387 research outputs found

    High-temperature integrated and flexible ultrasonic transducers for nondestructive testing

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    Integrated ultrasonic transducers (IUTs) and flexible ultrasonic transducers (FUTs) are presented for nondestructive testing at high temperatures. These transducers are made of sol-gel-sprayed piezoelectric thick (>40 \ub5m) ceramic films. The ceramic materials are lead-zirconate-titanate, bismuth titanate and lithium niobate which are for thickness measurements up to 150, 400 and 800\ub0C, respectively. The IUT can also be deposited onto one end of a long ultrasonic delay line to perform nondestructive testing at the other end at even higher temperatures. FUTs made of bismuth titanate films onto thin stainless steel foils are also used for thickness measurements at 300\ub0C with a high-temperature couplant sandwiched between the FUT and a steel substrate. All experiments at high temperatures were performed in pulse-echo mode and ultrasonic echoes with signal-to-noise ratios above 20 dB were obtained. The center operation frequencies of both IUTs and FUTs range from 4.4 to 10.7 MHz.On pr\ue9sente des transducteurs ultrasoniques int\ue9gr\ue9s (TUI) et des transducteurs ultrasoniques souples (TUS) \ue0 des fins d\u2019essai \ue0 haute temp\ue9rature. Ces transducteurs sont en films c\ue9ramiques \ue9pais (> 40 \u3bcm), pi\ue9zo\ue9lectriques de type sol-gel pulv\ue9ris\ue9. Au nombre des mat\ue9riaux c\ue9ramiques figurent le titanate, le zirconate de plomb, le titanate de bismuth et le niobate de lithium; mat\ue9riaux qui conviennent pour des mesures d\u2019\ue9paisseur jusqu\u2019\ue0 150, 400 et 800 \ub0C respectivement. Les TUI peuvent aussi \ueatre d\ue9pos\ue9s \ue0 une extr\ue9mit\ue9 d\u2019une longue ligne de retard ultrasonique pour r\ue9aliser un essai non destructif \ue0 l\u2019autre extr\ue9mit\ue9 \ue0 des temp\ue9ratures encore plus \ue9lev\ue9es. Les TUS en film de titanate de bismuth sur de fines feuilles d\u2019acier inoxydable sont \ue9galement utilis\ue9s pour des mesures d\u2019\ue9paisseur \ue0 300 \ub0C avec un agent couplant pris en sandwich entre le TUS et un substrat en acier. Toutes les exp\ue9riences \ue0 haute temp\ue9rature ont \ue9t\ue9 r\ue9alis\ue9es en mode impulsion/\ue9cho, et on a obtenu des \ue9chos ultrasoniques avec des rapports signal/bruit sup\ue9rieurs \ue0 20 dB. Les fr\ue9quences centrales d\u2019exploitation des TUI et des TUS \ue9taient situ\ue9es dans la gamme allant de 4,4 \ue0 10,7 MHz.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye

    Political institutions and debt crises

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    This paper shows that political institutions matter in explaining defaults on external and domestic debt obligations. We explore a large number of political and macroeconomic variables using a non-parametric technique to predict safety from default. The advantage of this technique is that it is able to identify patterns in the data that are not captured in standard probit analysis. We find that political factors matter, and do so in different ways for democratic and non-democratic regimes, and for domestic and external debt. In democracies, a parliamentary system or sufficient checks and balances almost guarantee the absence of default on external debt when economic fundamentals or liquidity are sufficiently strong. In dictatorships, high stability and tenure play a similar role for default on domestic debt

    Comprehensive analysis of Barkhausen emission spectra using pulse height analysis, frequency spectrum, and pulse wave form analysis

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    The dependence of magnetic Barkhausen emissions (MBE) upon both field excitation and detection frequencies and excitation wave form was studied in order to investigate two of several crucial factors which affect the emissions. Sinusoidal, triangular, and square wave forms were used to generate the MBE and the pulse height spectra, frequency spectra, and pulse wave forms of these signals were analyzed. The frequency spectra of sinusoidal and triangular alternating field excitations showed similar behavior but the spectrum under square wave excitation was different due to the existence of high frequency components during square wave switching. As yet, no common standard has been agreed upon for parameterization and representation of Barkhausen signals. It appears from this work that field excitation wave form and frequency should define the inputs, while detection frequency range, pulse height spectrum, frequency spectrum, and emitted pulse wave form analysis should be used to quantify the output

    Dilepton production in heavy ion collisions at intermediate energies

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    We present a unified description of the vector meson and dilepton production in elementary and in heavy ion reactions. The production of vector mesons (ρ,ω\rho,\omega) is described via the excitation of nuclear resonances (RR). The theoretical framework is an extended vector meson dominance model (eVMD). The treatment of the resonance decays RNVR\longmapsto NV with arbitrary spin is covariant and kinematically complete. The eVMD includes thereby excited vector meson states in the transition form factors. This ensures correct asymptotics and provides a unified description of photonic and mesonic decays. The resonance model is successfully applied to the ω\omega production in p+pp+p reactions. The same model is applied to the dilepton production in elementary reactions (p+p,p+dp+p, p+d). Corresponding data are well reproduced. However, when the model is applied to heavy ion reactions in the BEVALAC/SIS energy range the experimental dilepton spectra measured by the DLS Collaboration are significantly underestimated at small invariant masses. As a possible solution of this problem the destruction of quantum interference in a dense medium is discussed. A decoherent emission through vector mesons decays enhances the corresponding dilepton yield in heavy ion reactions. In the vicinity of the ρ/ω\rho/\omega-peak the reproduction of the data requires further a substantial collisional broadening of the ρ\rho and in particular of the ω\omega meson.Comment: 32 pages revtex, 19 figures, to appear in PR

