156 research outputs found
A novel pulsewidth modulation for the comprehensive neutral-point voltage control in the three-level three-phase neutral-point-clamped dc-ac converte
Las topologías de convertidores multinivel han recibido una atención especial durante las dos últimas décadas debido a sus notables ventajas en aplicaciones de alta potencia y media/alta tensión. En estas topologías, y comparadas con el convertidor tradicional de dos niveles, el voltaje que soporta cada dispositivo semiconductor es menor, evitando los problemas asociados con la interconexión serie de dispositivos. La distorsión armónica en la tensión de salida es también menor y la eficiencia mayor. Pero incorporan un número superior de dispositivos semiconductores y la estrategia de modulación resultante es, por tanto, más compleja.Entre estas topologías, el convertidor cc-ca de tres niveles trifásico con conexión al punto neutro del bus de cc es probablemente el más popular. La aplicación a este convertidor de técnicas de modulación convencionales causa una oscilación de la tensión del punto neutro de baja frecuencia (tres veces la frecuencia fundamental de la tensión de salida). Esta oscilación, a su vez, supone un incremento del estrés de tensión de los dispositivos y provoca la aparición de armónicos de baja frecuencia en la tensión de salida.Esta tesis presenta una nueva técnica de modulación del pulso de conducción de los dispositivos semiconductores para convertidores de tres niveles trifásicos con conexión a punto neutro, capaz de conseguir un control completo de la tensión del punto neutro con una distorsión armónica reducida en la tensión de salida alrededor de la frecuencia de conmutación. Esta nueva técnica de modulación, basada en la definición de unos vectores espaciales virtuales, garantiza el equilibrado de la tensión del punto neutro con cualquier carga (lineal o no, cualquier factor de potencia) y para todo el rango de tensión de salida, con el único requisito de que la suma de corrientes de fase sea nula.Las características de la técnica de modulación propuesta y sus beneficios con respecto a otras modulaciones se han verificado a través de simulaciones y experimentos tanto en lazo abierto como en lazo cerrado.Multilevel converter topologies have received special attention during the last two decades due to their significant advantages in high-power medium- and high-voltage applications. In these topologies, and compared to the previous two-level case, the voltage across each semiconductor is reduced, avoiding the problems of the series interconnection of devices. The harmonic distortion of the output voltage is also diminished and the converter efficiency increases. But a larger number of semiconductors is needed and the modulation strategy to control them becomes more complex.Among these topologies, the three-level three-phase neutral-point-clamped voltage source inverter is probably the most popular. The application of traditional modulation techniques to this converter causes a low frequency (three times the fundamental frequency of the output voltage) oscillation of the neutral-point voltage. This, in turn, increases the voltage stress on the devices and generates low-order harmonics in the output voltage.This thesis presents a novel pulsewidth modulation for the three-level three-phase neutral-point-clamped converter, able to achieve a complete control of the neutral-point voltage while also having a low output voltage distortion at around the switching frequency. The new modulation, based on a virtual space vector concept, guarantees the balancing of the neutral-point voltage for any load (linear or nonlinear, any load power factor) over the full range of converter output voltage, the only requirement being that the addition of the output three-phase currents equals zero.The performance of this modulation approach and its benefits over other previously proposed solutions are verified through simulation and experiments in both open- and closed-loop converter configurations
A Simple Virtual-Vector-Based PWM Formulation for Multilevel Three-Phase Neutral-Point-Clamped DC–AC Converters including the Overmodulation Region
Neutral-point-clamped (NPC) power conversion topologies are among the most popular multilevel topologies in current industrial products and in industrial and academic research. The proper operation of multilevel three-phase NPC DC–AC converters requires the use of specific pulse-width modulation (PWM) strategies that maintain the DC-link capacitor voltage balance and concurrently optimize various performance factors such as efficiency and harmonic distortion. Although several such PWM strategies have been proposed in the literature, their formulation is often complex and/or covers only particular cases and operating conditions. This manuscript presents a simple formulation of the original virtual-vector-based PWM, which enables capacitor voltage balance in every switching cycle. The formulation is presented, for the general case, in terms of basic phase voltage modulating signals, with no reference to space vectors, involving any number of levels and for any operating conditions, including the overmodulation region. The equivalence of the presented formulation to the original PWM strategy is demonstrated through simulation under different scenarios and operating conditions. Thus, this manuscript offers in a one-stop source a simple, effective, and comprehensive PWM formulation to operate multilevel three-phase NPC DC–AC converters with any number of levels in any operating condition.Peer ReviewedPostprint (updated version
Neutral-point-clamped DC-AC power converters
