201 research outputs found

    Promoting Thrift, Sobriety and Discipline in the British Army: The Establishment of Military Savings Banks

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    Bien qu’elle fût une institution marquée d’autoritarisme et d’ordre hiérarchique, largement à l’écart des influences de la société civile, l’armée britannique au début de l’ère victorienne n’était cependant pas tout à fait réfractaire aux courants réformateurs et philanthropiques du temps. L’établissement de caisses d’épargne régimentaires constitue un exemple intéressant de réformes militaires encouragées par des officiers paternalistes et des administrateurs éclairés au Ministère des Armées, qui se penchaient sur les vertus d’épargne, de sobriété, et le bien-être de la troupe. Pour faire échec au traditionalisme invétéré des autorités militaires, on fit valoir que les caisses d’épargne pourraient contribuer au recul de l’indiscipline, l’ivrognerie et la désertion chez les soldats britanniques


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    Music combined with text has been an important vehicle for societal expression since its inception. Opera composers and librettists have used representations of class, race, and gender in operatic plots to provide both a mirror to contemporary societal views and an inspiration for social change. This dissertation project focuses primarily on the representation of otherness in selected operatic works of Mozart, Barbieri, Bizet, Lecuona and Proto. The inclusion of idiomatic folk and popular dance rhythms into compositional styles that predominantly represent upper class characters creates a focus on class, race and gender from a position of heightened social awareness. The project began with the classical period and Mozart’s Die Entführung aus dem Serail, moved through the romantic period with Barbieri’s El Barberillo de Lavapiés and Bizet’s Carmen, and culminated in the 20th and 21st centuries with Lecuona’s Maria la O, and Proto’s Shadowboxer. The inclusion of Shadowboxer represented a valuable opportunity to interact with a living composer. In this opera as in the others, class, race and gender are used both as a societal mirror and as a vehicle for social change that is evident through the collaborations of composer, librettist, and ultimately, performer. The enduring quality of the selected operas confirms their importance on the world music stage. This dissertation project is comprised of three recitals and two operatic performances that showcased class, race and gender as identifying character traits in socially responsive music. All events took place on the campus of The University of Maryland, College Park: Raising the Stakes on February 4, 2009, in the Gildenhorn Recital Hall, Shadowboxer, April 17-25, 2010, and Die Entführung aus dem Serail April 9-17, 2011, in the Kay Theatre and Of Many Voices on December 11, 2011, in the Gildenhorn Recital Hall, all part of the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center. Zarzuela from Spain to Cuba was presented on March 9, 2012, in the Ulrich Recital Hall

    Synthesis of 2,6-trans- and 3,3,6-Trisubstituted Tetrahydropyran-4-ones from Maitland-Japp Derived 2H-Dihydropyran-4-ones: A Total Synthesis of Diospongin B

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    6-Substituted-2H-dihydropyran-4-one products of the Maitland-Japp reaction have been converted into tetrahydropyrans containing uncommon substitution patterns. Treatment of 6-substituted-2H-dihydropyran-4-ones with carbon nucleophiles led to the formation of tetrahydropyran rings with the 2,6-trans-stereochemical arrangement. Reaction of the same 6-substituted-2H-dihydropyran-4-ones with l-Selectride led to the formation of 3,6-disubstituted tetrahydropyran rings, while trapping of the intermediate enolate with carbon electrophiles in turn led to the formation 3,3,6-trisubstituted tetrahydropyran rings. The relative stereochemical configuration of the new substituents was controlled by the stereoelectronic preference for pseudo-axial addition of the nucleophile and trapping of the enolate from the opposite face. Application of these methods led to a synthesis of the potent anti-osteoporotic diarylheptanoid natural product diospongin B

    Pedobarographic analysis and quality of life after lisfranc fracture dislocation

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    Background: Few studies on tarsometatarsal fracture dislocations report on plantar pressure analysis and quality of life. The primary aim of this study was to determine the added value of plantar pressure analysis. The secondary aim was to determine quality of life and functional outcome. Materials and Methods: With a median followup of 76 months, 26 patients with an isolated Lisfranc injury participated. The Short Form 36 (SF-36) was used to determine the health related

