253 research outputs found

    The Effect of Deltamethrin-Treated Net Fencing Around Cattle Enclosures on Outdoor-biting Mosquitoes in Kumasi, Ghana.

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    Classic vector control strategies target mosquitoes indoors as the main transmitters of malaria are indoor-biting and -resting mosquitoes. However, the intensive use of insecticide-treated bed-nets (ITNs) and indoor residual spraying have put selective pressure on mosquitoes to adapt in order to obtain human blood meals. Thus, early-evening and outdoor vector activity is becoming an increasing concern. This study assessed the effect of a deltamethrin-treated net (100 mg/m(2)) attached to a one-meter high fence around outdoor cattle enclosures on the number of mosquitoes landing on humans. Mosquitoes were collected from four cattle enclosures: Pen A - with cattle and no net; B - with cattle and protected by an untreated net; C - with cattle and protected by a deltamethrin-treated net; D - no cattle and no net. A total of 3217 culicines and 1017 anophelines were collected, of which 388 were Anopheles gambiae and 629 An. ziemanni. In the absence of cattle nearly 3 times more An. gambiae (p<0.0001) landed on humans. The deltamethrin-treated net significantly reduced (nearly three-fold, p<0.0001) culicine landings inside enclosures. The sporozoite rate of the zoophilic An. ziemanni, known to be a secondary malaria vector, was as high as that of the most competent vector An. gambiae; raising the potential of zoophilic species as secondary malaria vectors. After deployment of the ITNs a deltamethrin persistence of 9 months was observed despite exposure to African weather conditions. The outdoor use of ITNs resulted in a significant reduction of host-seeking culicines inside enclosures. Further studies investigating the effectiveness and spatial repellence of ITNs around other outdoor sites, such as bars and cooking areas, as well as their direct effect on vector-borne disease transmission are needed to evaluate its potential as an appropriate outdoor vector control tool for rural Africa

    Unitarity Triangle from CP invariant quantities

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    We construct the CKM unitarity triangle from CP invariant quantities, using the coupling constant of weak decays with flavor change from b to u, and the particle - antiparticle mixing probability in the B_s and B_d systems. Also included are new measurements of the coupling V_us in Kaon decays. Of the two solutions, one agrees perfectly with the triangle constructed from CP violating processes in the K and B meson systems. The common solution yields a triangle with an area of J/2 = (1.51 +/- 0.09) x 10^{-5} and a CP violating phase gamma = 63.1^o +/- 4.0^o.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Decreasing the minimum length criterion for an episode of hypomania: evaluation using self-reported data from patients with bipolar disorder

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    Brief hypomania lasting less than 4 days may impair functioning and help to detect bipolarity. This study analyzed brief hypomania that occurred in patients with bipolar disorder who were diagnosed according to the DSM-IV criteria. Daily self-reported mood ratings were obtained from 393 patients (247 bipolar I and 146 bipolar II) for 6 months (75,284 days of data, mean 191.6 days). Episodes of hypomania were calculated using a 4, 3, 2, and single day length criterion. Brief hypomania occurred frequently. With a decrease in the minimum criterion from 4 days to 2 days, there were almost twice as many patients with an episode of hypomania (102 vs. 190), and more than twice as many episodes (305 vs. 863). Single days of hypomania were experienced by 271 (69%) of the sample. With a 2-day episode length, 33% of all hypomania remained outside of an episode. There was no significant difference in the percent of hypomanic days outside of an episode between patients with bipolar I and II disorders. There were no significant differences in the demographic characteristics of patients who met the 4-day minimum as compared with those who only experienced episodes of hypomania using a shortened length criterion. Decreasing the minimum length criterion for an episode of hypomania will cause a large increase in the number of patients who experience an episode and in the aggregate number of episodes, but will not distinguish subgroups within a sample who meet the DSM-IV criteria for bipolar disorder. Frequency may be an important dimensional aspect of brief hypomania. Clinicians should regularly probe for brief hypomania

    Best-bet integrated strategies for containing drug-resistant trypanosomes in cattle

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    Background African animal trypanosomosis is a major constraint to the rearing of productive livestock in the sub-humid Sudan-Sahel zone of West Africa where cotton is grown. Trypanosomosis is mainly controlled using trypanocidal drugs, but the effective use of drugs is threatened by the development of widespread resistance. This study tested integrated best-bet strategies for containment and/ or reversal of trypanocide resistance in villages in south-east Mali where resistance has been reported. Methods Four sentinel villages each from an intervention area (along the road from Mali to Burkina Faso) and a control area (along the road from Mali to Côte d’Ivoire) were selected for the study. Tsetse control was based on deltamethrin-treated stationary attractive devices and targeted cattle spraying between March 2008 and November 2009. Trypanosome-positive cattle were selectively treated with 3.5 mg/kg diminazene aceturate. Strategic helminth control using 10 mg/kg albendazole was also undertaken. During the intervention, tsetse densities along drainage lines, trypanosome infections and faecal egg counts in risk cattle (3 to 12 months of age) were monitored. Results Catch reductions of 66.5 % in Glossina palpalis gambiensis and 90 % in G. tachinoides were observed in the intervention area. Trypanosome prevalence was significantly (p < 0.05) lower in the intervention area (2.3 %; 1.3-3.6 %) compared to the control area (17.3 %; 14.8-20.1 %). Albendazole treatment resulted in a faecal egg count reduction of 55.6 % and reduced trypanosome infection risk (2.9 times lower than in the placebo group) although not significantly (p > 0.05). Further studies are required before confirming the existence of albendazole resistant strongyles in the study area. Conclusion Integration of best-bet strategies in areas of multiple drug- resistance is expected to reduce trypanosome infection risk thus contributing to containment of trypanocidal drug resistance. Integrated best-bet strategies could therefore be considered a viable trypanosomosis control option especially in areas where multiple drug-resistance has been reported

    Apport de la technique PCR pour une meilleure compréhension de l'épizootiologie des trypanosomoses bovines : exemple de la zone d'aménagement pastoral de Yalé au Burkina Faso

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    La technique PCR (polymerase chain reaction) a été utilisée pour l'identificat-ion des trypanosomes chez des glossines et des bovins infectés provenant de la zone d'aménagement pastoral de Yalé, au sud du Burkina Faso. Sur les 84 intestins moyens parasitologiquement positifs de Glossina tachinoides qui ont été analysés, 50 ont pu être identifiés par PCR (Trypanosoma congolens-e types « savane » et « forêt », T. simiae et T. vivax). Chez les bovins, la technique PCR a révélé la prédominance de T. congolense « savane » et de T. vivax. Le taxon « forêt » de T. congolense n'a pas été détecté chez le bétail. Certains animaux aparasitémiques mais suspects ont montré des signaux positifs par PCR avec les amorces spécifiques de T. congolense « savane ». Ces résultats confirment le haut intérêt de la technique PCR pour révéler les pauci-infections et les infections mixtes chez les différents hôte et mettre en évidence des relations complexes d'affinité des taxons « savane » et« forêt » de T. congolense vis-à-vis de leurs vecteurs, mais aussi vis-à-vis de leurs hôtes vertébrés