5,589 research outputs found

    Crystal structure, thermodynamics, magnetics and disorder properties of Be-Fe-Al intermetallics

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    The elastic and magnetic properties, thermodynamical stability, deviation from stoichiometry and order/disorder transformations of phases that are relevant to Be alloys were investigated using density functional theory simulations coupled with phonon density of states calculations to capture temperature effects. A novel structure and composition were identified for the Be-Fe binary {\epsilon} phase. In absence of Al, FeBe_5 is predicted to form at equilibrium above ~ 1250 K, while the {\epsilon} phase is stable only below ~ 1650 K, and FeBe_2 is stable at all temperatures below melting. Small additions of Al are found to stabilise FeBe_5 over FeBe_2 and {\epsilon}, while at high Al content, AlFeBe_4 is predicted to form. Deviations from stoichiometric compositions are also considered and found to be important in the case of FeBe_5 and {\epsilon}. The propensity for disordered vs ordered structures is also important for AlFeBe_4 (which exhibits complete Al-Fe disordered at all temperatures) and FeBe_5 (which exhibits an order-disorder transition at ~ 950 K).Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in J. Alloy Compd. on 14 March 201

    50 Years of Research at the North Platte Experiment Station

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    The North Platte Experiment was established fifty years ago. So many changes have occurred since then that few people remember why research in dry land agriculture was started in Nebraska and other Great Plains states. In order to get a proper perspective, it may be well to consider some early history

    Calculating pp-values and their significances with the Energy Test for large datasets

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    The energy test method is a multi-dimensional test of whether two samples are consistent with arising from the same underlying population, through the calculation of a single test statistic (called the TT-value). The method has recently been used in particle physics to search for differences between samples that arise from CP violation. The generalised extreme value function has previously been used to describe the distribution of TT-values under the null hypothesis that the two samples are drawn from the same underlying population. We show that, in a simple test case, the distribution is not sufficiently well described by the generalised extreme value function. We present a new method, where the distribution of TT-values under the null hypothesis when comparing two large samples can be found by scaling the distribution found when comparing small samples drawn from the same population. This method can then be used to quickly calculate the pp-values associated with the results of the test.Comment: 9 pages (including title page); 4 figure

    Hydrogen solubility in zirconium intermetallic second phase particles

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    The enthalpies of solution of H in Zr binary intermetallic compounds formed with Cu, Cr, Fe, Mo, Ni, Nb, Sn and V were calculated by means of density functional theory simulations and compared to that of H in {\alpha}-Zr. It is predicted that all Zr-rich phases (formed with Cu, Fe, Ni and Sn), and those phases formed with Nb and V, offer lower energy, more stable sites for H than {\alpha}-Zr. Conversely, Mo and Cr containing phases do not provide preferential solution sites for H. In all cases the most stable site for H are those that offer the highest coordination fraction of Zr atoms. Often these are four Zr tetrahedra but not always. Implications with respect to H-trapping properties of commonly observed ternary phases such as Zr(Cr,Fe)2, Zr2(Fe,Ni) and Zr(Nb,Fe)2 are also discussed.Comment: manuscript accepted for publication in Journal of Nuclear Materials (2013

    Ambient particulate pollution and the world-wide prevalence of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema in children: Phase One of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC)

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    Objectives: To investigate the effect of ambient particulate matter on variation in childhood prevalence of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema. Methods: Prevalences of asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis and eczema obtained in Phase One of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) were matched with city-level estimates of residential PM10 obtained from a World Bank model. Associations were investigated using binomial regression adjusting for GNP per capita and for clustering within country. For countries with more than one centre, a two stage meta-analysis was carried out. The results were compared with a meta-analysis of published multi-centre studies. Results: Annual concentrations of PM₁₀ at city level were obtained for 105 ISAAC centres in 51 countries. After controlling for GNP per capita, there was a weak negative association between PM₁₀ and various outcomes. For severe wheeze in 13-14-year-olds, the OR for a 10 μg/m³ increase in PM₁₀ was 0.92 (95 CI 0.84 to 1.00). In 24 countries with more than one centre, most summary estimates for within-country associations were weakly positive. For severe wheeze in 13-14-year-olds, the summary OR for a 10 μg/m³ increase in PM₁₀ was 1.01 (0.92 to 1.10). This result was close to a summary OR of 0.99 (0.91 to 1.06) obtained from published multi-centre studies. Conclusions: Modelled estimates of particulate matter at city level are imprecise and incomplete estimates of personal exposure to ambient air pollutants. Nevertheless, our results together with those of previous multi-centre studies, suggest that urban background PM₁₀ has little or no association with the prevalence of childhood asthma, rhinoconjunctivitis or eczema either within or between countries

    Exploring the psychological rewards of a familiar semirural landscape: connecting to local nature through a mindful approach

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    This study analyses a 53,000 word diary of a year engaging with nature through over 200 trips to a semi-rural landscape. Thematic analysis revealed two themes; the transition from observer to nature connectedness and the ways in which the natural environment was experienced once a connection was made. These themes are discussed in relation to theories that seek to explain the positive effect of nature and nature connectedness. The findings are important as they suggest that repeated engagement with local semi-rural countryside can lead to a mindful approach and psychological rewards that do not require travel into the wilderness. The work informs further research into outcomes and processes of nature based interventions such as: trip frequency, duration and diary keeping

