748 research outputs found

    The Star Formation Histories of z ~ 2 Dust-obscured Galaxies and Submillimeter-selected Galaxies

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    The Spitzer Space Telescope has identified a population of ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) at z ~ 2 that may play an important role in the evolution of massive galaxies. We measure the stellar masses (M_*) of two populations of Spitzer-selected ULIRGs that have extremely red R – [24] colors (dust-obscured galaxies, or DOGs) and compare our results with submillimeter-selected galaxies (SMGs). One set of 39 DOGs has a local maximum in their mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectral energy distribution (SED) at rest frame 1.6 μm associated with stellar emission ("bump DOGs"), while the other set of 51 DOGs have power-law mid-IR SEDs that are typical of obscured active galactic nuclei ("power-law DOGs"). We measure M_* by applying Charlot & Bruzual stellar population synthesis models to broadband photometry in the rest-frame ultraviolet, optical, and near-infrared of each of these populations. Assuming a simple stellar population and a Chabrier initial mass function, we find that power-law DOGs and bump DOGs are on average a factor of 2 and 1.5 more massive than SMGs, respectively (median and inter-quartile M_* values for SMGs, bump DOGs, and power-law DOGs are log(M_*/M_☉) = 10.42^(+0.42)_(–0.36), 10.62^(+0.36)_(–0.32), and 10.71^(+0.40)_(–0.34), respectively). More realistic star formation histories drawn from two competing theories for the nature of ULIRGs at z ~ 2 (major merger versus smooth accretion) can increase these mass estimates by up to 0.5 dex. A comparison of our stellar masses with the instantaneous star formation rate (SFR) in these z ~ 2 ULIRGs provides a preliminary indication supporting high SFRs for a given M_*, a situation that arises more naturally in major mergers than in smooth accretion-powered systems

    The Spectral Energy Distribution and Infrared Luminosities of z ≈ 2 Dust-obscured Galaxies from Herschel and Spitzer

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    Dust-obscured galaxies (DOGs) are a subset of high-redshift (z ≈ 2) optically-faint ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs, e.g., L_(IR) > 10^(12) L_☉). We present new far-infrared photometry, at 250, 350, and 500 μm (observed-frame), from the Herschel Space Telescope for a large sample of 113 DOGs with spectroscopically measured redshifts. Approximately 60% of the sample are detected in the far-IR. The Herschel photometry allows the first robust determinations of the total infrared luminosities of a large sample of DOGs, confirming their high IR luminosities, which range from 10^(11.6) L_☉ 10^(13) L_☉. The rest-frame near-IR (1-3 μm) spectral energy distributions (SEDs) of the Herschel-detected DOGs are predictors of their SEDs at longer wavelengths. DOGs with "power-law" SEDs in the rest-frame near-IR show observed-frame 250/24 μm flux density ratios similar to the QSO-like local ULIRG, Mrk 231. DOGs with a stellar "bump" in their rest-frame near-IR show observed-frame 250/24 μm flux density ratios similar to local star-bursting ULIRGs like NGC 6240. None show 250/24 μm flux density ratios similar to extreme local ULIRG, Arp 220; though three show 350/24 μm flux density ratios similar to Arp 220. For the Herschel-detected DOGs, accurate estimates (within ~25%) of total IR luminosity can be predicted from their rest-frame mid-IR data alone (e.g., from Spitzer observed-frame 24 μm luminosities). Herschel-detected DOGs tend to have a high ratio of infrared luminosity to rest-frame 8 μm luminosity (the IR8 = L_(IR)(8-1000 μm)/νL_ν(8 μm) parameter of Elbaz et al.). Instead of lying on the z = 1-2 "infrared main sequence" of star-forming galaxies (like typical LIRGs and ULIRGs at those epochs) the DOGs, especially large fractions of the bump sources, tend to lie in the starburst sequence. While, Herschel-detected DOGs are similar to scaled up versions of local ULIRGs in terms of 250/24 μm flux density ratio, and IR8, they tend to have cooler far-IR dust temperatures (20-40 K for DOGs versus 40-50 K for local ULIRGs) as measured by the rest-frame 80/115 μm flux density ratios (e.g., observed-frame 250/350 μm ratios at z = 2). DOGs that are not detected by Herschel appear to have lower observed-frame 250/24 μm ratios than the detected sample, either because of warmer dust temperatures, lower IR luminosities, or both

