1,495 research outputs found

    The representational-hierarchical view of pattern separation: Not just hippocampus, not just space, not just memory?

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    Pattern separation (PS) has been defined as a process of reducing overlap between similar input patterns to minimize interference amongst stored representations. The present article describes this putative PS process from the "representational-hierarchical" perspective (R-H), which uses a hierarchical continuum instead of a cognitive modular processing framework to describe the organization of the ventral visual perirhinal-hippocampal processing stream. Instead of trying to map psychological constructs onto anatomical modules in the brain, the R-H model suggests that the function of brain regions depends upon what representations they contain. We begin by discussing a main principle of the R-H framework, the resolution of "ambiguity" of lower level representations via the formation of unique conjunctive representations in higher level areas, and how this process is remarkably similar to definitions of PS. Work from several species and experimental approaches suggest that this principle of resolution of ambiguity via conjunctive representations has considerable explanatory power, leads to wide possibilities for experimentation, and also supports some perhaps surprising conclusions.LMS and TJB were funded by Medical Research Council/Wellcome Trust grant 089703/Z/09/Z.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nlm.2016.01.00

    Cognitive enhancing effects of voluntary exercise, caloric restriction and environmental enrichment: A role for adult hippocampal neurogenesis and pattern separation?

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    Several behavioural interventions, such as physical exercise, dietary restriction, and enriched environments are associated with both improved cognition and increased adult hippocampal neurogenesis. Whether the learning and memory improvements associated with these interventions are causally dependent on the upregulated neurogenesis has not yet been conclusively determined. However, with the accumulating evidence of a role for adult-born hippocampal neurons in spatial pattern separation, it is possible that the improvements in learning and memory result, at least in part, from an improvement in pattern separation. The following review focuses on three major behavioural manipulations associated with cognitive enhancement: voluntary exercise, caloric restriction, and environmental enrichment (including learning), and how increased neurogenesis may contribute to the enhancement by improving pattern separation.The authors would like to acknowledge financial contribution from the following funding sources: the Innovative Medicine Initiative Joint Undertaking under grant agreement no. 115008, of which resources are composed of a European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations in-kind contribution and financial contribution from the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013); The Wellcome Trust/Medical Research Council (089703/Z/09/Z) and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (grant BB/G019002/1). C.A.O. received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 603016. B.A.K. was supported by Gates Cambridge.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S235215461500087X

    Comparing the effects of subchronic phencyclidine and medial prefrontal cortex dysfunction on cognitive tests relevant to schizophrenia.

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    RATIONALE: It is becoming increasingly clear that the development of treatments for cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia requires urgent attention, and that valid animal models of relevant impairments are required. With subchronic psychotomimetic agent phencyclidine (scPCP), a putative model of such impairment, the extent to which changes following scPCP do or do not resemble those following dysfunction of the prefrontal cortex is of importance. OBJECTIVES: The present study carried out a comparison of the most common scPCP dosing regimen with excitotoxin-induced medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) dysfunction in rats, across several cognitive tests relevant to schizophrenia. METHODS: ScPCP subjects were dosed intraperitoneal with 5 mg/kg PCP or vehicle twice daily for 1 week followed by 1 week washout prior to behavioural testing. mPFC dysfunction was induced via fibre-sparing excitotoxin infused into the pre-limbic and infralimbic cortex. Subjects were tested on spontaneous novel object recognition, touchscreen object-location paired-associates learning and touchscreen reversal learning. RESULTS: A double-dissociation was observed between object-location paired-associates learning and object recognition: mPFC dysfunction impaired acquisition of the object-location task but not spontaneous novel object recognition, while scPCP impaired spontaneous novel object recognition but not object-location associative learning. Both scPCP and mPFC dysfunction resulted in a similar facilitation of reversal learning. CONCLUSIONS: The pattern of impairment following scPCP raises questions around its efficacy as a model of cognitive impairment in schizophrenia, particularly if importance is placed on faithfully replicating the effects of mPFC dysfunction.KAL McAllister received funding from the Cambridge Commonwealth Trusts and University of Cambridge Overseas Studentship Programme. LM Saksida and TJ Bussey also received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking (IMI) under grant agreement n° 115008. IMI is a public-private partnership between the European Union and the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00213-015-4018-

    A novel 2- and 3-choice touchscreen-based continuous trial-unique nonmatching-to-location task (cTUNL) sensitive to functional differences between dentate gyrus and CA3 subregions of the hippocampus.

