46 research outputs found


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    Abstract: This article can give explanation about Islamic moderation values as good way to make Indonesia which has the biggest Islam Follower in the world becomes trend setter of the world. This article come due to the danger of radicalism which stronger in 212 movement. For more specific it will be more docuse onto character and the obstacle in practice. This research is library research and Data collected method uses deskriptiv-interpretation. Data consist of primer data and secondary data. The result of this research show first, Character of Islamic Moderation consist of six character: Base on divinity (Rububiyah), Base on prophetic guidance, Compatible with human fitrah, Without conflict, Consistent, Universal and comprehensive. Second, Obstacles of moderation practice (Islam Washatiyyah) consist of Foolishness, Fanaticism of faction (Ta’asub) snd Exaggeration. Keyword: Moderation Practice, moderate character, religious moderation obstacle.                                                            Abstrak: Artikel ni memberikan penjelasan tentang nilai-nilai moderasi Islam sebagai jalan terbaik untuk membuat Indonesia yang memiliki pemeluk agama Islam terbesar di dunia menjadi pusat perhatian dunia. Tulisan ini hadir dikarenakan bahaya radikalisme yang semakin menguat pasca Gerakan demonstrasi 212. Lebih spesifik lagi akan menjadi lebih difokuskan terhadap karakteristik moderasi islam dan hambatan-hambatan moderasi Islam dalam praksisnya. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan dan metode pengumpulan datanya adalah interpretasi deskriptif. Data terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pertama, Karakter moderasi islam terdiri dari enam karakter, yaitu Berasaskan Ketuhanan (Rububiyah), Berlandaskan petunjuk kenabian, kompatibel dengan fitrah manusia, terhindar dari pertentangan, konsisten, bermuatan universal dan komprehensip. Kedua, hambatan dari praktik moderasi (Islam Washatiyyah) adalahKebodohan, fanatisme golongan, sikap berlebih-lebihan

    HUKUM ISLAM TENTANG UPAH DAN PEMBAGIAN HADIAH OLEH BENGKEL PADA PEMBALAP MOTOR (Studi Pada Bengkel Dimas di Desa Lempuyang Bandar Kecamatan Way Pengubuan Lampung Tengah)

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    ABSTRAK Upah mengupah merupakan bentuk tolong menolong antara sesama manusia untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidupnya. Termasuk juga dalam praktik pembayaran upah antara pihak bengkel dan pembalap motor yang terjadi di Desa Lempuyang Bandar Kecamatan Way Pengubuan Kabupaten Lampung Tengah. Terdapat dua bentuk pembayaran upahnya yaitu upah yang dibayarkan secara tunai dan upah yang ditangguhkan. Praktik upah kerja yang dibayarkan secara tunai yang dibayarkan setelah perlombaan balap motor selesai yang dibayarkan dalam bentuk uang. Sedangkan praktik upah balap motor yang ditangguhkan belum diketahui jelas berapa banyak upah yang akan didapat karena belum diketahui hasil akhir dari perlombaan balap motor itu. Hanya saja digambarkan bahwa pembalap akan mendapatkan upah sebesar Rp. 300.000 sampai Rp. 700.000. Hal ini dilihat dari besar kecilnya pengeluaran bengkel dalam mempersiapkan motor untuk mengikuti lomba, jika pengeluaran bengkel tersebut dalam kisaran yang sedikit maka upah yang diberikan bengkel kepada pembalap sebesar Rp. 700.000. Namun, jika pengeluaran bengkel dalam kisaran banyak maka upah yang akan diberikan bengkel kepada pembalap sebesar Rp. 300.000. Ketika pembalap menang, maka pembalap mendapatkan upah plus atau bonus sebesar Rp. 700.000 sampai Rp. 1.000.000 dan tambahan hadiah dari juaranya yang akan dibagi dua dengan pihak bengkel. Adapun permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah Bagaimana Praktik Upah dan Pembagian Hadiah Oleh Bengkel Pada Pembalap Motor Yang Terjadi Di Desa Lempuyang Bandar Kecamatan Way Pengubuan Kabupaten Lampung Tengah? Dan Bagaimana Tinjauan Hukum Islam Terhadap Praktik Upah dan Pembagian Hadiah Oleh Bengkel Pada Pembalap Motor tersebut? Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif. Karena penelitian kualitatif adalah penelitian tentang riset yang bersifat deskriptif analisis. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah metode wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Dan penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan (field research). Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan, maka dapat disimpulkan. Pertama, bahwa praktik upah dan pemberian hadiah oleh bengkel pada pembalap didasarkan pada kesepakatan menggunakan motor hasil rancang teknik si bengkel dan prestasi si pembalap dalam lomba, sementara pihak bengkel mendapatkan keuntungan immateriil berupa peningkatan citra dan meningkatkan kepercayaan masyarakat juga meningkatkan kualitas maupun kuantitas kinerja bengkel. Kedua, bahwa praktik upah dan pembagian hadiah dari bengkel pada pembalap motor tersebut dari perspektif Hukum Islam diperbolehkan, selain didasarkan pada kesepakatan keuntungan antara bengkel dan pembalap, juga dalam hal ini objek yang disepakati tersebut mubah


