50 research outputs found

    Symmetric data-driven fusion of diffusion tensor MRI: Age differences in white matter

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    In the past 20 years, white matter (WM) microstructure has been studied predominantly using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Decreases in fractional anisotropy (FA) and increases in mean (MD) and radial diffusivity (RD) have been consistently reported in healthy aging and neurodegenerative diseases. To date, DTI parameters have been studied individually (e.g., only FA) and separately (i.e., without using the joint information across them). This approach gives limited insights into WM pathology, increases the number of multiple comparisons, and yields inconsistent correlations with cognition. To take full advantage of the information in a DTI dataset, we present the first application of symmetric fusion to study healthy aging WM. This data-driven approach allows simultaneous examination of age differences in all four DTI parameters. We used multiset canonical correlation analysis with joint independent component analysis (mCCA + jICA) in cognitively healthy adults (age 20–33, n = 51 and age 60–79, n = 170). Four-way mCCA + jICA yielded one high-stability modality-shared component with co-variant patterns of age differences in RD and AD in the corpus callosum, internal capsule, and prefrontal WM. The mixing coefficients (or loading parameters) showed correlations with processing speed and fluid abilities that were not detected by unimodal analyses. In sum, mCCA + jICA allows data-driven identification of cognitively relevant multimodal components within the WM. The presented method should be further extended to clinical samples and other MR techniques (e.g., myelin water imaging) to test the potential of mCCA+jICA to discriminate between different WM disease etiologies and improve the diagnostic classification of WM diseases

    Serum microRNA in patients undergoing atrial fibrillation ablation.

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    MicroRNAs mediate posttranscriptional gene regulation. The aim of the study was to find a microRNA predictor of successful atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation. A total of 109 patients undergoing first-time AF ablation were included. Nineteen patients were selected to undergo serum microRNA sequencing (study group). The sequencing data were used to select several microRNAs that correlated with 12-month recurrences after AF ablation. Those microRNAs were validated by digital droplet PCR in samples from remaining 90 patients. All patients underwent pulmonary vein isolation (RF ablation, contact force catheter, electroanatomical system). The endpoint of the study was the 12-month AF recurrence rate; the overall recurrence rate was 42.5%. In total, levels of 34 miRNAs were significantly different in sera from patients with AF recurrence compared to patients without AF recurrence. Six microRNAs (miR-183-5p, miR-182-5p, miR-32-5p, miR-107, miR-574-3p, and miR-144-3p) were validated in the whole group. Data from the validation group did not confirm the observations from the study group, as no significant differences were found between miRNAs serum levels in patients with and without recurrences 12 months after AF ablation

    White matter plasticity in healthy older adults: The effects of aerobic exercise

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    White matter deterioration is associated with cognitive impairment in healthy aging and Alzheimer\u27s disease. It is critical to identify interventions that can slow down white matter deterioration. So far, clinical trials have failed to demonstrate the benefits of aerobic exercise on the adult white matter using diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Here, we report the effects of a 6-month aerobic walking and dance interventions (clinical trial NCT01472744) on white matter integrity in healthy older adults (n = 180, 60-79 years) measured by changes in the ratio of calibrated T1- to T2-weighted images (T1w/T2w). Specifically, the aerobic walking and social dance interventions resulted in positive changes in the T1w/T2w signal in late-myelinating regions, as compared to widespread decreases in the T1w/T2w signal in the active control. Notably, in the aerobic walking group, positive change in the T1w/T2w signal correlated with improved episodic memory performance. Lastly, intervention-induced increases in cardiorespiratory fitness did not correlate with change in the T1w/T2w signal. Together, our findings suggest that white matter regions that are vulnerable to aging retain some degree of plasticity that can be induced by aerobic exercise training. In addition, we provided evidence that the T1w/T2w signal may be a useful and broadly accessible measure for studying short-term within-person plasticity and deterioration in the adult human white matter

    Symmetric data-driven fusion of diffusion tensor MRI: Age differences in white matter

