesis I will explore and compare the ideas introduced and expressed in the works of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois, focusing on the topics where they overlap. The reason I chose these two authors and this subject matter is because I believe it to be extremely relevant today. These works of literary art were written over a century ago and yet almost all the issues these authors talk about are omnipresent in the world today except on a global scale. These works deal with issues of racial relations in the United States of America at the end of the 19th century/beginning of the 20th century and while some progress has definitely been made there is still much work to be done to achieve the kind of equality these authors, their forefathers and successors like Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X talk about. I feel these issues can be translated into others we face as a society today, ranging from feminism to LGBTQ+ rights to religious discrimination. The reason I chose these two authors is because they present two very different approaches to achieving the same goal. It is interesting to see different perspectives on certain issues and to understand where they come from and why they are in opposition. The goal of this thesis is to explore how the authorsā€™ philosophical and political agendas are expressed in their literary work and, in a smaller capacity, how they influenced the movements that followed

    Analiza dimenzionalnih značajki rebara Ŕipki čelika za armiranje

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    U radu je teorijski i praktično obrađena problematika ispitivanja, odnosno mjerenja dimenzionalnih značajki rebrastog čelika za armiranje potrebnih za određivanje svedene ploÅ”tine rebara. U radu su navedeni zahtjevi na zavarljive čelike za armiranje propisani normom HR\N 1130:2008 i opisane metode mjerenja koje norma ISO 15630-1:2002 propisuje za navedeni čelik. U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada opisan je način mjerenja geometrijskih značajki, te je dan opis postupka statističke analize rezultata mjerenja u skladu sa zahtjevima norme ISO 5725-1984(E). U eksperimentalnom dijelu rada mjerene su veličine potrebne za izračunavanje faktora prionjivosti, odnosno svedene ploÅ”tine rebara pomoću Simpson-ove formule (am, a1/4, a3/4, c, e). Mjerenja navedenih veličina izvrÅ”ena su primjenom dviju metoda, optičkim uređajem RM 302/202 proizvođača ECM Datensysteme GMBH i primjenom klasičnih ručnih mjerila. Rezultati mjerenja obje primijenjene metode statistički su obrađeni u skladu sa zahtjevima norme ISO 5725-1984(E). Analizirani su parametri koji su pokazatelji preciznosti pojedine mjerne metode i izvrÅ”eni statistički testovi za usporedbu aritmetičkih sredina nizova mjerenja i preciznosti mjernih metoda, sa ciljem određivanja pouzdanosti mjerenja klasičnim ručnim mjerilima u odnosu na mjerenje optičkim mjernim uređajem RE 302/202. \Na temelju vrijednosti rezultata faktora prionjivosti dobivenih primjenom obje navedene metode izračunat je i faktor slaganja za svaki uzorak, te je donesen zaključak o usporedivosti koriÅ”tenih metoda. \Na osnovu analize rezultata mjerenja zaključeno je kako su rezultati obje metode međusobno usporedivi i obnovljivi za sve mjerene veličine i na svim mjerenim uzorcima. Preciznost mjerenja klasičnim ručnim mjerilima na općoj razini iako manja nije statistički značajno manja od preciznosti mjerenja optičkim uređajem

    Booker T. Washington and W.E.B.Du Bois: Issue of the Color Line

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    In this M.A. thesis I will explore and compare the ideas introduced and expressed in the works of Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois, focusing on the topics where they overlap. The reason I chose these two authors and this subject matter is because I believe it to be extremely relevant today. These works of literary art were written over a century ago and yet almost all the issues these authors talk about are omnipresent in the world today except on a global scale. These works deal with issues of racial relations in the United States of America at the end of the 19th century/beginning of the 20th century and while some progress has definitely been made there is still much work to be done to achieve the kind of equality these authors, their forefathers and successors like Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X talk about. I feel these issues can be translated into others we face as a society today, ranging from feminism to LGBTQ+ rights to religious discrimination. The reason I chose these two authors is because they present two very different approaches to achieving the same goal. It is interesting to see different perspectives on certain issues and to understand where they come from and why they are in opposition. The goal of this thesis is to explore how the authorsā€™ philosophical and political agendas are expressed in their literary work and, in a smaller capacity, how they influenced the movements that followed

