39 research outputs found

    Mikroszatellita-instabilitás előfordulása, intratumoralis heterogenitása, prognosztikus és prediktív potenciálja primer colorectalis carcinomák és párosított májáttéteik sebészi kezelését követően

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    Absztrakt Bevezetés: A vastagbéldaganatokra jellemző genetikai instabilitás megnyilvánulhat több úton: kromoszomális instabilitás, mikroszatellita-instabilitás, illetve „CpG-island methylator phenotype”. Ezek pontosabb karakterizálásával a rendelkezésre álló kezelések elviekben optimalizálhatók lehetnek. Célkitűzés: A szerzők a mikroszatellita-instabilitás előfordulását, heterogenitását, prognosztikus és prediktív potenciálját vizsgálták 122 primer colontumor szisztematikusan szelektált régióiban és 69 párosított májmetasztázisban. Módszer: Szöveti multiblokkok kialakítása után az MLH1, MSH2, MSH6 és PMS2 kifejeződését vizsgálták immunhisztokémiai módszerrel. Eredmények: A betegek 11,5%-a (14/122) rendelkezett mikroszatellita-instabil fenotípusú daganattal. A különböző tumorrégiók fehérjekifejeződésében nem volt jelentős különbség. A primer tumor–májmetasztázis párok esetében 20,2%-ban a kettő más mismatch repair státusba volt sorolható. A relapsusmentes és teljes túlélést tekintve a mismatch repair státus nem volt prognosztikus. Az 5-fluorouracil-, oxaliplatin-, irinotecan-, bevacizumab-, cetuximab-, panitumumabterápia hatékonyságát tekintve mismatch repair státus nem volt prediktív a progressziómentes és teljes túlélés adatai alapján. Következtetések: A prognosztikus faktorok pontosabb meghatározása nagyobb esetszámú, pontosan szelektált vizsgálat keretében hatékonyabbá teheti a kezelés megválasztását. Orv. Hetil., 2015, 156(36), 1460–1471

    In depth evaluation of the prognostic and predictive utility of PTEN immunohistochemistry in colorectal carcinomas: performance of three antibodies with emphasis on intracellular and intratumoral heterogeneity.

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    BACKGROUND: Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted in chromosome 10 (PTEN) loss of function is frequently detected in advanced colorectal cancer. Its detection is thought to have prognostic significance and it is being considered to predict responsiveness to anti-EGFR therapy. Unfortunately, while immunohistochemical assessment of PTEN expression is widespread, it lacks standardization and the results are hardly comparable across the available publications. METHODS: Retrospectively collected, formalin-fixed and paraffin-embedded colorectal tumor tissue samples from 55 patients were combined into tissue microarray (TMA) blocks. We used three different PTEN antibodies to determine the frequency, intensity and intracellular pattern of PTEN immunohistochemical labeling: Neomarkers, Dako and CellSignaling. We evaluated the aforementioned parameters in selected regions of colorectal cancers and in their lymph node metastases by using three scoring methods that take into consideration both staining frequency and intensity (H1-H3-score). We also evaluated intracellular localization. RESULTS: The Dako and CellSignaling antibodies stained predominantly cytoplasms, while the Neomarkers antibody specifically stained cell nuclei. PTEN H-scores were significantly lower in all tumor areas as compared to the normal colonic mucosa based on staining with the DAKO and CellSignaling antibodies. Intratumoral regional differences or differences between matching tumors and metastases were not detected with any of the antibodies. Neither Dako, neither CellSignaling, nor the Neomarkers antibodies revealed a significant correlation between PTEN expression and pT, Dukes/MAC and clinical stage. KRAS status, histological grade correlated with PTEN H-scores based on staining with the Neomarkers antibody. PTEN H-scores did not correlate with MMR status. PTEN H-scores did not show any correlation with relapse-free survival based on staining with either antibody. CONCLUSIONS: While PTEN expression decreased in colorectal cancer according to two antibodies, neither of the three applied PTEN antibodies could justify significant correlation with clinicopathological data, nor had prognostic value. Thus, we might conclude that immunohistochemical PTEN investigation remains a challenge requiring more standardized evaluation on larger number of cases to clarify its utility as a prognostic and predictive tool in CRC. The standardization of immunohistochemical method is key in the evaluation process, which is further discussed

    The HubBLe trial: haemorrhoidal artery ligation (HAL) versus rubber band ligation (RBL) for haemorrhoids

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    BACKGROUND:Haemorrhoids (piles) are a very common condition seen in surgical clinics. After exclusion of more sinister causes of haemorrhoidal symptoms (rectal bleeding, perianal irritation and prolapse), the best option for treatment depends upon persistence and severity of the symptoms. Minor symptoms often respond to conservative treatment such as dietary fibre and reassurance. For more severe symptoms treatment such as rubber band ligation may be therapeutic and is a very commonly performed procedure in the surgical outpatient setting. Surgery is usually reserved for those who have more severe symptoms, as well as those who do not respond to non-operative therapy; surgical techniques include haemorrhoidectomy and haemorrhoidopexy. More recently, haemorrhoidal artery ligation has been introduced as a minimally invasive, non destructive surgical option.There are substantial data in the literature concerning efficacy and safety of ’rubber band ligation including multiple comparisons with other interventions, though there are no studies comparing it to haemorrhoidal artery ligation. A recent overview has been carried out by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence which concludes that current evidence shows haemorrhoidal artery ligation to be a safe alternative to haemorrhoidectomy and haemorrhoidopexy though it also highlights the lack of good quality data as evidence for the advantages of the technique. METHODS/DESIGN:The aim of this study is to establish the clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness of haemorrhoidal artery ligation compared with conventional rubber band ligation in the treatment of people with symptomatic second or third degree (Grade II or Grade III) haemorrhoids.Design: A multi-centre, parallel group randomised controlled trial.Outcomes: The primary outcome is patient-reported symptom recurrence twelve months following the intervention. Secondary outcome measures relate to symptoms, complications, health resource use, health related quality of life and cost effectiveness following the intervention.Participants: 350 patients with grade II or grade III haemorrhoids will be recruited in surgical departments in up to 14 NHS hospitals.Randomisation: A multi-centre, parallel group randomised controlled trial. Block randomisation by centre will be used, with 175 participants randomised to each group. DISCUSSION:The results of the research will help inform future practice for the treatment of grade II and III haemorrhoids.TRIAL REGISTRATION:ISRCTN4139471