198 research outputs found

    Tools of marketing research in the conditions of economy transformation

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    У статті розглядається значення та вплив сучасних трансформаційних процесів в економіці та суспільстві на перетворення методології та інструментарію маркетингових досліджень; проаналізовано різні погляди вітчизняних та зарубіжних вчених на трансформацію економіки, її теоретичні аспекти та сучасні прикладні підходи, а також на розвиток маркетингу та його трансформацію в новітніх умовах господарювання, на сучасному етапі розвитку функціонування господарських систем; досліджено інструменти та методи маркетингових досліджень в контексті економічної трансформації, проаналізовано вплив трансформаційних процесів на сучасний інструментарій маркетингових досліджень. В результаті дослідження зроблено висновки щодо подальшого розвитку прикладного інструментарію кількісних та якісних маркетингових досліджень.The article considers the importance and influence of modern transformation processes in the economy and society on the transformation of methodology and tools of marketing research; different views of domestic and foreign scientists on the transformation of the economy, its theoretical aspects and modern applied approaches, as well as on the development of marketing and its transformation in the latest economic conditions, at the present stage of development of economic systems; the tools and methods of marketing research in the context of economic transformation are investigated, the influence of transformation processes on modern tools of marketing researches is analyzed. The development of marketing in Ukraine should be associated with the transformation of economic processes in the world economy, especially taking into account the fact that many markets are beginning their economic activities in cyberspace. Domestic enterprises must increase their investment attractiveness, be competitive, take into account the current market situation in Ukraine, through the integrated application of marketing tools, modern concepts and successful adoption of the experience of foreign companies that pursue marketing policies from the consumer’s point of view. The formation of new marketing is still ongoing, as the transformation of society under the influence of information transformations continues. The change in marketing technologies has taken place under the influence of the opportunities created by the global Internet. The growing number of Internet users, its rapid spread, new communication opportunities have created the basis for the spread of marketing efforts to the online environment. Under the influence of transformational processes, modern tools of marketing research have also undergone significant transformation. In general, it can be concluded that the emergence of digital technologies due to the transformation of the economy from industrial to post-industrial, have made marketing research much more accessible to the general public, cheaper, and their results more accurate. As a result of the research, conclusions were made regarding the further development of applied tools for quantitative and qualitative marketing research

    Theory of vortex states in magnetic nanodisks with induced Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions

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    Vortex states in magnetic nanodisks are essentially affected by surface/interface induced Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions. Within a micromagnetic approach we calculate the equilibrium sizes and shape of the vortices as functions of magnetic field, the material and geometrical parameters of nanodisks. It was found that the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya coupling can considerably increase sizes of vortices with "right" chirality and suppress vortices with opposite chirality. This allows to form a bistable system of homochiral vortices as a basic element for storage applications.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Post-trocar hernias after laparoscopic cholecystectomy

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    Catedra chirurgie generală, Universitatea din Transnistria, Tiraspol, Republica Moldova, Al XII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” din Republica Moldova cu participare internațională 23-25 septembrie 2015Introducere: Aplicarea în practică a colecistectomiilor laparoscopice (CEL) nu a exclus riscul de apariție a herniilor ventrale postoperatorii. Herniile se dezvoltă în locurile de plasare a trocarelor și poartă denumirea de „hernii post-trocar” – HPT. Acestea alcătuiesc circa 0,3-1,1% din numărul total al herniilor ventrale postoperatorii și demonstrează o tendință spre creștere. Conform datelor literaturii, HPT în 0,9% cazuri se formează lângă ombilic și în 0,1% cazuri au o altă localizare. Material și metode: Analiza este bazată pe experiența tratamentului a 19 pacienți cu HPT după CEL pe parcursul a 10 ani (2002-2013). În această perioadă în Clinică au fost efectuate 1112 CEL. Rata formării herniilor a constituit 1,7%. Vîrsta medie a bolnavilor – 54 ani. Intervalul de la momentul apariției herniei – de la 1 la 3 ani. La 16 (1,4%) bolnavi au avut loc supurații de plagă postoperatorie paraombilicală. Diastaza mușchilor recți de gradul 1-2 a fost diagnosticată la 14 (1,2%) bolnavi. În 18 (1,6%) cazuri hernia s-a localizat paraombilical și într-un caz pe peretele abdominal lateral. HPT se caracterizează printr-o discordanță între dimensiunile porților și a sacului herniar. Rezultate: La 2 pacienți a fost depistată prezența a 2 defecte a liniei albe abdominale. Absența în 10 (0,8%) cazuri a ligaturilor aponeurotice în regiunea herniei indică lipsa suturării defectului liniei albe după prima operație. În 3 (0,2%) cazuri cu dimensiunile defectului herniar <2 cm a fost efectuată autoplastia aponeurotică după Sapejco. În celelalte cazuri (defectul herniar >3 cm și prezența diastazei mușchilor recți) s-a efectuat hernioplastia cu lambou autodermal. Cazuri de complicații și recidive postoperatorii nu au fost înregistrate. Concluzii: Profilaxia HPT după CEL necesită suturarea prudentă a defectului aponeurotic în locul plasării trocarelor cu diametrul peste 1 cm. La pacienții de vârstă avansată și la bătrîni regiunea paraombilicală reprezintă o zonă de risc pentru dezvoltarea HPT.Introduction: The implementation of laparoscopic cholecystectomies (LCE) did not exclude the formation of post-operative hernia. Hernia appears in the place of trocar ports („post-trocar hernia” – PTH). PTH represents 0.3-1.1% of total number of post-operative hernias and tends to increase. According to the literature in 0.9% cases hernias are formed around the umbilicus, and in 0.1% – in other areas. Material and methods: The analysis is based on the experience of surgical treatment of 19 patients with PTH after LCE within 10 years (2002-2013). During this period were performed 1112 LCE. The rate of hernia was 1.7%. The mean age of the patients was 54 years. The interval from the hernia development was 1-3 years. After surgery 16 patients had infection of paraumbilical wound. The diastasis of rectus abdominis muscles grade 1-2 was diagnosed in 14 (1.2%) patients. Hernia was formed in 18 (1.6%) patients in paraumbilical region and in 1 case on the lateral abdominal wall. The peculiar feature of PTH is the mismatch of hernia ring size with size of the hernia sac. Results: In 2 patients was noted presence of 2 defects of the white line of the abdomen. The absence of aponeurotic sutures in the area of hernias in 10 (0.8%) patients indicated that white line defect after first operation was not sutured. In 3 (0.2%) cases of hernia 3 cm and the diastasis of the rectus abdominis muscles repair was performed by hernioplasty with autodermal implant. There were no complications or recurrences after surgery. Conclusions: Prevention of PTH after LCE requires careful suturing of aponeurotic defect in the site of trocar placement with diameter greater than 1 cm. In patients with advanced age and elderly the paraumbilical area represents the risk site for development of PTH