    The dependence of the anomalous J/psi suppression on the number of participant nucleons

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    The observation of an anomalous J/psi suppression in Pb-Pb collisions by the NA50 Collaboration can be considered as the most striking indication for the deconfinement of quarks and gluons at SPS energies. In this Letter, we determine the J/psi suppression pattern as a function of the forward hadronic energy E-ZDC measured in a Zero Degree Calorimeter (ZDC). The direct connection between EZDC and the geometry of the collision allows us to calculate, within a Glauber approach, the precise relation between the number of participant nucleons N-part and E-ZDC. Then, we check if the experimental data can be better explained by a sudden or a smooth onset of the anomalous J/psi suppression as a function of the number of participants. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Centrality Behaviour of J/ψ\psi Production in Na50

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    The J/ψ\psi production in 158 A GeV Pb-Pb interactions is studied, in the dimuon decay channel, as a function of centrality, as measured with the electromagnetic or with the very forward calorimeters. After a first sharp variation at mid centrality, both patterns continue to fall down and exhibit a curvature change at high centrality values. This trend excludes any conventional hadronic model and is in agreement with a deconfined quark-gluon phase scenario. We report also preliminary results on the measured charged multiplicity, as given by a dedicated detector.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures (in eps) talk given at XXXI International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, Sep. 1-7, 2001, Datong China URL http://ismd31.ccnu.edu.cn

    Order parameter node removal in the d-wave superconductor YBa2Cu3O7xYBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{7-x} under magnetic field

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    hether the node in the order parameter characteristic of a dwaved-wave superconductor can or cannot be removed by an applied magnetic field has been a subject of debate in recent years. Thermal conductivity results on the high Tc superconductor Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8Bi_{2}Sr_{2}CaCu_{2}O_{8} originally explained by Laughlin in terms of such a node removal were complicated by hysteresis effects, and judged inconclusive. We present new tunneling data on YBa2Cu3O7xYBa_{2}Cu_{3}O_{7-x} that support the existence of the node removal effect, under specific orientations of the sample's surfaces and magnetic field. We also explain the hysteretic behavior and other previous tunneling results so far not understood satisfactorily, attributing them to a combination of node removal and Doppler shift of low energy surface bound states.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figure

    S100A7, a Novel Alzheimer's Disease Biomarker with Non-Amyloidogenic α-Secretase Activity Acts via Selective Promotion of ADAM-10

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    Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia among older people. At present, there is no cure for the disease and as of now there are no early diagnostic tests for AD. There is an urgency to develop a novel promising biomarker for early diagnosis of AD. Using surface-enhanced laser desorption ionization-mass spectrometry SELDI-(MS) proteomic technology, we identified and purified a novel 11.7-kDa metal- binding protein biomarker whose content is increased in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and in the brain of AD dementia subjects as a function of clinical dementia. Following purification and protein-sequence analysis, we identified and classified this biomarker as S100A7, a protein known to be involved in immune responses. Using an adenoviral-S100A7 expression system, we continued to examine the potential role of S100A7 in AD amyloid neuropathology in in vitro model of AD. We found that the expression of exogenous S100A7 in primary cortico-hippocampal neuron cultures derived from Tg2576 transgenic embryos inhibits the generation of β-amyloid (Aβ)1–42 and Aβ1–40 peptides, coincidental with a selective promotion of “non- amyloidogenic” α-secretase activity via promotion of ADAM (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase)-10. Finally, a selective expression of human S100A7 in the brain of transgenic mice results in significant promotion of α-secretase activity. Our study for the first time suggests that S100A7 may be a novel biomarker of AD dementia and supports the hypothesis that promotion of S100A7 expression in the brain may selectively promote α-secretase activity in the brain of AD precluding the generation of amyloidogenic peptides. If in the future we find that S1000A7 protein content in CSF is sensitive to drug intervention experimentally and eventually in the clinical setting, S100A7 might be developed as novel surrogate index (biomarker) of therapeutic efficacy in the characterization of novel drug agents for the treatment of AD

    Anomalous J/ψJ/\psi suppression in Pb-Pb interactions at 158 GeV per nucleon

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    The Drell-Yan and J/psi cross-sections measured in Pb-Pb collisions are compared with the values extrapolated from the results obtained in proton and light ion induced reactions. While the Drell-Yan production exhibits the normal expected behaviour, the yield of J/psi in Pb-Pb interactions is abnormally low, as it lies 9 standard deviations below the expected value. Moreover, the departure from the expected behaviour increases significantly from peripheral to central collisions. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V