48 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Ampas Tebu terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produktivitas Tanaman Terong Hijau

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    Penelitian ini mempelajari pengaruh ampas tebu terhadap pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman terong hijau. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh ampas tebu terhadap pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman terong hijau. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode penelitian eksperimen. Rancangan dalam penelitian menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) setiap perlakuan terdiri dari 5 ulangan. Data yang akan diukur tinggi tanaman, panjang daun, jumlah daun dan jumlah buah. Alat pengumpul data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan lembar observasi dan dokumentasi berupa foto. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan inferensial. Analisis inferensial menggunakan uji anova dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Least Significanca Different (LSD). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pemberian ampas tebu memberikan pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman terong hijau. Pertumbuhan tanaman terong hijau dengan pemberian ampas tebu menghasilkan rata-rata tinggi tanaman (27,8), panjang daun (20,77), jumlah daun (11 helai) dan jumlah buah (8 buah). Hasil ini diperkuat dengan analisis sidik ragam yaitu , dimana tinggi tanaman (33,38˃2,87), panjang daun (33,39˃2,87), jumlah daun (41,89˃2,87) dan jumlah buah (32˃2,87). Selanjutnya, Uji Least Significanca Different (LSD) menunjukkan bahwa ampas tebu perlakuan keempat (1500 gram) berpengaruh optimal terhadap pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman terong hijau

    Potensi Nilai-nilai Karakter Mahasiswa Multietnis Dalam Mempengaruhi Keterampilan Berpikir Kritis Pada Pembelajaran Biologi

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    Menghadapi perkembangan ilmu dan teknologi (IPTEK), diperlukan kualitas sumber daya manusia. Cirimanusia yang berkualitas adalah memiliki keterampilan berpikir kritis. Rendahnya keterampilan berpikirkritis dapat disebabkan karena proses pembelajaran yang kurang menanamkan nilai-nilai karakter padamahasiswa yang memiliki latar belakang multietnis. Nilai-nilai karakter dari setiap etnis memiliki potensidalam mempengaruhi keterampilan berpikir kritis seseorang. Kajian dalam tulisan ini mengungkap potensinilai-nilai karakter pada mahasiswa multietnis dalam mempengaruhi keterampilan berpikir kritis biologi.Adapun etnis yang dikaji meliputi etnis Dayak, Melayu, dan Jawa. Berbagai kajian literatur mendeskripsikanbahwa ketiga etnis tersebut memiliki nilai-nilai karakter yang berpotensi dalam mempengaruhi keterampilanberpikir kritis mahasiswa biologi. Adanya potensi dari nilai-nilai karakter pada mahasiswa multietnis,mendorong dosen untuk menerapkan berbagai strategi pembelajaran yang bernuansa pendidikan karakter,salah satunya adalah strategi pembelajaran Jigsaw, Reading, Questioning, Answering (JiRQA)

    Analysis quality control (QC) on CT scan in RSUZA Banda Aceh an effort to get the best quality in image

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    Quality Control (QC) on the Computerized Tomography scanning (CT scan) have been done to ensure the quality of CT scan image. The best quality will improve diagnostic accuracy and ultimately providing maximum services to the patients. QC monitoring has been conducted on the CT scan in the Rumah Sakit Umum Zainal Abidin (RSUZA) Banda Aceh to monitoring the image and measuring the value of Computed Tomography Dose Index (CTDI). The purpose of this study was to determine was dose received by an object and observe the appearance of a clear image. The research was carried out by using pencil ionization chamber detectors to obtain the doses from CT scans and using the phantom to obtain the appropriate image. The results showed that the thickness of slices can affect the dose received at the time of exposure. In this study found no excessive dose received by an object with a very clear picture displa

    Pengaruh Bap Dan Kasein Hidrolisat Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tunas Melon (Cucumis Melo L.) Secara in Vitro

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    Melon (Cucumis melo L. ) is a horticultural crop that is quite popular in Indonesia . Good taste and nutritional content makes melon increasingly popular with the public . However , often the continuity of supply in the market is still limited. This is due partly because farmers in Indonesia are still planting using seeds imported melons which is quite expensive. Therefore, an effort that can be done to reduce dependence on imported seed is seed multiplication through tissue culture techniques . The growth in tissue culture plants is controlled by the addition of plant growth regulators . This study aims to determine the effect of BAP and casein hydrolyzate for better shoot growth in vitro melon . This research has been carried out in the Laboratory of Plant Biotechnology , Faculty of Agriculture , University Tadulako , Palu . Starting from August to November 2012 . The study design using completely randomized design ( CRD ) Factorial pattern of two factors . The first factor is the concentration of BAP ( 0.25 mg / l , 0,50 mg / l and 0.75 mg / l ) , the second factor is the concentration of casein hydrolyzate ( 150 mg / l , 200 mg / l and 250 mg / l ) . significant treatment effect , Further tests using the Test Honestly Significant Difference ( HSD ) at the 5% level . The results of this study indicate that the use of media with different compositions lead to different effects on the growth of shoots melons . Treatment of 0.50 mg / l BAP + 150 mg / l casein hydrolyzate gives a better effect on plant height, number of shoots and number of leave

