8,283 research outputs found

    Coexistence of qubit effects

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    Two quantum events, represented by positive operators (effects), are coexistent if they can occur as possible outcomes in a single measurement scheme. Equivalently, the corresponding effects are coexistent if and only if they are contained in the ranges of a single (joint) observable. Here we give several equivalent characterizations of coexistent pairs of qubit effects. We also establish the equivalence between our results and those obtained independently by other authors. Our approach makes explicit use of the Minkowski space geometry inherent in the four-dimensional real vector space of selfadjoint operators in a two-dimensional complex Hilbert space

    Time Scales for Viscous Flow, Atomic Transport, and Crystallization in the Liquid and Supercooled Liquid States of Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10.0Be22.5

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    The shear viscosity of liquid Zr41.2Ti13.8Cu12.5Ni10.0Be22.5 has been measured. At the liquidus temperature we find an extremely high viscosity of 2.5 Pa s, favoring glass formation. At deep supercooling the time scales for the diffusion of small and medium sized atoms as reported in the literature decouple from the internal relaxation time as probed by our viscosity measurements. Similarly, crystallization from the supercooled liquid state can be described with an effective diffusivity that scales with the viscosity at high temperatures and is Arrhenius-like at deep supercooling

    Maintaining Quantum Coherence in the Presence of Noise through State Monitoring

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    Unsharp POVM measurements allow the estimation and tracking of quantum wavefunctions in real-time with minimal disruption of the dynamics. Here we demonstrate that high fidelity state monitoring, and hence quantum control, is possible even in the presence of classical dephasing and amplitude noise, by simulating such measurements on a two-level system undergoing Rabi oscillations. Finite estimation fidelity is found to persist indefinitely long after the decoherence times set by the noise fields in the absence of measurement.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Two-boson Correlations in Various One-dimensional Traps

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    A one-dimensional system of two trapped bosons which interact through a contact potential is studied using the optimized configuration interaction method. The rapid convergence of the method is demonstrated for trapping potentials of convex and non-convex shapes. The energy spectra, as well as natural orbitals and their occupation numbers are determined in function of the inter-boson interaction strength. Entanglement characteristics are discussed in dependence on the shape of the confining potential.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Relativistic Quantum Mechanics and Relativistic Entanglement in the Rest-Frame Instant Form of Dynamics

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    A new formulation of relativistic quantum mechanics is proposed in the framework of the rest-frame instant form of dynamics with its instantaneous Wigner 3-spaces and with its description of the particle world-lines by means of derived non-canonical predictive coordinates. In it we quantize the frozen Jacobi data of the non-local 4-center of mass and the Wigner-covariant relative variables in an abstract (frame-independent) internal space whose existence is implied by Wigner-covariance. The formalism takes care of the properties of both relativistic bound states and scattering ones. There is a natural solution to the \textit{relativistic localization problem}. The non-relativistic limit leads to standard quantum mechanics but with a frozen Hamilton-Jacobi description of the center of mass. Due to the \textit{non-locality} of the Poincar\'e generators the resulting theory of relativistic entanglement is both \textit{kinematically non-local and spatially non-separable}: these properties, absent in the non-relativistic limit, throw a different light on the interpretation of the non-relativistic quantum non-locality and of its impact on foundational problems.Comment: 73 pages, includes revision

    Graded-index optical fiber emulator of an interacting three-atom system: illumination control of particle statistics and classical non-separability

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    We show that a system of three trapped ultracold and strongly interacting atoms in one-dimension can be emulated using an optical fiber with a graded-index profile and thin metallic slabs. While the wave-nature of single quantum particles leads to direct and well known analogies with classical optics, for interacting many-particle systems with unrestricted statistics such analoga are not straightforward. Here we study the symmetries present in the fiber eigenstates by using discrete group theory and show that, by spatially modulating the incident field, one can select the atomic statistics, i.e., emulate a system of three bosons, fermions or two bosons or fermions plus an additional distinguishable particle. We also show that the optical system is able to produce classical non-separability resembling that found in the analogous atomic system.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Preserving the measure of compatibility between quantum states

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    In this paper after defining the abstract concept of compatibility-like functions on quantum states, we prove that every bijective transformation on the set of all states which preserves such a function is implemented by an either unitary or antiunitary operator.Comment: 11 pages, submitted for publicatio

    A dilemma in representing observables in quantum mechanics

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    There are self-adjoint operators which determine both spectral and semispectral measures. These measures have very different commutativity and covariance properties. This fact poses a serious question on the physical meaning of such a self-adjoint operator and its associated operator measures.Comment: 10 page

    Coherent States on Hilbert Modules

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    We generalize the concept of coherent states, traditionally defined as special families of vectors on Hilbert spaces, to Hilbert modules. We show that Hilbert modules over CC^*-algebras are the natural settings for a generalization of coherent states defined on Hilbert spaces. We consider those Hilbert CC^*-modules which have a natural left action from another CC^*-algebra say, A\mathcal A. The coherent states are well defined in this case and they behave well with respect to the left action by A\mathcal A. Certain classical objects like the Cuntz algebra are related to specific examples of coherent states. Finally we show that coherent states on modules give rise to a completely positive kernel between two CC^*-algebras, in complete analogy to the Hilbert space situation. Related to this there is a dilation result for positive operator valued measures, in the sense of Naimark. A number of examples are worked out to illustrate the theory