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    In the past 20 years, white matter (WM) microstructure has been studied predominantly using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Decreases in fractional anisotropy (FA) and increases in mean (MD) and radial diffusivity (RD) have been consistently reported in healthy aging and neurodegenerative diseases. To date, DTI parameters have been studied individually (e.g., only FA) and separately (i.e., without using the joint information across them). This approach gives limited insights into WM pathology, increases the number of multiple comparisons, and yields inconsistent correlations with cognition. To take full advantage of the information in a DTI dataset, we present the first application of symmetric fusion to study healthy aging WM. This data-driven approach allows simultaneous examination of age differences in all four DTI parameters. We used multiset canonical correlation analysis with joint independent component analysis (mCCA + jICA) in cognitively healthy adults (age 20-33

    Expression of versican mRNA transcript to predict cardiac remodelling after myocardial infarction

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    Background: Adverse left-ventricular remodelling (LVR) is defined as an increase in end-diastolic left-ventricular volume by 20% 6 months after acute myocardial infarction (AMI). LVR is associated with cardiac dysfunction, therefore deteriorating the prognosis. Aims: We aimed to compare the concentrations of messenger RNA transcripts in the peripheral blood of patients with and without LVR at 6 months. Methods: The study included 75 patients with first ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) treated with percutaneous coronary intervention. Whole blood concentrations of 6 transcripts were determined 24 hours after AMI using droplet digital polymerase chain reaction. The correlations between mRNA transcript expression and left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) and N-terminal-pro B type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) concentration were evaluated. Results: Among 75 patients, 4 were lost to follow-up and 71 were included in the analysis. Seventeen (24%) patients developed LVR at 6 months. Versican (VCAN) mRNA expression was lower in patients who developed LVR, compared to those who did not (P = 0.02), and discriminated between these patients (area under the ROC curve 67%; P = 0.04). Expression of VCAN transcript < 75.3 normalized units predicted LVR with 71% sensitivity and 67% specificity. In a multivariable regression analysis, VCAN expression remained the only independent predictor of LVR (OR 3.475; 95% CI, 1.000-12.075; P = 0.04). Conclusions: Dysregulation of VCAN expression in the acute phase of AMI may contribute to LVR at 6 months. Whether decreased expression of VCAN might be a useful tool to predict LVR in clinical practice remains to be established

    Resting state functional connectivity provides mechanistic predictions of future changes in sedentary behavior

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    Sedentary behaviors are increasing at the cost of millions of dollars spent in health care and productivity losses due to physical inactivity-related deaths worldwide. Understanding the mechanistic predictors of sedentary behaviors will improve future intervention development and precision medicine approaches. It has been posited that humans have an innate attraction towards effort minimization and that inhibitory control is required to overcome this prepotent disposition. Consequently, we hypothesized that individual differences in the functional connectivity of brain regions implicated in inhibitory control and physical effort decision making at the beginning of an exercise intervention in older adults would predict the change in time spent sedentary over the course of that intervention. In 143 healthy, low-active older adults participating in a 6-month aerobic exercise intervention (with three conditions: walking, dance, stretching), we aimed to use baseline neuroimaging (resting state functional connectivity of two a priori defined seed regions), and baseline accelerometer measures of time spent sedentary to predict future pre-post changes in objectively measured time spent sedentary in daily life over the 6-month intervention. Our results demonstrated that functional connectivity between (1) the anterior cingulate cortex and the supplementary motor area and (2) the right anterior insula and the left temporoparietal/temporooccipital junction, predicted changes in time spent sedentary in the walking group. Functional connectivity of these brain regions did not predict changes in time spent sedentary in the dance nor stretch and tone conditions, but baseline time spent sedentary was predictive in these conditions. Our results add important knowledge toward understanding mechanistic associations underlying complex out-of-session sedentary behaviors within a walking intervention setting in older adults

    Brain activation during dual-task processing is associated with cardiorespiratory fitness and performance in older adults

