50 research outputs found

    Combining System Dynamics and Multidimensional Modelling - A Metamodel Based Approach

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    Online analytical processing (OLAP) as a modern business intelligence (BI) concept provides support for representing vast amounts of data for supporting management‟s decisions. Though, there is no inherent support for the representation of causal structures which could provide a foundation for advanced analysis like what-if or scenario techniques. System Dynamics (SD) is an approach with a long tradition used for modelling and simulation of complex systems, which could provide a causal complement for OLAP. This paper aims at integrating OLAP and SD on a linguistic level. Therefore linguistic metamodels of the corresponding conceptual modelling languages are derived and related towards each other, creating a translational relationship between the languages

    Elevated antioxidant defence in the brain of deep-diving pinnipeds

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    While foraging, marine mammals undertake repetitive diving bouts. When the animal surfaces, reperfusion makes oxygen readily available for the electron transport chain, which leads to increased production of reactive oxygen species and risk of oxidative damage. In blood and several tissues, such as heart, lung, muscle and kidney, marine mammals generally exhibit an elevated antioxidant defence. However, the brain, whose functional integrity is critical to survival, has received little attention. We previously observed an enhanced expression of several antioxidant genes in cortical neurons of hooded seals (Cystophora cristata). Here, we studied antioxidant gene expression and enzymatic activity in the visual cortex, cerebellum and hippocampus of harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus) and hooded seals. Moreover, we tested several genes for positive selection. We found that antioxidants in the first line of defence, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and glutathione (GSH) were constitutively enhanced in the seal brain compared to mice (Mus musculus), whereas the glutaredoxin and thioredoxin systems were not. Possibly, the activity of the latter systems is stress-induced rather than constitutively elevated. Further, some, but not all members, of the glutathiones-transferase (GST) family appear more highly expressed. We found no signatures of positive selection, indicating that sequence and function of the studied antioxidants are conserved in pinnipeds

    Elevated antioxidant defence in the brain of deep-diving pinnipeds

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    While foraging, marine mammals undertake repetitive diving bouts. When the animal surfaces, reperfusion makes oxygen readily available for the electron transport chain, which leads to increased production of reactive oxygen species and risk of oxidative damage. In blood and several tissues, such as heart, lung, muscle and kidney, marine mammals generally exhibit an elevated antioxidant defence. However, the brain, whose functional integrity is critical to survival, has received little attention. We previously observed an enhanced expression of several antioxidant genes in cortical neurons of hooded seals (Cystophora cristata). Here, we studied antioxidant gene expression and enzymatic activity in the visual cortex, cerebellum and hippocampus of harp seals (Pagophilus groenlandicus) and hooded seals. Moreover, we tested several genes for positive selection. We found that antioxidants in the first line of defence, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPX) and glutathione (GSH) were constitutively enhanced in the seal brain compared to mice (Mus musculus), whereas the glutaredoxin and thioredoxin systems were not. Possibly, the activity of the latter systems is stress-induced rather than constitutively elevated. Further, some, but not all members, of the glutathione-s-transferase (GST) family appear more highly expressed. We found no signatures of positive selection, indicating that sequence and function of the studied antioxidants are conserved in pinnipeds

    EULAR recommendations for terminology and research in individuals at risk of rheumatoid arthritis: report from the Study Group for Risk Factors for Rheumatoid Arthritis

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    The Study Group for Risk Factors for Rheumatoid Arthritis was established by the EULAR Standing Committee on Investigative Rheumatology to facilitate research into the preclinical and earliest clinically apparent phases of rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This report describes the recommendation for terminology to be used to define specific subgroups during different phases of disease, and defines the priorities for research in this area. Terminology was discussed by way of a three-stage structured process: A provisional list of descriptors for each of the possible phases preceding the diagnosis of RA were circulated to members of the study group for review and feedback. Anonymised comments from the members on this list were fed back to participants before a 2-day meeting. 18 participants met to discuss these data, agree terminologies and prioritise important research questions. The study group recommended that, in prospective studies, individuals without RA are described as having: genetic risk factors for RA; environmental risk factors for RA; systemic autoimmunity associated with RA; symptoms without clinical arthritis; unclassified arthritis; which may be used in a combinatorial manner. It was recommended that the prefix ‘pre-RA with:’ could be used before any/any combination of the five points above but only to describe retrospectively a phase that an individual had progressed through once it was known that they have developed RA. An approach to dating disease onset was recommended. In addition, important areas for research were proposed, including research of other tissues in which an adaptive immune response may be initiated, and the identification of additional risk factors and biomarkers for the development of RA, its progression and the development of extra-articular features. These recommendations provide guidance on approaches to describe phases before the development of RA that will facilitate communication between researchers and comparisons between studies. A number of research questions have been defined, requiring new cohorts to be established and new techniques to be developed to image and collect material from different sites