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    RATIONALE: The touchscreen continuous trial-unique non-matching-to-location task (cTUNL) has been developed to optimise a battery of tasks under NEWMEDS (Novel Methods leading to New Medication in Depression and Schizophrenia, http://www.newmeds-europe.com ). It offers novel task features of both a practical and a theoretical nature compared to existing touchscreen tasks for spatial working memory. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to determine whether the cTUNL task is sufficiently sensitive to differentiate between dentate gyrus (DG) and CA3 hippocampal subregion contributions to performance. METHODS: The effect of DG and CA3 dysfunction on memory for locations in the cTUNL task was tested. Rats were assessed on versions of the task-two-choice and three-choice-that differed in memory load. Performance was challenged using manipulations of delay and the spatial separation between target and sample locations. RESULTS: Dysfunction of the DG disrupts performance across both delay and spatial separations in two-choice cTUNL when the delay is variable and unpredictable. Increasing the working memory load (three stimuli) increases sensitivity to DG dysfunction, with deficits apparent at fixed, short delays. In contrast, CA3 dysfunction did not disrupt performance. CONCLUSION: Acquisition of cTUNL was rapid, and the task was sensitive to manipulations of delays and separations. A three-choice version of the task was found to be viable. Finally, both the two- and three-choice versions of the task were able to differentiate between limited dysfunction to different areas within the hippocampus. DG dysfunction affected performance when using unpredictable task parameters. CA3 dysfunction did not result in impairment, even at the longest delays tested.This work was supported by the Innovative Medicine Initiative Joint Undertaking under grant agreement no. 115008 of which resources are composed of EFPIA inkind contribution and financial contribution from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013). As part of this project, CAO was funded by Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc., of Johnson & Johnson.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00213-015-4019-

    Facilitation of spatial working memory performance following intra-prefrontal cortical administration of the adrenergic alpha1 agonist phenylephrine.

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    RATIONALE: Spatial working memory is dependent on the appropriate functioning of the prefrontal cortex (PFC). PFC activity can be modulated by noradrenaline (NA) released by afferent projections from the locus coeruleus. The coreuleo-cortical NA system could therefore be a target for cognitive enhancers of spatial working memory. Of the three classes of NA receptor potentially involved, the α2 and α1 classes seem most significant, though agents targeting these receptors have yielded mixed results. This may be partially due to the use of behavioural assays that do not translate effectively from the laboratory to the clinical setting. Use of a paradigm with improved translational potential may be essential to resolve these discrepancies. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study was to assess the effects of PFC-infused α2 and α1 adrenergic receptor agonists on spatial working memory performance in the touchscreen continuous trial-unique non-matching to location (cTUNL) task in rats. METHODS: Young male rats were trained in the cTUNL paradigm. Cannulation of the mPFC allowed direct administration of GABA agonists for task validation, and phenylephrine and guanfacine to determine the effects of adrenergic agonists on task performance. RESULTS: Infusion of muscimol and baclofen resulted in a delay-dependent impairment. Administration of the α2 agonist guanfacine had no effect, whilst infusion of the α1 agonist phenylephrine significantly improved working memory performance. CONCLUSIONS: Spatial working memory as measured in the rat cTUNL task is dependent on the mPFC. Enhancement of noradrenergic signalling enhanced performance in this paradigm, suggesting a significant role for the α1 receptor in this facilitation.This work was supported by the Innovative Medicine Initiative Joint Undertaking under grant agreement no. 115008 of which resources are composed of EFPIA inkind contribution and financial contribution from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013). CJH was funded by Wellcome Trust grant 089703/Z/09/Z.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Springer via http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00213-015-4038-