    Accommodation of tin in tetragonal ZrO2

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    Atomic scale computer simulations using density functional theory were used to investigate the behaviour of tin in the tetragonal phase oxide layer on Zr-based alloys. The Sn×ZrSnZr× defect was shown to be dominant across most oxygen partial pressures, with Sn′′ZrSnZr″ charge compensated by V∙∙OVO•• occurring at partial pressures below 10−31 atm. Insertion of additional positive charge into the system was shown to significantly increase the critical partial pressure at which Sn′′ZrSnZr″ is stable. Recently developed low-Sn nuclear fuel cladding alloys have demonstrated an improved corrosion resistance and a delayed transition compared to Sn-containing alloys, such as Zircaloy-4. The interaction between the positive charge and the tin defect is discussed in the context of alloying additions, such as niobium and their influence on corrosion of cladding alloys

    Methodological approaches to determining the marine radiocarbon reservoir effect

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    The marine radiocarbon reservoir effect is an offset in 14C age between contemporaneous organisms from the terrestrial environment and organisms that derive their carbon from the marine environment. Quantification of this effect is of crucial importance for correct calibration of the <sup>14</sup>C ages of marine-influenced samples to the calendrical timescale. This is fundamental to the construction of archaeological and palaeoenvironmental chronologies when such samples are employed in <sup>14</sup>C analysis. Quantitative measurements of temporal variations in regional marine reservoir ages also have the potential to be used as a measure of process changes within Earth surface systems, due to their link with climatic and oceanic changes. The various approaches to quantification of the marine radiocarbon reservoir effect are assessed, focusing particularly on the North Atlantic Ocean. Currently, the global average marine reservoir age of surface waters, R(t), is c. 400 radiocarbon years; however, regional values deviate from this as a function of climate and oceanic circulation systems. These local deviations from R(t) are expressed as +R values. Hence, polar waters exhibit greater reservoir ages (δR = c. +400 to +800 <sup>14</sup>C y) than equatorial waters (δR = c. 0 <sup>14</sup>C y). Observed temporal variations in δR appear to reflect climatic and oceanographic changes. We assess three approaches to quantification of marine reservoir effects using known age samples (from museum collections), tephra isochrones (present onshore/offshore) and paired marine/terrestrial samples (from the same context in, for example, archaeological sites). The strengths and limitations of these approaches are evaluated using examples from the North Atlantic region. It is proposed that, with a suitable protocol, accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) measurements on paired, short-lived, single entity marine and terrestrial samples from archaeological deposits is the most promising approach to constraining changes over at least the last 5 ky BP

    Jockeying for position: the construction of masculine identities

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    In this paper we examine the construction of masculine identities within a real-life social situation. Using data from an extensive series of interviews with small groups of sixth-form (17-18-year-old) students attending a UK-based, single-sex independent school, the analysis looks at the action orientation of different constructions of identity. More specifically, it focuses upon how the identity talk of one particular group of students were oriented towards managing their subordinate status within the school. In a number of instances the identity of the `new man' was adopted as a strategy of resistance. However, it was found that the more common strategy involved buying back into values embodied within a more traditional definition of masculinity

    Accounting for seasonal patterns in syndromic surveillance data for outbreak detection

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    BACKGROUND: Syndromic surveillance (SS) can potentially contribute to outbreak detection capability by providing timely, novel data sources. One SS challenge is that some syndrome counts vary with season in a manner that is not identical from year to year. Our goal is to evaluate the impact of inconsistent seasonal effects on performance assessments (false and true positive rates) in the context of detecting anomalous counts in data that exhibit seasonal variation. METHODS: To evaluate the impact of inconsistent seasonal effects, we injected synthetic outbreaks into real data and into data simulated from each of two models fit to the same real data. Using real respiratory syndrome counts collected in an emergency department from 2/1/94–5/31/03, we varied the length of training data from one to eight years, applied a sequential test to the forecast errors arising from each of eight forecasting methods, and evaluated their detection probabilities (DP) on the basis of 1000 injected synthetic outbreaks. We did the same for each of two corresponding simulated data sets. The less realistic, nonhierarchical model's simulated data set assumed that "one season fits all," meaning that each year's seasonal peak has the same onset, duration, and magnitude. The more realistic simulated data set used a hierarchical model to capture violation of the "one season fits all" assumption. RESULTS: This experiment demonstrated optimistic bias in DP estimates for some of the methods when data simulated from the nonhierarchical model was used for DP estimation, thus suggesting that at least for some real data sets and methods, it is not adequate to assume that "one season fits all." CONCLUSION: For the data we analyze, the "one season fits all " assumption is violated, and DP performance claims based on simulated data that assume "one season fits all," for the forecast methods considered, except for moving average methods, tend to be optimistic. Moving average methods based on relatively short amounts of training data are competitive on all three data sets, but are particularly competitive on the real data and on data from the hierarchical model, which are the two data sets that violate the "one season fits all" assumption