    Embolization with the Amplatzer Vascular Plug in TIPS Patients

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    Vessel embolization can be a valuable adjunct procedure in transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS). During the creation of a TIPS, embolization of portal vein collaterals supplying esophageal varices may lower the risk of secondary rebleeding. And after creation of a TIPS, closure of the TIPS itself may be indicated if the resulting hepatic encephalopathy severely impairs mental functioning. The Amplatzer Vascular Plug (AVP; AGA Medical, Golden Valley, MN) is well suited for embolization of large-diameter vessels and has been employed in a variety of vascular lesions including congenital arteriovenous shunts. Here we describe the use of the AVP in the context of TIPS to embolize portal vein collaterals (n = 8) or to occlude the TIPS (n = 2)

    Bayesian inference of multi-point macromolecular architecture mixtures at nanometre resolution

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    Gaussian spot fitting methods have significantly extended the spatial range where fluorescent microscopy can be used, with recent techniques approaching nanometre (nm) resolutions. However, small inter-fluorophore distances are systematically over-estimated for typical molecular scales. This bias can be corrected computationally, but current algorithms are limited to correcting distances between pairs of fluorophores. Here we present a flexible Bayesian computational approach that infers the distances and angles between multiple fluorophores and has several advantages over these previous methods. Specifically it improves confidence intervals for small lengths, estimates measurement errors of each fluorophore individually and infers the correlations between polygon lengths. The latter is essential for determining the full multi-fluorophore 3D architecture. We further developed the algorithm to infer the mixture composition of a heterogeneous population of multiple polygon states. We use our algorithm to analyse the 3D architecture of the human kinetochore, a macro-molecular complex that is essential for high fidelity chromosome segregation during cell division. Using triple fluorophore image data we unravel the mixture of kinetochore states during human mitosis, inferring the conformation of microtubule attached and unattached kinetochores and their proportions across mitosis. We demonstrate that the attachment conformation correlates with intersister tension and sister alignment to the metaphase plate

    ‘Savage times come again’ : Morel, Wells, and the African Soldier, c.1885-1920

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    The African soldier trained in western combat was a figure of fear and revulsion in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. My article examines representations of African soldiers in nonfictional writings by E.D. Morel about the Congo Free State (1885-1908), the same author’s reportage on African troops in post-First World War Germany, and H.G. Wells’s speculative fiction When the Sleeper Wakes (1899, 1910). In each text racist and anti-colonialist discourses converge in representing the African soldier as the henchman of corrupt imperialism. His alleged propensity for taboo crimes of cannibalism and rape are conceived as threats to white safety and indeed supremacy. By tracing Wells’s connections to the Congo reform campaign and situating his novel between two phases of Morel’s writing career, I interpret When the Sleeper Wakes as neither simply a reflection of past events in Africa or as a prediction of future ones in Europe. It is rather a transcultural text which reveals the impact of European culture upon the ‘Congo atrocities’, and the inscription of this controversy upon European popular cultural forms and social debates

    Non-traditional support workers delivering a brief psychosocial intervention for older people with anxiety and depression: the NOTEPAD feasibility study