    Optimisation of cognitive performance in rodent operant (touchscreen) testing: Evaluation and effects of reinforcer strength

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    Operant testing is a widely used and highly effective method of studying cognition in rodents. Performance on such tasks is sensitive to reinforcer strength. It is therefore advantageous to select effective reinforcers to minimize training times and maximize experimental throughput. To quantitatively investigate the control of behavior by different reinforcers, performance of mice was tested with either strawberry milkshake or a known powerful reinforcer, super saccharin (1.5% or 2% (w/v) saccharin/1.5% (w/v) glucose/water mixture). Mice were tested on fixed (FR)- and progressive-ratio (PR) schedules in the touchscreen-operant testing system. Under an FR schedule, both the rate of responding and number of trials completed were higher in animals responding for strawberry milkshake versus super saccharin. Under a PR schedule, mice were willing to emit similar numbers of responses for strawberry milkshake and super saccharin; however, analysis of the rate of responding revealed a significantly higher rate of responding by animals reinforced with milkshake versus super saccharin. To determine the impact of reinforcer strength on cognitive performance, strawberry milkshake and super saccharin-reinforced animals were compared on a touchscreen visual discrimination task. Animals reinforced by strawberry milkshake were significantly faster to acquire the discrimination than animals reinforced by super saccharin. Taken together, these results suggest that strawberry milkshake is superior to super saccharin for operant behavioral testing and further confirms that the application of response rate analysis to multiple ratio tasks is a highly sensitive method for the detection of behavioral differences relevant to learning and motivation.The present research was supported by a National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research project grant awarded to TJB, LMS and CJH. BUP is supported by a Medical Research Council PhD studentship

    Synaptic scaffold evolution generated components of vertebrate cognitive complexity

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    The origins and evolution of higher cognitive functions, including complex forms of learning, attention and executive functions, are unknown. A potential mechanism driving the evolution of vertebrate cognition early in the vertebrate lineage (550 million years ago) was genome duplication and subsequent diversification of postsynaptic genes. Here we report, to our knowledge, the first genetic analysis of a vertebrate gene family in cognitive functions measured using computerized touchscreens. Comparison of mice carrying mutations in each of the four Dlg paralogs showed that simple associative learning required Dlg4, whereas Dlg2 and Dlg3 diversified to have opposing functions in complex cognitive processes. Exploiting the translational utility of touchscreens in humans and mice, testing Dlg2 mutations in both species showed that Dlg2\u27s role in complex learning, cognitive flexibility and attention has been highly conserved over 100 million years. Dlg-family mutations underlie psychiatric disorders, suggesting that genome evolution expanded the complexity of vertebrate cognition at the cost of susceptibility to mental illness

    Bridging the translational divide:identical cognitive touchscreen testing in mice and humans carrying mutations in a disease-relevant homologous gene

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    Development of effective therapies for brain disorders has been hampered by a lack of translational cognitive testing methods. We present the first example of using the identical touchscreen-based cognitive test to assess mice and humans carrying disease-related genetic mutations. This new paradigm has significant implications for improving how we measure and model cognitive dysfunction in human disorders in animals, thus bridging the gap towards effective translation to the clinic

    MAM-E17 rat model impairments on a novel continuous performance task: effects of potential cognitive enhancing drugs

