73 research outputs found

    The usage of vector machine in treatment of marginal chronic periodontitis

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    Rezumat. Aparatul Vector reprezintă o nouă generaţie a aparatelor ultrasonice, destinată tratamentului minimal invaziv al afecţiunilor inflamatorii ale pa‑ rodontului. Pentru a determina eficacitatea acestuia am recurs la un studiu clinic ce a avut la bază examinarea şi tratamentul unui lot de 10 pacienţi (7 bărbaţi şi 3 femei). Pacienţii implicaţi erau diagnosticaţi cu parodontită marginală cronică forma: uşoară, medie şi gravă şi au fost repartizaţi în 2 grupe cîte 5 persoane.Summary. Vector System is a newly developed ultrasonic device for minimally in‑ vasive periodontal therapy. The efficacy of the Vector ultrasonic system was determined in a clinical study which included 10 patients (7 men and 3 wo‑ men) with moderate to advanced chronical periodontal disease and were sorted into two groups of 5

    Risk and the cross-Section of stock returns

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    cahiers de recherche n°2009-05-E2We derive a proxy for expected returns from a noisy multi-asset rational expectations equilibrium model. a goal/contribution of this paper is to use the same proxy for the theorical, numerical, and empirical analyses

    Risk and the cross-Section of stock returns

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    We derive a proxy for expected returns from a noisy multi-asset rational expectations equilibrium model. a goal/contribution of this paper is to use the same proxy for the theorical, numerical, and empirical analyses.risk premia ; cross-sectional asset pricing ; REE Models

    Using SONICretro tips in surgical endodontic treatment

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    Rezumat Introducerea microinstrumentelor în chirurgia endodontică a dus la îmbunătăţirea tehnicilor chirurgicale şi a rezultatelor clinice. Studiul a avut ca scop evaluarea rezultatelor în urma utilizării anselor noi SONICretro pentru prepararea cavităţii retrograde. Au fost selectaţi consecutiv 10 pacienţi care au fost supuşi rezecţiei apicale. Cavitatea retrogradă a fost preparată cu ajutorul anselor diamantate activate sonic şi obturată cu ProRoot MTA. Evaluarea rezultatelor la 6 luni de la intervenţie au demonstrat că ansele SONICretro sunt ideale pentru prepararea cavităţii retrograde. Ele simplifică accesul la vîrful radicular, prepară o cavitate retentivă, iar rezultatele clinice sunt excelente.Summary The introduction of microinstruments has clearly improved the surgical technique in periradicular surgery with apicectomy. Purpose of this study was to evaluate the outcome of periradicular surgery using a new set of SONICretro tips. Ten patients who had 10 consecutively treated teeth with periradicular pathology were enrolled in this study. Root-end cavity preparation was performed using diamond-surfaced retrotips driven by a sonic handpiece and ProRootMTA was used as the filling material. At the 6-months follow-up results showed that new retrotips were found to be ideal for root-end cavity preparation. They simplify the surgical approach to root ends, preparing retentive cavity, gives excellent results

    Treatment of dental abrasion caused by bruxism, using direct restauration method

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    Catedra stomatologie terapeutica FECMF USMF „Nicolae Testemiţanu”In contemporary dentistry dental abrasion is a common problem encountered, as in most cases caused by bruxism. In the study were taken seven people aged between 26 and 40 years diagnosed with dental abrasion passing (M.Buşan) the enamel-dentin border as a result of bruxism, being examined clinically and paraclinically. As a result of the direct restoration guided with the reorganization of the occlusion, we found that the tooth abrasion can be treated successfully with good minimally invasive method, which implies preservation of healthy dental tissue within a long time. În stomatologia contemporană abraziunea dentară este o problemă frecvent întîlnită, fiind, în majoritatea cazurilor, provocată de bruxism. În studiu au fost luate 7 persoane cu vîrsta cuprinsă între 26 şi 40 ani, diagnosticaţi cu abraziune dentară de trecere(M.Buşan), (pînă la joncţiunea smalţ – dentină) ca urmare a bruxismului, fiind examinaţi clinic şi paraclinic. În urma tratamentului prin metoda restaurării directe dirijate cu reorganizarea ocluziei am concluzionat că abraziunea dentară poate fi tratată cu succes prin metoda miniinvazivă care subînţelege păstrarea la maxim a ţesuturilor dentare sănătoase pe un timp îndelungat

    New evidence on the pecking order hypothesis: The case of French convertible bonds

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    Abstract Convertible bonds (CBs) are an important asset class but their analysis in function of the equity and bond components has received insufficient attention in France. This study investigates the relation between announcement effects and equity components for 141 French CB issues. We use the CB sensitivity to its underlying common stock as a proxy for the equity component. Our results indicate that CB issue announcements imply significantly negative market responses, which are negatively related to the equity component. This result supports the Myers and Majluf (1984) model [Myers, S.C., Majluf, N.S., 1984. Corporate financing and investment decisions when firms have information that investors do not have. J. Financial Econ. 13,. A more detailed analysis reveals that the market reaction is significantly positive for the subset of 'mixed' CBs. Mixed CB issuers are characterized by high informational asymmetries about investment opportunities compared with informational asymmetries about assets-in-place. This finding supports the revised Myers and Majluf model, which predicts positive announcement effects under certain conditions