    Elektro fizioloÅ”ki nalazi u ranom Guillain -BarrĆ©ovu sindromu

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    The aim of the study was to identify the most common electrophysiological abnormalities in early Guillain-BarrĆ© syndrome (GBS). Neurophysiological data on 51 GBS patients assessed within 12 days of symptom onset were reviewed. Acute inflammatory demyelinating polyradiculoneuropathy (AID P) was present in 46 of 51 GBS patients. The following abnormalities were observed in our AID P patients: absent H reflex in 90.7%, conduction block in the Erb-to-axilla segment in 78.6%, motor conduction velocity suggestive of demyelination in the Erb-to-axilla segment in 45.2%, prolonged F wave latency in 65.2%-73.8% of patients but only 20.0%-37.0% with prolonged F wave latency suggestive of demyelination, and reduced or absent sensory nerve action potential in 62% of patients. Abnormal values of terminal latencies, and motor and sensory conduction velocities in distal nerve segments suggestive of demyelination were recorded in less than 30% of patients. In conclusion, the most sensitive parameter in early GBS patients is conduction block in the most proximal segments of the peripheral nervous system, directly determined in the Erbto- axilla segment or indirectly as absent H reflex. Motor conduction studies in the Erb-to-axilla segment are very informative in early GBS patients.Cilj studije bio je utvrditi najčeŔće elektrofizioloÅ”ke nenormalnosti u ranom Guillain-BarrĆ©ovu sindromu (GBS). Ispitani su neurofizioloÅ”ki nalazi 51 bolesnika s GBS koji su pregledani unutar 12 dana od pojave simptoma. Akutna upalna demijelinizacijska poliradikuloneuropatija (AID P) bila je prisutna u 46 od 51 bolesnika s GBS. U bolesnika s AID P zabilježene su slijedeće nenormalnosti: odsutan H refleks u 90,7%, blokada provodljivosti u segmentu Erb do aksile u 78,5%, brzina motorne provodljivosti koja ukazuje na demijelinizaciju u segmentu Erb do aksile u 45,2%, produžena latencija F vala u 65,2%-73,8%, ali samo 20,0%-37,0% s produženom latencijom F vala koja ukazuje na demijelinizaciju, te smanjen ili odsutan akcijski potencijal senzornih živaca u 62% bolesnika. Nenormalne vrijednosti terminalnih latencija te motorne i senzorne brzine provodljivosti u distalnim segmentima živaca koje ukazuju na demijelinizaciju zabilježene su u manje od 30% bolesnika. Zaključuje se kako je blokada provodljivosti u najproksimalnijim segmentima perifernog živčanog sustava, koja se određuje izravno u segmentu Erb do aksila ili neizravno kao odsutan H refleks, najosjetljiviji parametar u bolesnika s ranim GBS. Ispitivanja motorne provodljivosti u segmentu Erb do aksila pružaju korisne informacije kod bolesnika s ranim GBS

