432 research outputs found

    Four-electron deoxygenative reductive coupling of carbon monoxide at a single metal site

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    Carbon dioxide is the ultimate source of the fossil fuels that are both central to modern life and problematic: their use increases atmospheric levels of greenhouse gases, and their availability is geopolitically constrained. Using carbon dioxide as a feedstock to produce synthetic fuels might, in principle, alleviate these concerns. Although many homogeneous and heterogeneous catalysts convert carbon dioxide to carbon monoxide, further deoxygenative coupling of carbon monoxide to generate useful multicarbon products is challenging. Molybdenum and vanadium nitrogenases are capable of converting carbon monoxide into hydrocarbons under mild conditions, using discrete electron and proton sources. Electrocatalytic reduction of carbon monoxide on copper catalysts also uses a combination of electrons and protons, while the industrial Fischer–Tropsch process uses dihydrogen as a combined source of electrons and electrophiles for carbon monoxide coupling at high temperatures and pressures6. However, these enzymatic and heterogeneous systems are difficult to probe mechanistically. Molecular catalysts have been studied extensively to investigate the elementary steps by which carbon monoxide is deoxygenated and coupled, but a single metal site that can efficiently induce the required scission of carbon–oxygen bonds and generate carbon–carbon bonds has not yet been documented. Here we describe a molybdenum compound, supported by a terphenyl–diphosphine ligand, that activates and cleaves the strong carbon–oxygen bond of carbon monoxide, enacts carbon–carbon coupling, and spontaneously dissociates the resulting fragment. This complex four-electron transformation is enabled by the terphenyl–diphosphine ligand, which acts as an electron reservoir and exhibits the coordinative flexibility needed to stabilize the different intermediates involved in the overall reaction sequence. We anticipate that these design elements might help in the development of efficient catalysts for converting carbon monoxide to chemical fuels, and should prove useful in the broader context of performing complex multi-electron transformations at a single metal site

    Considering Intra-individual Genetic Heterogeneity to Understand Biodiversity

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    In this chapter, I am concerned with the concept of Intra-individual Genetic Hetereogeneity (IGH) and its potential influence on biodiversity estimates. Definitions of biological individuality are often indirectly dependent on genetic sampling -and vice versa. Genetic sampling typically focuses on a particular locus or set of loci, found in the the mitochondrial, chloroplast or nuclear genome. If ecological function or evolutionary individuality can be defined on the level of multiple divergent genomes, as I shall argue is the case in IGH, our current genetic sampling strategies and analytic approaches may miss out on relevant biodiversity. Now that more and more examples of IGH are available, it is becoming possible to investigate the positive and negative effects of IGH on the functioning and evolution of multicellular individuals more systematically. I consider some examples and argue that studying diversity through the lens of IGH facilitates thinking not in terms of units, but in terms of interactions between biological entities. This, in turn, enables a fresh take on the ecological and evolutionary significance of biological diversity

    Fast assessment of long axis strain with standard cardiovascular magnetic resonance: a validation study of a novel parameter with reference values

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    Background: Assessment of longitudinal function with cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) is limited to measurement of systolic excursion of the mitral annulus (MAPSE) or elaborate strain imaging modalities. The aim of this study was to develop a fast assessable parameter for the measurement of long axis strain (LAS) with CMR. Methods: 40 healthy volunteers and 125 patients with different forms of cardiomyopathy were retrospectively analyzed. Four different approaches for the assessment of LAS with CMR measuring the distance between the LV apex and a line connecting the origins of the mitral valve leaflets in enddiastole and endsystole were evaluated. Values for LAS were calculated according to the strain formula. Results: LAS derived from the distance of the epicardial apical border to the midpoint of the line connecting the mitral valve insertion points (LAS-epi/mid) proved to be the most reliable parameter for the assessment of LAS among the different approaches. LAS-epi/mid displayed the highest sensitivity (81.6 %) and specificity (97.5 %), furthermore showing the best correlation with feature tracking (FTI) derived transmural longitudinal strain (r = 0.85). Moreover, LAS-epi/mid was non-inferior to FTI in discriminating controls from patients (Area under the curve (AUC) = 0.95 vs. 0.94, p = NS). The time required for analysis of LAS-epi/mid was significantly shorter than for FTI (67 ± 8 s vs. 180 ± 14 s, p < 0.0001). Additionally, LAS-epi/mid performed significantly better than MAPSE (Delta AUC = 0.09; p < 0.005) and the ejection fraction (Delta AUC = 0.11; p = 0.0002). Reference values were derived from 234 selected healthy volunteers. Mean value for LAS-epi/mid was −17.1 ± 2.3 %. Mean values for men were significantly lower compared to women (−16.5 ± 2.2 vs. -17.9 ± 2.1 %; p < 0.0001), while LAS decreased with age. Conclusions: LAS-epi/mid is a novel and fast assessable parameter for the analysis of global longitudinal function with non-inferiority compared to transmural longitudinal strain

