611 research outputs found

    Sensitivity calculations for a 2D, inviscid, supersonic forebody problem

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    The use of a sensitivity equation method to computer derivatives for optimization based design algorithms are discussed. The problem of designing an optimal forebody simulator is used to motivate the algorithm and to illustrate the basic ideas. Finally, how an existing computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code can be modified to compute sensitivities and a numerical example is presented

    Green IT in Small Business: An Exploratory Study

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    This paper reports the results of a study of small businesses in north Georgia, to determine to what extent they are utilizing green IT and what factors are encouraging or inhibiting this use. The research finds that while small business is aware of the possibilities and opportunities offered and some green IT practices are in evidence, the take-up varies significantly. It finds some support for a number of factors influencing the decision. The paper concludes with an outline of its limitations, proposes approaches for further work and stresses the importance of this neglected area

    Making the Move to Administration

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    As faculty move through their careers, some develop an interest in transitioning to more administrative duties. This transition may take the form of a temporary assignment or may be a more permanent move to an administrative career path. Moving to an administrative role is filled with risk. The work-life of an administrator is quite different from that of a faculty member. Moving to administration means a different, less flexible calendar, new supervisory relationships with your former colleagues, less time for intellectual pursuits, new decision-making rights and responsibilities, and almost inevitable conflict. The goal of this panel for experienced university administrators to share their experiences with making the transition to administration and to inform interested information systems faculty of the pitfalls and rewards of an administrator’s life

    Dark Matter Interpretation of the Fermi-LAT Observations Toward the Outer Halo of M31

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    An excess γ\gamma-ray signal toward the outer halo of M31 has recently been reported. Although other explanations are plausible, the possibility that it arises from dark matter (DM) is valid. In this work we interpret the excess in the framework of DM annihilation, using as our representative case WIMP DM annihilating to bottom quarks, and we perform a detailed study of the systematic uncertainty in the JJ-factor for the M31 field. We find that the signal favors a DM particle with a mass of ∼\sim46-73 GeV. While the mass is well constrained, the systematic uncertainty in the cross-section spans 2.5 orders of magnitude, ranging from ∼\sim8$\times 10^{-27}-4 \times 10^{-24} \ \mathrm{cm^3 \ s^{-1}}.Thishighuncertaintyisduetotwomainfactors,namely,anuncertaintyinthesubstructurenatureandgeometryoftheDMhalosforbothM31andtheMilkyWay(MW),andcorrespondingly,anuncertaintyinthecontributiontothesignalfromtheMW′sDMhaloalongthelineofsight.However,undertheconditionsthattheminimumsubhalomassis. This high uncertainty is due to two main factors, namely, an uncertainty in the substructure nature and geometry of the DM halos for both M31 and the Milky Way (MW), and correspondingly, an uncertainty in the contribution to the signal from the MW's DM halo along the line of sight. However, under the conditions that the minimum subhalo mass is \lesssim 10^{-6} \ M_\odotandtheactualcontributionfromtheMW′sDMhaloalongthelineofsightisatleast and the actual contribution from the MW's DM halo along the line of sight is at least \sim3030\%ofitstotalvalue,weshowthatthereisalargeoverlapwiththeDMinterpretationsofboththeGalacticcenter(GC)excessandtheantiprotonexcess,whilealsobeingcompatiblewiththelimitsfortheMWdwarfspheroidals.Moregenerally,wesummarizetheresultsfromnumerouscomplementaryDMsearchesintheenergyrange10GeV of its total value, we show that there is a large overlap with the DM interpretations of both the Galactic center (GC) excess and the antiproton excess, while also being compatible with the limits for the MW dwarf spheroidals. More generally, we summarize the results from numerous complementary DM searches in the energy range 10 GeV -$ 300 GeV corresponding to the GC excess and identify a region in parameter space that still remains viable for discovery of the DM particle.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review

    Essential elements of an early intervention service for psychosis: the opinions of expert clinicians

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    BACKGROUND: Early intervention teams attempt to improve outcome in schizophrenia through earlier detection and the provision of phase-specific treatments. Whilst the number of early intervention teams is growing, there is a lack of clarity over their essential structural and functional elements. METHODS: A 'Delphi' exercise was carried out to identify how far there was consensus on the essential elements of early intervention teams in a group of 21 UK expert clinicians. Using published guidelines, an initial list was constructed containing 151 elements from ten categories of team structure and function. RESULTS: Overall there was expert consensus on the importance of 136 (90%) of these elements. Of the items on which there was consensus, 106 (70.2%) were rated essential, meaning that in their absence the functioning of the team would be severely impaired. CONCLUSION: This degree of consensus over essential elements suggests that it is reasonable to define a model for UK early intervention teams, from which a measure of fidelity could be derived
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