    Osjetljivost na antimikrobne tvari bakterija izdvojenih iz mlijeka zdravih i liječenih vimena krava.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial susceptibility of milk microbiota, considering udder health status and drug treatment history. Composite milk samples were taken aseptically from healthy cows without any signs of mastitis (n = 17) and drug-treated cows with cured mastitis (n = 19). Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed for 56 enterococci, 30 Escherichia coli, 24 enterobacteria and 94 staphylococci. Depending on the bacterial group or species, the following antibiotic disks were used: ampicillin, rifampin, chloramphenicol, linezolid, tetracycline, erythromycin, nitrofurantoin, vancomycin, penicillin, trimethoprim, cefoperazone, kanamycin, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, nalidixic acid, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, teicoplanin, sulfonamides, levofloxacin, clindamycin and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid. The occurrence of multiresistant E. coli and staphylococci was significantly higher (P0.05) between the prevalence of multiresistant enterococci in the milk of healthy cows and cows with cured mastitis (87.2:73.7). The high prevalence of resistance in enterococci isolated from milk samples of healthy cows could be the result of animal cohabitation and cross-contamination.Cilj je ovog rada bio istražiti osjetljivost na antimikrobne tvari mikroflore mlijeka s obzirom na zdravstveni status vimena i izloženost antimikrobnim tvarima. Uzorci mlijeka sterilno su uzeti od zdravih krava bez znakova mastitisa (n = 17) i liječenih krava s preboljelim mastitisom (n = 19). Istražena je osjetljivost 56 izolata enterokoka, 30 Escherichia coli, 24 enterobakterija i 94 stafilokoka. Sukladno bakterijskoj vrsti ili skupini, koriÅ”teni su diskovi ampicilina, rifampina, kloramfenikola, linezolida, tetraciklina, eritromicina, nitrofurantoina, vankomicina, penicilina, trimetoprima, cefoperazona, kanamicina, trimetoprim/sulfametoksazola, nalidiksične kiseline, ciprofloksacina, gentamicina, teikoplanina, sulfonamida, levofloksacina, klindamicina i amoksicilina s klavulanskom kiselinom. Pojavnost viÅ”estruko otpornih izolata E. coli i stafilokoka bila je značajno veća (P0,05) u pojavnosti rezistencije enterokoka u mlijeku između zdravih i liječenih krava. Visoka učestalost otpornosti na antimikrobne tvari enterokoka u mlijeku zdravih krava može biti posljedica kohabitacije životinja i križnog onečiŔćenja

    Osjetljivost na antimikrobne tvari bakterija izdvojenih iz mlijeka zdravih i liječenih vimena krava.

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial susceptibility of milk microbiota, considering udder health status and drug treatment history. Composite milk samples were taken aseptically from healthy cows without any signs of mastitis (n = 17) and drug-treated cows with cured mastitis (n = 19). Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed for 56 enterococci, 30 Escherichia coli, 24 enterobacteria and 94 staphylococci. Depending on the bacterial group or species, the following antibiotic disks were used: ampicillin, rifampin, chloramphenicol, linezolid, tetracycline, erythromycin, nitrofurantoin, vancomycin, penicillin, trimethoprim, cefoperazone, kanamycin, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, nalidixic acid, ciprofloxacin, gentamicin, teicoplanin, sulfonamides, levofloxacin, clindamycin and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid. The occurrence of multiresistant E. coli and staphylococci was significantly higher (P0.05) between the prevalence of multiresistant enterococci in the milk of healthy cows and cows with cured mastitis (87.2:73.7). The high prevalence of resistance in enterococci isolated from milk samples of healthy cows could be the result of animal cohabitation and cross-contamination.Cilj je ovog rada bio istražiti osjetljivost na antimikrobne tvari mikroflore mlijeka s obzirom na zdravstveni status vimena i izloženost antimikrobnim tvarima. Uzorci mlijeka sterilno su uzeti od zdravih krava bez znakova mastitisa (n = 17) i liječenih krava s preboljelim mastitisom (n = 19). Istražena je osjetljivost 56 izolata enterokoka, 30 Escherichia coli, 24 enterobakterija i 94 stafilokoka. Sukladno bakterijskoj vrsti ili skupini, koriÅ”teni su diskovi ampicilina, rifampina, kloramfenikola, linezolida, tetraciklina, eritromicina, nitrofurantoina, vankomicina, penicilina, trimetoprima, cefoperazona, kanamicina, trimetoprim/sulfametoksazola, nalidiksične kiseline, ciprofloksacina, gentamicina, teikoplanina, sulfonamida, levofloksacina, klindamicina i amoksicilina s klavulanskom kiselinom. Pojavnost viÅ”estruko otpornih izolata E. coli i stafilokoka bila je značajno veća (P0,05) u pojavnosti rezistencije enterokoka u mlijeku između zdravih i liječenih krava. Visoka učestalost otpornosti na antimikrobne tvari enterokoka u mlijeku zdravih krava može biti posljedica kohabitacije životinja i križnog onečiŔćenja