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    Airsoft gun merupakan sebuah replika senjata api yang dibuat sedemikian rupa dengan kemiripan 1:1. Indonesia memiliki dua peraturan tentang airsoft gun yang tertuang pada Peraturan Polri Nomor 5 Tahun 2018  dan Peraturan Kapolri Nomor 8 Tahun 2012. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis apakah peraturan airsoft gun dapat digunakan sebagai dasar hukum untuk menentukan suatu tindak pidana dan menjelaskan mengenai urgensi perlunya dilakukan kriminalisasi perbuatan berkaitan dengan airsoft gun. Penelitian dilakukan menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan undang-undang, pendekatan konseptual, dan pendekatan kasus, pengumpulan bahan hukum dilakukan dengan studi pustaka dan dianalisis dengan metode preskriptif. Hasil pembahasan menunjukkan, bahwa peraturan tentang airsoft gun yang ada, tidak dapat dijadikan sebagai dasasr hukum untuk menentukan suatu tindak pidana dan hakim dalam memutus perkara tentang airsoft gun akan menggunakan peraturan lain yang menyertai perbuatan pidana yang dilakukan dengan airsoft gun.  Hal demikian terjadi karena peraturan tentang airsoft gun tidak berada pada level undang-undang, serta juga tidak sejalan dengan asas no punish without representative yang menyatakan bahwa dalam pencantuman norma pidana perlu persetujuan dari rakyat. Karena persetujuan rakyat hanya pada level undang-undang dan Perda. Dikaitkan dengan asas legalitas, peraturan tentang airsoft gun juga tidak secara eksplisit menyebutkan norma sanksi pidana di dalamnya. Karena asas legalitas bermakna peraturan harus jelas, tegas dan tertulis. Perlu dilakukan upaya kriminalisasi untuk menciptakan sebuah kepastian hukum dengan dilakukan upaya adendum dengan menambahkan airsoft gun dalam Undang-Undang Darurat Nomor 12 Tahun 1951 supaya eksistensi airsoft gun memiliki kedudukan dalam peraturan perundang-undangan

    Nusyuz Menurut Pemikiran Sayyid Qutb dalam Tafsir Fi Zilalil Qur’an

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    Nusyuz has always been related to the wife's non-compliance with her husband. Therefore, there is a difference in resolving nusyuz cases committed by husbands and wives. If nusyuz is performed by the wife, then the husband has the right to advise the wife, separate the bed, and hit with a note of not hurting. Whereas, when nusyuz is done by the husband, there is a tendency for the wife to should give up some of her rights in order to carry out a peace agreement. The purpose of this study is to enlighten the reader regarding how the concept of nusyuz is based on Sayyid Qutb’s thoughts. Kind of this study is library research, employing normative and sociological approaches. The purpose of this study is to understand Sayyid Qutb's understanding of nusyuz concept. The data in this research is taken from a tafsir book written by Sayyid Qutb entitled Tafsir Fi Zilalil Qur’an, books, and scientific research relevant to nusyuz. Afterward, in analyzing data, the researcher uses the theory formula explained by M. Quraish Shihab about the Qur’an interpreted method. This study explained that nusyuz is an act in which a person (husband or wife) accentuates and elevates by disobeying, and who does not do their obligation as a husband or wife and its solutions depend on his/her position in the household, education, family, and country's condition


