9,442 research outputs found

    Assembly Bias and Splashback in Galaxy Clusters

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    We use publicly available data for the Millennium Simulation to explore the implications of the recent detection of assembly bias and splashback signatures in a large sample of galaxy clusters. These were identified in the SDSS/DR8 photometric data by the redMaPPer algorithm and split into high- and low-concentration subsamples based on the projected positions of cluster members. We use simplified versions of these procedures to build cluster samples of similar size from the simulation data. These match the observed samples quite well and show similar assembly bias and splashback signals. Previous theoretical work has found the logarithmic slope of halo density profiles to have a well-defined minimum whose depth decreases and whose radius increases with halo concentration. Projected profiles for the observed and simulated cluster samples show trends with concentration which are opposite to these predictions. In addition, for high-concentration clusters the minimum slope occurs at significantly smaller radius than predicted. We show that these discrepancies all reflect confusion between splashback features and features imposed on the profiles by the cluster identification and concentration estimation procedures. The strong apparent assembly bias is not reflected in the three-dimensional distribution of matter around clusters. Rather it is a consequence of the preferential contamination of low-concentration clusters by foreground or background groups.Comment: 17 pages, 16 figures, 3 tables, accepted versio

    Pairing of a harmonically trapped fermionic Tonks-Girardeau gas

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    The fermionic Tonks-Girardeau (FTG) gas is a one-dimensional spin-polarized Fermi gas with infinitely strong attractive zero-range odd-wave interactions, arising from a confinement-induced resonance reachable via a three-dimensional p-wave Feshbach resonance. We investigate the off-diagonal long-range order (ODLRO) of the FTG gas subjected to a longitudinal harmonic confinement by analyzing the two-particle reduced density matrix for which we derive a closed-form expression. Using a variational approach and numerical diagonalization we find that the largest eigenvalue of the two-body density matrix is of order N/2, where N is the total particle number, and hence a partial ODLRO is present for a FTG gas in the trap.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revtex

    Fabrication of thick structures by sputtering

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    Deposit, 5500-gram of Cu-0.15 wt % Zr alloy, sputtered onto copper cylinder to average thickness of 12.29 mm. Structure was achieved with high-rate sputter deposition for about 100 hours total sputtering time. Material had twice the strength of unsputtered material at temperatures to 723 K and equivalent strength at nearly 873 K

    Low-density, one-dimensional quantum gases in a split trap

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    We investigate degenerate quantum gases in one dimension trapped in a harmonic potential that is split in the centre by a pointlike potential. Since the single particle eigenfunctions of such a system are known for all strengths of the central potential, the dynamics for non-interacting fermionic gases and low-density, strongly interacting bosonic gases can be investigated exactly using the Fermi-Bose mapping theorem. We calculate the exact many-particle ground-state wave-functions for both particle species, investigate soliton-like solutions, and compare the bosonic system to the well-known physics of Bose gases described by the Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We also address the experimentally important questions of creation and detection of such states.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Local simulation of singlet statistics for restricted set of measurement

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    The essence of Bell's theorem is that, in general, quantum statistics cannot be reproduced by local hidden variable (LHV) model. This impossibility is strongly manifested while analyzing the singlet state statistics for Bell-CHSH violations. In this work, we provide various subsets of two outcome POVMs for which a local hidden variable model can be constructed for singlet state.Comment: 2 column, 5 pages, 4 figures, new references, abstract modified, accepted in JP

    Political Competence, Political Trust, and Action Orientations of University Students

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    Compared to mass publics in other nations, a relatively large number of Americans believe that they are politically competent—that they are able to influence political affairs. And yet, over the past several years we have witnessed the estrangement of substantial portions of the American citizenry from the political system—an estrangement accompanied by an increase in popular distrust of government
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