7,425 research outputs found

    Osteoporosis and fracture risk: bone matrix quality

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    Bone material properties and mineral matrix contributions to fracture risk or age in women and men

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    The strength of bone is related to its mass and geometry, but also to the physical properties of the tissue itself. Bone tissue is composed primarily of collagen and mineral, each of which changes with age, and each of which can be affected by pharmaceutical treatments designed to prevent or reverse the loss of bone. With age, there is a decrease in collagen content, which is associated with an increased mean tissue mineralization, but there is no difference in cross-link levels compared to younger adult bone. In osteoporosis, however, there is a decrease in the reducible collagen cross-links without an alteration in collagen concentration; this would tend to increase bone fragility. In older people, the mean tissue age (MTA) increases, causing the tissue to become more highly mineralized. The increased bone turnover following menopause may reduce global MTA, and would reduce overall tissue mineralization. Bone strength and toughness are positively correlated to bone mineral content, but when bone tissue becomes too highly mineralized, it tends to become brittle. This reduces its toughness, and makes it more prone to fracture from repeated loads and accumulated microcracking. Most approved pharmaceutical treatments for osteoporosis suppress bone turnover, increasing MTA and mineralization of the tissue. This might have either or both of two effects. It could increase bone volume from refilling of the remodeling space, reducing the risk for fracture. Alternatively, the increased MTA could increase the propensity to develop microcracks, and reduce the toughness of bone, making it more likely to fracture. There may also be changes in the morphology of the mineral crystals that could affect the homogeneity of the tissue and impact mechanical properties. These changes might have large positive or negative effects on fracture incidence, and could contribute to the paradox that both large and small increases in density have about the same effect on fracture risk. Bone mineral density measured by DXA does not discriminate between density differences caused by volume changes, and those caused by changes in mineralization. As such, it does not entirely reflect material property changes in aging or osteoporotic bone that contribute to bone's risk for fracture

    Why bones bend but don’t break

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    The musculoskeletal system is adept at dissipating potentially damaging energy that could accelerate fracture consequent to multiple loading cycles. Microstructural damage reduces bone’s residual properties, but prevents high stresses within the material by dissipating energy that can lead to eventual failure. Thus skeletal microdamage can be viewed as an adaptive process to prevent bone failure by dissipating energy. Because a damaged bone has reduced strength and stiffness, it must be repaired, so bone has evolved a system of self-repair that relies on microdamage-stimulated signaling mechanisms. When repair cannot occur quickly enough, low energy stress fractures can occur. The regulating effects of muscle also prevent failure by controlling where high stresses occur. Acting synergistically, muscle forces dissipate energy by appropriately regulating accelerations and decelerations of the limbs during movement. When muscles become fatigued, these functions are constrained, larger amounts of energy are imparted to bone, increasing the likelihood of microstructural damage and fracture. Thus, healthy bones are maintained by the ability of the musculoskeletal system to dissipate the energy through synergistic muscular activity and through the maintenance of microstructural and material properties that allow for crack initiation, but also for their repair

    Using agents that suppress bone remodeling to treat or prevent joint disease: Quo vadis?

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    Treatment of osteoarthritis (OA) with antiremodeling agents has had a mixed record of results. It is likely that remodeling suppression is only effective when used in the early phases of OA, before significant progression. Animal and human studies largely bear this out. Treatment of young mice with a RANKL inhibitor suppresses bone resorption and prevents OA progression. Likewise, bisphosphonate treatments in rodents and rabbits with induced injury or inflammatory arthritis, reduced cartilage degeneration when administered preemptively, but later administration did not. The increased prevalence of OA in women after the menopause, and presence of estrogen receptors in joint tissues, suggests that treatment with estrogens or Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators may be effective. However, in clinical trials of knee and hip, results show decreased or increased risk for OA, or no effect. Raloxifene had positive effects in animal models, but no effect in human studies. More recent potential treatments such as strontium ranelate or cathepsin-K inhibitors may be effective, but may work directly on the cartilage rather than through their well-known effects on bone. The conclusion from these studies is that anti-remodeling agents must be administered pre-emptively or in the very early stages of disease to be effective. This means that better imaging techniques or identification of early structural changes in bone that occur before progressive cartilage destruction must be developed

    Summary of ASBMR Task Force on ONJ

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    Bone quality: Understanding what matters

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    Introduction – Bone turnover and fracture risk

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    Anatomy and physiology of the mineralized tissues: Role in the pathogenesis of osteoarthrosis

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    AbstractSynovial joints are composed of several different kinds of tissue that interact to protect normal joint function. Three subchondral mineralized tissues can be identified–calcified cartilage, subchondral cortical bone, and subchondral trabecular bone–which are distinguished morphologically, physiologically, and mechanically. Each responds to mechanical and pharmaceutical stimuli in different ways through processes of growth, modeling, and remodeling, and changes in each may have a distinct effect on the health of the joint. It is important to distinguish between the structural properties of these tissues and their material properties as these change differently in osteoarthrosis (OA). It is likely that changes in the mineral content and thickness of the calcified cartilage play a greater role in the pathogenesis of OA than has been realized, whereas changes in trabecular bone are probably not causative. Changes in the subchondral cortical bone may accelerate progression of pre-existing disease, but the combined effects of increased subchondral bone turnover and greater subchondral bone volume are not at all clear. Ultimately, the efficacy of bone anti-resorptive therapies for OA will depend upon whether the increased structural stiffness of the subchondral mineralized tissues predisposes the cartilage to deteriorate, whether the increased bone turnover that occurs in OA is itself a causative factor, or whether the lower tissue elastic modulus offsets the increased structural stiffness of the subchondral plate in an attempt to protect the cartilage from damage

    Filter cassette for high volume air sampler

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    Filter cassette eliminates or substantially reduces contamination of filter media by extraneous material and facilitates handling
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