72 research outputs found

    Norma UNE ISO 15489. Gestión de documentos

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    This article summarizes the translation process of the ISO 15489 standard into Spanish, carried out by the National Committee 50, of AENOR (Spanish Association for Standardization)

    Norma UNE ISO 15489. Gestión de documentos

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    LA NORMA ISO. Information and documentation. Records management (Part 1 General, Part 2 Implementation issues) se publicó en el año 2001 como culminación del trabajo de un grupo de expertos internacionales de distintos países que desde 1997 trataban de establecer unos principios básicos de la gestión de documentos (información registrada creada o recibida por una organización en el desarrollo de sus actividades y que se conserva como información o prueba) que pudiesen ser válidos en cualquier ámbito geográfico u organizativo

    Los sistemas de gestión electrónica de la documentación y la teoría del ciclo vital de los documentos en las organizaciones

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    The usage of information technologies in the record creation and document electronic management forces a reformulation of the performance of information and documentation specialist. On the theorical level, changes are proposed in the concept of record and archive and in the theory of life cycle of records. On the practical level, strategies are proposed for the preservation and management of the electronic documents. (Autor)La utilización de tecnologías informáticas para la creación de documentos y la gestión electrónica de la documentación obliga a replantearse la actuación de los especialistas en información y documentación. En el plano teórico, se proponen cambios en el concepto de documento y archivo, y en la teoría del ciclo vital de los documentos. En el plano práctico se proponen estrategias para la preservación y gestión de los documentos electrónicos. (Autor

    Electronic documents: Reflections on information professionals’ relationships with technology. Part I

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    The relationship between information technologies and information professionals is becoming more complex in an environment in which, for the first time, standards and legislation are ahead of implementation and there are many hidden commercial interests. One example is the workshop on open document formats organized by the EU. Confrontation between ODF (ISO 26300) and Microsoft’s attempt to convert Ooxml into an open format through ISO was widely debated, but there was little discussion about practical solutions. Adobe’s strategy, opening its formats when free applications are in use, has proved successful

    The big issues related to document and record management: challenges and opportunities

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    The electronic management of documents and records is facing major challenges: the integration of document processes and checks in routine work processes; risk analysis; techniques and controls needed to manage records and digital evidence controls (metadata, digital signature, authenticity, integrity, preservation); and access restrictions for citizenship or customers. Information professionals are invited to take an active role in resolving these complex problems

    Certified information and documentation management systems?

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    Analysis of the relationship between the need to demonstrate compliance and information and records management systems, and how the need can evolve to certification processes. The future development of ISO 15489 on records management and its opportunities and threats are described