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    Jet pumps are widely used in the power industry as well as in many others. Their main disadvantage is low operating efficiency which aggravates when the jet pump is working with a low ejection coefficient. Such modes are sometimes unavoidable being conditioned by the character of technological process. The article considers methods of improving the operation of central ejectors at small ejection coefficients.The authors use mathematical simulation approach to study the particularities of kinematic structure of the flow in the mixing chamber of the central ejector operating with low ejection coefficients. They utilize Solid Works Cosmos Flo application-program package for the mathematical simulation. The study shows that areas of reverse flows appear alongside the walls of the mixing chamber under the above conditions which reduces the efficiency of the jet apparatus. The more is the extent of the discovered areas the more is the loss of energy. The study detects the regime zones where detached flows areas appear. The authors propose to replace such areas with solid surface (substitution bodies) for preventing them from emerging. The  mathematical  simulation  results  determine  the  geometric  parameters  of the  substitution bodies for the central ejectors with different modules and ejection coefficients and yield mathematical description of their shape. Mathematical and physical simulation of the centralejector operation with the substitution bodies shows the increase in pressure-head and efficiency coefficients in such apparatuses as compared to ejectors of the conventional form. Efficiency increase is the case in quite a wide range of operating modes.The proposed method of the efficiency increase for the central ejectors is rather straightforward and does not require substantial financial expenditures for its implementation.Струйные насосы широко применяются как в энергетике, так и в других отраслях техники. Их основным недостатком является невысокая эффективность работы, который усиливается при работе струйных насосов с малым коэффициентом эжекции. Такие режимы работы иногда обусловлены характером технологического процесса, и поэтому их невозможно избежать. Статья посвящена поиску путей повышения эффективности работы центральных эжекторов при малых коэффициентах эжекции.Путем математического моделирования изучены особенности кинематической структуры потока в камере смешения центрального эжектора, работающего с малыми коэффициентами эжекции. Математическое моделирование проводили с помощью прикладного пакета Solid Works Cosmos Flo. Показано, что в таких условиях у стенок камеры смешения образуются зоны обратных течений, которые снижают эффективность работы струйного аппарата. Потери энергии тем больше, чем большие размеры обнаруженных зон. Определены режимные области, в которых возникают зоны отрывного течения. Для предотвращения возникновения этих зон предложено замещать область их существования твердой поверхностью – телами замещения. По результатам математического моделирования определены геометрические параметры тел замещения для центральных эжекторов с разными модулями и коэффициентами эжекции, а также дано математическое описание их формы. Математическое и физическое моделирование работы центральных эжекторов с телами замещения показало возрастание коэффициентов напора и полезного действия таких аппаратов по сравнению с эжекторами традиционной формы. Повышение эффективности происходит в достаточно широком диапазоне режимов работы.Предложенный метод повышения эффективности работы центральных эжекторов достаточно прост и не требует существенных финансовых затрат при реализации

    Realization of the Vilnius photometric system for CCD-observations of selected sky areas at the Andrushivka Astronomical Observatory

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    We describe a set of glass UPXYZVS filters of the Vilnius photometric system of the Andrushivka Astronomical Observatory in Zhytomyr Region (Ukraine) [7]. They are installed at the Zeiss-600 Cassegrain reflector together with the 15-bit 1024×1024 CCD-camera S1C-017. The response curves of instrumental photometric systems are presented and a comparison of them with a standard system are analysed. Test observations in the Vilnius system of the star cluster IC 4665 with the Andrushivka filters were carried out in May–June 2003. The MIDAS/ROMAFOT and ASTROIMAGE software is adapted for digital processing of CCD-images of stellar fields. Comprehensive ground-based observations are being planned to design a catalogue of primary UPXYZVS CCD-standards in selected areas of the sky where are with radio sources, globular and open clusters, etc