This article reviews the fundamentals of multilevel multiphase neutral-point-clamped DC–AC power converters. These converters are configured with one or more legs and a common DC-link. Each leg is functionally equivalent to a single-pole multiple-throw switch (n¿=¿3 positions) and it is implemented with a combination of only power semiconductor devices. The main leg topologies are initially presented, both active(transistor) clamped and passive(diode) clamped, for any number of levels. The leg switching states enabling all possible leg positions are subsequently discussed. Then, the set of all possible converter switching states and their standard representation in the converter space vector diagram is systematically derived, starting from the simplest converter (single-phase single-leg) up to the most complex converter with an arbitrary number of phases. The space vector diagram is illustrated for three-, four-, and n-levels in the usual single-phase and three-phase cases. Once the converter states have been characterized, the most common converter control approaches are introduced on the basis of the space vector diagram, including space vector control, space vector modulation, programmed pulse width modulation, hysteresis control, and predictive control. These control strategies are illustrated in simple and conventional DC–AC converter configurations. Finally, the article discusses the DC-link capacitor voltage balance problem, which is inherent to these topologies whenever the DC-link is configured with a capacitive voltage divider. The basics of the different solutions to guarantee the balancing are presented, both through the inclusion of additional hardware and through the application of a suitable converter control strategyPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Switching-Cell Arrays - An Alternative Design Approach in Power Conversion
© 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThe conventional design of voltage-source power converters is based on a two-level half-bridge configuration and the selection of power devices designed to meet the full application specifications (voltage, current, etc.). This leads to the need to design and optimize a large number of different devices and their ancillary circuitry and prevents taking advantage from scale economies. This paper proposes a paradigm shift in the design of power converters through the use of a novel configurable device consisting on a matrix arrangement of highly-optimized switching cells at a single voltage class. Each switching cell consists of a controlled switch with antiparallel diode together with a self-powered gate driver. By properly interconnecting the switching cells, the switching cell array (SCA) can be configured as a multilevel active-clamped leg with different number of levels. Thus, the SCA presents adjustable voltage and current ratings, according to the selected configuration. For maximum compactness, the SCA can be conceived to be only configurable by the device manufacturer upon the customer needs. For minimum cost, it can also be conceived to be configurable by the customer, leading to field-configurable SCAs. Experimental results of a 6x3 field-configurable SCA are provided to illustrate and validate this design approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Design optimization of switching-cell-array-based power converters
© 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.With the aim to increase standardization, reduce the cost, and obtain advanced performance features, the design of voltage-source power converter legs can be undertaken by combining several instances of a standard switching cell, properly connected in active neutral-point-clamped structures to reach the desired voltage and current ratings. These switching cells can be organized into switching-cell arrays. This design approach introduces several degrees of freedom into the design. Namely, the different options to interconnect the cells and the distribution of switching losses among these cells. This article aims to define an optimization problem to explore this design space. The design problem is formulated in different scenarios, involving different conversion configurations (dc-dc and dc-ac), different leg number of levels (two and three), and different types of available cells (standard and conduction-optimized in combination with switching-optimized). A weighted objective function is then defined in terms of leg simplicity, efficiency, and reliability. The value of the design variables that minimize the objective function with different sets of weighting factors are obtained under selected scenarios and operating conditions, to illustrate the flexibility of the converter design approach under study. The solution of the optimization problem is obtained using a surrogate optimization algorithm in MATLAB, well suited to quickly solve optimization problems involving a combination of integer design variables (the number of parallel switching cells in each converter leg position) and continuous design variables (the proportion of switching losses taken by each cell), together with linear and nonlinear constraints.Postprint (author's final draft
Modulation and capacitor voltage balancing control of multilevel NPC dual active bridge DC-DC Converters
