850 research outputs found

    Unchanged Fatality Rate on Austrian Ski Slopes during the COVID-19 Lockdown.

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    Fatalities on ski slopes are very rare, with about one death per one million skier days. Whether the fatality rate is affected by substantial changes in the number of skier days and potentially associated alterations in the structure of the skier population is unknown. Thus, we compared the fatality rate on Austrian ski slopes in the winter season of 2020/21, when skiing activities were dramatically restricted during the COVID-19 lockdown, with those of the previous winter seasons. As a consequence of COVID-19 measures, the number of skier days dropped from over 50 million in previous years to 9.2 million skier days in the winter season of 2020/21. Still, the fatality rate (6.5 deaths/10 million skier days) was not different when compared to any of the seasons from 2011/12 to 2019/20. Despite the lack of international skiers and the reduction in skier days by more than 80%, the fatality rate remained surprisingly unchanged. The weather and snowfall conditions were on average comparable to those of previous winters, and, except for nationality, the composition of the skier population appears to have remained relatively unaltered. In conclusion, the fatality rate during downhill skiing is low and the absolute fatality numbers are primarily a function of the number of skier days

    Best practices for HPM-assisted performance engineering on modern multicore processors

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    Many tools and libraries employ hardware performance monitoring (HPM) on modern processors, and using this data for performance assessment and as a starting point for code optimizations is very popular. However, such data is only useful if it is interpreted with care, and if the right metrics are chosen for the right purpose. We demonstrate the sensible use of hardware performance counters in the context of a structured performance engineering approach for applications in computational science. Typical performance patterns and their respective metric signatures are defined, and some of them are illustrated using case studies. Although these generic concepts do not depend on specific tools or environments, we restrict ourselves to modern x86-based multicore processors and use the likwid-perfctr tool under the Linux OS.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Editorial: Exercise as a Countermeasure to Human Aging, Volume II

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    Tis impossible to be sure of anything but death and taxes (Christopher Bullock in the Cobbler of Preston, 1716). We are inclined to agree with Bullock concerning the certainly of death and in this context, aging is ubiquitous amongst humans which results in a deterioration of physiological function and an inevitable march towards death. However, physical activity and exercise are known to exert positive effects on health and wider physiological function via multiple complex and interacting mechanisms (that have not yet been completely defined). In volume II of this Research Topic, 10 articles covered the interplay between exercise and aging, utilizing approaches that spanned molecular, physiological, and population scale approaches, in both healthy older populations and certain disease subsets. This work builds on our previous work Exercise as a Countermeasure to Human Aging, Volume I and it is a pleasure to note continued progress in this field, and the range of methodological approaches authors have used

    Radiative transfer modelling of parsec-scale dusty warped discs

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    Warped discs have been found on (sub-)parsec scale in some nearby Seyfert nuclei, identified by their maser emission. Using dust radiative transfer simulations we explore their observational signatures in the infrared in order to find out whether they can partly replace the molecular torus. Strong variations of the brightness distributions are found, depending on the orientation of the warp with respect to the line of sight. Whereas images at short wavelengths typically show a disc-like and a point source component, the warp itself only becomes visible at far-infrared wavelengths. A similar variety is visible in the shapes of the spectral energy distributions. Especially for close to edge-on views, the models show silicate feature strengths ranging from deep absorption to strong emission for variations of the lines of sight towards the warp. To test the applicability of our model, we use the case of the Circinus galaxy, where infrared interferometry has revealed a highly elongated emission component matching a warped maser disc in orientation and size. Our model is for the first time able to present a physical explanation for the observed dust morphology as coming from the AGN heated dust. As opposed to available torus models, a warped disc morphology produces a variety of silicate feature shapes for grazing lines of sight, close to an edge-on view. This could be an attractive alternative to a claimed change of the dust composition for the case of the nearby Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 1068, which harbours a warped maser disc as well.Comment: accepted by MNRA

    Immune consequences of exercise in hypoxia: A narrative review.

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    Immune outcomes are key mediators of many health benefits of exercise and are determined by exercise type, dose (frequency/duration, intensity), and individual characteristics. Similarly, reduced availability of ambient oxygen (hypoxia) modulates immune functions depending on the hypoxic dose and the individual capacity to respond to hypoxia. How combined exercise and hypoxia (e.g., high-altitude training) sculpts immune responses is not well understood, although such combinations are becoming increasingly popular. Therefore, in this paper, we summarize the impact on immune responses of exercise and of hypoxia, both independently and together, with a focus on specialized cells in the innate and adaptive immune system. We review the regulation of the immune system by tissue oxygen levels and the overlapping and distinct immune responses related to exercise and hypoxia, then we discuss how they may be modulated by nutritional strategies. Mitochondrial, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory mechanisms underlie many of the adaptations that can lead to improved cellular metabolism, resilience, and overall immune functions by regulating the survival, differentiation, activation, and migration of immune cells. This review shows that exercise and hypoxia can impair or complement/synergize with each other while regulating immune system functions. Appropriate acclimatization, training, and nutritional strategies can be used to avoid risks and tap into the synergistic potentials of the poorly studied immune consequences of exercising in a hypoxic state

    The life cycle of starbursting circumnuclear gas discs

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    High-resolution observations from the sub-mm to the optical wavelength regime resolve the central few 100pc region of nearby galaxies in great detail. They reveal a large diversity of features: thick gas and stellar discs, nuclear starbursts, in- and outflows, central activity, jet interaction, etc. Concentrating on the role circumnuclear discs play in the life cycles of galactic nuclei, we employ 3D adaptive mesh refinement hydrodynamical simulations with the RAMSES code to self-consistently trace the evolution from a quasi-stable gas disc, undergoing gravitational (Toomre) instability, the formation of clumps and stars and the disc's subsequent, partial dispersal via stellar feedback. Our approach builds upon the observational finding that many nearby Seyfert galaxies have undergone intense nuclear starbursts in their recent past and in many nearby sources star formation is concentrated in a handful of clumps on a few 100pc distant from the galactic centre. We show that such observations can be understood as the result of gravitational instabilities in dense circumnuclear discs. By comparing these simulations to available integral field unit observations of a sample of nearby galactic nuclei, we find consistent gas and stellar masses, kinematics, star formation and outflow properties. Important ingredients in the simulations are the self-consistent treatment of star formation and the dynamical evolution of the stellar distribution as well as the modelling of a delay time distribution for the supernova feedback. The knowledge of the resulting simulated density structure and kinematics on pc scale is vital for understanding inflow and feedback processes towards galactic scales.Comment: accepted by MNRA