    Utjecaj tjelesne kondicije na metaboličke serumske pokazatelje u burske koze prije i nakon jarenja

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    In goats, during the puerperal period, a lack of energy is one of the most frequent causes of sudden metabolic changes and the consequent reproductive disorders. The aim of our study was to assess the influence of the body condition on the serum profile of metabolites such as: total proteins (TP), albumin (ALB), triglycerides (TG), cholesterol (CHOL), glucose (GLU) and Ī²-hydroxybutirate (BHB) in Boer goats during late pregnancy (Day 120), at parturition (Day 0) as well as on Days 30 and 60 after parturition. A total of 15 female Boer goats (does), from a commercial farm in north western Croatia were used. The body condition status of the goats was established using the standard protocol for scoring. Based on the body condition score (BCS), each doe was categorized into one of three groups: group 1 (n = 5) or obese does with BCS ā‰„3.50-5.00, group 2 (n = 5) or medium does with BCS ā‰„2.75<3.50 and group 3 (n = 5) or thin does with BCS <2.75. The concentrations of serum TP, ALB, TG, CHOL, GLU and BHB were measured spectrophotometrically. On Day 120 of pregnancy the level of TG was significantly higher (P<0.05) in the obese does than the medium does. The levels of TP or CHOL were significantly higher (P<0.05) in the obese than in the thin does on Day 30 and Day 60, respectively, following parturition. The recorded changes in the metabolites tested could be of significance for monitoring the metabolic status of goats during intensive production, and of practical interest for preventing/controlling economic losses in goat breeding.U koze tijekom puerperija nedostatak energije predstavlja jedan od najčeŔćih uzroka iznenadnih metaboličkih promjena i posljedičnih reprodukcijskih poremećaja. Cilj naÅ”eg istraživanja bio je procijeniti utjecaj tjelesne kondicije na serumske metabolite kao Å”to su: ukupni proteini (UP), albumin (ALB), trigliceridi (TG), kolesterol (CHOL), glukoza (GLU) i Ī²-hidroksimaslačna kiselina (BHB) u burskih koza tijekom kasne gravidnosti (120. dan), porođaja (0. dan) kao i na 30. i 60. dan nakon porođaja. Ukupno je koriÅ”teno 15 burskih koza iz komercijalne farme u sjeverozapadnoj Hrvatskoj. Status tjelesne kondicije (engl. body condition score, BCS) koza utvrđen je uporabom standardnog protokola za ocjenu. Na temelju ocjene BCS svaka je koza kategorizirana u jednu od 3 skupine od po 5 životinja u svakoj: 1. skupina - pretile (BCSā‰„3,50-5,00), 2. skupina - srednjeg gojnog stanja (BCSā‰„2,75-3,50) i 3. skupina - mrÅ”ave (BCSā‰¤2,75). Koncentracije serumskih UP, ALB, TG, CHOL, GLU i BHB bile su određivane spektrofotometrijski. Na 120. dan gravidnosti razina TG bila je značajno viÅ”a (P<0,05) u pretilih koza nego u koza srednjeg gojnog stanja. Razine UP i CHOL bile su značajno viÅ”e (P<0,05) u pretilih nego u mrÅ”avih koza 30., odnosno 60. dana nakon porođaja. Zabilježene promjene u istraživanih metabolita mogle bi biti od značenja za praćenje metaboličkog statusa koza tijekom intenzivne proizvodnje, a mogle bi biti i od praktične vrijednosti za prevenciju i kontrolu gospodarskih gubitaka u uzgoju koza