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    The background of this research is the existency of extra campus organizations which have an ideology contradicting with Pancasila as the Nation Ideology and its democracy system which according to researcher it strongly threatens the integrity of NKRI. On the other side, there are many news in various media which issues the confusions between Islamic Mission becoming the spirit of Islamic students organizations and the practice of some cadres in field such as fighting among islamic students and destroying campus or public fasilities. The recruitment curriculum of cadre is very important thing to be analyzed more deeply considering from where it will be seen the direction of this students’ movement working, the background and spirit of organizations. Therefore, the researcher focuses on something important to be analyzed especially related to the role of islamic student organization of extra campus on the forming of students’ character of IMM cadre in UIN Sunan Kalijaga.  The selection  of organization around UIN Sunan Kalijaga is chosen because of the location in Yogyakarta, in which mostly becomes a place for the establishment of student organizations and UIN Sunan Kalijaga itself has a massive organization climate.This research aims to describe the role of islamic student organization of extra campus in the forming of student characters by using a qualitative approach with the subject of research (informant) consisting of Abdul Karim and Khairunnisa. The metodes of data collection used are interview, observation, and documentation. Data analysis uses Milles Huberman model with data reduction technique, data presentation, and conclusion.The results of research show that: Firstly, The implementation of cadre curriculum IMM is as the method which has Guide in DAD called insructor amounted three people whose duty give introduction before presenter, guides the course of the class, companion fgd/fanel, looking for speakers until accountable for up to six months after the rescheduling charged by committe. The method of study which consists of lecturing, question and answer, fgd/sgd, panel, group dinamics and debate. Second, the role of curriculum shows 7 characters religious, tolerance, discipline, appreciate achievement, friendly/communicative, social care and responsible


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    This article aims to investigate the Curriculum of Vocational High School base on pesantren as the main core of education which especially at urban area and to discover character as impact of it. It is expected that the brawl between schools in the city can be reduced. The brawler is dominated by students of vocational high school, moreover it comes up since a Youtuber explained his story on YouTube media. This is reinforced by the start of the vacuum of middle school students in studying religion. This research used a qualitative approach and the type of the research is field research. Informants in this study were Kyai, Principal, Teachers and Students. Data collection used interviews, direct observation and documentation. Data validation utilized triangulation by three of data resources and triangulation by three of data collecting technique. The data analysis used was the Miles and Huberman model. The steps were data reduction, data display, conclusion drawing and verification. The research results presented that Curriculum of Pesantren-Based Vocational High School is a combination of general curriculum of Vocational High School and Pesantren Curriculum. This consists of curriculum objectives that students are able to master General Science as well as Religious Science. Second, the content / subject is in the form of vocational lessons and kitab kuning. Third, the teaching method uses bandongan, lecture, question and answer and practice methods. Fourth, the organizations that play a role are all stakeholders of schools and Islamic boarding schools. Fifth, evaluation is carried out in teacher meeting forums, teacher personal evaluations and meetings between teachers and Kyai. Sixth, the characters formed consist of religious, tolerance, discipline, National spirit and Love of homeland, tolerance, social caring and Friendly/communicative

    Tourist Attraction Popularity Mapping based on Geotagged Tweets

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    The development of tourist attractions is now highly influenced by social media. The speed at which information can be disseminated via the Internet has become an essential factor in enabling distinct tourist attractions to potentially gain high popularity in a relatively short time. This condition was not as prevalent several years ago when tourism promotion remained limited to a certain kind of media. As a consequence, rapid change in the relative popularity of tourist attractions is inevitable. Against this, knowledge of tourist attraction hotspots is essential in tourism management. This means there is a need to study how to both quickly determine the popularity level of tourist attractions and encompass a relatively large area. This article utilised tweet data from microblogging website Twitter as the basis from which to determine the popularity level of a tourist attraction. Data mining was conducted using Python and the Tweepy module. The tweet data were collected at the end of April and early May 2017, at times when there are several long holiday weekends. A Tweet Proximity Index (TPI) was used to calculate both the density and frequency of tweets based on a defined search radius. A Density Index (DI) was also used as a technique for determining the popularity. The results from both approaches were then compared to a random survey about people’s perceptions of tourist attractions in the study area. The result shows that geotagged tweet data can be used to determine the popularity of a tourist attraction, although it still only achieved a medium level of accuracy. The TPI approach used in this study produced an accuracy of 76.47%, while the DI achieved only 58.82%. This medium accuracy does indicate that the two approaches are not yet strong enough to be used for decision-making but should be more than adequate as an initial description. Further, it is necessary to improve the method of indexing and the exploration of other aspects of Twitter data