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    Citation: Wong, C. N., Chaddock-Heyman, L., Voss, M. W., Burzynska, A. Z., Basak, C., Erickson, K. I., . . . Kramer, A. F. (2015). Brain activation during dual-task processing is associated with cardiorespiratory fitness and performance in older adults. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 7, 10. doi:10.3389/fnagi.2015.00154Higher cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with better cognitive performance and enhanced brain activation. Yet, the extent to which cardiorespiratory fitness-related brain activation is associated with better cognitive performance is not well understood. In this cross-sectional study, we examined whether the association between cardiorespiratory fitness and executive function was mediated by greater prefrontal cortex activation in healthy older adults. Brain activation was measured during dual-task performance with functional magnetic resonance imaging in a sample of 128 healthy older adults (59-80 years). Higher cardiorespiratory fitness was associated with greater activation during dual-task processing in several brain areas including the anterior cingulate and supplementary motor cortex (ACC/SMA), thalamus and basal ganglia, right motor/somatosensory cortex and middle frontal gyrus, and left somatosensory cortex, controlling for age, sex, education, and gray matter volume. Of these regions, greater ACC/SMA activation mediated the association between cardiorespiratory fitness and dual-task performance. We provide novel evidence that cardiorespiratory fitness may support cognitive performance by facilitating brain activation in a core region critical for executive function

    Standard‐space atlas of the viscoelastic properties of the human brain

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    Standard anatomical atlases are common in neuroimaging because they facilitate data analyses and comparisons across subjects and studies. The purpose of this study was to develop a standardized human brain atlas based on the physical mechanical properties (i.e., tissue viscoelasticity) of brain tissue using magnetic resonance elastography (MRE). MRE is a phase contrast-based MRI method that quantifies tissue viscoelasticity noninvasively and in vivo thus providing a macroscopic representation of the microstructural constituents of soft biological tissue. The development of standardized brain MRE atlases are therefore beneficial for comparing neural tissue integrity across populations. Data from a large number of healthy, young adults from multiple studies collected using common MRE acquisition and analysis protocols were assembled (N = 134; 78F/ 56 M; 18–35 years). Nonlinear image registration methods were applied to normalize viscoelastic property maps (shear stiffness, μ, and damping ratio, ξ) to the MNI152 standard structural template within the spatial coordinates of the ICBM-152. We find that average MRE brain templates contain emerging and symmetrized anatomical detail. Leveraging the substantial amount of data assembled, we illustrate that subcortical gray matter structures, white matter tracts, and regions of the cerebral cortex exhibit differing mechanical characteristics. Moreover, we report sex differences in viscoelasticity for specific neuroanatomical structures, which has implications for understanding patterns of individual differences in health and disease. These atlases provide reference values for clinical investigations as well as novel biophysical signatures of neuroanatomy. The templates are made openly available (github.com/mechneurolab/mre134) to foster collaboration across research institutions and to support robust cross-center comparisons

    Circulating miR-30a-5p as a prognostic biomarker of left ventricular dysfunction after acute myocardial infarction

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    Left ventricular (LV) dysfunction after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is associated with an increased risk of heart failure (HF) development. Diverse microRNAs (miRNAs) have been shown to appear in the bloodstream following various cardiovascular events. The aim of this study was to identify prognostic miRNAs associated with LV dysfunction following AMI. Patients were divided into subgroups comprising patients who developed or not LV dysfunction within six months of the infarction. miRNA profiles were determined in plasma and serum samples of the patients on the first day of AMI. Levels of 14 plasma miRNAs and 16 serum miRNAs were significantly different in samples from AMI patients who later developed LV dysfunction compared to those who did not. Two miRNAs were up-regulated in both types of material. Validation in an independent group of patients, using droplet digital PCR (ddPCR) confirmed that miR-30a-5p was significantly elevated on admission in those patients who developed LV dysfunction and HF symptoms six months after AMI. A bioinformatics analysis indicated that miR-30a-5p may regulate genes involved in cardiovascular pathogenesis. This study demonstrates, for the first time, a prognostic value of circulating miR-30a-5p and its association with LV dysfunction and symptoms of HF after AMI