    Zbrinjavanje otežanog diÅ”nog puta ā€“ vječni izazov: prikaz bolesnika

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    Introduction: Obtaining a secured airway is a vital aspect during reconstructive surgery in patients with extensive post-burn mentosternal scar contractures. Such contractures can potentially lead to a ā€œcanā€™t intubate, canā€™t ventilateā€ scenario, otherwise rare but life-threatening situation. We present a case of successful management of a paediatric case of anticipated difficult airway due to burn injury. Case description: A 14-year-old boy presented for repair of an extensive skin contracture of the neck, thorax and face due to mutilating scarring. The boy was treated for 80% burn caused by gasoline flame 14 months prior to this surgery. Burn healing and scarring resulted in massive distortion of the facial and cervical anatomy, all implying difficult airway with a high probability of ā€œcanā€™t intubate, canā€™t ventilateā€ situation. Flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope with loaded cuffed endotracheal tube NĀ° 6.0 was used for visualisation of vocal cords through the mouth in light sedation with spontaneous breathing. After visualisation of the vocal cords, fentanyl (Fentanyl, GlaxoSmithKline) and thiopental (Thiopental, Rotexmedica) were administered and the trachea was intubated at the first attempt. Balanced general anaesthesia was initiated and planned surgical procedure was successfully completed. The trachea was extubated on the first postoperative day without any complication. Conclusion: Difficult paediatric airway and particularly ā€œcanā€™t intubate, canā€™t ventilateā€ situation is a problem associated with significant risks and complications. Anticipating a difficult airway, having a structured approach with appropriate preparation, and understanding of difficult airway management algorithms are essential for success.Uvod: Zbrinjavanje diÅ”nog puta od vitalne je važnosti za bolesnika kod kojeg je indiciran rekonstruktivni zahvat nakon opsežnihopeklina lica i vrata. Kontrakture koje nastaju nakon takvih ozljeda mogu dovesti do nemogućnosti intubacije i ventilacije, Å”to predstavljarijetku ali životno ugrožavajuću situaciju. Prikazati ćemo uspjeÅ”no zbrinjavanje pedijatrijskog bolesnika sa očekivano otežanimzbrinjavanjem diÅ”nog puta.Prikaz slučaja: ČetrnaestogodiÅ”nji dječak sa opsežnom opeklinom lica, vrata i prsnog koÅ”a bio je predviđen za rekonstruktivni zahvat.Cijeljenje opekline, koja je nastala 14 mjeseci prije planiranog zahvata, rezultiralo je opsežnom kontrakturom i promjenom anatomijelica i vrata. Radi promijenjenih anatomskih odnosa bilo je očekivano da će zbrinjavanje diÅ”nog puta biti otežano. Za vizualizacijuglasnica koriÅ”ten je fleksibilni fiberoptički bronhoskop s pripremljenim endotrahealnim tubusom dok je bolesnik bio u plitkoj sedacijii disao spontano. Nakon vizualizacije glasnica bolesnik je dobio fentanil (Fentanyl, GlaxoSmithKline) i tiopental (Thiopental, Rotexmedica)te je potom intubiran iz prvog pokuÅ”aja. Nastavljena je balansirana opća anestezija, planirani zahvat je uspjeÅ”no dovrÅ”en.Bolesnik je ekstubiran prvi postoperativni dan bez ikakvih komplikacija.Zaključak: Otežani diÅ”ni put u pedijatrijskih bolesnika je problem povezan s brojnim rizicima i komplikacijama. Prepoznavanje otežanogdiÅ”nog puta uz adekvatnu pripremu i poznavanje algoritama za zbrinjavanje otežanog diÅ”nog puta ključno je za sigurnostbolesnika
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