    Severe thrombocytosis and anemia associated with celiac disease in a young female patient: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Platelet counts exceeding 1.000 × 10<sup>3</sup>/μl are usually considered secondary to another cause, particularly to chronic myeloproliferative disease (CMPD). Reactive thrombocytosis due to iron deficiency rarely exceeds platelet counts of 700 × 10<sup>3</sup>/μl.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>Here we report the case of a young woman presenting with clinical signs of severe anemia. Laboratory findings confirmed an iron-deficiency anemia associated with severe thrombocytosis of 1703 × 10<sup>3</sup>/μl. Macroscopic gastrointestinal and genitourinary tract bleeding was excluded. The excessive elevation of platelets, slightly elevated lactate dehydrogenase and slightly elevated leukocytes along with the absence of other inflammation parameters raised the suspicion of an underlying hematological disease. However, bone marrow evaluation could not prove the suspected diagnosis of a CMPD, especially essential thrombocythemia (ET). In the further clinical course the platelet count returned to normal after raising the hemoglobin to a level close to normal range with erythrocyte transfusion, and normalization of serum iron and decline of erythropoietin. Finally, following small bowel biopsy, despite the absence of typical clinical signs, celiac disease was diagnosed. After discharge from hospital the patient was commenced on a gluten-free diet and her hemoglobin almost completely normalized in the further follow-up period.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This case illustrates the rare constellation of an extreme thrombocytosis most likely secondary to iron deficiency due to celiac disease. This represents, to the best of the authors' knowledge, the highest reported platelet count coincident with iron deficiency. A potential mechanism for the association of iron-deficiency anemia and thrombocytosis is discussed. Even in the presence of 'atypically' high platelets one should consider the possibility of reactive thrombocytosis. Extreme thrombocytosis could emerge in the case of iron deficiency secondary to celiac disease.</p

    Environmental Influences on Mate Preferences as Assessed by a Scenario Manipulation Experiment

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    Many evolutionary psychology studies have addressed the topic of mate preferences, focusing particularly on gender and cultural differences. However, the extent to which situational and environmental variables might affect mate preferences has been comparatively neglected. We tested 288 participants in order to investigate the perceived relative importance of six traits of an ideal partner (wealth, dominance, intelligence, height, kindness, attractiveness) under four different hypothetical scenarios (status quo/nowadays, violence/post-nuclear, poverty/resource exhaustion, prosperity/global well-being). An equal number of participants (36 women, 36 men) was allotted to each scenario; each was asked to allocate 120 points across the six traits according to their perceived value. Overall, intelligence was the trait to which participants assigned most importance, followed by kindness and attractiveness, and then by wealth, dominance and height. Men appraised attractiveness as more valuable than women. Scenario strongly influenced the relative importance attributed to traits, the main finding being that wealth and dominance were more valued in the poverty and post-nuclear scenarios, respectively, compared to the other scenarios. Scenario manipulation generally had similar effects in both sexes, but women appeared particularly prone to trade off other traits for dominance in the violence scenario, and men particularly prone to trade off other traits for wealth in the poverty scenario. Our results are in line with other correlational studies of situational variables and mate preferences, and represent strong evidence of a causal relationship of environmental factors on specific mate preferences, corroborating the notion of an evolved plasticity to current ecological conditions. A control experiment seems to suggest that our scenarios can be considered as realistic descriptions of the intended ecological conditions

    Environmental Influences on Mate Preferences as Assessed by a Scenario Manipulation Experiment

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    Many evolutionary psychology studies have addressed the topic of mate preferences, focusing particularly on gender and cultural differences. However, the extent to which situational and environmental variables might affect mate preferences has been comparatively neglected. We tested 288 participants in order to investigate the perceived relative importance of six traits of an ideal partner (wealth, dominance, intelligence, height, kindness, attractiveness) under four different hypothetical scenarios (status quo/nowadays, violence/post-nuclear, poverty/resource exhaustion, prosperity/global well-being). An equal number of participants (36 women, 36 men) was allotted to each scenario; each was asked to allocate 120 points across the six traits according to their perceived value. Overall, intelligence was the trait to which participants assigned most importance, followed by kindness and attractiveness, and then by wealth, dominance and height. Men appraised attractiveness as more valuable than women. Scenario strongly influenced the relative importance attributed to traits, the main finding being that wealth and dominance were more valued in the poverty and post-nuclear scenarios, respectively, compared to the other scenarios. Scenario manipulation generally had similar effects in both sexes, but women appeared particularly prone to trade off other traits for dominance in the violence scenario, and men particularly prone to trade off other traits for wealth in the poverty scenario. Our results are in line with other correlational studies of situational variables and mate preferences, and represent strong evidence of a causal relationship of environmental factors on specific mate preferences, corroborating the notion of an evolved plasticity to current ecological conditions. A control experiment seems to suggest that our scenarios can be considered as realistic descriptions of the intended ecological conditions