    Peningkatan Hasil Belajar Kognitif Siswa Biologi Sekolah Menengah Pertama melalui Metode Demonstrasi

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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh banyaknya siswa yang memperoleh hasil belajar kognitif di bawah nilai ketuntasan minimal. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini berupa pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif dengan metode penelitian tindakan kelas yang terdiri dua siklus. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 3 Dedai kelas VIII B berjumlah 26 siswa yang dibelajarkan dengan metode demonstrasi. Instrumen untuk mengukur hasil belajar kognitif berupa soal pilihan ganda sebanyak 25 soal. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis statistik deskriptif berupa nilai rata-rata dan nilai ketuntasan klasikal. Hasil analisis statistik deskriptif menunjukan bahwa pada siklus I diperoleh 16 siswa tuntas dengan nilai rata-rata 58,15 dan ketuntasan klasikal 61,53%. Selanjutnya pada siklus II, siswa yang tuntas sebanyak 24 siswa dengan nilai rata-rata 75,19 dan ketuntasan klasikal sebesar 92,30% siswa masuk kategori baik. Hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan metode demonstrasi dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada materi biologi


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    Tandan kosong kelapa sawit jumlahnya sangatlah melimpah dikarenakan pabrik pengolahan kelapa sawit yang terdapat di Indonesia memiliki jumlah yang sangat banyak, menurut survey yang dilakukan limbah tandan kosong kelapa sawit saat ini mencapai 20 juta ton. Tandan kosong kelapa sawit memiliki nilai ekonomis untuk direkayasa sebagai bahan alternatif yang dapat dimanfaatkan dengan alasan masih berlimpahnya bahan baku, bebas korosi, tahan dan mampu menyerap panas, oleh karena itu serat tandan kosong kelapa sawit dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai penguat bahan komposit polymeric foam. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui proses pembuatan, menganalisa kekuatan struktur atap mobil terhadap beban impak jatuh bebas dengan mensimulasikan dengan meggunakan perangkat lunak Ansys 14.0. Pembuatan struktur atap mobil dari bahan komposit polymeric foam dibuat menggunakan metode penuagan langsung yang terdiri dari bahan matrik dan penguat. Matrik resin BTQN 157 EX, poliuretan dibuat dari campuran poliol dengan isosianat, serta katalis MEKPO dan sebagai penguat adalah serat tandan kosong kelapa sawit. Dari proses simulasi yang dilakukan dengan perangkat lunak Ansys 14,0, maka diperoleh hasil simulasi perangkat lunak Ansys 14.0 diperoleh () = 31130 [Pa]

    Living Walls in The City: Community Values and Expectations

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    There is an increasing interest in living walls in the urban environment, particularly when linked into green infrastructure for urban heat island mitigation. However, the social acceptance of such systems in Australia is largely untested. To address this knowledge gap, a survey of nineteen local government authorities and twenty living wall owners and managers was conducted. The survey participants included commercial and residential buildings. The survey was used to study living wall owners’ motivations and expectations of living walls as well as the social values attached to the installed infrastructure. This study related the experiences of living wall owners to the current technical knowledge of living walls and contextualised the benefits and costs of living walls for Australian homes and buildings within the public attitudes and motivations for installing such infrastructure. The survey found that social acceptance and the aesthetic values placed on living walls and greenery more broadly represented a substantial advantage for living walls

    Living Walls in The City: Community Values and Expectations

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    There is an increasing interest in living walls in the urban environment, particularly when linked into green infrastructure for urban heat island mitigation. However, the social acceptance of such systems in Australia is largely untested. To address this knowledge gap, a survey of nineteen local government authorities and twenty living wall owners and managers was conducted. The survey participants included commercial and residential buildings. The survey was used to study living wall owners’ motivations and expectations of living walls as well as the social values attached to the installed infrastructure. This study related the experiences of living wall owners to the current technical knowledge of living walls and contextualised the benefits and costs of living walls for Australian homes and buildings within the public attitudes and motivations for installing such infrastructure. The survey found that social acceptance and the aesthetic values placed on living walls and greenery more broadly represented a substantial advantage for living walls

    Mitigating street flooding with permeable structures: A modelling case study

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    This paper describes the modelling efforts of placing a permeable street adjacent to flash-flood-causing urban drain so that overflowing floodwaters from the drain could be absorbed by water storage structure under the street. Three types of permeable structures were included in the modelling with porosities of 23, 63 and 86 % representing low, medium and high storage volumes, respectively. By using the Storm Water Management Model developed by the US Environmental Protection Agency, the properties of the three types of permeable structures were implemented in models imitating a commercial center and its drainage system, as a case study. The permeable street was modelled as part of the drainage system, in contrast to conventional roads rarely modelled as such. Local rainfall patterns were then used with the models of the case study, in which water flow characteristics of the drainage systems with and without the permeable structures were analyzed. The first type that involved conventional pavers and aggregates had the least water detention time of 2 hours. The second type that consisted of modular precast concrete units held the water for 5 hours; and the third type that was cast-in-place concrete tank system held the water longer for 6 hours. The longer the time floodwater is detained within a permeable structure, the better the mitigating effects of the street flooding. The second and third types of structures were more promising than the first type. However, choosing either second type or third type would be a case-by-case decision, considering various factors of the flash flood