134 research outputs found

    WTO Contstaints and the CAP: Domestic Support in EU 25 Agriculture

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    The most recent EU notifications to the World Trade Organization regarding domestic support refer to the EU-15, i.e. before significant reforms of the direct payments as well as the reforms of the Mediterranean products, hops, sugar, etc. that took place after 2003. We estimate the actual level of domestic support, as measured by the WTO Aggregate Measure of Support (AMS), given the 2004 EU enlargement and the recent reforms of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). We then compare the different proposals for a new discipline on domestic support that were recently issued under the Doha Development Round and we assess the constraints imposed on the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). The EU proposal prior to the 2005 Hong Kong WTO ministerial meeting was that the EU would cut its present AMS and Overall Trade Distorting Support (OTDS) ceilings by 70% in either case. We find that such a cut mainly consolidates under the WTO the significant changes made to EU domestic support policies since the conclusion of the Uruguay Round. However, there are some downside risks for the EU and much depends on the further negotiations on the details of the disciplines to be agreed (e.g. the base period for the OTDS reference). In addition, a 70% cut leave no freedom for counting some potentially controversial subsidies against the AMS if needed. Accession of Bulgarian and Romania will make the constraints more binding. The ability to meet the domestic support discipline of the EU offer relies on the assumption that its market access component will lead to a significant reduction in the remaining AMS (particularly important in the case of fruits and vegetables). Overall, the EU proposal regarding a cut in the AMS is binding, even though it requires rather minor and sectoral changes to the CAP. Proposals that beyond the EU ‘Hong Kong’ offer require reforming some common market organizations, but could be dealt with if the EU implemented a significant reform of the fruits and vegetables sector, that might give a larger degree of freedom regarding the AMS ceiling.

    La baisse de revenus et l’essoufflement de la productivitĂ© dans l’agriculture française depuis 1998

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    Les premiĂšres annĂ©es de l'application de la rĂ©forme de la PAC de 1992 ont Ă©tĂ© marquĂ©es par une Ă©volution favorable, en termes rĂ©els, des revenus agricoles par tĂȘte (graphique 1). Elles ont Ă©tĂ© suivies d'un retournement de tendance autour des annĂ©es 1998 avec une dĂ©gradation de ces revenus. Ces Ă©volutions n'ont pas Ă©tĂ© similaires dans les diffĂ©rentes orientations et on a observĂ©, par exemple, un meilleur maintien du revenu dans les exploitations de viande bovine que dans les orientations de grandes cultures. Quels sont les dĂ©terminants de ces Ă©volutions ? Tiennent-elles Ă  la baisse des prix des produits ? A la hausse du prix des charges ? Au systĂšme de compensation par les aides directes ? A un essoufflement des gains de productivitĂ© ? Comment se sont combinĂ©s ces diffĂ©rents Ă©lĂ©ments dans la formation des revenus et pourquoi n'ont-ils pas jouĂ© dans le mĂȘme sens dans les diffĂ©rentes orientations ? Cette Ă©tude vise Ă  apporter des Ă©lĂ©ments de rĂ©ponse Ă  ces questions en analysant l'Ă©volution des prix des produits et des facteurs, des subventions et des gains de productivitĂ©, entre 1990 et 2004, Ă  partir des comptes par orientation construits par le SCEES.

    Impacts sur l'offre des régions françaises des différentes options de la réforme de la PAC de 2003

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    D'une maniĂšre gĂ©nĂ©rale, un dĂ©couplage complet des aides, une des options possibles de la rĂ©forme de 2003, se traduit par une rĂ©gression des grandes cultures et une extensification de la production de viande bovine ; extensification permettant d'Ă©chapper Ă  la dĂ©prise. Selon les rĂ©gions, les Ă©volutions sont toutefois contrastĂ©es. Les grandes cultures se maintiennent mieux dans les rĂ©gions dĂ©jĂ  spĂ©cialisĂ©es et baissent plutĂŽt dans les zones les moins performantes, notamment en montagne. Le dĂ©couplage complet est surtout dĂ©favorable au maintien du cheptel allaitant dans les rĂ©gions du centre de la France oĂč il y a en mĂȘme temps extensification (alors que les Ă©levages y sont dĂ©jĂ  extensifs) et diminution du cheptel. Le recouplage partiel de la prime aux bovins mĂąles ne suffit pas Ă  inverser nettement ces tendances, contrairement au recouplage de la prime Ă  la vache allaitante. Dans les rĂ©gions plus intensives, de l'ouest par exemple, les possibilitĂ©s d'adaptation apparaissent plus importantes, mĂȘme en cas de dĂ©couplage complet : le cheptel bovin viande ne rĂ©gresse pas avec l'extensification qui se fait au dĂ©triment des grandes cultures. Le recouplage partiel peut ainsi se traduire par une augmentation du cheptel bovin-viande. Si l'objectif des pouvoirs publics est de maintenir un certain Ă©quilibre dans la rĂ©partition gĂ©ographique du cheptel bovin, le maintien de la prime couplĂ©e pour les vaches allaitantes peut se justifier.