    Techniques for measuring weight bearing during standing and walking

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    OBJECTIVE: To classify and assess techniques for measuring the amount of weight bearing during standing and walking.BACKGROUND: A large variety of weight bearing measuring techniques exists. This review describes their advantages and limitations to assist clinicians and researchers in selecting a technique for their specific application in measuring weight bearing.METHODS: A literature search was performed in Pubmed-Medline, CINAHL, and EMBASE. Measurement techniques were classified in 'clinical examination', 'scales', 'biofeedback systems', 'ambulatory devices' and 'platforms', and assessed on aspects of methodological quality, application, and feasibility.RESULTS: A total of 68 related articles was evaluated. The clinical examination technique is a crude method to estimate the amount of weight bearing. Scales are useful for static measurements to evaluate symmetry in weight bearing. Biofeedback systems give more reliable, accurate and objective data on weight bearing compared to clinical examination and scales, but the high costs could limit their use in physical therapy departments. The ambulatory devices can measure weight bearing with good accuracy and reliability in the hospital and at home. Platforms have the best methodological quality, but are mostly restricted to a gait laboratory, need trained personnel, and are expensive.CONCLUSIONS: The choice of a technique largely depends upon the criteria discussed in this review; however the clinical utilisation, the research question posed, and the available budget also play a role. The new developments seen in the field of 'ambulatory devices' are aimed at extending measuring time, and improved practicality in data collection and data analysis. For these latter devices, however, mainly preliminary studies have been published about devices that are not (yet) commercially available.</p

    HST Morphologies of z~2 Dust Obscured Galaxies I: Power-law Sources

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    We present high spatial resolution optical and near-infrared imaging obtained using the ACS, WFPC2 and NICMOS cameras aboard the Hubble Space Telescope of 31 24um--bright z~2 Dust Obscured Galaxies (DOGs) identified in the Bootes Field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey. Although this subset of DOGs have mid-IR spectral energy distributions dominated by a power-law component suggestive of an AGN, all but one of the galaxies are spatially extended and not dominated by an unresolved component at rest-frame UV or optical wavelengths. The observed V-H and I-H colors of the extended components are 0.2-3 magnitudes redder than normal star-forming galaxies. All but 1 have axial ratios >0.3, making it unlikely that DOGs are composed of an edge-on star-forming disk. We model the spatially extended component of the surface brightness distributions of the DOGs with a Sersic profile and find effective radii of 1-6 kpc. This sample of DOGs is smaller than most sub-millimeter galaxies (SMGs), but larger than quiescent high-redshift galaxies. Non-parametric measures (Gini and M20) of DOG morphologies suggest that these galaxies are more dynamically relaxed than local ULIRGs. We estimate lower limits to the stellar masses of DOGs based on the rest-frame optical photometry and find that these range from ~10^(9-11) M_sun. If major mergers are the progenitors of DOGs, then these observations suggest that DOGs may represent a post-merger evolutionary stage.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figures, 6 tables, accepted to ApJ; lower limits on stellar mass revised upwards by factor of (1+z

    Feasibility and short-term effects of Activity Coach+:a physical activity intervention in hard-to-reach people with a physical disability

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    Purpose: Existing physical activity interventions do not reach a considerable proportion of physically disabled people. This study assessed feasibility and short-term effects of Activity Coach+, a community-based intervention especially targeting this hard-to-reach population. Methods: Feasibility was determined by reach, dropouts, and compliance with the protocol. Physical activity was measured with the Activ8 accelerometer and the adapted SQUASH questionnaire. Health outcomes were assessed by body composition, blood pressure, hand grip force, 10-metre walk test, 6-minute walk test, and the Berg Balance Scale. The RAND-36, Exercise Self-Efficacy Scale, Fatigue Severity Scale, and IMPACT-S were administered. Measurements were performed at baseline and after 2 and 4 months. Changes over time were analysed by Friedman tests. Results: Twenty-nine participants enrolled during the first 4 months, of whom two dropped out. Intervention components were employed in 86–100% of the participants. Physical activity did not change after the implementation of Activity Coach+. Body mass index (p = 0.006), diastolic blood pressure (p = 0.032), walking ability (p = 0.002), exercise capacity (p = 0.013), balance (p = 0.014), and vitality (p = 0.049) changed over time. Conclusions: Activity Coach + is feasible in a community setting. Indications for effectivity of Activity Coach + in hard-to-reach people with a physical disability were found.Implications for rehabilitation Activity Coach + was able to reach physically disabled people living in community, a population that is assumed hard-to-reach. Activity Coach + was feasible in a population of persons with a physical disability that was heterogeneous with respect to age and (severity of) disability. The current study provides the first indications for the beneficial health effects of Activity Coach + in hard-to-reach people with a physical disability