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    ackground: Anxiety and depression often coexist in older people. These disorders are often underdiagnosed and undertreated, and are associated with increased use of health and social care services, and raised mortality. Barriers to diagnosis include the reluctance of older people to present to their general practitioner (GP) with mood symptoms because of the stigma they perceive about mental health problems, and because the treatments offered are not acceptable to them. Objectives: To refine a community-based psychosocial intervention for older people with anxiety and/or depression so that it can be delivered by non-traditional providers such, as support workers (SWs), in the third sector. To determine whether or not SWs can be trained to deliver this intervention to older people with anxiety and/or depression. To test procedures and determine if it is feasible to recruit and randomise patients, and to conduct a process evaluation to provide essential information to inform a randomised trial. Design: Three phases, all informed by a patient and public involvement and engagement group. Qualitative work with older people and third-sector providers, plus a consensus group to refine the intervention, training, SW manuals and patient participant materials (phase 1). Recruitment and training of SWs (phase 2). Feasibility study to test recruitment procedures and assess fidelity of delivery of the intervention; and interviews with study participants, SWs and GPs to assess acceptability of the intervention and impact on routine care (phase 3). Setting: North Staffordshire, in collaboration with Age UK North Staffordshire. © Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2019. This work was produced by Burroughs et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. This issue may be freely reproduced for the purposes of private research and study and extracts (or indeed, the full report) may be included in professional journals provided that suitable acknowledgement is made and the reproduction is not associated with any form of advertising. Applications for commercial reproduction should be addressed to: NIHR Journals Library, National Institute for Health Research, Evaluation, Trials and Studies Coordinating Centre, Alpha House, University of Southampton Science Park, Southampton SO16 7NS, UK. vii ABSTRACT viii Intervention: A psychosocial intervention, comprising one-to-one contact between older people with anxiety and/or depression and a SW employed by Age UK North Staffordshire, based on the principles of behavioural activation (BA), with encouragement to participate in a group activity. Results: Initial qualitative work contributed to refinement of the psychosocial intervention. Recruitment (and retention) of the SWs was possible; the training, support materials and manual were acceptable to them, and they delivered the intervention as intended. Recruitment of practices from which to recruit patients was possible, but the recruitment target (100 patients) was not achieved, with 38 older adults randomised. Retention at 4 months was 86%. The study was not powered to demonstrate differences in outcomes. Older people in the intervention arm found the sessions with SWs acceptable, although signposting to, and attending, groups was not valued by all participants. GPs recognised the need for additional care for older people with anxiety and depression, which they could not provide. Participation in the study did not have an impact on routine care, other than responding to the calls from the study team about risk of self-harm. GPs were not aware of the work done by SWs with patients. Limitations: Target recruitment was not achieved. Conclusions: Support workers recruited from Age UK employees can be recruited and trained to deliver an intervention, based on the principles of BA, to older people with anxiety and/or depression. The training and supervision model used in the study was acceptable to SWs, and the intervention was acceptable to older people. Future work: Further development of recruitment strategies is needed before this intervention can be tested in a fully powered randomised controlled trial. Trial registration: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN16318986. Funding: This project was funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Services and Delivery Research programme and will be published in full in Health Services and Delivery Research; Vol. 7, No. 25. See the NIHR Journals Library website for further project information

    Developing a community based psychosocial intervention with older people and third sector workers for anxiety and depression: a qualitative study

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    Background: One-in-five people in the UK experience anxiety and/or depression in later life. However, anxiety and depression remain poorly detected in older people, particularly in those with chronic physical ill health. In the UK, a stepped care approach, to manage common mental health problems, is advocated which includes service provision from non-statutory organisations (including third/voluntary sector). However, evidence to support such provision, including the most effective interventions, is limited. The qualitative study reported here constitutes the first phase of a feasibility study which aims to assess whether third sector workers can deliver a psychosocial intervention to older people with anxiety and/or depression. The aim of this qualitative study is to explore the views of older people and third sector workers about anxiety and depression among older people in order to refine an intervention to be delivered by third sector workers. Methods: Semi-structured interviews with participants recruited through purposive sampling from third sector groups in North Staffordshire. Interviews were digitally recorded with consent, transcribed and analysed using principles of constant comparison. Results: Nineteen older people and 9 third sector workers were interviewed. Key themes included: multiple forms of loss, mental health as a personal burden to bear, having courage and providing/receiving encouragement, self- worth and the value of group activities, and tensions in existing service provision, including barriers and gaps. Conclusions: The experience of loss was seen as central to feelings of anxiety and depression among community- dwelling older people. This study contributes to the evidence pointing to the scale and severity of mental health needs for some older people which can arise from multiple forms of loss, and which present a significant challenge to health, social care and third sector services. The findings informed development of a psychosocial intervention and training for third sector workers to deliver the intervention
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