    La PAC de juin 2003 et les négociations agricoles multilatérales à l'OMC : compatibles ?

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    Le cycle actuel des nĂ©gociations commerciales multilatĂ©rales Ă  l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) doit thĂ©oriquement ĂȘtre clos au 1er janvier 2005. L'Ă©chec de la 5Ăšme ConfĂ©rence ministĂ©rielle de Cancun en septembre 2003 fait qu'il est peu probable que cette date butoir sera respectĂ©e. Il n'a pas Ă©tĂ© possible, en particulier, d'aboutir Ă  un accord sur le dossier agricole. Il est nĂ©anmoins vraisemblable qu'il y aura un nouvel accord agricole et que ce dernier contiendra, au minimum, des engagements additionnels Ă  ceux de l'accord prĂ©cĂ©dent, l'accord agricole du cycle de l'Uruguay (AACU), engagements visant Ă  davantage ouvrir les marchĂ©s, rĂ©duire les exportations subventionnĂ©es et diminuer le soutien interne quand celui-ci a des effets de distorsion sur les Ă©changes considĂ©rĂ©s comme trop importants. Il est en outre possible que l'accord agricole du cycle de Doha soit plus sĂ©vĂšre que l'AACU, par exemple en remettant en cause non plus seulement les modalitĂ©s d'octroi du soutien interne mais aussi son niveau total. L'objectif de cet article est d'Ă©valuer la marge de manoeuvre de l'Union europĂ©enne (UE) Ă  l'OMC suite aux rĂ©formes de la politique agricole commune (PAC) de 1999 (rĂ©forme Agenda 2000) et de 2003 (compromis de Luxembourg).

    U.S. Agriculture, 1960-96 A Multilateral Comparison of Total Factor Productivity

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    This study provides estimates of the growth and relative levels of agricultural productivity for the 48 contiguous States for the period 1960 to 1996. For the full 1960-96 period, every State exhibits a positive and generally substantial average annual rate of productivity growth. There is considerable variance, however. The wide disparity in growth rates resulted in substantial changes in the ranking order of States by productivity. For each year, we calculate the coefficient of variation of productivity levels. We use these coefficients to show that the range of levels of productivity has narrowed over time, although the pattern of convergence was far from uniform. The fact that in some States, productivity grew faster than others and yet the cross-section dispersion decreased, implies that the States whose productivity grew most rapidly were those with lower initial levels of productivity. This result is consistent with Gerschenkron's notion of the advantage of relative backwardness. The States that were particularly far behind the productivity leaders had the most to gain from the diffusion of technical knowledge and proceeded to grow most rapidly. We also observe a positive relation between capital accumulation and productivity growth, implying embodiment of technology in capital.production accounts, multilateral index numbers, total factor productivity, Productivity Analysis,

    The Concentration of Agricultural Production and Growth of Agricultural Holdings,

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    Between the 1998 and 2000 agricultural censuses, the number of agricultural holdings fell from one million to 664 000. This fall resulted in a slight increase in the relative concentration of agricultural production, with the smallest holdings decreasing in size and the largest holdings becoming larger. There are two explanatory variables which today have a greater influence on holding size than in the past: the age of the manager of the agricultural holding, with younger managers coming to increasingly larger holdings, and the legal form. The starting size has little incidence on the growth of holdings: the concentration of production occurs more due to a rise in economic size thresholds than the cornering of the market by the largest holdings. The slight movement towards concentration observed over the last 15 years is essentially linked to the development of corporate farming, which is better suited to larger holdings than the individual farmer.Size Growth, Demography, Agricultural Holdings

    Cost of production estimates for wheat, milk and pigs in selected EU member states