    Graphene on Si(111)7x7

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    We demonstrate that it is possible to mechanically exfoliate graphene under ultra high vacuum conditions on the atomically well defined surface of single crystalline silicon. The flakes are several hundred nanometers in lateral size and their optical contrast is very faint in agreement with calculated data. Single layer graphene is investigated by Raman mapping. The G and 2D peaks are shifted and narrowed compared to undoped graphene. With spatially resolved Kelvin probe measurements we show that this is due to p-type doping with hole densities of n_h \simeq 6x10^{12} cm^{-2}. The in vacuo preparation technique presented here should open up new possibilities to influence the properties of graphene by introducing adsorbates in a controlled way.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    The Spectral Energy Distributions and Infrared Luminosities of z \approx 2 Dust Obscured Galaxies from Herschel and Spitzer

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    Dust-obscured galaxies (DOGs) are a subset of high-redshift (z \approx 2) optically-faint ultra-luminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs, e.g. L_{IR} > 10^{12} Lsun). We present new far-infrared photometry, at 250, 350, and 500 um (observed-frame), from the Herschel Space Telescope for a large sample of 113 DOGs with spectroscopically measured redshifts. Approximately 60% of the sample are detected in the far-IR, confirming their high IR luminosities, which range from 10^{11.6} Lsun < L_{IR} (8-1000 um) <10^{13.6} Lsun. 90% of the Herschel detected DOGs in this sample are ULIRGs and 30% have L_{IR} > 10^{13} Lsun. The rest-frame near-IR (1 - 3 um) SEDs of the Herschel detected DOGs are predictors of their SEDs at longer wavelengths. DOGs with "power-law" SEDs in the rest-frame near-IR show observed-frame 250/24 um flux density ratios similar to the QSO-like local ULIRG, Mrk 231. DOGs with a stellar "bump" in their rest-frame near-IR show observed-frame 250/24 um flux density ratios similar to local star-bursting ULIRGs like NGC 6240. For the Herschel detected DOGs, accurate estimates (within \approx 25%) of total IR luminosity can be predicted from their rest-frame mid-IR data alone (e.g. from Spitzer observed-frame 24 um luminosities). Herschel detected DOGs tend to have a high ratio of infrared luminosity to rest-frame 8 um luminosity (the IR8= L_{IR}(8-1000 um)/v L_{v}(8 um) parameter of Elbaz et al. 2011). Instead of lying on the z=1-2 "infrared main-sequence" of star forming galaxies (like typical LIRGs and ULIRGs at those epochs) the DOGs, especially large fractions of the bump sources, tend to lie in the starburst sequence. While, Herschel detected DOGs are similar to scaled up versions of local ULIRGs in terms of 250/24 um flux density ratio, and IR8, they tend to have cooler far-IR dust temperatures (20-40 K for DOGs vs. 40-50 K for local ULIRGs). Abridged.Comment: 24 pages, 14 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journa

    Onset of dielectric modes at 110K and 60K due to local lattice distortions in non-superconducting YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6.0} crystals

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    We report the observation of two dielectric transitions at 110K and 60K in the microwave response of non-superconducting YBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{6.0} crystals. The transitions are characterized by a change in polarizability and presence of loss peaks, associated with overdamped dielectric modes. An explanation is presented in terms of changes in polarizability of the apical O atoms in the Ba-O layer, affected by lattice softening at 110K, due to change in buckling of the Cu-O layer. The onset of another mode at 60K strongly suggests an additional local lattice change at this temperature. Thus microwave dielectric measurements are sensitive indicators of lattice softening which may be relevant to superconductivity.Comment: 5 pages, 3 ps format figure

    The polarizability model for ferroelectricity in perovskite oxides

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    This article reviews the polarizability model and its applications to ferroelectric perovskite oxides. The motivation for the introduction of the model is discussed and nonlinear oxygen ion polarizability effects and their lattice dynamical implementation outlined. While a large part of this work is dedicated to results obtained within the self-consistent-phonon approximation (SPA), also nonlinear solutions of the model are handled which are of interest to the physics of relaxor ferroelectrics, domain wall motions, incommensurate phase transitions. The main emphasis is to compare the results of the model with experimental data and to predict novel phenomena.Comment: 55 pages, 35 figure
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