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    Rationale\textit{Rationale} Impairments in attention and inhibitory control are endophenotypic markers of neuropsychiatric disorders such as schizophrenia and represent key targets for therapeutic management. Robust preclinical models and assays sensitive to clinically relevant treatments are crucial for improving cognitive enhancement strategies. Objectives\textit{Objectives} We assessed a rodent model with neural and behavioral features relevant to schizophrenia (gestational day 17 methylazoxymethanol acetate treatment (MAM-E17)) on a novel test of attention and executive function, and examined the impact of putative nootropic drugs. Methods\textit{Methods} MAM-E17 and sham control rats were trained on a novel touchscreen-based rodent continuous performance test (rCPT) designed to closely mimic the human CPT paradigm. Performance following acute, systemic treatment with an array of pharmacological compounds was investigated. Results\textit{Results} Two cohorts of MAM-E17 rats were impaired on rCPT performance including deficits in sensitivity (dâ€Č) and increased false alarm rates (FARs). Sulpiride (0–30 mg/kg) dose-dependently reduced elevated FAR in MAM-E17 rats whereas low-dose modafinil (8 mg/kg) only improved dâ€Č in sham controls. ABT-594 (5.9–19.4 ÎŒg/kg) and modafinil (64 mg/kg) showed expected stimulant-like effects, while LSN2463359 (5 mg/kg), RO493858 (10 mg/kg), atomoxetine (0.3–1 mg/kg), and sulpiride (30 mg/kg) showed expected suppressant effects on performance across all animals. Donepezil (0.1–1 mg/kg) showed near-significant enhancements in dâ€Č, and EVP-6124 (0.3–3 mg/kg) exerted no effects in the rCPT paradigm. Conclusion\textit{Conclusion} The MAM-E17 model exhibits robust and replicable impairments in rCPT performance that resemble attention and inhibitory control deficits seen in schizophrenia. Pharmacological profiles were highly consistent with known drug effects on cognition in preclinical and clinical studies. The rCPT is a sensitive and reliable tool with high translational potential for understanding the etiology and treatment of disorders affecting attention and executive dysfunction.The research leading to these results has received support from the Innovative Medicine Initiative Joint Undertaking under grant agreement no. 115008 of which resources are composed of EFPIA in-kind contribution and financial contribution from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013). The Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute is co-funded by the Medical Research Council and the Wellcome Trust. BGL received funding support from the "La Caixa" Fellowship Postgraduate Programme. ML was supported by the Chinese Scholarship Council Joint PhD Program. JA received funding support from the Swedish Pharmaceutical Society and the Swedish Research Council (no. 350- 2012-230)

    The NEWMEDS rodent touchscreen test battery for cognition relevant to schizophrenia.

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    RATIONALE: The NEWMEDS initiative (Novel Methods leading to New Medications in Depression and Schizophrenia, http://www.newmeds-europe.com ) is a large industrial-academic collaborative project aimed at developing new methods for drug discovery for schizophrenia. As part of this project, Work package 2 (WP02) has developed and validated a comprehensive battery of novel touchscreen tasks for rats and mice for assessing cognitive domains relevant to schizophrenia. OBJECTIVES: This article provides a review of the touchscreen battery of tasks for rats and mice for assessing cognitive domains relevant to schizophrenia and highlights validation data presented in several primary articles in this issue and elsewhere. METHODS: The battery consists of the five-choice serial reaction time task and a novel rodent continuous performance task for measuring attention, a three-stimulus visual reversal and the serial visual reversal task for measuring cognitive flexibility, novel non-matching to sample-based tasks for measuring spatial working memory and paired-associates learning for measuring long-term memory. RESULTS: The rodent (i.e. both rats and mice) touchscreen operant chamber and battery has high translational value across species due to its emphasis on construct as well as face validity. In addition, it offers cognitive profiling of models of diseases with cognitive symptoms (not limited to schizophrenia) through a battery approach, whereby multiple cognitive constructs can be measured using the same apparatus, enabling comparisons of performance across tasks. CONCLUSION: This battery of tests constitutes an extensive tool package for both model characterisation and pre-clinical drug discovery.This work was supported by the Innovative Medicine Initiative Joint Undertaking under grant agreement no. 115008 of which resources are composed of EFPIA in-kind contribution and financial contribution from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013). The authors thank Charlotte Oomen for valuable comments on the manuscript.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00213-015-4007-