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    Summary: This study summarizes cost estimates based on the EU Farm Accountancy Data Network using the General Cost of Production Model, developed, applied and tested within the FACEPA project. Results are provided for wheat, pigs and milk for the main producer countries of the EU for the period 1999 to 2007. Estimated input-output coefficients are generally based on monetary figures, expressing cost shares referring to total output. Effects of scale, specialization and location can be derived by estimates based on respective sub-samples. Costs per unit are derived based on input-output coefficients and output values, providing costs per hectare or ton for wheat and per ton of milk. There is a considerable variation between Member States not only of production costs, but also of output, and output plus subsidies (due to the national implementations of full or partially decoupling schemes), especially for wheat and milk. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- Zusammenfassung: In dieser Studie werden SchĂ€tzungen von Produktionskosten basierend auf EU-Testbetriebsdaten unter Verwendung eines in dem EU-Forschungsprojekt FACEPA entwickelten Modells durchgefĂŒhrt. Ergebnisse werden bereitgestellt fĂŒr Weizen, Milch sowie fĂŒr Schweine fĂŒr die HauptproduktionslĂ€nder der EU und fĂŒr den Zeitraum 1999 bis 2007. Die geschĂ€tzten Input-Output Koeffizienten drĂŒcken die durchschnittlichen Kostenteile zum monetĂ€ren Output des zugrundeliegenden Samples dar. Einflussfaktoren auf die Kosten wie BetriebsgrĂ¶ĂŸe, Standort und Spezialisierung können mittels SchĂ€tzung auf Basis entsprechend geschichteter Samples analysiert werden. Die Kosten je Einheit werden basierend auf den SchĂ€tzkoeffizienten und Outputs abgeleitet, und zwar je Hektar (fĂŒr Weizen) sowie je Tonne fĂŒr Weizen und Milch. Zwischen den Mitgliedstaaten bestehen erhebliche Unterschiede sowohl bei den Produktionskosten, dem monetĂ€ren Output als auch den gekoppelten Direktzahlungen vor allem fĂŒr Weizen und Milch.econometric analysis, production costs, ökonometrische Analyse, Produktionskosten, Agricultural and Food Policy, Farm Management, Production Economics, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods, C39, Q12,

    PAC et négociations agricoles du cycle de Doha : la question du soutien interne

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    L’Accord agricole du cycle de l’Uruguay (AACU) marque la fin d’une Ă©poque oĂč les politiques agricoles pouvaient ĂȘtre Ă©laborĂ©es indĂ©pendamment des rĂšgles internationales. Il a dĂ©fini un cadre de travail, avec engagements distincts sur les trois dossiers de la concurrence Ă  l’exportation, de l’accĂšs au marchĂ© et du soutien interne, qui est repris Ă  l’occasion du cycle de Doha. Ce cadre reconnaĂźt explicitement que des politiques domestiques peuvent avoir des effets de distorsion sur les Ă©changes et Ă  ce titre, ĂȘtre soumises Ă  disciplines dans le contexte de nĂ©gociations multilatĂ©rales portant sur les Ă©changes. Cet article traite de la question du soutien interne dans le cycle de Doha, plus spĂ©cifiquement : l’évolution des nĂ©gociations sur la question depuis le lancement du cycle jusqu’à ce jour ; l’impact potentiel pour l’Union europĂ©enne (UE) des engagements qui seraient pris au titre du soutien interne ; l’analyse critique des discussions sur ce dossier.

    L’euro alimentaire en France et le partage des valeurs ajoutĂ©es

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    French “food euro” and value added distribution Within the framework of the “l’Observatoire de la formation des prix et des marges des produits alimentaires”, this study consists to decompose the food consumption level into importations, taxes and value added of different sectors, in France between 1995 and 2007. The results show slow but significant tendencies. The share of importations (final products and inputs) grows from 23% to 26% over the period while the share of taxes is stable around 10%. The share of value added is decreasing from 67% to 64%. Considering the agriculture price decreases, the value added share of agriculture and fishing industry declines from 12% to 8% from 1995 to 2005 and grows to 9% thanks to the rise of prices observed in 2006 and 2007. The contribution of food industry is linearly decreasing (from 12.3% in 1995 to 10.5% in 2007) as it is the case of the other processing industries. The share of transportation activity remains stable. The share of the trade activities varies and attains 20% on average, the services one grows from 15% to 19%. The variations of the euro-food components depend on price effects and evolutions of output processes or behavioral consumption. These elements must be put into consideration within the present debates on food price determinations, agreements between downstream activities and producers, opportunities of local agricultural developments

    Productivity Gaps Between European and United States Agriculture

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    A set of purchasing power parities was constructed for the inputs and the outputs of the agricultural sector in 10 European countries and the United States. This made it possible to deflate both spatially and in time the nominal agricultural accounts. Real values of inputs and outputs made it possible to construct spatial indexes of productivity. These indexes measure the productivity gaps between countries for a given year. Extrapolation between 1973 and 1989 measures how these gaps have changed over time. The results show that the productivity of the United States has been 20 percent higher than the average productivity of European agriculture. This gap has persisted over time. However, large discrepancies exist in Europe and a few countries such as The Netherlands obtain a higher productivity than the United States