© 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.The present paper provides a solution to operate multilevel dual active bridge (ML-DAB) converters built upon neutral point clamped switching legs in a full-bridge disposition and with any number of levels on either side of the converter. The main issue of such converters is addressing the inherent unbalance of the dc-link capacitor voltages, which hinders the proper operation and optimum utilization of the converter. The proposed solution comprises a generalized to N levels modulation and control scheme that allows operating these converters, while guaranteeing the proper balance of the dc-link capacitor voltages. The suitability of the proposed solution is verified through simulation and experimental tests performed in five different converter configurations, three of them with an asymmetric number of voltage levels, proving that capacitor voltage balance is achievable in a wide range of operation conditions. Moreover, the efficiency of the ML-DAB converters is demonstrated to be superior to the conventional two-level DAB case.Postprint (author's final draft
Operating Principle and Performance Optimization of a Three-Level NPC Dual-Active-Bridge DC-DC Converter
© 1982-2012 IEEE. Aiming to improve the performance features of conventional two-level dual-active-bridge (DAB) converters, this paper presents a three-level neutral-point-clamped (NPC) DAB dc-dc converter. A general modulation pattern is initially defined, the dc-link capacitor voltage balancing is analyzed in detail, and a proper balancing control is designed. Then, a set of decoupled optimization problems is formulated as a function of the available modulation degrees of freedom to minimize the predominant converter losses. Finally, a simple and practical specific modulation strategy is provided, resembling the optimum solutions. The good performance of the proposed three-level NPC DAB converter operated with the proposed modulation strategy and voltage balancing control is verified through simulation and experiments. The capacitor voltage balancing can be guaranteed for all operating conditions. In addition, it is concluded that the multilevel topology provides benefits compared with the conventional two-level DAB converter.Postprint (published version
Pulsewidth modulations for the comprehensive capacitor voltage balance of n-level three-leg diode-clamped converters
In the previous literature, the introduction of the virtual-space-vector (VV) concept for the three-level, three-leg neutral-point-clamped converter has led to the definition of pulsewidth modulation (PWM) strategies, guaranteeing a dc-link capacitor voltage balance in every switching cycle under any type of load, with the only requirement being that the addition of the three phase currents equals zero. This paper presents the definition of the VVs for the general case of an n-level converter, suggests
guidelines for designing VV PWM strategies, and provides the expressions of the leg duty-ratio waveforms corresponding to this
family of PWMs for an easy implementation.Modulations defined upon these vectors enable the use of diode-clamped topologies with passive front-ends. The performance of these converters operated
with the proposed PWMs is compared to the performance of alternative designs through analysis, simulation, and experiments.Postprint (published version
Electric vehicle powertrains with modular battery banks tied to multilevel NPC inverters
Nowadays, the internal combustion engine in vehicles is being replaced by electric motors, giving way to the electric vehicle, which results in reduced environmental impact, higher efficiency and lower emission of greenhouse gases. The powertrain of an electric vehicle is its most prominent subsystem, with the batteries and traction inverter being key components. Thus, due to their relevance, advances in the design of both components are of paramount importance. In this paper, the potential benefits achieved through a powertrain design approach based on combining a modular battery bank with multilevel NPC traction inverter topologies were analyzed, in comparison to a conventional two-level powertrain design. Several aspects were analyzed: modularity, complexity, battery-pack state-of-charge balancing, inverter loss, motor ac voltage harmonic distortion, motor common-mode voltage and reliability. Particularly, from the comparison study developed under the selected design scenario, the proposed design approach, based on modular battery packs and multilevel technology, shows a potential reduction of up to 55% in inverter losses, up to 65% in motor ac-voltage total harmonic distortion, and up to 75% in rms common-mode voltage.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Self-powered bipolar gate-driver power supply circuit for neutral-point-clamped converters
© 2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksThe design of gate-driver power supply (GDPS) circuits for multilevel neutral-point-clamped converters is a challenge due to the large number of power switches required and the fact that each device presents a different GDPS reference node. This paper presents a compact self-powered bipolar GDPS circuit, consisting of two subcircuits connected across the power switches, which altogether produce all the positive and negative supply voltages required by the GDs. As these subcircuits essentially contain semiconductor components, they can be integrated with the power switch and gate driver, to produce a compact cell from which obta in a compact converter leg implementation. Overall, this BGDP S design is suitable for all types of NPC multilevel topol ogies with any type of power transistor, although it is most suitable for moderate device voltage ratings. The good perfor mance of the proposed BGDPS circuit has been confirmed through experiments on a conventional two-level leg, and on three-level and four-level active-clamped converter legs.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
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