    Subliminally Perceived Odours Modulate Female Intrasexual Competition: An Eye Movement Study

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    Background: Evidence suggests that subliminal odorants influence human perception and behavior. It has been hypothesized that the human sex-steroid derived compound 4,16-androstadien-3-one (androstadienone) functions as a human chemosignal. The most intensively studied steroid compound, androstadienone is known to be biologically relevant since it seems to convey information about male mate quality to women. It is unclear if the effects of androstadienone are menstrual cycle related. Methodology/Principal Findings: In the first experiment, heterosexual women were exposed to androstadienone or a control compound and asked to view stimuli such as female faces, male faces and familiar objects while their eye movements were recorded. In the second experiment the same women were asked to rate the level of stimuli attractiveness following exposure to the study or control compound. The results indicated that women at high conception risk spent more time viewing the female than the male faces regardless of the compound administered. Women at a low conception risk exhibited a preference for female faces only following exposure to androstadienone. Conclusions/Significance: We contend that a woman’s level of fertility influences her evaluation of potential competitors (e.g., faces of other women) during times critical for reproduction. Subliminally perceived odorants, such as androstadienone, might similarly enhance intrasexual competition strategies in women during fertility phases not critica

    Chimerism in Wild Adult Populations of the Broadcast Spawning Coral Acropora millepora on the Great Barrier Reef

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    Chimeras are organisms containing tissues or cells of two or more genetically distinct individuals, and are known to exist in at least nine phyla of protists, plants, and animals. Although widespread and common in marine invertebrates, the extent of chimerism in wild populations of reef corals is unknown.The extent of chimerism was explored within two populations of a common coral, Acropora millepora, on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, by using up to 12 polymorphic DNA microsatellite loci. At least 2% and 5% of Magnetic Island and Pelorus Island populations of A. millepora, respectively, were found to be chimeras (3% overall), based on conservative estimates. A slightly less conservative estimate indicated that 5% of colonies in each population were chimeras. These values are likely to be vast underestimates of the true extent of chimerism, as our sampling protocol was restricted to a maximum of eight branches per colony, while most colonies consist of hundreds of branches. Genotypes within chimeric corals showed high relatedness, indicating that genetic similarity is a prerequisite for long-term acceptance of non-self genotypes within coral colonies.While some brooding corals have been shown to form genetic chimeras in their early life history stages under experimental conditions, this study provides the first genetic evidence of the occurrence of coral chimeras in the wild and of chimerism in a broadcast spawning species. We hypothesize that chimerism is more widespread in corals than previously thought, and suggest that this has important implications for their resilience, potentially enhancing their capacity to compete for space and respond to stressors such as pathogen infection

    Differences in Cell Division Rates Drive the Evolution of Terminal Differentiation in Microbes

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    Multicellular differentiated organisms are composed of cells that begin by developing from a single pluripotent germ cell. In many organisms, a proportion of cells differentiate into specialized somatic cells. Whether these cells lose their pluripotency or are able to reverse their differentiated state has important consequences. Reversibly differentiated cells can potentially regenerate parts of an organism and allow reproduction through fragmentation. In many organisms, however, somatic differentiation is terminal, thereby restricting the developmental paths to reproduction. The reason why terminal differentiation is a common developmental strategy remains unexplored. To understand the conditions that affect the evolution of terminal versus reversible differentiation, we developed a computational model inspired by differentiating cyanobacteria. We simulated the evolution of a population of two cell types –nitrogen fixing or photosynthetic– that exchange resources. The traits that control differentiation rates between cell types are allowed to evolve in the model. Although the topology of cell interactions and differentiation costs play a role in the evolution of terminal and reversible differentiation, the most important factor is the difference in division rates between cell types. Faster dividing cells always evolve to become the germ line. Our results explain why most multicellular differentiated cyanobacteria have terminally differentiated cells, while some have reversibly differentiated cells. We further observed that symbioses involving two cooperating lineages can evolve under conditions where aggregate size, connectivity, and differentiation costs are high. This may explain why plants engage in symbiotic interactions with diazotrophic bacteria